Jihee Kim_SectionD_Project-10-Landscape


//Jihee Kim
//15-104 MWF 9:30
//Project 10 Landscape
//section D

var stars = []; // an array of all stars
var clouds = []; // an array of all clouds

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 380);
    // initialize stars
    for (var s = 0; s < 750; s++){ // loop through stars
        var starPositionX = random(width); // the x position of the cloud is
                                           // random along the width of canvas
                                           // the randomness is later set
                                           // in the replaceClouds() function
        var starPositionY = random(0, height-120);
        stars[s] = makeStars(starPositionX, starPositionY);
    // initialize clouds
    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){ // loop through clouds
        var cloudPositionX = random(width); // the x position of the cloud is
                                            // random along the width of canvas
                                            // the randomness is later set
                                            // in the replaceClouds() function
        var cloudPositionY = random(height/3, height*2/3);
        clouds[i] = makeCloud(cloudPositionX, cloudPositionY);

function draw() {
    fill(11, 19, 71);
    rect(0, height-100, width, 100); // set the very bottom of the canvas as
                                     // water
    //gradient background
    // draw the gradient background for the pink, night sky
    var top = color(198, 96, 113); // pink
	  var bottom = color(11, 19, 71); // deep blue
    Gradient(0, width, top, bottom);
    //CLOUDS (draw the clouds using functions: animate, hide, and add)


function Gradient (a, b, top, bottom) {
	  // top to bottom gradient (background)
    for (var i = a; i <= height-100; i++) {
        var mappedC = map(i, a, a+b, 0, 1);
        var c = lerpColor(top, bottom, mappedC);
        line(a, i, a+b, i);

function drawStars() {
	  // make stars seem like they're shining by manipulating transparency
	  var transparency = random(30, 100);
	  fill(255, transparency);
	  ellipse(this.x, this.y, 1.2, 1.2);

function animateStars() {
    for (var s = 0; s < stars.length; s++) {

function hideStars() {
    // make the clouds that are actually within the canvas to stay
    // if not, hide them
    var starsOnCanvas = [];
    for (var s = 0; s < stars.length; s++){ // go through all clouds
        // if the star is on the canvas
        if (0 < stars[s].x < width) {
            starsOnCanvas.push(stars[s]); // draw the stars that are on the
                                          // canvas
    stars = starsOnCanvas; // update the stars to the ones that are actually
                           // on the canvas

function addStars() {
    var randomValStar = 0.01; // a really small chance of stars randomly
                                // being added/generated
    if (random(0,1) < randomValStar) { // because it is not that likely for a
                                      // randomly chosen value to be less than
                                      // 0.0001, this will be a rare occasion
        var starPositionX = random(0, width);
        var starPositionY = random(0, height-120);
        stars.push(makeStars(starPositionX, starPositionY)); // generate new
                                                             // stars along
                                                             // the canvas

function starMove() {
	//move stars by updating x coordinate
	this.x += this.speed;

function makeStars(starPositionX, starPositionY) {
	  var star = {x: starPositionX,
				       y: starPositionY,
				       speed: -random(0, .005),
				       move: starMove,
			         draw: drawStars}
	  return star;

function drawMoon() {
    fill(252, 202, 202, 80);
    ellipse(width/2+100, 150, 80); // overlay another ellipse for slight volume
    fill(234, 139, 139, 80);
    ellipse(width/2+100, 150, 75); // draw moon

function animateClouds() {
    for (var i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++){ // loop through all clouds
        clouds[i].move(); // update the clouds' positions on canvas
        clouds[i].display(); // display the clouds

function hideClouds(){
    // make the clouds that are actually within the canvas to stay
    // if not, hide them
    var cloudsOnCanvas = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++){ // go through all clouds
        if ((clouds[i].x > 0) + (clouds[i].breadth > 0)) { // if the cloud is
                                                      // on the canvas
            cloudsOnCanvas.push(clouds[i]); // draw the clouds that are on the
                                            // canvas
    clouds = cloudsOnCanvas; // update the clouds to the ones that are actually
                           // on the canvas

function addClouds() {
    var randomVal = 0.005; // a really small chance of clouds randomly
                           // being added/generated
    if (random(0,1) < randomVal) { // because it is not that likely for a
                                   // randomly chosen value to be less than
                                   // 0.005, this will be a rare occasion
        var cloudPositionX = random(0, width);
        var cloudPositionY = random(height/3, height-50);
        clouds.push(makeCloud(cloudPositionX, cloudPositionY)); // generate new
                                                                // clouds along
                                                                // on canvas

function cloudMove() { // update position of cloud each frame
    this.x += this.cloudSpeed;

function cloudDisplay() { // draw clouds
    var cloudHeightFactor = 7; // factor that determines cloud height
    var cloudHeight = this.nFloors * cloudHeightFactor;
    fill(242, 209, 214, this.transparency);

    // higher line of clouds (further down on canvas)
    translate(this.x, height/2-130);
    ellipse(30, -cloudHeight+120, this.breadth, cloudHeight);
    // middle line of clouds (middle on canvas)
    translate(this.x, height/2-70);
    ellipse(150, -cloudHeight+120, this.breadth, cloudHeight/1.5);
    // lower line of clouds (further down on canvas)
    translate(this.x, height/2);
    ellipse(110, -cloudHeight+120, this.breadth, cloudHeight);

function makeCloud(cloudPositionX, cloudPositionY) {
    var cloud = {x: cloudPositionX, // x position of clouds
                y: cloudPositionY, // y position of clouds
                transparency: random(10, 80),
                breadth: random(120, 250), // width of clouds
                cloudSpeed: random(0.07, 0.3), // speed at which clouds move
                nFloors: round(random(2,10)),
                move: cloudMove,
                display: cloudDisplay}
    return cloud;

For my ever-changing “landscape” I decided to draw a starry night. In order to make the image dynamic, I used components such as the stars and clouds that actually move and generate on it’s own based on a logic that incorporates randomness. I used a color gradient for a more engaging background as well.
I wanted to convey tranquility and I believe that I was able to achieve that goal through employing movements that speak to that.

Concept Sketch

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