//Hae Wan Park
function setup() {
createCanvas (600, 550);
function draw() {
background (95, 197, 191);
stroke (92, 52, 103);
strokeWeight (2.5);
fill (255, 239, 201);
ellipse (200, 280, 50, 50);
ellipse (400, 280, 50, 50);
ellipse (300, 280, 206, 250);
line (278, 235, 237, 225);
line (316, 235, 359, 225);
fill (255);
ellipse (255, 270, 40, 20);
ellipse (345, 270, 40, 20);
fill (92, 52, 103);
ellipse (255, 270, 12, 12);
ellipse (345, 270, 12, 12);
line (260, 260, 264, 249);
line (250, 260, 245, 249);
line (350, 260, 354, 249);
line (340, 260, 335, 249);
noFill ();
beginShape ();
vertex (299, 288);
vertex (295, 308);
vertex (281, 315);
vertex (298, 322);
endShape ();
fill (239, 65, 54);
strokeJoin (ROUND);
beginShape ();
vertex (280, 358);
vertex (288, 344);
vertex (295, 354);
vertex (300, 347);
vertex (313, 358);
vertex (297, 374);
vertex (280, 358);
vertex (313, 358);
endShape ();
fill (255, 231, 102);
beginShape ();
vertex (295, 115);
bezierVertex (340, 140, 300, 205, 250, 200);
bezierVertex (220, 200, 210, 240, 210, 260);
bezierVertex (210, 300, 160, 290, 140, 270);
bezierVertex (170, 280, 160, 260, 155, 240);
bezierVertex (140, 160, 200, 140, 220, 150);
bezierVertex (210, 130, 255, 90, 295, 115);
endShape ();
beginShape ();
vertex (315, 130);
bezierVertex (280, 170, 320, 205, 350, 200);
bezierVertex (380, 200, 390, 240, 390, 260);
bezierVertex (390, 300, 440, 290, 450, 270);
bezierVertex (420, 280, 425, 260, 430, 240);
bezierVertex (450, 160, 400, 170, 390, 160);
bezierVertex (390, 160, 385, 160, 375, 140);
bezierVertex (370, 130, 345, 100, 315, 130);
endShape ();
fill (250, 188, 150);
noStroke ();
ellipse (245, 310, 40, 40);
ellipse (355, 310, 40, 40);
noFill ();
stroke (92, 52, 103);
strokeWeight (6);
ellipse (255, 270, 70, 66);
ellipse (345, 270, 70, 66);
line (290, 270, 310, 270);
strokeWeight (2.5);
fill (236, 0, 240);
beginShape ();
vertex (171, height);
vertex (178, 500);
bezierVertex (179, 500, 180, 450, 235, 450);
vertex (380, 450);
bezierVertex (380, 450, 415, 450, 420, 490);
vertex (425, height);
endShape ();
fill (255, 239, 201);
beginShape ();
vertex (295 ,490);
vertex (260, 450)
vertex (275, 450);
vertex (285, 405);
vertex (310, 405);
vertex (315, 450);
vertex (335, 450);
vertex (295 ,490);
It was fun to explore various methods in drawing shape with p5.js. Certain shapes were more difficult to control. Those shapes has more complicated rules than other simpler ones. Also, in the process, I had to understand and utilize geometry to place graphic elements to the exact spot that I want.