Catherine Coyle – Project 05 – Wallpaper


// Catherine Coyle
// Section C
// Project - 05 Wallpaper

// inspo

var tileW = 75;
var tileH = 100;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 500);

function draw() {
	background(249, 240, 229);
	for(var row = 0; row < height / tileH; row++) {
		for(var col = 0; col < width / tileW; col++) {
			drawTile(tileW * col, tileH * row);

function drawTile(x, y) {
	// many tiles have the same thing drawn over each other which is
	// just to account for the edges of the canvas so it looks
	// more continuous

	// short lines through the middle circles
	stroke(237, 186, 85, 95);
	strokeWeight(tileW / 8);
	line(x + tileW / 4, y, x + tileW * 3/4, y);
	line(x + tileW / 4, y + tileH, x + tileW * 3/4, y + tileH);
	line(x, y + tileH / 4, x, y + tileH * 3/4);
	line(x + tileW, y + tileH / 4, x + tileW, y + tileH * 3/4);

	// gold thicker background lines
	stroke(237, 186, 85);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y + tileH);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);

	// thinner blue lines between diamonds
	stroke(132, 145, 232);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y + tileH);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);

	// gold background circle
	fill(237, 186, 85);
	ellipse(x, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);
	ellipse(x + tileW, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);

	// blue circle at corners
	fill(132, 145, 232);
	ellipse(x, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);
	ellipse(x + tileW, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);

	// inside circle to show background color
	fill(249, 240, 229);
	ellipse(x, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);
	ellipse(x + tileW, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);

	// gold diamonds in middle of some tiles
	fill(237, 186, 85);
	quad(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH / 2 - tileH / 8, x + tileW / 2 + tileW / 8, y + tileH / 2, 
		x + tileW / 2, y + tileH / 2 + tileH / 8, x + tileW / 2 - tileW / 8, y + tileH / 2);

I really love looking at kind of antique and elegant designs so this project was a lot of fun for me! I set up my basic grid with nested for loops and then made a ‘helper’ function that would draw the tiles based on the top left corner of each part of the grid.

In coming up with ideas for what to make for this project, I looked a lot at the antique wallpaper link that was provided with the assignment. Rather than doing sketches of my own, I tried to emulate one of my favorite patterns I found there.

I found this design very pretty and wanted to make something similar

I feel like the design I made is a nice mix between retro looking with the rounded edges and the elegant look to this wallpaper. This project was a fun way for me to get refreshed on nested for-loops!

Jenni Lee — Project 05 — Wallpaper


/* Jenni Lee
Section E
Project- 05

function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
  background(234, 228, 237);
  var i, j, num;
  var distF = 75; // distance between two flowers (center)
  var numY = 7, numX = 6; // number of flower to draw on x- and y- dimension
  var r, g, b;
  for (j = 0; j < numY; j++) { // use nested for loop to draw 
    //flowers on both horizontal and vertical directions
    if (j % 2 == 0) { // even row, draw numX of flowers with one color
      num = numX;
      r = 169;
      g = 132;
      b = 173;
    else { // odd row, draw numX-1 flowers, and different color
      num = numX - 1;
      r = 163;
      g = 62;
      b = 103;
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
      var py = 40 + j * distF * sqrt(3) / 2; // vertical distance between 
      //two flowers is sqrt(3)/2
      var px;
      if (j % 2 == 0) { // even row - start with default position
        px = 50 + i * distF;
      else {
        px = 50 + distF/2 + i * distF; // else, indent the flower 
        //by distance/2 (distF is the distance between two flowers)
      push(); // remember the state
      drawFlower(px, py, r, g, b);

function drawFlower(x, y, r, g, b) {
  fill(r, g, b, 127); // fill in the color of the flower, 
  //plus transparency for effects

  translate(x, y);

  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // draw ellipse 10 times, each time 
    //rotate by 36 degrees to create flower
    ellipse(0, 20, 13, 35);
    rotate(PI / 5);

For my wallpaper project, I was inspired by my current design studio poster project which involves many flower illustrations. I found this wallpaper project to be a fun extension of Assignment B, as I extracted the element of nested for loops and combined it with the usage of ellipse rotations in order to personalize the drawing. This project was a thorough learning experience, as it allowed me to apply newly learned topics into my own projects.

Alexandra Kaplan – Project 5 – Wallpaper


function setup(){
	createCanvas (480, 480);
	background (170, 220, 250);

function draw(){

	//makes a grid for the right facing balloons
    for(var x1 = 70; x1 < width; x1 += 250){
    	for(var y1 = 50; y1 < height; y1 += 230){
	        airBalloonRight(x1, y1);

    //makes a grid for the left facing balloons
    for(var x2 = 170; x2 < width; x2 += 250){
    	for(var y2 = 150; y2 < height; y2 += 230){
	        airBalloonLeft(x2, y2)

    //makes a grid of the clouds
	for(var x3 = 170; x3 < width; x3 += 250){
        for(var y3 = 50; y3 < height; y3 += 230){
	       cloud(x3, y3);

	//makes a grid of the sun
	for(var x4 = 50; x4 < width; x4 += 250){
        for(var y4 = 160; y4 < height; y4 += 230){
	       sun(x4, y4);


function airBalloonRight(x, y){ //draws the right facing balloons
	translate(x, y);
	fill(250, 90, 90);
    ellipse(0, 0, 60, 55);
    quad(-30, 5, 30, 5, 6, 38, -6, 38);
    rect(-5, 45, 10, 8);
    //ballon decor
    stroke(200, 60, 60);
    line(18, 20, -18, 20);
    line(28, 0, -29, 0);
    line(19, -20, -19, -20);
    //basket connectors
    line(-15, 25, -5, 45);
    line(14, 25, 4, 45);


function airBalloonLeft(x, y){ // draws the left facing balloons
	translate(x, y);

    // balloon
	fill(250, 90, 90);
    ellipse(0, 0, 60, 55);
    quad(-30, 5, 30, 5, 6, 38, -6, 38);

    // basket
    rect(-5, 45, 10, 8);

    // basket connectors
    line(-15, 25, -5, 45);
    line(14, 25, 4, 45);

    //ballon decor
    stroke(200, 60, 60);
    line(18, 20, -18, 20);
    line(28, 0, -29, 0);
    line(19, -20, -19, -20);


function cloud (x, y){ // draws the cloud
    translate(x, y);
    ellipse(5, -5, 40, 35);
    ellipse(28, -2, 40, 28);
    rect(-28, -5, 85, 20, 10);

function sun(x, y){ // draws the sun
    for(var r = 0; r < 800; r += 90){ //rotates the rays around the center ellipse
    ellipse(0, 0, 30, 30)
    fill(245, 225, 10)
    ellipse(0, 0, 30, 30)

function rays(x, y) { // draws the rays
	fill(250, 200, 10);
	triangle(0, 13, -30, 25, -15, 0);
	triangle(-5, 10, - 30, 0, -5, -10)

I had a lot of fun with this project, coming up with a repeating design by using for() loops and declaring my own functions. I came up with the idea of hot air balloons because I thought that they would be cute and simple. I like my final design, I think it would be good for a backpack, computer desktop screen, or wallpaper for a child’s room. In future projects, I will work on incorporating more variables into the drawings of the specific objects.



function setup() {
	createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {

function drawGrid() {
//set circle Size  
	var circleSize = 10;
//increasing or decreasing variable
	var dir = 1;
//x position	
	for (var x = 10; x < width; x += 20) {
//alternates columns, sets circleSize initial value to be different 
		dir = -dir;
		if (dir == 1) {
			circleSize = 5;
		else {
			circleSize = 15;
//counter switches from increasing circleSize to decreasing circleSize 
		var counter = 0;
		var red = 150;
//y position
    	for (var y = 10; y < height; y += 20) {
//gradient color based on increasing or decreasing dir 
    		red += dir * 10;
    		fill(red, 0, 0);
//draw circles
            ellipse(x, y, circleSize, circleSize);
//increase or decrease after every 5 circles 
            counter += 1;
            if (counter % 5 == 0) {
            	dir = -dir; 
            circleSize += dir * 3;

For this project I was inspired by decorative beads, as wallpaper and door beads both have similar space dividing properties, as well as specific aesthetic qualities.

I wanted to create a pattern that was both repetitive and rhythmic, so I created alternating columns of gradually increasing and decreasing ellipses. There begins to be a hierarchy of size and color that draws your eye around the canvas, similar to how door beads change your perspective of a space.

Alessandra Fleck – Project 05 Wallpaper


//Name: Alessandra Fleck 
//Class Section : B

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 500);

function draw() {

    // Base ellipses in a dull gray

    for (var y = 0; y < height+25; y += 50) {
        for (var x = 0; x < width+25; x += 50) {
            ellipse(x, y, 50, 50);

    //negative space from circles

    for (var y = 0; y < height+25; y += 50) {
        for (var x = 0; x < width+25; x += 50) {
            quad(x+35, y+30, x+90, y+25, x+55, y+70, x+30, y+80);

    //creates the small white checks by twisting a smaller quadrangle 

    for (var y = 0; y < height+25; y += 50) {
        for (var x = 0; x < width+25; x += 50) {
            quad(x+15, y+20, x+30, y+15, x+15, y+50, x+30, y+20);
     // Creates the small "fish eyes" in a dull gold

    for (var y = 0; y < height+25; y += 50) {
        for (var x = 0; x < width+25; x += 50) {
            arc(x + 80, y + 80, 10, 10, 5, PI + QUARTER_PI);

    //olive shape with organe strike through edge of gold "fish eyes"
    for (var y = 0; y < height+25; y += 50) {
        for (var x = 0; x < width+25; x += 50) {
            stroke(255, 102, 0);
            line(x + 20, y + 20, x+ 10, y+10);
            line(x+20, y+20, x+50, y+50);
            stroke(0, 0, 0);
            bezier(x+50, y+50, x+50, y+10, x+20, y+20, x+50, y+50);

    noLoop(); // save computation -- no animation

For this project, I wanted to try making something inspired by Japanese print. Such as the image shows below.

Image result for japanese print patterns

I played with the idea of two directional patterns. Where there is a dynamic flow in one direction and a sharp streak in another. This can be seen in the cool green curvy background with the bright orange streaks in the opposite direction. One thing I would work on if I were to continue this project, if is the fine detail accuracy of each stroke to one another (making sure that they are are flush with one another).



//Kade Stewart
//Section B

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);


function draw() {

    var dim = 8;
    for (x = 0; x < dim; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < dim; y++) {
            tile(x * width/dim, y * height/dim, width/dim, height/dim);



function tile(x, y, w, h) {
    fill(14,174,158); //light blue
    triangle(x, y, x, y + h, x + w/2, y + h/2);

    fill(255,209,80); //orange
    triangle(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, x + w/2, y + h/2);

    fill(12,18,111); //dark blue
    triangle(x, y, x + w, y, x + w/2, y + h/2);

    fill(240,240,240); //off-white
    triangle(x, y + h, x + w, y + h, x + w/2, y + h/2);


My wallpaper is meant to be viewed in a number of different ways. The tiles could be seen as squares of four triangles, as triangles made up of other triangles, or as a pyramid dark blue sky, yellow-orange side in the light, lighter blue in the shade, white ground). I was inspired by my favorite elementary school playtime activity – mosaic tiles.

Victoria Reiter – Project 05 – Wallpaper


Victoria Reiter
Section B
Project - 05

function setup() {
    // sets up canvas dimensions
    createCanvas(600, 480);
    // establishes background color
    background(250, 250, 180);

function draw() {
    // establishes initial coordinates for x and y
    var x = - 50;
    var y = 0;
    // creates a horizontal and vertical grid using a for() loop to draw
    // the flowers
    for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
            flower(x + j * 60, y + i * 60); 
    // creates a horizontal and vertical grid using a for() loop
    // to draw the butterflies
    for (var k = 0; k < 200; k++) {
        for (var l = 0; l < 200; l++) {
            butterfly(x - 850 + l * 200, y - 50 + k * 120);

// function which draws the entirety of the flower
function flower(x, y) {
    flowerStem(x, y);
    flowerPetals(x, y);
    stem(x, y);
    leaves(x + 15, y - 15);

// function to draw the stem
function stem(x, y) {
    stroke(0, 155, 0);
    line(x, y, x + 85, y - 35);

// function to draw the leaves
function leaves(x, y) {
    // leaf color
    fill(0, 190, 0);
    // actual leaves
    ellipse(x, y - 1, 24, 10);
    ellipse(x + 25, y + 9, 24, 10);
    ellipse(x + 21, y - 10, 24, 10);
    // leaf vein color
    stroke(100, 230, 100);
    // each leaf also has a little line to represent its veins
    line(x - 12, y - 1, x + 12, y - 1);
    line(x + 13, y + 9, x + 37, y + 9);
    line(x + 9, y - 10, x + 33, y - 10);

// function to draw the stems branching to the petals
function flowerStem(x, y) {
    stroke(0, 190, 0);
    // actual stem
    line(x + 56, y - 27, x + 46, y - 43);
    // each stem also has a little bulb
    ellipse(x + 46, y - 43, 7, 7);
    line(x + 55, y - 18, x + 72, y + 2);
    ellipse(x + 72, y + 2, 8);
    line(x + 70, y - 33, x + 78, y - 60);
    ellipse(x + 78, y - 60, 8);
    line(x + 79, y - 28, x + 100, y - 3);
    ellipse(x + 100, y - 3, 10);
    line(x + 85, y - 35, x + 105, y - 57);
    ellipse(x + 105, y - 57, 11);

// function to draw flower petals
function flowerPetals(x, y) {
    // main petal color
    fill(255, 125, 165);
    // petal 1
    ellipse(x + 43, y - 55, 23);
    //petal 2
    ellipse(x + 75, y + 12, 25);
    //petal 3
    ellipse(x + 74, y - 70, 20);
    // petal 4
    ellipse(x + 104, y + 10, 21);
    // petal 5
    ellipse(x + 108, y - 70, 27);
    fill(255, 65, 105);
    // sub-petal 1
    ellipse(x + 39, y - 45, 13);
    ellipse(x + 52, y - 55, 11);
    // sub-petal 2
    ellipse(x + 67, y + 6, 13);
    ellipse(x + 81, y + 4, 10);
    ellipse(x + 64, y + 15, 11);
    // sub-petal 3
    ellipse(x + 70, y - 61, 16);
    // sub-petal 4
    ellipse(x + 100, y + 5, 12);
    ellipse(x + 112, y + 8, 9);
    // sub-petal 5
    ellipse(x + 97, y - 63, 14);
    ellipse(x + 109, y - 58, 10);
    ellipse(x + 119, y - 64, 13);
    // detail color in petals
    fill(185, 0, 25);
    // sub-sub-petal 1
    ellipse(x + 32, y - 50, 9);
    ellipse(x + 48, y - 50, 8);
    // sub-sub-petal 2
    ellipse(x + 64, y + 2, 8);
    ellipse(x + 74, y + 4, 10);
    ellipse(x + 60, y + 9, 8);
    //sub-sub-petal 3
    ellipse(x + 78, y - 65, 13);
    ellipse(x + 62, y - 67, 8);
    // sub-sub-petal 4
    ellipse(x + 92, y + 9, 8);
    ellipse(x + 108, y + 5, 9);
    // sub-sub-petal 5
    ellipse(x + 102, y - 60, 9);
    ellipse(x + 90, y - 65, 10);
    // other detail color in petals
    fill(255, 205, 205);
    // many sub petals 1
    ellipse(x + 40, y - 67, 11);
    ellipse(x + 52, y - 60, 8);
    // many sub petals 2
    ellipse(x + 64, y + 16, 8);
    ellipse(x + 77, y + 9, 10);
    ellipse(x + 67, y + 23, 7);
    // many sub petals 3
    ellipse(x + 78, y - 79, 10);
    ellipse(x + 66, y - 71, 8);
    // many sub-petals 4
    ellipse(x + 94, y + 18, 12);
    ellipse(x + 114, y + 14, 9);
    // many sub-petals 5
    ellipse(x + 103, y - 69, 9);
    ellipse(x + 90, y - 64, 8);
    ellipse(x + 121, y - 74, 10);

// function to draw the entirety of the butterfly
function butterfly(x, y) {
    butterflyBody(x, y);
    butterflyWings(x, y);

// function to draw butterfly's thorax
function butterflyBody(x, y) {
    // black but not entirely opaque body
    stroke('rgba(0, 0, 0, .7)');
    line(x -5, y + 35, x + 20, y);

// function to draw butterfly's wings
function butterflyWings(x, y) {
    stroke(90, 0, 90);
    // orange-ish color of wings
    fill('rgba(240, 130, 40, .6)');
    // top wing
    ellipse(x, y, 25, 40);
    // bottom wing
    ellipse(x - 15, y + 20, 40, 30);
    // brown color of spots in wings
    fill('rgba(110, 70, 30, .5)');
    // details in the wings
    ellipse(x - 20, y + 15, 16, 8);
    ellipse(x - 2, y + 20, 6, 8);
    ellipse(x - 13, y + 25, 5, 5);
    ellipse(x - 4, y - 7, 6, 9);
    ellipse(x + 4, y, 6, 5);


My project this week was inspired by my Chinese name. My dearest friend gave me my name in Chinese, and I really cherish having it as my name. It is 孟薇 (Mèng wēi), where the name 薇 is the name of a pretty pink flower. So for this week’s project I wanted to recreate the flower which represents my name!

Image found by typing the flower “myrtle” into Google

Image found by typing the flower “薇” into Baidu, the Chinese search engine

I first drew out a sketch of what I wanted to recreate, then listed the elements I would need to recreate it.

My preliminary sketch alongside my Chinese name 孟薇

I used the technique we saw in lecture where we create one large function composed of multiple smaller functions, each handling a particular aspect of the larger one. So for example I made “leaf” “petals” etc. their own function, then called them all under the broader “flower” function.

When I was finished, I really liked the product, but wanted to add the butterflies to make it more complex and practice layering for() loops.

I actually sew my own clothes, and the idea of having a skirt I sewed made out of fabric I designed/coded sounds really cool! I think I may take out the butterflies if I ever ordered it but I should look into that!

Jenna Kim (Jeeyoon Kim)- Project 5- Wallpaper


/* Jenna Kim (Jeeyoon Kim)
Section E
Week 5 Project: Mr. Avocado and Ms. Eggy
function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {
    background(245, 138, 125);

    for (var y = 0; y < height; y += 100) { //avocado peel
        for (var x = 0; x < width; x += 70) {
            fill(79, 50, 54);
            ellipse(x, y, 30, 30);
            ellipse(x, y + 30, 40, 40);
    for (var y=0;y < height;y += 100){ //inside of avocado
      for (var x = 10;x < width;x += 70){
        fill(204, 228, 182);
        ellipse(x - 10, y, 25, 25);
        ellipse(x - 10, y + 25, 35, 35);
        fill(79, 50, 54); 
        ellipse(x - 15, y, 3, 3); //left eye
        ellipse(x - 7, y, 3, 3); //right eye

    for (var y = 0;y < height;y += 100){ //avocado seed!
      for (var x = 10;x < width;x += 70){
        fill(79, 50, 54);
        ellipse(x - 10, y + 30, 15, 15);
    for(var y = 70;y < height * 3 / 2;y += 100){ //egg! 🙂
    for(var x = 30;x < width;x += 70){
      fill(255); //white part
      ellipse(x, y, 40, 50);
      fill(252, 210, 94); //yolk
      ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);
      fill(252, 210, 94); //eyes
      ellipse(x - 10, y - 10, 4, 4); //left eye
      ellipse(x + 10, y - 10, 4, 4); //right eye

For this project, I designed a pattern for a kind of pajamas I want for myself. 🙂
I made a pattern of avocados and eggs, my favorite food. Although this project was also challenging as the assignments a and b, I enjoyed using my creativity and apply what I learned from this week’s lecture and recitation. Through keep experimenting with the coding, I started to understand the loops fully than before. I know that next time, I can further improve by using % operator.

Sophia Kim – Project 05 Wallpaper – Sec C


// Sophia S Kim
// Section C 1:30
// Project-05-Wallpaper

function setup() {
  createCanvas(450, 600); 

function draw() {
  background (255, 232, 187);
  //arc for RED part of rainbow
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(255, 67, 67);
      arc(a, i, 80, 85, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for ORANGE part of rainbow
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(255, 177, 56);
      arc(a, i, 70, 75, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for YELLOW part of rainbow
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(247, 238, 82);
      arc(a, i, 60, 65, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for GREEN part of rainbow 
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(112, 232, 160);
      arc(a, i, 50, 55, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for BLUE part of rainbow 
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(124, 209, 232);
      arc(a, i, 40, 45, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for INDIGO part of rainbow 
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(124, 142, 229);
      arc(a, i, 30, 35, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for VIOLET part of rainbow 
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(154, 125, 226);
      arc(a, i, 20, 25, PI, 0, OPEN);
  for(var i = 23; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      text("HAPPY", a-14, i + 10);

Utilizing the ‘wallpaper’/pattern into clothing, I was inspired by the iconic Paul Frank tees and the Happy Bunny t-shirts from my childhood. I wanted to fuse text and graphics together like the Happy Bunny t-shirts. I narrowed down the graphic to look simple so that the viewer can comprehend both the graphic and text together. The main objects I thought of were weather related: rain, clouds, sun, moon, rainbow. I chose to use the rainbow to give a positive mood to the viewer. At first, I had a really hard time spacing each block (graphic+text) from each other. However, after a while I got the hang of spacing and creating arcs for the rainbow. The assignments really assisted me to handle the for loops well for this project!

Image result for paul frank tee

Image result for happy bunny t shirt

Xindi Lyu-Project 05-Wall paper-Section A


 /*Xindi Lyu
 Section A
 function setup() {
     createCanvas(600, 600);

 function draw() {
  for(var b=-600; b<600;b+=30){
    for(var c=-600;c<600;c+=15){
      var d=b+c;
      ellipse(d,c,2,2);//polka dots background

  //ponrose triangles
  for(var a=-600; a<700; a+=200){
    for(var y=-600; y<height; y+=120){
  var x=a+y;
  quad(36+x,34+y,58+x,72+y,58+x,162+y,36+x,152+y);//pink 1
  quad(58+x,72+y,36+x,34+y,116+x,82+y,98+x,92+y);//pink 2

  quad(58+x,72+y,78+x,82+y,78+x,130+y,58+x,162+y);//green 1
  quad(58+x,162+y,78+x,130+y,158+x,82+y,158+x,106+y);//green 2
  quad(36+x,34+y,58+x,22+y,158+x,82+y,116+x,82+y);//purple 1
  quad(158+x,82+y,116+x,82+y,78+x,104+y,78+x,130+y);//purple 2

  //the profile lines for the triangles



For this project I was inspired by the extreme color contrast of pop art as well as the intriguing idea of “loops” within the penrose triangle.

Pop art inspiration