Alice Fang – Project 6 – Abstract Clock


Alice Fang
Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
	background(146, 211, 231);

	//current time
	var H = hour();
	var M = minute();
	var S = second();

	// sun
	var arc = 140; // radius of sun trajectory path
	var angle = H;
	translate(width/2, height/2);
	rotate(radians(7.5*H)); // rotate based on time of day, with highest point at 12:00 pm
	fill(239, 244, 214);
	ellipse(0 - arc, 0, 36, 36);

	//static landscape
	fill(145, 168, 113); // farthest mountain
	vertex(0, 166);
	vertex(67, 186);
	vertex(115, 175);
	vertex(150, 182);
	vertex(240, 152);
	vertex(270, 160);
	vertex(328, 144);
	vertex(352, 153);
	vertex(369, 150);
	vertex(400, 157);
	vertex(400, 400);
	vertex(0, 400);

	fill(125, 147, 96); //third mountain
	vertex(0, 226);
	vertex(40, 208);
	vertex(95, 224);
	vertex(183, 205);
	vertex(288, 218);
	vertex(400, 186);
	vertex(400, 400);
	vertex(0, 400);

	fill(81, 110, 81, 80); // second mountain
	vertex(0, 266);
	vertex(20, 258);
	vertex(40, 265);
	vertex(110, 244);
	vertex(200, 275);
	vertex(260, 312);
	vertex(400, 323);
	vertex(400, 400);
	vertex(0, 400);

	fill(81, 110, 81, 80); // closest mountain
	vertex(0, 280);
	vertex(47, 298);
	vertex(77, 289);
	vertex(119, 330);
	vertex(175, 348);
	vertex(211, 326);
	vertex(288, 337);
	vertex(325, 370);
	vertex(400, 400);
	vertex(0, 400);
 	// hot air balloon!
	var mapY1 = map(S, 0, 60, height, -175); // map y position of turquoise balloon to seconds
	var mapY2 = map(M, 0, 60, height * 2, -175); // map y position of magenta balloon to minutes
	var mapY3 = map(H, 0, 24, height * 2.857, -175); // map y position of orange balloon to hours
	var balX = 300; // X position of balloon
	var balY1 = mapY1;
	var balY2 = mapY2;
	var balY3 = mapY3;

	drawBalloon(balX, balY1 + 60, 120, 1, 26, 120, 142); // turquoise balloon
	drawBalloon(balX, balY2 + 60, 120, 0.5, 137, 62, 101); // magenta balloon
	drawBalloon(balX - 100, balY3 + 60, 120, 0.35, 233, 153, 95); // orange balloon

	if (H <= 11 & H >= 6) {
		fill(252, 217, 192, 75) // morning color
		rect(0, 0, width, height);
	} else if (H >= 14 & H <= 20) {
		fill(228, 77, 46, 75); // sunset color
		rect(0, 0, width, height);
	} else if (H > 20 || H < 6) {
		fill(5, 6, 90, 99); // dusk color
		rect(0, 0, width, height);

function drawBalloon(balX, balY, balSize, balScale, R, G, B) {
	fill(R, G, B);
	ellipse(balX, balY, balSize, balSize); // balloon shape
	quad(balX - 44, balY + 40, balX + 44, balY + 40, balX + 14, balY + 77, balX - 13, balY + 77);
	stroke(0); // basket lines
	line(balX - 12, balY + 77, balX - 12, balY + 90);
	line(balX + 12, balY + 77, balX + 12, balY + 90);
	fill(104, 81, 32); // basket
	rect(balX - 12, balY + 90, 25, 25);

Concept sketch
Illustrator concept; morning
Illustrator concept; evening
Illustrator concept; dusk

I was inspired by some photographs that I saw of hot air balloons, and I really wanted to play with the different colors of sky at different times of day. The trickiest parts for me were setting up the function drawBalloon() to create the balloons, because once I scaled them, I forgot what variables would be affected in terms of animation.

The largest, turquoise balloon represents seconds, with the magenta balloon as minutes and the orange balloon as hours. The sun also rises and sets based on the hour, with the highest point at noon.

Looking Outwards 06-Jaclyn Saik

As soon as I saw the theme for this week’s Looking Outwards, I immediately knew what I wanted to talk about. There is an art installation between gates 22 and 23 in the San Jose International Airport that I have been walking under and marveling at for about seven years now, but I’ve never looked into how it was actually made or the details of what it represents. This assignment was a great opportunity to do just that.

eCLOUD, from down below.It is suspended beneath a window and reflects real time weather patterns from all around the world.
this is eCLOUD’s information kiosk, which provides information about the weather pattern currently being displayed.

“eCLOUD” is a dynamic, generative sculpture created to simulate the actual behavior and physical make of a natural cloud. The piece, which stretches 120 feet and hangs suspended from the ceiling, is composed of these specialized polycarbonate tiles that transition between different states of transparency. The degree of opacity is determines by weather patterns from around the world, collected and transmitted in real time to create a cloud that appears the same way one would in that particular time zone.

The random element in this piece is the weather, and I think this is an example of biased but true randomness, since rather than it being a “pseudo-random” quantity generated by a computer, it relied complexity on data from the natural world. And because the algorithm pulls data from around the world and a bunch of different climates, some of the weather bias is avoided because multiple regions are covered.

I love this art piece because of the aesthetics: I think a lot of generative computer art can get wildly technical to the point of losing that “easy beauty” that more traditional fine art has, but their piece is so simplistic yet so complex in build that is satisfies both aesthetic appeal and the technical intrigue of a stand-out installation.

Jenna Kim (Jeeyoon Kim)- Project 6- Abstract Clock


var x = [];
var y = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++){
    	x[i] = random(50, 450);
    	y[i] = random(50, 450);

function draw() {
	background(1, 41, 71);
	var S = second(); //variables for time
	var M = minute();
	var H = hour();

	var Hmap = map(H, 0, 20, 0, 500); // ground (pink block) adds up every "HR"
	for(i = 0; i < H; i++)
		fill(255, 138, 143);
		rect(0, 460, Hmap, 40);

	stroke(255); //fire fly JAR
	line(192, 196, 289, 196);
	line(192, 196, 192, 242);
	line(192, 242, 163, 274);
	line(163, 274, 163, 460);
	line(163, 460, 318, 460);
	line(318, 460, 318, 274);
	line(318, 274, 289, 242);
	line(289, 242, 289, 196);

	push(); //Jar lid
	translate(260, -78)
	rotate(PI / 3);
	rect(192, 196, 10, 100); 

    for(i = 0; i < S; i++){ //tiny firefly appears every "SEC"
    	fill(247, 246, 146);
    	ellipse(x[i], y[i], 4, 4);

    push(); //firefly rotates every "MIN"
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    rotate(radians(M * 6));
    line(85, 70, 87, 80); //left bug tentacle
    line(75, 60, 74, 80); //right bug tentacle
    fill(249, 196, 65); //body
    ellipse(80, 40, 19, 50);
    fill(247, 216, 146);
    ellipse(80, 40, 17, 30);
    fill(244, 224, 189);
    ellipse(80, 40, 14, 18);
    fill(45, 16, 35); //wings
    ellipse(75, 50, 10, 33);
    fill(45, 16, 35); //wings
    ellipse(85, 50, 10, 33);
    fill(255, 0, 68); //head
    ellipse(80, 65, 12, 12);
    fill(0); //left eye
    ellipse(85, 70, 5, 5);
    ellipse(75, 70, 5, 5);


For this project, I was inspired by the fireflies I saw in my backyard. The tiny firefly adds up every second, pink block adds up every hour, and the firefly in the middle rotates every minute. From last week to this week, my biggest challenge had been understanding “arrays” and “loops”. Through this project, I could understand these concepts better, and I had fun exploring different styles, color, and movements of the parts of the project.

I did a quick sketch before going into Illustrator.
Drawing on Illustrator helps me visualize more clearly.

Christine Chen-Project-06-Abstract Clock

Christine Chen-Project-06-Abstract Clock

Christine Chen
Section E
Project-06-Abstract Clock

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
    background(43, 43, 47); //darl gray background

    //background circle
    strokeWeight(0); //no stroke
    for (i = 560; i > 320; i = i - 60){
        fill(70); //light gray
        ellipse(200, 200, i, i);

        fill(55); //medium gray
        ellipse(200, 200, i - 20, i - 20);

        fill(43); //dark gray
        ellipse(200, 200, i - 40, i - 40); 

    var angleH = 0; //angle for hour circle rotations
    var angleM = 0; //angle for minute circle rotations
    var angleS = 0; //angle for second circle rotations

    //y position for the circles of Hour, Minute, Second
    var yH = 0; 
    var yM = 20; 
    var yS = 40; 
    //Fetch current time
    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();

    //ratio for controlling spiral circles within borders
    var ratio = 0.3 * width;


    //Seconds Spiral
    for (var i = 0; i < S; i++){
        translate (200, 200);

        stroke(255); //white
        line(0, yS, 0, 0); //draw from canvas center to circle center

        fill(255); //white
        ellipse(0, yS, 5, 5);

        yS += ratio/60;
        angleS += 12;

    //Hour Spiral
    for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++){
        translate (200, 200);
        if(i < H){
            fill(133, 185, 250); //light blue for current time
        } else {
            fill(100); //gray circles for the rest
        ellipse(0, yH, 13, 13);

        yH += ratio/24;
        angleH += 30;

    //Minute Spiral
    for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++){
        translate (200, 200);

        if(i < M){
            fill(122, 150, 255); //dark blue for current time
        } else {
            fill(70); //gray circles for the rest

        ellipse(0, yM, 10, 10);

        yM += ratio/60;
        angleM += 12;



My idea was a lot harder to create than I thought it would be. I created a spiral form of an abstract clock. The largest circles represent the hour, the medium sized ones represent minutes, and the smallest ones represent seconds. All 24 circles representing hours and all 60 circles representing minutes are drawn out. They get lighted up to represent the current time. The smallest circles representing seconds are drawn in real time which shows how time is moving forward.

Initial draft for abstract clock

I added in the background layers of ellipses and to make the clock more visually interesting. I also experimented with lines and added the lines to connects the canvas center to the second circles to make the movement of the clock more dynamic. I also ended up with having the circles of the more center parts of the spiral overlapping each other because I just like how it gives it a more dynamic “spiral” look rather than having equal distances between all of the circles.

Eliza Pratt – Looking Outwards – 06

AI generated nude portraits by Robbie Barrat
AI generated nude portraits by Robbie Barrat

Robbie Barrat is an AI researcher who works with generative adversarial networks (GANs) to create randomly computed works of art. By feeding a GAN pictures of a specific subject matter, the AI takes in random numbers to generate images that reflect similar features. Not only am I fascinated by this algorithm’s ability to create these portraits, but I admire the distinctive style that the AI has adopted. The random generation of colors, textures, and shapes produces a Dali-like surrealism in these images. While I’ve seen random computer generated art before, I had never considered that it could be programmed to capture the aesthetics of traditional painting. Discovering work as expressive and “human” as this project leads me to believe that AI will be a promising asset to modern artists.

Nina Yoo-Looking Outwards – 06

Keith Powers -Art From Code – 2009


Math and geometrical shapes are intriguing to me because of their simple beauty. I admire this project for taking a single mathematical concept and then creating a whole new design from it by using a random function, when technically its not random in the first place because it was calculated. So this project was made from random lissajous webs. The lissajous curve is a graph of a equations that describe harmonic motions. Keith Powers would change the way the picture looked by changing the amplitude and frequency. Powers is able to express his art work by presenting how a simple geometrical graph is able to create a complex dark image that causes the viewer to wonder what the picture might have sounded like or how the webs are similar to a spiders web itself. The way he spread the contrasting dark points also causes your eye to go around the whole page and just make it pleasing to look at.

Dani Delgado – Looking Outwards 06

A piece in “The Spirit of Painting” exhibit by Cai – it is currently displayed in the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid.

Randomness is considered an almost imperative (CHECK THE WORD MAN) part of the creative process, whether it be through allowing one’s thoughts to run wild or through implementing actual forms of randomness into the process to create a random output. This second form of randomness can be seen clearly in the work of Cai Guo-Qiang, an artist who utilizes gunpowder to create his work.
His primary body of work manifests itself in two forms – fireworks that are set off according to his coded programs and controlled explosions on canvas – both of which have random outcomes in that there is no way to know what they will look like until the final product has been produced (this type of randomness is similar to weather in that you can expect what is to come but there is no specifics that are known).

A piece in “The Spirit of Painting” exhibit by Cai – it is currently displayed in the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid. This work contains some acrylic underlays.

Cai, who had a background in fine art painting, began exploring gunpowder as a medium because of its connection to nature and how it creates art in an organic, non-sequential way. This method of working is very inspirational to me, mainly because it is so different from what I do; my process usually contains some randomness in the initial idea phase, but once it comes to a final product, I usually like to have full control over what my work will look like. So, to embrace the random and explosive nature of gunpowder and create art out of it is simply fascinating to me.

Youtube Video of his process:

His website:

Jaclyn Saik- Project 06


/* Jaclyn Saik 
Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    // current time variables
    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();

    var skin = ("OliveDrab");
    var earPositionX = 390;
    var earPositionY = 200;
    var noseW = 10;
    if ((S % 2) > 0) { //if statement that changes variables based on whether seconds are odd or even 
        earPositionX = 390; 
        earPositionY = 200;
        noseW = 10; //variable that changes nostril size
    } else if ((S % 2) == 0) {
        earPositionX = 380;
        earPositionY = 190;
        noseW = 15;

    var lidPosition = 180-(map(H, 0, 23, 0, 180)); //position of eyelids, how wide the eyes are opened 
    var mouthSize = map(M, 0, 59, 10, 300); //map to create gradual transition in size of mouth

    //background elements
    ellipse(150, 200, 580, 690);
    ellipse(150, 200, 480, 530);
    rect(20, 300, 260, 300);

    //the face:
    ellipse(150, 200, 450, 500);

    ellipse(40, 135, 140, 190)
    ellipse(230, 135, 140, 190)

    ellipse(40, 130, 130, 180)
    ellipse(230, 130, 130, 180)

    ellipse(40, 130, 50, 80);
    ellipse(230, 130, 50, 80);

    arc(140, 240, 300, mouthSize, 0, PI, CHORD);

    ellipse(earPositionX, earPositionY, 80, 100) //relies on seconds for x and y position

    rect(-30, 40, 140, lidPosition); //eyelids gradually open as the hours get higher/day goes on 
    rect(160, 40, 140, lidPosition); //rely on mapped position variable declared above

    //right eyelash
    line(163, 40+lidPosition, 300, 40+lidPosition+7); 
    line(163, 40+lidPosition, 310, 40+lidPosition-2);

    //left eyelash
    line(105, 40+lidPosition, -30, 40+lidPosition+7); 
    line(105, 40+lidPosition, -30, 40+lidPosition+3);
    line(105, 40+lidPosition, -30, 40+lidPosition-2);

    arc(40, 60, 130, 60, PI, 0)
    arc(230, 60, 130, 60, PI, 0)


    ellipse(125, 200, noseW, 20);
    ellipse(150, 200, noseW, 20);



This project was an interesting way to create an animation that relied on the entire length of the day to complete, instead of confined within the frame rate we usually declare. I had a lot of different ideas for representing time after browsing that blog post about the different ways that time was represented before modern clocks. I was drawn to the use of sunlight to create elaborate timekeeping sculptures: to me, they looked as much like tools as beautiful works of art.

My sketches. I played with the idea of using sunflowers and other solar imitations, but I really liked how funny a face could be. I was inspired by all of the moving features on a face to accommodate different units of time.

However, for this project  I wanted to include humor and pull myself away from using traditional numerical qualities to tell time. I decided on a face early on, and as I built this person I felt like making this project Halloween-themed is a fitting start to October. This was also my first time really manipulating the map function, which I’m grateful for because now I have a much better grasp on how to use it.

In this clock, I made the witch’s eyelids reliant on the hour: when it is very early in the morning, her eyes are barely open, but as the day progresses they get wider and wider. Her muppet mouth is reliant on the minute, so her mouth gets progressively wider as the minutes increase, and resets at zero every hour. Her ears and nostrils are designed to be more timekeeping devices, as they tick back and forth with each second.


Eliza Pratt – abstract clock


Eliza Pratt
Section E

var fluffX = []; // x position of fixed seeds
var fluffY = []; // y position of fixed seeds
var angle = 0; //angle of fixed seeds

var looseX = []; //x position of floating seeds
var looseY = []; //y position of floating seeds
var dir = []; //direction of floating seeds
var w = 3; //width of fluff

var centerX = []; //x center of each hour stem
var centerY = []; // y center of each hour stem

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 380);

    //fills arrays for fixed and floating 
    //seed positions with random numbers
    for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {

        //converts angle to distribute fixed seeds around the stem
        var min = 270 + map(angle, 0, 60, 0, 360);

        //positions for fixed seeds
        fluffX[i] = random(20, 30)*cos(radians(min));
        fluffY[i] = random(20, 30)*sin(radians(min));

        //positions for floating seeds
        looseX[i] = random(0, width);
        looseY[i] = random(0, height);

        //direction of floating seeds
        dir[i] = random(-0.5, 0.5);


    var x = 28; //starting position for first stem

    //fills array for stem position
    for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        centerX[i] = x;
        x+= 38
        if (i % 2) { 
            centerY[i] = random(80, 170);
        else {
            centerY[i] = random(180, 260);



function draw() {
    drawSeed(); //draws fixed seeds
    drawFloat(); //draws floating seeds
    drawStem(); //draws stems


//draws fixed and minute-based seeds
function drawSeed() {
    if (hour() == 12 || hour() == 0) {
        var flowerX = 12;
    else {
        var flowerX = hour() % 12;

    //draws seeds around hours that have not passed
    for (var j = 12; j >= flowerX; j--) {
        for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
            line(centerX[j] + fluffX[i], centerY[j] + fluffY[i], centerX[j], centerY[j]);
            ellipse(centerX[j] + fluffX[i], centerY[j] + fluffY[i], w, w);

    //draws seeds around hour stem corresponding to the current minute
    //depletes one seed for every minute passed
    for (var i = 60; i > minute(); i--) {
        line(centerX[flowerX - 1] + fluffX[i], centerY[flowerX - 1] + fluffY[i], centerX[flowerX - 1], centerY[flowerX - 1]);
        ellipse(centerX[flowerX - 1] + fluffX[i], centerY[j] + fluffY[i], w, w);

//draws floating seeds corresponding to current second
function drawFloat() {

    //adds floating seed at random position for each second passed
    for (var i = 0; i < second(); i++) {
        ellipse(looseX[i], looseY[i], w, w);

        //assigns each seed a direction
        looseX[i] += dir[i];
        looseY[i] += dir[i + 1];

        //resets seed position if it floats off the canvas
        if (looseX[i] > width) looseX[i] = 0;
        else if (looseX[i] < 0) looseX[i] = width;
        if (looseY[i] > height) looseY[i] = 0;
        else if (looseY[i] < 0) looseY[i] = height;

//draws stems and centers
function drawStem() {
    for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        line(centerX[i], centerY[i], centerX[i], centerY[i] + height);
        ellipse(centerX[i], centerY[i], 8, 8);


How to read: The 12 stems represent hours, and the seeds that are positioned around them are the minutes. The seeds deplete each minute around the stem corresponding to the current hour. The loose bits of fluff appear each second and float aimlessly until they reset each minute.

This has been my favorite assignment so far! Learning about arrays has made many of my ideas more tangible. I knew for this assignment that I wanted to do something pictorial, and I originally considered using balloons or planets. Nevertheless, I’m very happy with how this clock turned out.
Early sketches:

Emily Zhou –– Abstract Clock

dots clock

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 100);
    stroke(17, 21, 28);

function draw() {
    // background colour
    var H = hour();
    if (H >= 7 & H <= 19) {
        background(228, 246, 248); // day background
        stroke(228, 246, 248);
    else {
        background(17, 21, 28); // night background
        stroke(17, 21, 28);
    // hour circles
    var d1 = width / 24; // diameter (L)
    for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) { // 24 hours
        var hx = i * d1 + d1 / 2; // x position
        if (H >= 7 & H <= 19) { // day circle colour
            // top edge
            if (H - 1 == i) {
                fill(98, 194, 204);
                ellipse(hx, height - d1 / 2, d1, d1);
            // bottom edge
            else {
                fill(98, 194, 204);
                ellipse(hx, d1 / 2, d1, d1);
        else { // night circle colour
            if (H - 1 == i) {
                fill(48, 72, 120);
                ellipse(hx, height - d1 / 2, d1, d1);
            // bottom edge
            else {
                fill(48, 72, 120);
                ellipse(hx, d1 / 2, d1, d1);
    // minute circles
    var M = minute();
    var d2 = width / 60; // diameter (M)
    for (var j = 0; j < 60; j++) { // 60 minutes
        var mx = j * d2 + d2 / 2;
        if (H >= 7 & H <= 19) { // day circle colour
            if (M - 1 == j) {
                fill(241, 112, 34);
                ellipse(mx, height - d2 / 2, d2, d2);
            else {
                fill(241, 112, 34);
                ellipse(mx, d1 + d2 / 2, d2, d2);
        else { // night circle colour
            if (M - 1 == j) {
                fill(120, 144, 168);
                ellipse(mx, height - d2 / 2, d2, d2);
            else {
                fill(120, 144, 168);
                ellipse(mx, d1 + d2 / 2, d2, d2);
    // second circles
    var S = second();
    var d3 = width / 60 - 2; // diameter (S)
    var space = 2; // spacing between ellipse centres
    for (var k = 0; k < 60; k++) { // 60 seconds
        var sx = k * d3 + space * k + d3 / 2 + 1;
        if (H >= 7 & H <= 19) { // day circle colour
            if (S - 1 == k) {
                fill(253, 184, 19);
                ellipse(sx, height - d3 / 2, d3, d3);
            else {
                fill(253, 184, 19);
                ellipse(sx, d1 + d2 + d3 / 2, d3, d3);
        else { // night circle colour
            if (S - 1 == k) {
                fill(240, 168, 24);
                ellipse(sx, height - d3 / 2, d3, d3);
            else {
                fill(240, 168, 24);
                ellipse(sx, d1 + d2 + d3 / 2, d3, d3);

I tried to make a clock that uses the colour and position of graphic elements to indicate the time of day. Three rows of circles that represent the hour, minute, and second appear at the top to their correct quantity (24, 60, 60). For the current time, the corresponding circle appears at the bottom edge of the canvas.

I also wanted the colour scheme of the clock to change with the time of day. I coordinated colours for a day and night setting that change at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m with that range using the daytime colour scheme. I looked up the sunrise and sunset times in Pittsburgh to make sure.

Idea rough sketch