Julia Nishizaki – Project 09 – Computational Portrait


//Julia Nishizaki
//Section B
//Project 09 - Computational Portrait

var siblingImage;

function preload() { // load image
    var siblingImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/oi1ahe3.jpg";
    siblingImage = loadImage(siblingImageURL);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(320, 480); // same ratio as photo, 2:3
    background('white'); // white background
    frameRate(1000); // beginning frame rate

function draw() {
    var px = random(width);
    var py = random(height);
    var ix = constrain(floor(px), 0, width - 1);
    var iy = constrain(floor(py), 0, height - 1);
    var theColorAtLocationXY = siblingImage.get(ix, iy);
    var psize = map(mouseY, 0, height, 1, 7); // size of rectangles based on y coordinate of mouse
    var pcorner = 1; // how curved the corners of the rectangle are
    var pdimenW = map(mouseX, 0, width, 4, 8); // As mouse moves to right, width increases, height decreases
    var pdimenH = map(mouseX, 0, width, 8, 4); // As mouse moves to left, height increases, width decreases

    translate(px, py);
    if (mouseIsPressed) { // if mouse is pressed, rectangles are rotated 45 degrees
        rotate(PI / 4);
    scale(psize); // rectangle size increases and decreases as mouse moves vertically
    rect(0, 0, pdimenW, pdimenH, pcorner, pcorner, pcorner, pcorner); //creates colored squares

For this project, I chose a photo of my siblings and I when we were younger (I’m the one who’s lying on the floor half covered by a blanket). I wanted to create something that was fun and interactive, while also obscuring the contents of the photo a little, allowing you to view different layers of information, and conveying the emotions and silliness of that memory. The rectangles scale in size, width and height depending on the coordinates of the mouse, and when you click, the rectangles rotate 45 degrees.

This is the photo I used, my older sister and brother are looking at the camera, and I’m on the floor
Using rectangles at the smallest scale

Rachel Shin – Project 09 – Portrait


Rachel Shin
15-104 Section B
Project 09 - Computational Portrait: Michelle

var michelle;

function preload() {
//load image from imugr.com
    var myImageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/5AfjBeG.jpg";
    michelle = loadImage(myImageURL);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);

function draw() {
    var px = random(width);
    var py = random(height);
    var ix = constrain(floor(px), 0, width-1);
    var iy = constrain(floor(py), 0, height-1);
    var theColorAtLocationXY = michelle.get(ix, iy);

    text("One FaceTime Away", px, py);

For this project, I decided to use a photo of one of my closest and best friends from home, Michelle. Ever since we met at orchestra camp, we didn’t get to see each other too often because we went to different high schools. Even now, she goes to school in Georgia now, so I don’t get to see her as often as I’d want. Both in high school and in college, we always remind each other that we’d be “One FaceTime Away,” and that became the basis and foundation of our time as best friends.

I found it fun to play around with what variable and pixel shapes I could change especially to literally compute an image that represented my friendship with Michelle.

Fully Rendered
Original image of my number one cheerleader

Rachel Shin – LO 9

I decided to do this week’s Looking Outwards on my friend Joseph Zhang’s LO-7 which was on the eCloud project in the San Jose Airport. Coming from the same hometown as Joseph, I’ve also passed by this computational data visualization project several times, admiring it, but not thinking much of it.

Like Joseph, I also found out that the project took into account real-time weather reports of cities all around the country which would be helpful particularly for people in the airport. 

After coding arrays the past weeks, I was able to make an observation that the projects that I see around me like eCloud in the San Jose airport is one that utilizes arrays of several compilations of data to create a visual that translates numbers into better communication methods for consumers like me.

Minjae Jeong-Looking Outwards-09

For this looking outwards post, I found Jenny Lee’s post on “eCLOUD”, created by artist Aaron Koblin. I think this interactive installation is interesting in a way that it replicates the shape and volume of a cloud real time. I agree with Jenny’s assessment on the cloud that the installation gives the audience chance to feel the different weather from different locations. I personally like this project more because it is installed at San Jose international airport, which makes the audience more relative to the project since they are in weather-sensitive situation. I also think this project has major potential in expanding the installation, by implementing weather elements that are important to travelers, like precipitation and wind.

Nadia Susanto – Project 09 – Computational Portrait


// Nadia Susanto
// nsusanto@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section B
// Project-09-Computational Portrait

var underImage;

function preload() {
    //preloading image from imgur
    //var myImage = "https://i.imgur.com/R80wzCp.jpg";
    var myImage = "https://i.imgur.com/uezsOBb.jpg";
    underImage = loadImage(myImage);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    //resize the image so it fits the canvas
    underImage.resize(480, 480);


function draw() {
    var px = random(width);
    var py = random(height);
    var ix = constrain(floor(px), 0, width-1);
    var iy = constrain(floor(py), 0, height-1);
    //gets colors from specific image location
    var colorXY = underImage.get(ix, iy);

    //random rectangles
    strokeWeight(random(1, 10));
    rect(ix, iy, 20, 10);

//random ellipses when mouse is pressed
function mouseDragged() {
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, random(5, 50), random(5, 30));

For my portrait picture I used a picture of myself in a bamboo forest in Japan. I decided to use this picture because it has many different shades of green to the image. Since there was only one main color, I wanted to incorporate different shapes. The main shape is a rectangle, and when the mouse is dragged it switches to ellipses.

A few seconds
30secs – 1 minute
Original image

Fallon Creech-LookingOutwards-09

Video demonstrating the wind map’s abilities, including examples of updates every hour

I am reflecting on Crystal Xue’s study of a wind map created by collaborators Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Veigas from Looking Outwards-07. The collaborators both co-lead Google’s PAIR initiative and specialize in information visualization, which is highly evident in their work. Their wind map generates delicate strokes of wind across a flattened map of the U.S., informing the direction and intensity of wind; the map updates every hour and even allows users to zoom in, allowing the wind to describe smaller locations more easily.

As Crystal mentioned, the map visualizes complex information in a simplistic and legible manner, giving a wide spectrum of users with different interests useful information. Wattenberg explained, “Bird watchers have tracked migration patterns, bicyclists have planned their trips and conspiracy theorists use it to track mysterious chemicals in the air.”

While the map is highly informative and demonstrates several layers of information through lines, I appreciate its ability to also act as a purely artistic piece. The changes in wind patterns and stroke thickness have the ability to evoke different emotions, which in many ways directly correlate with the weather experienced during that hour and in certain locations.

Snapshot of wind map in zoomed-in location, demonstrating wind patterns at a point in time

Alec Albright – Project 09 – Portrait


// Alec Albright
// aalbrigh@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section B
// Project 09

var original; // original image
var words; // bank of words to be displayed

function preload(){
    // original image URL
    var imageURL = "https://i.imgur.com/pfJvLUW.jpg";
    // load original image
    original = loadImage(imageURL);

    // populating the words array
    words = ["Years", "from", "now", "our", "past", "will", "be", "a", "story"];

function setup(){
    createCanvas(384, 480);

    // resize image to fit in constraints
    original.resize(384, 480);
    // load pixels


function draw(){
    // initializing random places to place words
    var px = random(width);
    var py = random(height);

    // to be used for finding the color from the original image
    var ix = constrain(floor(px), 0, width-1);
    var iy = constrain(floor(py), 0, height-1);

    // getting color from original image
    var theColorAtLocationXY = original.get(ix, iy);

    // text size dependent on mouseX
    textSize(map(mouseX, 0, 384, 8, 14));

    // displaying words dependent on where they're placed
    // top row
    if(py < 160) {
        // "years"
        if(px < 128) {
            text(words[0], px, py);
        // "from"
        } else if(px >= 128 & px < 256) {
            text(words[1], px, py);
        // "now"
        } else {
            text(words[2], px, py);
    // middle row
    } else if(py >= 160 & py < 320) {
        // "our"
        if(px < 128) {
            text(words[3], px, py);
        // "past"
        } else if(px >= 128 & px < 256) {
            text(words[4], px, py);
        // "will"
        } else {
            text(words[5], px, py);
    // bottom row
    } else {
        // "be"
        if(px < 128) {
            text(words[6], px, py);
        // "a"
        } else if(px >= 128 & px < 256) {
            text(words[7], px, py);
        // "story"
        } else {
            text(words[8], px, py);

    // fill in dots depending on where the mouse is
    var mouseColor = original.get(mouseX, mouseY);
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 5);

In approaching this project, I immediately knew I wanted to create a portrait of my long-time girlfriend, displaying our favorite quote: “Years from now, our past will be a story”. I wasn’t quite sure how to go about displaying the quote, so I decided to section off areas of the canvas for each specific word so it read like a book from left to right and top to bottom. Once this was ironed out, the difficult part was implementing text size so that the quote was readable but also allowed for a decently quick creation of the image. Thus, I used this as an opportunity to implement a cool feature, so I mapped text size to the x coordinate of the mouse.

30 seconds
1 minute
A couple minutes
Approximately 7 minutes
Original Image!

Nadia Susanto – Looking Outwards – 09

I looked at Ammar Hassonjee’s LO 2. He studied a generative art project called “Breathing Wall II” by Behnaz Farahi in 2014, a USC architecture professor. The installation is made out of wood, PVC, and fabric. To capture the hand motions and signals they use many systems like Leap Motion system and DC systems then project contour lines on the wall.

Video demonstrating the Breathing Wall installation

Ammar liked the relationship between movement, light, and color and how it gave power to users to interact with that environment. He also says his favorite types of art are ones that are adaptive and involves user activity. I can agree that this is my favorite type of art as well because involving human behavior brings extra beauty to the artwork.

What I love about this project is that it seems so simple and has a deeper meaning to it. Farahi mentioned how mobile devices used touch and gesture-based languages like swiping, clicking, or dragging for natural control. With the rise of technology and social media, we are entranced by this environment of likes and scrolling through people’s photos with meaningless connections. We forget the real surrounding environment around us, so this project sets a great reminder that those basic controls can be used to control the surrounding environment.

Farahi interacting with installation
A closer look at a user interacting with the wall. Notice also the contour lines on the wall.

To learn more about this installation, click the link below:


Ghalya Alsanea – Looking-Outwards-09

Since I don’t know many people in our class, I decided to go through one specific Looking Outwards week, rather than through a specific person’s assignments. I chose LO-02, because I personally loving generative art and really enjoyed researching that topic that week.

I chose to write about Ellan Suder’s post about Alfred Hoehn’s Drawing Machine mostly because I have never seen a project like this and find it really intriguing.

Work by Alfred Hoehn, Swiss Artist.
Project: Drawing Machine Ptolemaios.
Year: 2008.

Building off of Ellan’s thoughts, I also am very intrigued by this project. I appreciate the simplicity, yet complexity of the machine. It is somehow shocking how just changing a bit of the diameter/length of the spinning circles can create completely different works of art. This reminds me of the Spirograph project we did.

Something that I would add to the conversation is that why make a machine that does this, when we know we can program computers to do them better? I personally like pen-and-paper, but it gets me to wonder the wast of energy and paper of creating such beautiful artworks.

Finally, I agree with Ellan, that it is very mesmerizing and calming to watch the drawing happen.

Ghalya Alsanea – Project 09 – Portrait


//Ghalya Alsanea
//Section B

var img;
var WIDTH;

var brightnessValues = [];  //stores the brightness values
var toggle = true;          //add a toggle for the for loop to help the code run faster

//x and y coordinate arrays for 4 shades
var curve1x = [];
var curve2x = [];
var curve3x = [];
var curve4x = [];

var curve1y = [];
var curve2y = [];
var curve3y = [];
var curve4y = [];

function preload() {
  img = loadImage("https://i.imgur.com/Aqg5q8V.jpg");


// getPixel: fast access to pixel at location x, y from image 
function getPixel(image, x, y) {
    var i = 4 * (y * image.width + x);
    return color(image.pixels[i], image.pixels[i + 1], image.pixels[i + 2]);

function setup() {
    //image is 480 x 480
    WIDTH = img.width;
    HEIGHT = img.height;
    createCanvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

function draw() {

    // Search and store brightness of each pixel. 
    //toggle: you only really need to load the brightness once, toggle can be re-toggled later
    if (toggle) {
    for (var i = 0; i < img.width; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < img.height; j++) {
            var b = brightness(getPixel(img, i, j));

            //sort vertices depending on brightness levels
            if (b < 0.04) {
            if (b >= 0.04 & b < 10) {
            if (b>= 10 & b < 40) {
            if (b >= 40 & b < 100) {
    toggle = false;


    //LIGHTEST - light blue
    stroke(200, 220, 255, 50);
    drawCurve (curve4x, curve4y);
    //LIGHT -medium blue
    stroke(100, 120, 255, 50);
    drawCurve (curve3x, curve3y);
    //DARK - blue
    stroke(0, 0, 255, 50);
    drawCurve (curve2x, curve2y);
    //DARKEST - dark gray
    stroke(50, 100);
    drawCurve (curve1x, curve1y);

function drawCurve (x, y) {
    //originally I wanted to create a continous line through vertices,
    //but it was getting overcrowded, so to ket the sketch-like feeling
    //I used random circle sizes
    // beginShape();
    for (i = 0; i < x.length; i+=4) {
        circle(x[i], y[i], random(10));
        // curveVertex(x[i] + random(15), y[i] + random(15));
    // endShape();

For this assignment, I used a portrait I took of my sister. I wanted to somehow show her personality through the portrait, hence using blue, her favorite color. Originally, I was inspired by the one-line contour drawings and set out to create those with 4 different continuous lines, each for 4 different shades of brightness.

I was inspired by Teng Teng’s Computational portrait drawings. Find more here.

I couldn’t figure out how to create a non-messy looking portrait, so instead I slowly shifted to using circles. I still wanted to retain the drawing-like feel, which can be shown in the final right now. Going back to showing her personality through the piece, I thought the varying sizes of the circles and varying capacities also shows her kind and loving personality.