Fallon Creech-LookingOutwards-06

Physical product with geographical extrusions placed over sheet of associated randomized points

Artists Steffen Fielder and Jonas Loh explore user relationships with randomness in their “Known Unknowns” project. One user had the opportunity to interview the artists discovered “the designers explored the importance of randomness in our daily life but also investigated whether randomness actually exists or if it is just a lack of knowledge which makes things appear random to us.” To answer these thoughts, they utilized two different seeds to generate random numbers. The Random Event Harvester collects random numbers in an indicated environment and stores them with corresponding geographical information. The Cosmic Ray Detection Chamber uses the information from the Random Event Harvester to generate random values, which ultimately produce tiles with randomized extrusions extending from one face.

Two seeds (Random Event Harvester and Cosmic Ray Detection Chamber) pictured together

Minjae Jeong-project-06-abstract-clock


//Minjae Jeong
//Section B

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    var H = hour(); //Hours
    var M = minute(); //Minutes
    var S = second(); //Seconds

    push(); //orbits
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    ellipse(0, 0, 100, 100); //inner orbit (seconds)
    ellipse(0, 0, 250, 250); //outer orbit (minutes)

    push(); //Seconds
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    fill(255, 153, 255);
    rotate(TWO_PI * (S - 15) / 60); //starts at 0 seconds
    ellipse(50, 0, 30, 30);

    push(); //Minutes
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    fill(102, 255, 102);
    rotate(TWO_PI * (M - 15) / 60); //starts at 0 minutes
    ellipse(125, 0, 45, 45);

    translate(width / 2, height / 2);//Outer planets (Hours)
    var hours = H >= 12 ? H - 12 : H; //If H >= 12, subtract 12 from H to make 12hr clock
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        rotate(TWO_PI * (i - 3) / 12);
        if (i == hours) {
        fill('yellow'); //fill yellow for current time
        else {
        fill(51, 153, 255);
        ellipse(195, 0, 50, 50);


I got my motivation while watching my friend playing a video game, and I designed my clock with space theme. With 12 circles (planets) that represent each hour, I made the planet change to yellow for current hour. Then I made two planets rotating around their orbits according to minutes and seconds.

Julia Nishizaki – Looking Outwards – 06

While not directly involving coding, the project that I chose to look at for this week is Tim Knowles’ Windwalks. Tim Knowles is a British artist based in London, and his project, Windwalks, visualizes a series of walks directed only by the wind using different mechanisms. Each walk is filmed, and then plotted by GPS, with the end product a line drawing of the path the individual took.

One of Tim Knowles’ Windwalks drawings
A close up of the above drawing, revealing glimpses of the city’s structure

I found this project particularly interesting, because it incorporates randomness in the form of the wind. While the wind is biased in the sense that there are trends and currents that the wind follows, this factor combined with the individual’s environment ends up generating a unique and personal piece of art. Not only does this project visualize an activity that we often overlook in our day to day lives, walking, it also reveals the outlines of buildings, cars, and objects in the environment, as individuals, prompted by the direction of the wind, collide with the structures of the city, making them visible in a new light. Thus, Knowles is able to create new, different, and deeper relationships between individuals, their cities, and the wind itself.

This headset, pushed by the wind, guides the individual along a “random” path
A photo taken during 50 simultaneous windwalks

Nadia Susanto – Project 06 – Abstract Clock


/* Nadia Susanto
   Section B
   Project-06-Abstract Clock */

   function setup() {
     createCanvas(400, 400);

   function draw() {
     background(255,255, 255);
     translate(200, 200);

     var hr = hour();
     var min = minute();
     var sec = second();

     text(nf(hr%12,2)+":"+nf(min,2)+":"+nf(sec,2) , -50, -20, 50, 100)

     var b = map(sec, 0, 60, 0, 255);
     stroke(color(100, b, 255));
     var secondAngle = map(sec, 0, 60, 0, 360);
     arc(0, 0, 300, 300, 0, 360-secondAngle);

     var c = map(min, 0, 60, 0, 255);
     stroke(color(0, 255, c));

     var minuteAngle = map(min, 0, 60, 0, 360);
     arc(0, 0, 280, 280, 0, 360-minuteAngle);

     var d = map(hr, 0, 60, 0, 255);
     stroke(color(d, c, b));
     var hourAngle = map(hr % 12, 0, 12, 0, 360);
     arc(0, 0, 260, 260, 0, 360-hourAngle);


It was hard thinking of a very abstract concept, so I kept it simple. I wanted to stay simple but add the abstract element. The arc if hours, minutes, or seconds “disappears” to show the time passing by. Even though it looks simple, I think it looks pretty nice and I’m happy with the outcome.

Rachel Shin – Project 06- Abstract Clock (boba version)

Boba Clock

/*Rachel Shin
15-104 Section B
Project 06-- Abstract Clock

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    var topLayer = color(130, 152, 168);
    var bottomLayer = color(109, 83, 117);
    setGradient(topLayer, bottomLayer);

    text("boba all day every day", 0, 80, width);


function draw() {
    // Fetch the current time
    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();

    var X = 180;
    b = 0;

    //boba cup: will not change
    rect(175, 200, 150, 250);

    ellipse(250, 200, 150, 30);

    ellipse(250, 450, 150, 30);

    //straw: seconds
    rect(235, 140, 30, S);

    //tea: minutes 
    //tea is draining per minute
    //to make draining effect, I created the complete picture and then used background color to "delete" the drawn

    ellipseMode(CENTER); //bottom part: doesn't change
    fill(209, 207, 171);
    ellipse(250, 450, 140, 20);

    fill(209, 207, 171);
    rect(180, 220, 140, 230);

    fill(209, 207, 171);
    ellipse(250, 220, 140, 20);

    rect(180, 200, 140, M);

    //boba: hour (12 hours)
    b = H % 12;
    for (i = 1; i <= b; i+=1){
        ellipse(X + 10 * i, 440, 10, 10);

function setGradient(color1, color2) {
    for (var a = 0; a <= height; a++) {
        var amount = map(a, 0, height, 0, 1);
        var back = lerpColor(color1, color2, amount);
        line(0, a, width, a);

When creating this project, I simply looked at the objects on my desk for inspiration and decided to use my cup of Fuku Tea as inspiration. I identified 3 components of the boba cup that I could alter to fit hours, minutes, and seconds. I found it interesting to build my own clock graphically through one of my favorite food items.

Sydney Salamy: Project-06-Abstract-Clock

Because of the time of year, I decided to make mine about Halloween. I based my design on the Charlie Brown Halloween special “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”. I looked up a bunch of photos from this special and started taking what I liked from them and mixing them into my sketch. I had my sketch be of the pumpkin patch where the kids would wait for the Great Pumpkin, and would have the sun and moon tell what time of day it was. I also decided to have the sky change color in response to these. I used if statements and the hour() variable in order to accomplish this. I then went about creating the patch, using for loops to create lots of leaves and also the lines dividing a fence. I individually created each pumpkin in the patch, making the main one the kids are behind the largest and bumpiest.

My Rough Draft


function setup(){

var backColorR = 168;//red value
var backColorG = 215;//green value
var backColorB = 255;//blue value
var lSW = 10;//leaf width
var lSH = 10;//leaf height
var gSP = 20;//space between columns
var vSP = 20;//space between rows
var gA = 20;//# added to g
var vA = 350;//# added to v
var dotX = 213;//x value of girl's dot
var dotY = 352;//y valye of girl's dot
var lineX = 244;//x value of first stripe point
var lineY = 345;//y value of first stripe point
var bFaceX = 258;//x value of center of boy's head
var bFaceY = 316;//y value of center of boy's head
var gFaceX = 211;//x value of center of girl's head
var gFaceY = 316;//y value of center of girl's head

function draw() {
    var H = hour();
    //"clock" part
    //sky colors
    //changes sky color according to real hours
    if(H > 20){//black
        backColorR = 0;
        backColorG = 0;
        backColorB = 0;
    else if(H > 16){//dark blue
        backColorR = 1;
        backColorG = 25; 
        backColorB = 145;
    else if(H > 12){//blue
        backColorR = 143; 
        backColorG = 182;
        backColorB = 255;
    else if(H > 8){//light blue
        backColorR = 168;
        backColorG = 215;
        backColorB = 255;
    else if(H > 4){//yellow
        backColorR = 255; 
        backColorG = 227;
        backColorB = 143;
        backColorR = 255;
        backColorG = 94;
        backColorB = 129;
    rect(367,300, 112,70);//fence
    for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++){//fence dividers
        line((i * 16) + 367,300, (i * 16) + 368, 370);//draws dividers
    //changes sun position and color according to real hours
    if(H > 12 & H < 19){//13 and above
        fill(255, 219, 56);
        ellipse(width / 2, (H * 23), (width / 2) - 10,(height / 2) - 10);         
    else if(H > 18){//19 to 0/24
        fill(255, 217, 79); 
        ellipse(width / 2, height - (H * 15), (width / 2) - 10,
            (height / 2) - 10);
    else{//0 to 12
        fill(255, 219, 56);
        ellipse(width / 2, height - (H * 30), (width / 2) - 10,
            (height / 2) - 10);
    line(374,308, 374,318);//fence line (FL) 1
    line(378,310, 378,330);//FL2
    line(390,334, 390,346);//FL3
    line(405,305, 405,315);//FL4
    line(410,311, 410,330);//FL5
    rect(0,360, 480,120);//grass background
    ellipse(width / 2,393, 640,100);//grass hill
    //leaves on the ground
    for(var g = 0; g < 20; g++){//increments elements
        for(var v = 0; v < 10; v++){//draws ellipses
            fill(2, 84, 24);//darkest green
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 7)) + (gA - 10),(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 7), 
                lSW,lSH + 2);
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 7)),(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 20), lSW,lSH - 4);
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 7)) + gA,(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 15), 
                lSW,lSH + 1);
            ellipse(((g + (gA - 1)) * (gSP - 3)) - (gA * 12.5),(v * (vSP - 5))
             + vA, lSW,lSH + 1);
            fill(15, 99, 56);//dark green
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 9)) + gA,(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 7), 
                lSW,lSH + 2);
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2.25)),(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 20), lSW,
                lSH + 3);
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.75)) + gA,(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 15), 
            fill(158, 83, 2);//dark orange
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2.5)) + (gA + 7),(v * (vSP * 2)) + (vA + 7), 
                lSW + 3,lSH);
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.5)) - (gA - 5),(v * (vSP * 2.25)) + 
                (vA + 25), lSW,lSH - 3);
            fill(2, 158, 43);//green
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.75)) + (gA + 7),(v * vSP) + (vA + 7), 
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2)) - (gA / 4),(v * (vSP * 2.5)) + (vA + 20), 
            fill(158, 18, 2);//red
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 3.4)) + (gA - 10),(v * (vSP + 5)) + (vA + 4), 
                lSW,lSH - 1);
            fill(122, 108, 26);//olive green
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2.25)) + (gA + 7),(v * vSP) + (vA + 7), 
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.5)) - (gA / 4),(v * (vSP + 15)) + (vA + 3), 
                lSW,lSH - 2);
    //_girl's hair
    ellipse(gFaceX,gFaceY - 1, 26,26);//main hair
    ellipse(gFaceX + 5,gFaceY, 28,20);////right hair
    ellipse(gFaceX - 5,gFaceY + 2, 28,20);//left hair
    ellipse(gFaceX - 2,gFaceY - 17, 10,10);//main bun
    ellipse(gFaceX - 2,gFaceY - 16, 15,7);//left and right buns
    fill(250, 217, 162);//skin color
    //boy skin 
    quad(bFaceX - 5,330,bFaceX - 3.5,328, bFaceX + .5,328,
        bFaceX + 1,331);//boy's neck
    ellipse(bFaceX,bFaceY, 22,25);//boy's head 
    ellipse(bFaceX - 3,bFaceY + 2, 24,20);//boy's cheek
    quad(268,332,275,331, 276,335,269,338);//boy's right arm
    quad(244,330,236,328, 235,332,241,336);//boy's left arm
    ellipse(278,332, 7,7);//boy's right hand
    ellipse(233,329, 7,7);//boy's left hand
    ellipse(bFaceX + 11,bFaceY + 4, 5,5);//right ear
    ellipse(bFaceX - 13,bFaceY - 1, 5,5);//left ear
    //girl skin
    quad(gFaceX + 1.5,332,gFaceX + 2,327, gFaceX + 4,327,
        gFaceX + 6.5,331);//girl's neck
    ellipse(gFaceX,gFaceY, 24,24);//girl's head 
    triangle(206,338, 222,370, 226,336);//right and left arm
    ellipse(gFaceX + 12,gFaceY - 1, 5,5);//right ear
    ellipse(gFaceX - 12,gFaceY + 2, 5,5);//left ear
    //boy clothes
    quad(238,355,252,331, 260,332,266,355);//boy's shirt
    quad(260,332,267,332, 268,338,263,342);//right shirt sleeve
    quad(252,331,245,330, 242,336,246.5,340);//left shirt sleeve
    //girl clothes
    ellipse(222,336, 7,7);//right shirt sleeve
    ellipse(210,338, 7,7);//left shirt sleeve
    quad(209,360,212,333, 218,332,232,354);//girl's shirt
    ellipse(212,302.5, 5,8);//right side of bow
    ellipse(206,303, 5,8);//left side of bow    
    //_boy's hair
    line(bFaceX - 3,bFaceY - 13, bFaceX - 6,bFaceY - 10);
    line(bFaceX,bFaceY - 13, bFaceX - 3,bFaceY - 10);
    line(bFaceX + 3,bFaceY - 12, bFaceX,bFaceY - 9);
    line(bFaceX + 6,bFaceY - 10, bFaceX + 3,bFaceY - 7);
    line(bFaceX + 9,bFaceY - 7, bFaceX + 6,bFaceY - 5);
    line(bFaceX + 10,bFaceY - 4, bFaceX + 7,bFaceY - 2);
    line(bFaceX + 10,bFaceY - 1, bFaceX + 8,bFaceY);
    //-small details-
    point(bFaceX + 2,bFaceY - 2);//boy left eye
    point(bFaceX - 6,bFaceY - 4);//boy right eye
    point(gFaceX - 5,gFaceY - 4);//girl left eye
    point(gFaceX + 3,gFaceY - 5);//girl right eye
    //_on clothes
    //boy's stripes
    line(244,345, 264,350);//bottom
    line(lineX + 2,lineY - 4, lineX + 19,lineY + 1);//2
    line(lineX + 5,lineY - 7, lineX + 18,lineY - 3);//3
    line(lineX + 7,lineY - 11, lineX + 17,lineY - 8);//top
    line(lineX + 20,lineY - 12, lineX + 21,lineY - 5);//right sleeve
    line(lineX + 5,lineY - 14, lineX + .5,lineY - 7);//left sleeve
    //girl's dots
    point(dotX + 6, dotY - 6);//middle
    point(dotX + 7, dotY - 12);//right
    point(dotX + 2, dotY - 17);//right
    point(dotX + 10, dotY - 18);//right sleeve
    point(dotX - 3, dotY - 14);//left sleeve
    point(dotX - 8, dotY - 50);//bow left
    point(dotX, dotY - 48);//bow right
    point(dotX - 2, dotY - 52);//bow right top
    arc(255,320, 7, 6, 0, PI, CHORD);
    arc(211,319, 8, 6, 0, PI, OPEN);
    //main pumpkin
    ellipse(width / 2, (height / 2) + 132, 40,47);//middle bump
    ellipse((width / 2) - 11, (height / 2) + 133, 47,46);//left bump
    ellipse((width / 2) + 11, (height / 2) + 133, 47,46);//right bump
    ellipse(width / 2, (height / 2) + 135, 55,45);//big pumpkin base
    ellipse((width / 2) - 10, (height / 2) + 135, 35,45);//left inner gump
    ellipse((width / 2) + 10, (height / 2) + 135, 35,45);//right inner gump
    ellipse((width / 2), (height / 2) + 137, 20,45);//most inner bump lines
    //other pumpkins
    fill(224, 132, 4);
    ellipse(width - 140,height - 30, 20,18);//1 (medium)
    ellipse(width - 140,height - 30, 10,18.5);//1 middle part
    fill(227, 127, 27);
    ellipse((width / 2) - 40,height - 30, 40,48);//2 (long / big)
    ellipse((width / 2) - 40,height - 30, 20,48);//2 middle part
    fill(227, 104, 27);
    ellipse((width / 2) - 50,height - 100, 9,7);//3 (small)
    ellipse((width / 2) - 50,height - 100, 5,7);//3 middle part
    fill(255, 81, 0);
    ellipse(width - 25,height - 130, 30,35);//4 (upper right)
    ellipse(width - 25,height - 130, 20,35);//4 middle part
    fill(224, 96, 4);
    ellipse(width / 8,height - 60, 40,30);//5 (left)
    ellipse(width / 8,height - 60, 20,30);//5 middle part
    fill(255, 86, 48);
    ellipse(width / 12,height - 110, 20,17);//6 (upper left)
    ellipse(width / 12,height - 110, 10,17);//6 middle part
    fill(242, 59, 22);
    ellipse(width - 180,height - 70, 15,15);//7 (right of main)
    ellipse(width - 180,height - 70, 10,15);//7 middle part
    fill(227, 98, 7);
    ellipse(width - 15,height - 15, 20,20);//8 (left corner)
    ellipse(width - 15,height - 15, 12,20.5);//8 middle part

Julia Nishizaki – Project 06 – Abstract Clock


//Julia Nishizaki
//Section B
//Project 06, Abstract Clock

var islandX = 240; //starting X coordinate of island center
var islandY = 210; //y coordinate of island center, stays constant
var islandHalfWidth = 75; 
var islandH = 100; //tallest height of island mountain
var islandSpeed = 0.001; //controls the lag of island movement
var sheepSpeed = 0.01;
var gearWidth = 12; //the radius of the gear (represents radius of inner "circle")
var gearThick = 2; 
var sheepW = 20;
var sheepH = 15;
var sheepHeadW = 8;
var sheepHeadH = 12;
var ear = 4; //size of sheep ear ellipse
var eye = 2; //size of sheep eye ellipse
var sheepX = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    var h = hour(); //24 hour clock
    var m = minute();
    var s = second();
    difisland = islandX - mouseX;
    islandX = constrain(islandX, islandHalfWidth * 3, width - islandHalfWidth * 3) + difisland * islandSpeed; //causes the island to move slowly to mouse position

    //sky, fades as time changes
    colorMode(HSB, 100); //change color mode in order to help with darkening/lightening the sky
    if (h > 18 & h < 24 || h > -1 && h < 6) {
        b = 15;    
    }if (h > 5 & h < 13) {
        b = 15 + (h * 7);
    } if (h > 11 & h < 19) {
        b = 99 - ((h - 12) * 7);
    c = color(55, 60, b);
    rect(width / 2, height / 2, width, height);

    colorMode(RGB); //switch back to RGB from HSB
    fill(92, 147, 13);
    rect(width * 0.5, height - 25, width, 50);

    //mountain on island
    stroke(92, 147, 13);
    fill(92, 147, 13);
    beginShape(); //vertices that form the mountain
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth, islandY);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.3, islandY - islandH * 0.75);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.1, islandY - islandH * 0.6);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, islandY - islandH);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.65, islandY - islandH * 0.3);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.8, islandY - islandH * 0.3);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth, islandY);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth, islandY);

    //door in mountain
    var doorH = 45
    fill(58, 109, 29);
    rect(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.3, islandY - doorH * 0.5, 20, doorH, 15, 15, 0, 0);
    noStroke(); //door knob
    fill(44, 84, 41);
    ellipse(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.375, islandY - doorH * 0.5, 3, 3);
    //window in mountain
    var winHalfLength = 25 * 0.5 //radius of window
    if (h > 7 & h < 19) {
    fill(58, 109, 29);
    ellipse(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, islandY - islandH * 0.5, 25, 25);
    } else { //makes the window glow yellow when it's "dark" outside
        fill(255, 197, 68);
        ellipse(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, islandY - islandH * 0.5, 25, 25);
    stroke(44, 84, 41);
    strokeWeight(3); //bars of the window:
    line((islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2) - winHalfLength, islandY - islandH * 0.5, (islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2) + winHalfLength, islandY - islandH * 0.5);
    line(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, (islandY - islandH * 0.5) - winHalfLength, islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, (islandY - islandH * 0.5) + winHalfLength);
    //underneath the island
    stroke(44, 84, 41);
    fill(44, 84, 41);
    beginShape(); //vertices that form the underside
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth, islandY);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.75, islandY + islandH * 0.4);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.5, islandY + islandH * 0.5);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.3, islandY + islandH * 0.75);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.1, islandY + islandH * 0.85);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, islandY + islandH * 0.6);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.5, islandY + islandH * 0.5);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.65, islandY + islandH * 0.3);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.8, islandY + islandH * 0.25);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth, islandY);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth, islandY);

    //gear, rotates every second
    translate(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.99, islandY + islandH * 0.1);
    for (var g = 0; g < 60; g ++) {
        if (g > s || g < s) {
            rotate(180 + g * 6);
            line(0, gearWidth, 0, gearWidth + gearThick);
        } else { //highlights the second hand on the gear
            stroke(124, 17, 17);
            rotate(180 + g * 6);
            gearMiddle(0, 0); //rotates the center cutouts of the gear
            line(0, gearWidth, 0, gearWidth + 2 * gearThick); //the second hand

    //ladder, increases by one rung each minute
    var ladderH = 5; 
    var ladderW = 15;
    var ladderX = islandX - islandHalfWidth;
    stroke(153, 124, 232);
    line(ladderX, islandY - 9, ladderX, islandY);
    line(ladderX + ladderW, islandY - 9, ladderX + ladderW, islandY);
    for (var i = 0; i < m; i += 1) {
        var ladderY = (islandY - 3)  + 4 * i; //Y coordinate for the start of the ladder
        if (i < 9 || i > 9 & i < 19 || i > 19 && i < 29 || i > 29 && i < 39 || i > 39 && i < 49 || i > 49) { //creates everything but the 10's
        line(ladderX, ladderY, ladderX + ladderW, ladderY); //the rungs of the ladder that correspond to everything but the multiples of 10
        } else {
        stroke(153, 124, 232);
        line(ladderX, ladderY, ladderX + ladderW, ladderY); //the rungs of the ladder that correspond to every 10 minutes
        stroke(153, 124, 232);
        line(ladderX, ladderY - ladderH, ladderX, ladderY + ladderH); //left vertical rail of ladder
        line(ladderX + ladderW, ladderY - ladderH, ladderX + ladderW, ladderY + ladderH); //right vertical rail of ladder

    //text: hour, minute, second, colons
    var textX = width * 0.5;
    var textY = height - 20;
    var coltextdistX = 20;
    var coltextdistY = 2; //adds to the Y coordinates for the colons, to visually center them vertically
    rect(textX, textY - 5, 100, 25, 30, 30, 30, 30);
    fill(255, 197, 68);
    textAlign(RIGHT); //hour text
    if (h < 10) {
        text(nf(h, 1, 0), textX - 1.4 * coltextdistX, textY);
    } else {
        text(nf(h, 2, 0), textX - 1.4 * coltextdistX, textY);
    fill(92, 147, 13);
    textAlign(CENTER); //colon and minute text
    text(':', textX - coltextdistX, textY - coltextdistY); //colon between hour and minute
    text(':', textX + coltextdistX, textY - coltextdistY); //colon between minute and second
    fill(153, 124, 232);
    text(nf(m, 2, 0), textX, textY);
    textAlign(LEFT); //second text
    fill(124, 17, 17);
    if (s < 10) {
        text(nf(s, 1, 0), textX + 1.4 * coltextdistX, textY);
    } else {
        text(nf(s, 2, 0), textX + 1.4 * coltextdistX, textY);

    //sheep stack
    difsheep = mouseX - sheepX;
    sheepX = constrain(sheepX, sheepW, (width - sheepW * 1.5)) + difsheep * sheepSpeed; //causes the sheep to move slowly to mouse position
    for (var y = 0; y < h; y += 1) {
        sheep(sheepX, (height * 0.95 - sheepH * 2) - (y * sheepH * 1.15));
        if ((sheepX - mouseX) > 0) {
        sheepHead(- sheepW * 0.25 + (sheepX  * 0.5), (height * 0.95 - sheepH * 2) - (y * sheepH * 1.15));       
        } else {
        sheepHead(sheepW * 0.25 + (sheepX  * 0.5), (height * 0.95 - sheepH * 2) - (y * sheepH * 1.15));

//gear cutouts
function gearMiddle(x, y) { //creates the center cutouts of the gear
    for (var d = 0; d < 4; d ++) {
        rotate(d * 45);
        line(x, y - gearWidth - 2 * gearThick, x, y + gearWidth + 2 * gearThick);

function sheep(x, y) {
    translate(x, y);
    line(-sheepW * 0.25, 0, -sheepW * 0.25, sheepH * 0.6); //sheep leg left
    line(sheepW * 0.25, 0, sheepW * 0.25, sheepH * 0.6); //sheep leg right
    ellipse(-sheepW * 0.5, 0, ear, ear); //sheep tail left
    ellipse(sheepW * 0.5, 0, ear, ear); //sheep tail right
    stroke(255, 197, 68)
    rect(0, 0, sheepW, sheepH, 15, 15, 15, 15); //sheep body

function sheepHead(x, y) {
    translate(x, y);
    rect(x, y / 600, sheepHeadW, sheepHeadH, 3, 3, 15, 15); //sheep head
    ellipse(x - sheepHeadW * 0.5, (y / 600) - sheepHeadH * 0.2, ear, ear); //left sheep ear
    ellipse(x + sheepHeadW * 0.5, (y / 600) - sheepHeadH * 0.2, ear, ear); //right sheep ear
    ellipse(x - 2, y / 600, eye, eye); //left sheep eye
    ellipse(x + 2, y / 600, eye, eye); //right sheep eye

While I didn’t really explore unconventional ways to read time through this project, I tried to seamlessly embed time into a simple but fun illustration, so that it became more of an artefact, rather than something really practical. I was initially inspired by the concept of cuckoo clocks, but my clock eventually warped into a floating island. I ended up creating a 24 hour clock, where the number of sheep represent the hour, the number of rungs on the ladder represent the minute, and the gear on the island shows the seconds.

Rachel Shin – LO-6

Aaron Tobey generated a project that involved the mechanics of brainstorming and coding architecture. In his Vimeo video showing the code running, we see 36 rectangular frames generating a randomized series of shapes drawn in each frame. I admired that while the overall piece looked organized, it also included a factor in which it created a chaotic yet cohesive mood. The boundaries of each rectangular frame created a clean structure that contained the chaotic randomness of the architecture shapes inside. I suppose that Tobey first drew the rectangular frames in the code and then generated loops that drew random architecture shapes within each frame. This algorithm then creates the piece that we observe in Tobey’s Vimeo.

Aaron Tobey. “Coding Architecture.” 2015.



//Crystal Xue
//15104-section B

var eyeballSize = 180;
var eyeChange = 20;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {
    background(230, 194, 152);
    var h = hour();
    var m = minute();
    var s = second();
    var eyeWidth = 150;

    translate(120, 400)
    fill(210, 180, 152);
    for (var i = - 1; i < 12; i++) {
         curveVertex(0.1 * PI * eyeWidth * i - 50, sin(0.1 * i * PI) * (110 + m) - 50);

    //drawing the eye shape
    translate(-50, - 100);

    //drawing upper half of the eye
    for (var i = -1; i < 12; i++) {
         curveVertex(0.1 * PI * eyeWidth * i, -sin(0.1 * i* PI) * (110 + m));

    //drawing lower half of the eye
    for (var i = - 1; i < 12; i++) {
         curveVertex(0.1 * PI * eyeWidth * i, sin(0.1 * i * PI) * (110 + m));

    //change of eyeball colors
    var r1 = 200 + 25 * sin(millis() / 100.0 );
    var g1 = 200 + 25 * sin(millis() / 100.0 + HALF_PI);
    var b1 = 200 + 25 * sin(millis() / 100.0 - HALF_PI);
    var eyeballX = 5 * h;
    var eyeballY = 0;
    x = sin(frameCount / 10) * eyeChange;
    y = cos(frameCount / 10) * eyeChange;

    //drawing eyeball
    translate(200, 0);
    fill(r1, g1, b1);
    ellipse(eyeballX, eyeballY, eyeballSize + x,  eyeballSize + y);
    if (s % 2 == 0) {
        ellipse(eyeballX, eyeballY, 100, 100);
        ellipse(eyeballX + 20, eyeballY - 20, 10, 10);
    }else {
        ellipse(eyeballX, eyeballY, 130, 130);
        ellipse(eyeballX + 20, eyeballY -20, 15, 15);

    //closing lid and eye bag when tired
    if (h < 8) {
        fill(230, 194, 152);
        for (var i = -1; i < 12; i++) {
             curveVertex(0.1 * PI * eyeWidth * i, -sin(0.1 * i* PI)* (110 + m));


This is a project represent a normal student eye in a day. The pupil is changing its size every second, and the eye size is increasing based on minutes. And the entire eyeball is moving from left to right based on hours. during sleeping hours (12:00 – 8:00 am) the top eyelid is closed because of fatigues.

Crystal Xue-LookingOutwards-06

Rami Hammour: A text of random meaning!

The text-like black and white visualization is a mapping of a ‘Register and Taps” random number generator in action. Rami Hammour is an architect graduated from RISD. Utilizing three integers in the script, Rami Hammour is able to show randomness with limited input values

The definition of randomness is known as “a non-repeating, non-biased, non-patterned sequence of values” . And randomness in computational art is finding a tool to record the irregular pattern.

I think in any form of randomness art. There should be logical representation used to project the randomness. Otherwise, the randomness will just be unable to read and lost its meaning.