Nadia Susanto – Looking Outwards – 04

Apparatum, created by panGenerator, is a custom made apparatus with a digital interface that purely emits analogue sounds. panGenerator was inspired to build this machine because it was a reminder to the heritage of the Polish Radio Experimental Studio which was one of the very first studios in the world that produced electroacoustic music.

An overall view of the Apparatum with a user

Boguslaw Schaeffer’s “Symphony – electronic music” along with Oskar Hansen’s “Black Room” inspired the technical pieces of the machine and the aesthetic appeal of it. In the video below it is shown that a piece of paper comes out with the audio symbols, and this was created by Schaeffer who conceived his own visual language of symbols that were cues for the sound engineer to produce.

The build of the Apparatum itself was very complex with many components including tape samplers and optical generators. What I admire about this is that the physical machine is art in itself especially with the black and white aesthetic, but with the audio features its incredible to see a machine create sound like that.

A closer look into the detailed components of the Apparatum
A video demonstrating the components of the Apparatum, how the machine is used, and the results from the machine.

For more on the full story, click on the link below.

Claire Lee – Project 04 – String Art


Claire Lee
15-104 Section B
Project - 04

var canvasW = 400;
var canvasH = 300;
var lineR = 0;
var lineG = 255;
var lineB = 200;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(canvasW, canvasH);

/*function draw() {
    for (var i = 30; i < 600; i += 30) {
        line(i, 0, 1.5*i, 300);


function draw() {
    for (var i = 20; i < 400; i += 20) {   
      line(i, 0, canvasW, 0.5*i);
      stroke(lineR + i, lineG, lineB); 

      line(canvasW, canvasH, i, 0);
      stroke(lineR + i, lineG, lineB);

      line(0, i, i - 5, canvasH); 
      stroke(lineR + i, lineG, lineB);

      line(canvasW, i, -0.5*i, canvasH);
      stroke(lineR + i, lineG, lineB);


For my string art project, I tried to construct an abstract piece based on the form of a leaf. Initially, it was a little difficult to understand how the relationships of the lines and edges changed with respect to i, but it was fairly easy once I figured out how to draw the first curve. I also tried to incorporate gradients into the coloring of this piece as well, and was very satisfied with the result.

Xiaoyu Kang – Project 04 – String Art


//Xiaoyu Kang
//Section B

var color = 10;
function setup() {

function draw() {
	for (var i = 0; i < width; i += 12){
	//curve set 1
        stroke(255,200 + i, mouseX);
        line(i + mouseX,0, 0,300);
        line(i - mouseX,0,400,300);
    //curve set 2
        stroke(255,100 + i,200);
        line(0,0,i + mouseX,400);
        line(400,0,i - mouseX,400);
    for (var i = 0; i < width; i += 15){
    //curve set 3
        line(0 - i, height - mouseX, width + 1, i + mouseY);
        line(0 - i, height - mouseX, width + i, i - mouseY);
    //curve set 4
        line(width + i, height - mouseX, 0 - 1, i + mouseY);
        line(width + i, height - mouseX, 0 - 1, i - mouseY);


For this project, I attempted weave different sets of strings together to create a complete image. I tried to link the string art’s color and position with the position of the mouse. So as the mouse moves, the strings’ position will be influenced by the mouse and will change color.

Sewon Park – PO – 04


// Sewon Park
// Section B
// sewonp-po-04

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
      for (var a = 0; a <= 100; a+=5) {
        stroke(255, 255, 255);
        line(a,0,0,height); // White Lines from bottom left corner
        line(0,a,400,0); // White Lines from top right corner

      for (var b = 300; b <= 400; b+=5) {
        line(b,300,400,0); // Black Lines from top right corner
      for (var c = 200; c <= 300; c +=5) {
        line(400,c,0,300); // Black Lines from bottom left corner

      for (var d = 0; d <= 400; d+=5) {
        line(0, height-d, d, 0); //top left
        line(d,300,400,height - d/1.7); //bottom right
        line(0, d*0.75, d, 300); //bottom left
        line(d, 0, 400, d*0.75); //top right
        //Curves in the four corners

        stroke (0,0,0);
        line(d,300,width-d,0); //Red Lines meeting at center




For the string art project, I tried to recreate the Sharingan (a special type of eye-technique) in an abstract fashion. The original Sharingan also possesses the three colors of black, red, and white.

Image result for sharingan

Xu Xu – Project 04 – String Art


//Claire Xu
//Section B
//Project 04
function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
    for (var i = 0; i < width; i += 10){
        //horizontal colour
        //horizontal curves set1
        line(i,mouseY, 0,i-mouseX);
        line(i,mouseY, 0,i+mouseX);
        //horizontal curves set2
        line(width-i, mouseY, width, i-mouseX);
        line(width-i, mouseY, width, i+mouseX);
        //vertical colour
        //vertical curves set1
        line(i-mouseX, 0, mouseY+100, i);
        line(i+mouseX, 0, mouseY+100, i);
        //vertical curves set2
        line(i-mouseX, height, mouseY+100, height-i);
        line(i+mouseX, height, mouseY+100, height-i);



For this project, I was experimenting with lines that would change and form patterns with the change of mouse. I was also playing with colour to create a gradient effect, and when certain patterns are formed some lines would look like dashed lines due to colour and crisscrossing patterns.

Minjae Jeong – LookingOutwards-04-SoundArt

Computational Design of Metallophone Contact sounds by Columbia engineering shows how to optimize a customized instrument with computational design and digital fabrication. For each sound spectrum, the computer optimizes the surface with isotropic scaling optimization. I found this project very interesting because computer technology will continue to develop and will produce more accuracy than ever, which means that musical instruments will eventually be more intertwined with computers. But how will technology have more influence on classical instruments than now? Until when will classical instruments remain as the most prestigious instruments?

Ankitha Vasudev – Project 04 – String Art


//Ankitha Vasudev
//Section B
//Project 04

var r = 210;
var g = 220;
var b = 255;
var angle = 0;
var cx = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

//spiral eye 
function draw() {
    angle = angle+5;
    cx = cx+20;
    stroke(r-200, g-150, b);
    line(cx, 0, 10, 10);

for (var x = 0; x < width; x += 10) {

    //bottom right curves
    stroke(r+40, g+20, b);
    line(x, height-30, width-30, height-x);
    stroke(r-50, g-60, b);
   	line(x, height, width, height-x);

    //top left curves
    stroke(r+40, g+30, b);
    line(x, 20, 40, height - x);
    stroke(r-70, g-80, b);
    line(x, 0, 0, height - x);

    //top right curves
    stroke(r-20, g-10, b);
    line(width/2 + x, 0, width, x);
    stroke(r+40, g+20, b);
    line(width/2 + x, 0, width, x+50);

    //bottom left curves
    stroke(r-40, g-20, b);
    line(0, x+80, x, height);
    stroke(r+40, g+20, b);
    line(10, x, x, height);

For this project, I played around with looping and changing coordinates to obtain different patterns. I also wanted to create a dynamic element, which led to the idea of creating an abstract eye.

Xu Xu – Looking Outwards – 04

For this week’s looking outwards, I discovered an audiovisual installation called “Multiverse” created by fuseworks. This installation discovers the evolution of possible universes through the generation of haunting visual graphics and sound and strives to define the theorization of the multiverse: where infinite numbers of universe co-exist parallel outside space-time.

In the video, it presents the installation almost like a digital painting, which produces beautiful visuals accompanied by the audio. The installation explores and tries to imagine the birth/death of infinite parallel universes, and this “narrative” is based on American theoretical physicist Lee Smolin’s scientific theory. From the fall of black holes comes their decedents, the parameters and physical laws constantly tweaked and modified. This installation tries to create intimacy between the art and the viewer, yet creating two hierarchies: an impermanent, vulnerable human figure vs a vast, impenetrable universe.

The artworks are completely generated by the software developed in openFrameworks, which interacts with the generative system soundtrack of Ableton Live and Max/MSP. In the simulation, the physical laws are constantly being adjusted, which leads to the origin of a “new universe”. After thirty minutes, the previous sequences “evolve” and provide infinite new various outcomes. The creator of this installation explains: “Particularly, the particles react with each other and with the surrounding space, changing the information perceived by modifying a vector field that stores the values within a voxel space. The strategy involved the massive use of shader programs that maximize the hardware performance and optimize the graphics pipeline on the GPU.”

I really admire the creativity of this installation, but what amazes me is that these beautiful visuals are generated purely from the software. Creators provide the framework and allow the program to develop freely from there to present its creativity. I wish I have the chance to see the installation in real life.

Ghalya Alsanea – Project 04 – String Art


//Ghalya Alsanea
//Section B

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {

    //make x and y depend on mouse postition
    var x = constrain(mouseX, 0, width);
    var y = constrain(mouseY, 0, height);

    //create the mirrored x and y positions
    var ix = width - x;
    var iy = height - y;

    //create 4 parabolas mirroring each other to make an X like shape 
    //each parabola spans the width and height incrementally
    for (var i = 0; i <=width; i += 10) {
        //as the lines draw, make them darker proportionally
        stroke(255 - i / 2);

        line(i, iy, ix, height - i);
        line(width - i, y, x, i);
        line(width - i, iy, x, height - i);
        line(i, y, ix, i);
    //same thing but on the inside of existing shape
    for (var i = 0; i <=width; i += 10) {
        //as the lines draw, make them go form red to darker proportionally
        stroke(255 - i / 2, 0 , 0);

        line(width - i, y, ix, height - i);
        line(i, iy, x, i);
        line(width - i, iy, ix, i);
        line(i, y, x, height - i);

I wanted to create parabolic shapes that moved based on your mouse location proportionally. I thought it would be interesting to also have the color gradient as the lines were drawn.

This is a process sketch showing how I was thinking about the two ‘X’ shaped parabolas and the variable’s relationship with one another.

Chelsea Fan-Project-04-String Art


/* Chelsea Fan
Section 1B
var spacing = 15; //spacing for each line
var y = 1; //green line variation
var w = 100; //pink line variation

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
	//Green Lines
	stroke(150, 255, 150); //green color
    for (var x = 100; x<=300; x+=spacing) {
    	line(x, 0, x*y, 300);
    	y = y*0.7;
    //Blue Lines
	stroke(150, 150, 255); //blue color
    for (var x = 0; x<=100; x+=spacing/2) {
    	line(x, 0, 400-x, 300);

    //Pink Lines
    stroke(255, 0 ,250); //pink color
    for (var x = 0; x<=100; x+=spacing/2) {
    	line(x+300, 0, w-x, 350);
    	w = w*0.9;

    //Yellow Lines
    stroke(230, 250, 0); //yellow color
    for (var x = 0; x<=100; x+=spacing) {
    	line(0, x+100, 400, 300-x);
    noLoop(); //don't keep drawing lines

I wanted to have bright colored lines with a dark background to make the design POP. It took me a while to fine a design of lines that were simple but interesting to view.