Random Time

I must say this design happened a bit by accident. I was trying to make it so that based on my clock motions, particularly of the dot that represents the second hand, that I would have moving dots around it that would change position using noise. During this process because of how I was doing my rotations using frameCount, I ended up creating this instead. I liked it so much on the second hand I used it for my hour and minute to create the moving circles. They move very fast but sometimes it will show down and the hour and minute circles will intersect and I think it is very beautiful.

thought process before accident


//Georgia Miller
//section d

var w; 
var seconds; 
var minutes;
var hours;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    var radius = min(width, height) / 2;
    seconds = radius * 0.71; //radius measurements for circle shape
    minutes = radius * 0.5;
    hours = radius * 0.5;
    w = width / 2;

function draw() {
    var s = map(second(), 0, 60, 0, TWO_PI) - HALF_PI; //for second
    var m = map(minute() + norm(second(), 0, 60), 0, 60, 0, TWO_PI) - HALF_PI; //for minute
    var h = map(hour() + norm(minute(), 0, 60), 0, 24, 0, TWO_PI * 2) - HALF_PI; //for hour
for(var elhour = 0; elhour < 50; elhour++){ //create circles around hour circle
        translate(w + cos(h) * hours, w + sin(h) * hours);
        fill(120, 0, 120);
        ellipse(35, 0, 30, 30);
        fill(140, 0, 140);
        ellipse(0, 35, 30, 30);
        fill(160, 0, 160);
        ellipse(35, 35, 30, 30)
        fill(160, 0, 160);
        ellipse(-35, -35, 30, 30);
        fill(180, 0, 180);
        ellipse(0, -35, 30, 30);
        fill(200, 0, 200);
        ellipse(-35, 0, 30, 30);
        fill(220, 0, 220);
        ellipse(35, -35, 30, 30);
        fill(240, 0, 240);
        ellipse(-35, 35, 30, 30);
    for(var elmin = 0; elmin < 50; elmin++){ //create circles around minute circle
        translate(w + cos(m) * minutes, w + sin(m) * minutes);
        fill(150, 75, 0);
        ellipse(25, 0, 20, 20);
        fill(200, 100, 0);
        ellipse(0, 25, 20, 20);
        fill(250, 130, 0);
        ellipse(25, 25, 20, 20)
        fill(255, 150, 50);
        ellipse(-25, -25, 20, 20);
        fill(150, 75, 0);
        ellipse(0, -25, 20, 20);
        fill(200, 100, 0);
        ellipse(-25, 0, 20, 20);
        fill(255, 130, 0);
        ellipse(25, -25, 20, 20);
        fill(255, 150, 50);
        ellipse(-25, 25, 20, 20);
    for(var elsec = 0; elsec < 50; elsec++){ //create circles around second circle
        translate(w + cos(s) * seconds, w + sin(s) * seconds);
        fill(100, 0, 0);
        ellipse(15, 0, 10, 10);
        fill(120, 0, 0);
        ellipse(0, 15, 10, 10);
        fill(140, 0, 0);
        ellipse(15, 15, 10, 10)
        fill(160, 0, 0);
        ellipse(-15, -15, 10, 10);
        fill(180, 0, 0);
        ellipse(0, -15, 10, 10);
        fill(200, 0, 0);
        ellipse(-15, 0, 10, 10);
        fill(220, 0, 0);
        ellipse(15, -15, 10, 10);
        fill(240, 0, 0);
        ellipse(-15, 15, 10, 10);
    ellipse(w + cos(s) * seconds, w + sin(s) * seconds, 10, 10); //second circle
    ellipse(w + cos(m) * minutes, w + sin(m) * minutes, 20, 20); //minute circle
    ellipse(w + cos(h) * hours, w + sin(h) * hours, 30, 30); //hour circle



one generative design that looks like organic matter

E-Volver is a site work from 2006 that was done as work for the Research Labs of LUMC in Leiden. They named their softwares ‘image breeding units’ which works by generating artificial pixels. They use 13 different genes that together make an agent act randomly and behave differently on screen. I like how this project is meant to generate and create images that look like they could be from inside a microscope, or even look like fungus forming while still being computed randomly. What I think is really cool about this installation is that touch can randomly affect the code. These images are displayed on screens and when tapped it will randomly deactivate some of the animations. The process will begin again and again regenerating and changing after a certain number of taps. I have not looked into code that can change based on user-experience and I think that this is a project that is not just important to the software developers of it, but to the people who went to experience the site.


A print of one of the randomly generated designs hanging up at the site

Project 06: Abstract Clock


//Alana Wu
//ID: alanawu
//Project 06 Abstract Clock

function setup()
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw()
//color of background changes by minute
    fill (minute()*5, minute()*3 + 100, 255 - minute());
    rect (0, 0, 400, 400);

//how many curves are drawn depends on hour
    if (hour() > 0)
        anenome (100, 240, 240, 10, 65);
    if (hour() > 1)
        anenome (200, 255, 230, 35, 53)
    if (hour() > 2)
        anenome (200, 0, 200, 17, 35);
    if (hour() > 3)
        anenome (255, 200, 230, 25, 5);
    if (hour() > 4)
        anenome (255, 100, 170, 30, 75);
    if (hour() > 5)
        anenome (100, 240, 240, 10, 65);
    if (hour() > 6)
        anenome (255, 255, 200, 15, 25);
    if (hour() > 7)
        anenome (200, 220, 50, 25, 40);
    if (hour() > 8)
        anenome (150, 100, 255, 10, 85);
    if (hour() > 9)
        anenome (0, 200, 255, 24, 30);
    if (hour() > 10)
        anenome (200, 180, 255, 8, 30);
    if (hour() > 11)
        anenome (255, 50, 50, 28, 92);

//draws 3 octopi, each of which display, hour, minute, or second
    octopus(mouseX, mouseY - 25, minute());
    octopus(mouseX + 30, mouseY + 25, second());
    octopus(mouseX - 30, mouseY + 25, hour());

//while within the canvas, waves move down each second
    waveRows(constrain (second()*25 + 50, 0, height+20));


//grid of waves
function waveRows (start)
    red = 10;
    green = 100;
    blue = 255;
    for (var h = start; h < height + 60; h +=50)

//horizontal row of 3 waves
function row3 (y)
    for (var x = 85; x <= width; x += 125)
        for (var i = 5; i > 0; i--)
        strokeWeight (1);
        fill (red, green, blue);
        ellipse (x, y - 25, i*20, i*20);
        red += 30;
        green += 30;

        red = 10;
        green = 100;

//horizontal row of 4 waves
function row4 (y)
    for (var x = 25; x <= width; x += 125)
        for (var i = 5; i > 0; i--)
        strokeWeight (1);
        fill (red, green, blue);
        ellipse (x, y, i*20, i*20);
        red += 30;
        green += 30;

    red = 10;
    green = 100;

//draws colorful wavy curve
function anenome (red, green, blue, length, tilt)
    translate (10, 350);
    frameRate (6);
    rotate (radians (-tilt));
    for (var n = 0; n < 10; n++)
        for (var x = 0; x < length; x += .1)
            fill (red, green, blue);
            circle (x*20 + random (0,15), -25*cos(x) + random (0, 15), 13-x);  

    pop ();

//draws octopus w/ a color that changes by the minute
function octopus (x, y, time)
    fill (minute()*10, 255 - minute(), 250);
    ellipse (x, y, 50, 40);
    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        translate (x, y);
        rotate (radians (i*15 - 29));
        ellipse (15 - i*6.8, 22, 10, 20);
    fill (0);
    ellipse (x - 12, y + 2, 8, 8);
    ellipse (x + 12, y + 2, 8, 8);
    arc (x, y+7, 8, 8, 0, PI, OPEN);
    strokeWeight (1);
    textSize (10);
    text (time, x - 14, y - 6);


In this project, the abstract waves change by second, the three octopi reflect the time, the number of colorful curves (I was originally thinking anemone, but it really didn’t translate and I liked these anyways) change by the hour, and the colors of the background and the octopi change as the time changes.

Looking Outwards-06

In looking at the application of randomness in generative art this week, I looked at Rami Hammour’s work on A Text of Random Meaning. It’s a visualization mapping out 18 columns of a “Register and Taps” random number generator in action. I found it interesting the way the final visualization simulates the look of long columns of text, but once viewers zoom in they find that the randomly generated lines are not actually representative of anything. I found the irony in this interaction very interesting. However, one of the interesting points I came across in my research was that technically in it’s simulated nature, there is no such thing as true randomness. In descriptions of Rami Hammour’s project, it is described as a “systematic cycle for producing randomness”.

Abstract Clock

You can tell the time and date with this abstract clock. From inside out each hexagon tells seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, respectively. The red line indicates the start of a category. An interesting thing about using hexagons is that it is easy to use to approximate what time it is since it has 6 sides, and units of time are easily divided by 6.

//Luke Mattson
//section A
var today = new Date();
var now = [today.getSeconds(), today.getMinutes()+(today.getSeconds()/60), today.getHours()+(today.getMinutes()/60),today.getDate()+(today.getHours()/24),today.getMonth()+(today.getDate()/30)] 
var highest = [60, 60, 24, 30, 12] 
var angle = []
var rate = [360/60, 360/60/60, 360/60/60/24, 360/60/60/24/30,360/60/60/24/30/12]
var size = [47,94,141,188,235]

function setup(){
	createCanvas(480, 480);

    for (i=0; i<=6; i++) {          
        angle[i] = (now[i]/highest[i])*360

function draw(){
    for (i=0; i<=4; i++) {
        angle[i] += rate[i]

function hexagon(s){

LO: Randomness

For this week’s looking outwards, I looked at Andrej Bauer’s work. I find it tough to interpret randomly generated art because I could not quickly identify the artist’s central message. However, I admire the visuals in Bauer’s artworks; there was a combination of attractive colors and shapes. Also, although computer algorithms randomly generate the artworks, Bauer’s pieces always have a focal point and repetitive graphic elements. This is because the algorithm that Bauer employs is pseudo-random. The artist uses a random number generator to create mathematical formulas, which determine the colors and composition. We can still consider the algorithm as random since we cannot accurately predict the outcome. Bauer declared two main variables in his algorithm to create the visuals: the first one determines the composition, and the second one decides the colors that appear. By reassigning the values in those variables, the artist can create random pictures every time. However, the same values would produce results with similar compositions or colors. Overall, I think Bauer successfully achieves randomness in his artworks with the use of randomly generated numbers and mathematical computation.

Link to website


The project I choose for this week LO is Karlheinz Stockhauen’s KLAVIERSTÜCK XI (Piano Piece 11, 1956). The way he constructed his whole score utilizes randomness. Basically, he had 19 musical pieces spread on the floor, and he will choose one piece at a time from the floor. However, when he picked the same piece for the third time, he completed the score and stopped. By composing in this way, the song can start and end with any piece among the 19 of them, therefore creating random variations and changes. The thing interesting about this is the unpredictability of the score.

KLAVIERSTÜCK XI (Piano Piece 11, 1956)

Looking Outwards 5: 3D Graphics

Heart Of Inflammation

Alexey Kashpersky’s work is really inspiring. I was especially awe-inspired by her work “Heart Of Inflammation.” In this visualisation, Kashpersky uses animations and 3D visuals to produce an iteration of what the central role of the inflammatory cytokine IL-1 in recurrent pericarditis. I really enjoy the idea that Alexey uses such an advanced digital art form with such elegance to give out information on biological processes in the human body and diseases that humans face.  The colours that she uses are absolutely gorgeous with perfectly contrasting  features and communicative aspects. 3D rendering softwares like cinema 4D could have been used.


Looking Outwards 06: Randomness

“Emergence Algorithms in Processing”
by Jesal Mehta

The project that I looked at for this week’s LO is “Emergence Algorithms in Processing” by Jesal Mehta in 2018. Even though this is considered more of Mehta’s exploration and design documentation, I still really enjoy seeing how he showed the algorithm slowly building up the piece and the contrast between the start and the end result. The circles in the piece are generated at random points of the canvas with random diameters. New circles are then drawn wherever two circles overlap and with new diameters that allow them to touch the two parent circles. The generation continues on, ultimately creating a full piece and pattern. I find it fascinating to see how a few simple circles can evolve into such a complicated piece. This also relates a lot to what we’ve already learned in class, and it makes me wonder how I could also explore randomness as Mehta did. The only controlled variable is the initial diameters, and the rest simply relies on the code and just pure randomness.

LO: 3D Computer Graphics

The project I was particularly struck by while looking through 3D artists is called “Transit” and was created by Michael Kim, or maikoolk, as his social media handles read. It’s a render of what is supposed to look like the inside of a train car, with certain labels of the train car being changed to represent details relevant to his personal life, or simply to take on personal meaning to him. Across the walls of the car are writings in graffiti, that also seem to carry personal meanings to him.

All in all I found it admirable that he took his talent in creating 3D graphics and
used it to create a piece of artwork that held personal meaning to him, in a way
creating this unique and personable artifact for himself. Besides that, it was very cool to see the amount of detail that he was putting into his work. Everything from the detail in the lighting to the texture of the walls and seats. There seemed to be a very particular grainy and moody look he was going for in his work and it all came out very nicely.
