
creyes1-Project-03 Dynamic Drawing

//Christopher Reyes
//Section D
//Project-03 (Dynamic Drawing)

var backgroundR = 209
var backgroundG = 153
var backgroundB = 198

var ringSize = 0
var ringColor= 256

function setup() {

    createCanvas(640, 480);


function draw() {

    var colorConstrain = constrain(mouseX, 102, 540)

    background(backgroundR, backgroundG, backgroundB);
    fromBG = color(209, 153, 198);
    toBG = color(199, 211, 183);
    backgroundColor = lerpColor(fromBG, toBG, mouseX/width);

    var moonConstrainX = constrain(mouseX, 102, 540)

    //Moon, moves in the X direction as mouseX changes
    ellipse(moonConstrainX, 80, 64, 64);

    //Moon shadow, follows moon at a rate that eventually overtakes it
    //Color set to be the same as the background to hide it
    fill(backgroundR, backgroundG, backgroundB);
    ellipse(moonConstrainX*1.30 - 95, 80, 54, 54);

    //Mountain ring, changes scale according to mouseX
    ringSize = constrain(mouseX, 100, 545) - 100
    ellipse(248, 158, ringSize, ringSize);

    //Secondary rings that rotate while revolving around mountain's peak,
    //based on mouseX position
    var spinConstraint = constrain(mouseX, 102, 540)

    translate(248, 158);
    arc(248, 158, ringSize, ringSize,
        spinConstraint + 5, spinConstraint + 115);
    arc(248, 158, ringSize, ringSize,
        spinConstraint + 125, spinConstraint + 235);
    arc(248, 158, ringSize, ringSize,
        spinConstraint + 245, spinConstraint + 355);

    translate(248, 158);
    rotate(spinConstraint - 160);
    arc(248, 158, ringSize*.75, ringSize*.75,
        spinConstraint + 5, spinConstraint + 115);
    arc(248, 158, ringSize*.75, ringSize*.75,
        spinConstraint + 125, spinConstraint + 235);
    arc(248, 158, ringSize*.75, ringSize*.75,
        spinConstraint + 245, spinConstraint + 355);

    //Hides rings when they get too small - given same color as background
    if (ringSize == 0) {
        ringColor = backgroundColor;
    } else {
        ringColor = 256;


    //Draws triangles for mountains that change colors as mouseX changes
    //Note: For organization, for each mountain, the left side is drawn first
    //Mountain color variable format: Mount(#)[(L)eft||(R)ight]

    //Mountain 1, transitions from pink to blue
    fill(232, 151, 168);
    fromMount1L = color(232, 151, 168);
    toMount1L = color(105, 175, 173);
    mount1LColor = lerpColor(fromMount1L, toMount1L, mouseX/width);
    triangle(111, 226, 57, 416, -3, 416);

    fill(206, 122, 137);
    fromMount1R = color(206, 122, 137);
    toMount1R = color(97, 142, 153);
    mount1RColor = lerpColor(fromMount1R, toMount1R, mouseX/width);
    triangle(111, 226, 57, 416, 189, 416);

    //Mountain 2, pink
    fill(232, 151, 168);
    triangle(41, 254, -13, 444, -73, 444);
    fill(206, 122, 137);
    triangle(41, 254, -13, 444, 119, 444);

    //Mountain 3, pink
    fill(232, 151, 168);
    triangle(510, 366, 456, 556, 396, 556);
    fill(206, 122, 137);
    triangle(510, 366, 456, 556, 588, 556);

    //Mountain 4, largest, transitions from yellow to navy
    fill(229, 225, 163);
    fromMount4L = color(229, 225, 163);
    toMount4L = color(31, 60, 78);
    mount4LColor = lerpColor(fromMount4L, toMount4L, mouseX/width);
    triangle(248, 158, 154, 480, -111, 480);

    fill(214, 192, 123);
    fromMount4R = color(214, 192, 123);
    toMount4R = color(10, 30, 49);
    mount4RColor = lerpColor(fromMount4R, toMount4R, mouseX/width);
    triangle(248, 158, 154, 480, 591, 480);

    //Stray cloud with transparency
    fill(256, 125);
    quad(210.5, 272, 250.5, 290, 210.5, 308, 170.5, 290);

    //Mountain 5, transitions from pink to dark green
    fill(232, 151, 168);
    fromMount5L = color(232, 151, 168);
    toMount5L = color(51, 93, 97);
    mount5LColor = lerpColor(fromMount5L, toMount5L, mouseX/width);
    triangle(193, 290, 139, 480, 79, 480);

    fill(206, 122, 137);
    fromMount5R = color(206, 122, 137);
    toMount5R = color(37, 77, 68);
    mount5RColor = lerpColor(fromMount5R, toMount5R, mouseX/width);
    triangle(193, 290, 139, 480, 271, 480);

    //Mountain 6, transitions from blue to pale green
    fill(175, 232, 229);
    fromMount6L = color(175, 232, 229);
    toMount6L = color(170, 191, 156);
    mount6LColor = lerpColor(fromMount6L, toMount6L, mouseX/width);
    triangle(108, 334, 93, 480, -30, 480);

    fill(127, 201, 201);
    fromMount6R = color(127, 201, 201);
    toMount6R = color(130, 171, 142);
    mount6RColor = lerpColor(fromMount6R, toMount6R, mouseX/width);
    triangle(108, 334, 93, 480, 253, 480);

    //Mountain 7, transitions from green to light blue
    fill(160, 232, 160);
    fromMount7L = color(160, 232, 160);
    toMount7L = color(105, 175, 173);
    mount7LColor = lerpColor(fromMount7L, toMount7L, mouseX/width);
    triangle(295, 323, 229, 480, 153, 480);

    fill(117, 175, 117);
    fromMount7R = color(117, 175, 117);
    toMount7R = color(97, 142, 153);
    mount7RColor = lerpColor(fromMount7R, toMount7R, mouseX/width);
    triangle(295, 323, 229, 480, 399, 480);

    //Clouds with transparency
    fill(256, 125);
    quad(332.5, 231, 372.5, 249, 332.5, 267, 292.5, 249);
    quad(393.5, 217, 433.5, 235, 393.5, 253, 353.5, 235);
    quad(298.5, 240, 338.5, 258, 298.5, 276, 258.5, 258);
    quad(275.5, 235, 315.5, 253, 275.5, 271, 235.5, 253);
    quad(258.5, 214, 298.5, 232, 258.5, 250, 218.5, 232);
    quad(313.5, 265, 353.5, 283, 313.5, 301, 273.5, 283);
    quad(339.5, 369, 379.5, 387, 339.5, 405, 299.5, 387);
    quad(403.5, 258, 443.5, 276, 403.5, 294, 363.5, 276);
    quad(353.5, 265, 393.5, 283, 353.5, 301, 313.5, 283);


Admittedly, it took me a while to come to this final idea, as a lot of my ideas required code that was out of my current technical abilities, although I do hope to act on them sometime in the future. After mocking up a design in Illustrator, I wanted to have a drawing that transitioned between states rather than an open-ended series of relations. I had some difficulties figuring out exactly how to execute all of the color transitions, but lerpColor(); wound up being the perfect solution, where the color in between the two I specified was determined by the mouse’s X position relative to the width of the canvas, creating the required interval number between 0-1. After finally figuring that out, the rest was a lot of trial and error, playing around with the code in order to see what kind of movement could be created while still making sense composition-wise.

atraylor – Looking Outwards – 03 – Section B

A project that caught my eye was Benjamin Dillenburger and Michael Hansmeyer’s Arabesque Wall which is a 3D printed ten foot tall structure, that exhibits extreme detail and intricacy.

It took four days to sand print the separate parts of the structure, which were later assembled into the final form. The geometric, folding motifs were inspired by arabesques present in Islamic art and generated using iterative algorithms and custom software.

A closer look at the detail.

I’m inspired by this work because it incorporates styles that are traditionally achieved by human labor and makes them extraordinarily complicated, so much so, that a piece like this could take decades to finish. In the article, the artists discuss how architecture should “surprise, excite, and irritate.” I believe that they were successful in fulfilling those endeavors in this piece.




Mohanned Iskanderani’s RAYGON

Created in 2016 by Mohanned Iskanderani, the RAYGON lamp is created solely from the parametric graphic algorithm editor, Grasshopper, so that as Iskanderani describes, “the computer is allowed to design as much as the designer is.”

What’s really astounding about this project is that while the script was created by hand, the actual form of the lamp was entirely computer-generated, and likely easily modifiable. With this, it allows further experimentation of customized intricate designs that would otherwise be difficult to manually create. Of course, Iskanderani still had a hand in creating the final lamp form, with his main goal being to create a lamp that projected a unique pattern to truly fill the space in which it resides. The final product is something that makes itself known not simply to make itself the focal point, but to enhance the room that surrounds it.

RAYGON is still under development, and not much information regarding it has been made available since its initial appearance, but is intended to be 3D printed in plastic and finished in some other material.

RAYGON earned an Honorable Mention in the 2016 VMODERN Furniture Design Competition. The project is also available to view on Behance.



var bg = 0;
var angle = 30;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    //constrain mouse values to be within canvas limits
    var mX = constrain(mouseX, 0, width);
    var mY = constrain(mouseY, 0, height);
    //positional variables for circles and squares
    var h1 = height/6;
    var h2 = height/2;
    var h3 = 5 * height/6;
    var w1 = width/8;
    var w2 = 3 * width/8;
    var w3 = 5 * width/8;
    var w4 = 7 * width/8;
    var maxD = 3 * width/8;
    var minD = width/8;
    var diag = dist(w1, h1, w2, h2);
    //background gets brighter as mouse moves right
    bg = 255 * (mX/width);
    fill(255 - bg); //opposite color of background
    //enlarge circles as mouse moves near them  //row 1
    var d1 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w1, h1), minD, maxD);
    var d2 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w2, h1), minD, maxD);
    var d3 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w3, h1), minD, maxD);
    var d4 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w4, h1), minD, maxD);
    //row 2
    var d5 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w1, h2), minD, maxD);
    var d6 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w2, h2), minD, maxD);
    var d7 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w3, h2), minD, maxD);
    var d8 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w4, h2), minD, maxD);
    //row 3
    var d9 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w1, h3), minD, maxD);
    var d10 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w2, h3), minD, maxD);
    var d11 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w3, h3), minD, maxD);
    var d12 = constrain(maxD - dist(mX, mY, w4, h3), minD, maxD);
    //circles //row 1
    ellipse(w1, h1, d1, d1);
    ellipse(w2, h1, d2, d2);
    ellipse(w3, h1, d3, d3);
    ellipse(w4, h1, d4, d4);
    //row 2
    ellipse(w1, h2, d5, d5);
    ellipse(w2, h2, d6, d6);
    ellipse(w3, h2, d7, d7);
    ellipse(w4, h2, d8, d8);
    //row 3
    ellipse(w1, h3, d9, d9);
    ellipse(w2, h3, d10, d10);
    ellipse(w3, h3, d11, d11);
    ellipse(w4, h3, d12, d12);

    //square setup
    stroke(255 - bg);
    //squares rotate when mouse moves up and down
    angle = (mY / height) * 360;  
    //left outside column (of squares)
    translate(-w1, -h1);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    translate(-w1, h2);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    translate(-w1, height + h1);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    //first column
    translate(w1, h1);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    translate(w1, h3);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    //second column
    translate(w2, -h1);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    translate(w2, h2);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    translate(w2, height + h1);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    //third column
    translate(w3, h1);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    translate(w3, h3);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    //fourth column
    translate(w4, -h1);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    translate(w4, h2);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);

    translate(w4, height + h1);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    //right outside column
    translate(width + w1, h1);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    translate(width + w1, h3);
    rect(0, 0, diag, diag);
    //center ellipse setup
    var dInner = 30;
    //positional variables, use map to restrict center ellipse to inside circle //row 1
    var x1 = map(mX, 0, width, w1 - d1/2 + dInner, w1 + d1/2 - dInner);
    var y1 = map(mY, 0, height, h1 - d1/2 + dInner, h1 + d1/2 - dInner);
    var x2 = map(mX, 0, width, w2 - d2/2 + dInner, w2 + d2/2 - dInner);
    var y2 = map(mY, 0, height, h1 - d2/2 + dInner, h1 + d2/2 - dInner);
    var x3 = map(mX, 0, width, w3 - d3/2 + dInner, w3 + d3/2 - dInner);
    var y3 = map(mY, 0, height, h1 - d3/2 + dInner, h1 + d3/2 - dInner);
    var x4 = map(mX, 0, width, w4 - d4/2 + dInner, w4 + d4/2 - dInner);
    var y4 = map(mY, 0, height, h1 - d4/2 + dInner, h1 + d4/2 - dInner);
    //row 2
    var x5 = map(mX, 0, width, w1 - d5/2 + dInner, w1 + d5/2 - dInner);
    var y5 = map(mY, 0, height, h2 - d5/2 + dInner, h2 + d5/2 - dInner);
    var x6 = map(mX, 0, width, w2 - d6/2 + dInner, w2 + d6/2 - dInner);
    var y6 = map(mY, 0, height, h2 - d6/2 + dInner, h2 + d6/2 - dInner);
    var x7 = map(mX, 0, width, w3 - d7/2 + dInner, w3 + d7/2 - dInner);
    var y7 = map(mY, 0, height, h2 - d7/2 + dInner, h2 + d7/2 - dInner);
    var x8 = map(mX, 0, width, w4 - d8/2 + dInner, w4 + d8/2 - dInner);
    var y8 = map(mY, 0, height, h2 - d8/2 + dInner, h2 + d8/2 - dInner);
    //row 3
    var x9 = map(mX, 0, width, w1 - d9/2 + dInner, w1 + d9/2 - dInner);
    var y9 = map(mY, 0, height, h3 - d9/2 + dInner, h3 + d9/2 - dInner);
    var x10 = map(mX, 0, width, w2 - d10/2 + dInner, w2 + d10/2 - dInner);
    var y10 = map(mY, 0, height, h3 - d10/2 + dInner, h3 + d10/2 - dInner);
    var x11 = map(mX, 0, width, w3 - d11/2 + dInner, w3 + d11/2 - dInner);
    var y11 = map(mY, 0, height, h3 - d11/2 + dInner, h3 + d11/2 - dInner);
    var x12 = map(mX, 0, width, w4 - d12/2 + dInner, w4 + d12/2 - dInner);
    var y12 = map(mY, 0, height, h3 - d12/2 + dInner, h3 + d12/2 - dInner);
    //center ellipses move corresponding to where mouse is //row 1
    ellipse(x1, y1, dInner, dInner);
    ellipse(x2, y2, dInner, dInner);
    ellipse(x3, y3, dInner, dInner);
    ellipse(x4, y4, dInner, dInner);
    //row 2
    ellipse(x5, y5, dInner, dInner);
    ellipse(x6, y6, dInner, dInner);
    ellipse(x7, y7, dInner, dInner);
    ellipse(x8, y8, dInner, dInner);
    //row 3
    ellipse(x9, y9, dInner, dInner);
    ellipse(x10, y10, dInner, dInner);
    ellipse(x11, y11, dInner, dInner);
    ellipse(x12, y12, dInner, dInner);

Oh boy, this took some time, mainly because I was trying to get something to work which never did.  I wanted to focus on basic geometric changes, and I’m excited about how it turned out.



By: Chris O’Shea

According to the project’s official page, “is an installation consisting of around 64 head-size mirror objects. Each object moves its head in a particular way to give it different characteristics of human behaviour. Some chat amongst themselves, some shy away and others confidently move to grab your attention.” (

Close up of the mirrors.

By giving life to inanimate objects, this project reverses the roles of the viewer and viewed in that the people become the viewed in this case. The people have no control over the reactions of the mirrors, so the project itself plays with eliciting certain reactions from the the viewers, whether it may be discomfort or intrigue as all people react differently. It seeks to establish a different kind of relationship between viewer and technology but by using the most simplest of means.

I personally thought that this project was interesting because instead of creating projections or sounds, this project uses mirrors to reflect the world back on itself. It uses programming and calibration to set each mirror at a certain angle. Each mirror is  controlled by two motors that give it tilt and pan rotations. The other interesting point is that each mirrors do not move randomly– they actually have a scripted code which allows them to achieve thoughtful movements and processes. According O’Shea, the software was developed in C++ using openFrameworks and OpenCV.

In my opinion, real world application of this project could be used in perhaps security and protection of closed official buildings. I feel like more elements such as face recognition could be applied to this project in order to be used as a filter for going through authorized and unauthorized people. Because it plays on the psychology of the individual, it could affect intruders in a building, such as making them feel uncomfortable to the point of leaving.


For this Looking Outwards, I decided to blog about a custom wedding ring that the Nervous System created. The Nervous System created the custom wedding ring in 2014 for a client. They used their Cell Cycle app to create a model of the client’s ring. Digitally, they identified the horizontal and vertical cell structure, edge style, twist, and shape. After this, the Nervous System 3d printed an 18 karat yellow gold ring and placed a diamond surrounded by four rubies in the center.

Almost every married person has a standard silver colored diamond wedding ring. I chose to do this project for my Looking Outwards because I really admired how the Nervous System took something so common/mainstream, a standard diamond wedding ring, and transformed it into something completely new and technologically advanced. This project is so intricate, yet so graceful and sleek.

Full Custom Wedding ring project here

Link to the Cell Cycle here

Other Nervous System project here



//Rachel Park
//Section B @ 10:30 AM

var c = 70;
var triX1 = 307;
var triX2 = 320;
var triX3 = 333;
var triX4 = 305;
var triX5 = 290;
var triX6 = 335;
var triX7 = 350;
var triX8 = 313;
var triX9 = 327;

var triY1 = 230;
var triY2 = 210;
var triY3 = 253;
var triY4 = 235;
var triY5 = 260;
var triY6 = 280;
var triY7 = 268;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {

//modifying the background fill color
  if (mouseX < 640)  {
    c = mouseX * 0.5;
  if (mouseX < 0) {
    c = mouseX;

  var m = max(min(mouseX,400),0);
  var size = m * (7/8);
  var starsize = c;

  var n = max(min(400,mouseY),0);
  var moonlocation = n * (7/8);

  //making the moon

  //constructing the rocketship + fire blast
  triangle(309 + m * (1/8),triY1-5, 320 + m * (1/8),triY2,
  331 + m * (1/8),triY1-5);

  triangle(305 + m * (1/8),triY3,305 + m * (1/8),triY4,292 + m * (1/8),triY5);
  triangle(335 + m * (1/8),triY3,335 + m * (1/8),triY4,350 + m * (1/8),triY5);

  ellipse(width/2 + m * (1/8),265,15,15);
  triangle(320 + m * (1/8),triY6,313 + m * (1/8),triY7,327 + m * (1/8),triY7);

  translate(width/2 + m * (1/8),260);
  ellipse(width/2 + m * (1/8),265,15,15);
  triangle(320 + m * (1/8),triY6,313 + m * (1/8),triY7,327 + m * (1/8),triY7);

  rect(m * (1/2),0,100,100,10);
  //  rect(m * (1/2),0,100,100,10);

  //rotation of the stars
  rotate(frameCount / 90.0);
  //small star
  fill(mouseX/4, mouseY,mouseX/2);

  /*changing the color of the stars
  using the mouse movement*/
  rotate(frameCount / 100.0);

  //construction of mid-size star
  fill(mouseX/8, mouseY,mouseX/2);
  translate(width-400, height/2);
  rotate(frameCount / -120.0);

//definition and utilization of variable for the stars
function star(x, y, radius1, radius2, npoints) {
  var angle = TWO_PI / npoints;
  var halfAngle = angle/2.0;
  for (var a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {
    var sx = x + cos(a) * radius2;
    var sy = y + sin(a) * radius2;
    vertex(sx, sy);
    sx = x + cos(a+halfAngle) * radius1;
    sy = y + sin(a+halfAngle) * radius1;
    vertex(sx, sy);

This project was actually more difficult than the other projects that we have done this far, at least for me. I started with a simple idea of wanting to create a drawing of a rocket because it allowed for so many different options for using variables that move with the mouse. For this project, I decided to manipulate the movement of the rocket itself, the background color, the location of the moon, and the colors for the stars that are continually rotating around the rocket itself.

In the image below, I show some of the design ideas for the rocket itself, and which directions I initially wanted it to move.

Move the mouse up and down to move the moon, and move the mouse side to side to move the rocket and change the star colors.

Simple sketch of process idea.



var flagX = 570;
var color1 = 255;
var color2 = 150;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {

    //cloud will move and change color relative to mouseX movement
    translate((width / 2) - mouseX, 0);
    fill(mouseX - color2);

    fill(255,mouseX / 2,40);
    text("IT'S IN THE HOLE!",mouseX-60,100);
    pop() ;



    //flag pole
    rect(518,200,4, 200); 

    triangle(522,200,522, 250, flagX,225) ;

    ellipse(mouseX,mouseY,(600 - mouseX) / 7,(600 - mouseX) / 7); 

    //flag will move when mouse gets close
    if(mouseX > 0 & mouseX < 220) {
        flagX = 474
    }else(flagX = 570);

    //ball disappears when it is on top of the hole
    if(mouseX > 515 & mouseY < 525 && 
        mouseY > 398 && mouseY < 402){
        color1 = 0
    }else(color1 = 255);


First let me explain the drawing I created. The whole golf theme came to me a bit randomly. I was very interested in the pong game we made, so for the dynamic drawing I wanted to make another game. It is supposed to simulate a golfball getting closer to the hole. Once the ball is over the hole it disappears.

The part I found hardest about this project was coming up with an idea. I feel pretty confident with the concepts but just couldn’t get myself to come up with an idea. Once I expanded my thought from just moving patterns, this is what I came up with.


Water-Based Additive Manufacturing

This research project investigates the creation and feasibility of a new type of digital fabrication that is based around water and utilizes additive manufacturing (AM) which will allow for gradually built, small to large-scale structures. Because of its basis around water, this method of fabrication utilizes the incorporation of biomaterial and organic aggregates which allows for a more sustainable and eco-friendly means of production. I admire the change in materiality of this project because it aims to solve issues of construction and degradation all together. What I know of the algorithms used for this research project is that they are not as geometrically sound. Primary methods of digital fabrication are centered around geometrics which use more energy to construct and are unstable. This new method uses an organic algorithm in terms of shape and additive layers.

Image result for Water-Based Additive Manufacturing

svitoora – 03 Dynamic Gravity Drawings


// Supawat Vitoorapakorn
// Section E
// Gravity is a point mass dynamic drawing inspired
// from physics, nature, and falling off a skateboard.
// f = G (m1*m2)/d^2
// f = G sum(m)/(d from avg)^2

// World Model Setup /////////////////////////////////////
var w = 480;
var h = 640;
var t = 1; // time variable
var g = .0025; // gravity
var count = 0; // global count of objects

var ball;
var balls = []; // Array of objects
var ball_size = w * .010 // Default object size

var max_count = 30;
var auto_every = 35;
var max_line = 1000; // Prevents crash

// Control ///////////////////////////////////////////////

// Creates new object in system given (x,y)
function ball_create(x, y) {
	this.x = x;
	this.y = y;
	this.vx = 0;
	this.vy = 0;
	this.r = ball_size;
	this.m = 1;
	this.alpha = 255

// Add new object and delete oldest object
function mouseDragged() {
	if (t % 10) {
		balls.push(new ball_create(mouseX, mouseY));
	if (balls.length >= max_count) {
		balls.splice(0, 1)

// Add new object and delete oldest object
function mousePressed() {
	balls.push(new ball_create(mouseX, mouseY));
	if (balls.length >= max_count) {
		balls.splice(0, 1)

// World /////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Maintain global count of balls
function count_balls(balls) {
	count = balls.length;

// Maintain global mass of system
function sum_mass(balls) {
	sum_m = 0;
	for (i in balls) {
		sum_m += balls[i].m;
	return sum_m;

// Determines the system's average position X
function average_posX(balls) {
	if (balls.length == 0) {
		return w / 2;
	var sum_x = 0;
	for (i in balls) {
		sum_x += balls[i].x;
	avg = sum_x / balls.length
	return avg;

// Determines the system's average position Y
function average_posY(balls) {
	if (balls.length == 0) {
		return h / 2;
	var sum_y = 0;
	for (i in balls) {
		sum_y += balls[i].y;
	avg = sum_y / balls.length;
	return avg

// Apply gravity for all objects in the system
function gravity(balls) {
	var avg_x = average_posX(balls);
	var avg_y = average_posY(balls);
	var speed = .1 //0-1 Multuplier for controlling velocity of attratction
	for (i in balls) {
		d = dist(balls[i].x, balls[i].y, avg_x, avg_y);
        ds = map(d,0,w/2,1,0);  // used to simulate d^2
        // Gravity X
        if (balls[i].x > avg_x) {
			balls[i].x *= 1 - (g * (count * speed));
		} else { balls[i].x *= 1 + (g * (count * speed+ds));}

        // Gravity Y
		if (balls[i].y > avg_y) {
			balls[i].y *= 1 - (g * (count * speed))
		} else { balls[i].y *= 1 + (g * (count * speed+ds));}

// Add object to system in the middle; // Used at setup()
function add_ball(balls) {
	balls.push(new ball_create(w / 2, h / 2));

// Prevents software from crashing
// from too many objects beyond max_count
function death(balls, t) {
	if (balls.length >= max_count) {
		balls.splice(0, 1);
		for (i in balls) {
			balls[i].r *= .99;

// Connects all the object in the system via a line
function draw_line(balls) {
	lines = 0
	alpha = 255 * .2

	if (lines < max_line) {
		for (i in balls) {
			var x_1 = balls[i].x;
			var y_1 = balls[i].y;
			for (i in balls) {
				var x_2 = balls[i].x;
				var y_2 = balls[i].y;
				stroke(255, 255, 255, alpha);
				line(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2);
				lines += 1;

function setup() {
	createCanvas(w, h);
	g = .0025;
	balls.length = 0; // Kill all objects in system

// Refreshes the systems with new objects
// Removes old objects and add new objects
function auto_refresh(balls, t) {
	// Starts refreshing system at 5 objects
	// every auto_every interval.
	if (t % auto_every == 0 & balls.length > 5) {
		balls.splice(0, 1);
	X = constrain(mouseX, 1, w);
	Y = constrain(mouseY, 1, h)
	if (t % auto_every == 0) {
		balls.push(new ball_create(X, Y));

	// Resets the system to 8 objects once every 500 ms
	// This prevents overload; Array starts at [0]
	if (t % 500 == 0 & balls.length > 8) {
		balls.length = 7;

// Draw ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Draw all objects in systems mapped by distance from avg
function draw_balls(balls) {
	for (ball in balls) {
		var avg_x = average_posX(balls);
		var avg_y = average_posY(balls);
		var d = dist(balls[ball].x, balls[ball].y, avg_x, avg_y);

		// Size and Alpha of Ball is a function of distance
		var alpha = map(d, balls[ball].r, w / 2, 255, 0);
		var size = map(d, 0, w / 2, .5, -1.5) //max to min

		fill(255, 255, 255, alpha);
		ellipse(balls[ball].x, balls[ball].y,
			balls[ball].r * (2 + size),
			balls[ball].r * (2 + size));

// Execute /////////////////////////////////////////////////
function draw() {
	// Update World
	t = t + 1;
	auto_refresh(balls, t);
	if (balls.length > 1) {
	death(balls, t);

	// Draw World


 Gravity is a point mass dynamic drawing inspired from physics, nature, and falling off a skateboard. I wanted to create a systematic representation of mass attracts mass. To do this I was inspired by the physics formula:

Image result for f = m1m2

The problem with this forumla is that it is meant for physicist dealing with a two body system. In my case, I wanted a forumla that worked with multiple bodies in a system algorithmically. After sketching for a while with equations on the white board, I realized that that the problem I was trying to solve was much simplier than I expected.

Trying to figure out the algorithm behind multiple bodied system gravity.

Essentially the problem boils down to averages. If all the object in the system had a mass of 1, then the center of mass of the system would be at the average coordinate position of every point mass. By definition this is the centroid of the system.

Related image
Center of gravity is by definition the centroid of a multiple body system.

After defininig the centroid, I simply make every object in the system moves towards it. To replicate d^2’s effect on speed, I use a position *= and /= function, in addition to a mapping function of speed based off distance away from the centroid.

Model-View-Controller  (MVC)

This programs uses the MVC framework taught in 15-112. Objects are models are added to an array, modfified by the controller, and then representated through view functions. Because of the complexity of this code, I used to object-oriented programming to organize my variables. I didn’t quite understand object-based methods in javascript yet, so I worked around them.

Demo and Project Requirments:

Press and hold.

To sastify the project requirement, there are no random or non-deterministic element. Every function is deterministic, therefore given the exact same mouse input the Gravity will create the exact same drawing. The variables that are being altered in how the image is being created are: size, position, opacity, angle, etc.

Stills from Gravity: Slow vs Fast Drawing


