nahyunk1-Looking Outwards 03

The project that I’ve come up with is called Light Barrier by Kimchi and Chips.
The reason why I admire this project is because of its use of diverse mediums and the usage of algorithmic functions to create shapes that suspend in the air. The combination of light and water and the usage of mirrors to reflect the water that shine off through light seemed to be a challenging but very successful way of making an artwork so mystical and precisely calculated. The algorithm, which doesn’t seem so obvious at first, is the set of times in which the light, the mist, and the mirror goes into function all at once, thus creating the artwork of suspending shapes and vanishing altogether as a whole. The shape thereby forms with structure and doesn’t fall into pieces.

‘The artwork was performed at New Media Night Festival in Russia, 2014. Composed in a room full of mist with mirrors, as light appears in a series of repeated patterns, the artwork creates a series of structured shapes and vanishes as each set finishes in the algorithm’.


Parametric World Online

Parametric World is a tumblr blog created by artist Marta Krivosheek. The work she shares on this blog among other online platforms are of the technological, generative nature. [Pintrest|Generative Nature Blog|Twitter]. Parametric World collects works of multiple artists in similar fields and compiles them on this blog; with the organized posts and a big follower-base, this blog is easily discovered and helps artists find inspiration and introduces them to other artists’ work of the same nature through this platform. Many works have useful descriptions in the caption stating the technology used to create the piece.

here are some examples of the type of work that goes on Parametric World Tumblr. It is definitely a go-to blog for inspiration on generative art.

ashleyc1-Section C-LookingOutwards-03

Earlier this year (February to May), the Carnegie Museum of Art hosted a retrospective of Iris van Herpen’s fashion designs called Iris van Herpen: Transforming Fashion that featured clothes from 15 of her collections. She is credited to be the first designer to send a 3-D printed dress down the runway. Her dresses are meticulous and overwhelming in detail but she is able to create these intricate dresses through her process of integrating traditional craftsmanship with computers and digital fabrication. Although this particular merging is apparent in the majority of her collections, I think one the most note able collections to mention is Escapism. To me, this is the collection that mostly reads as fashion that merges with digital fabrication as well as meticulous craft. It was also one of her beginning collections to feature more than one 3-D printed dresses on the runway.

In Escapism, Herpen explores the concept of emptiness and how emptiness plays with form to create fantastical and grotesque feelings. Although I couldn’t find information on the particular algorithms used, I do know her process is collaborative as she works with architects like, Daniel Widrig, to 3-D print her desired designs. In this collection, they were able to create a lace-like structure that didn’t require a needle to construct the parts together. Together, they weaved into a coral-like, organic design. Most of the dresses in this collection remind me of the way sine waves move and billow together when programmed correctly.

Herpen became successful because of her unique melding of the two worlds; not just using the machine to replace the traditional process. In an interview with Vogue, she clarified that designing the dress is mostly hand crafted because of the inventive ways the designers need to create to sew the printed components together. In this way, her voice as a traditional artist is still prominent because she uses the machine to support her process, not become it.


Iris van Herpen: Transforming Fashion


Screenshot from MIT computation fabrication lab’s youtube video.

In looking through examples, I was curious to find work that had function outside of “being pretty” or “showing data”. As a peer expressed, “the most beautiful things are functional”. While this is a long contended perspective, I agree that with the power of generating from code/data, there is power to make very useful things. This multicopter from MIT’s fab-lab can vary it’s physical structure, such as wingspan, power, height, etc. to adjust to the user’s needs. This level of customizability gives users more control than simply choosing from a set list of specs.

From a practical standpoint, printing this using a 3D printer would be economically viable. Mass production using other materials may be tricky because of molds; however if 3D printers could print the molds themselves, I could see this concept used widely.

dchikows – Section C – Looking Outward – 03

MIT runs the Mediated Matter Lab. The group focusses on “Nature-inspired design and design-inspired Nature” to produce research that intersects with design, biology, material science, and digital fabrication. Glass II is a project conducted by the group to focus on digital fabrication and design. G3PD2, is a very exact additive manufacturing technology to create 3D prints of transparent glass structures. The new manufacturing method is the best for this application because it has a four axis pivot, integrated thermal sensors, and is able to produce prints faster. Glass II made to demonstrate the machine’s power is also beautiful. It creates an amazing patterns of light on the ground that all lead back to the structure. Since the structure is so transparent and sizeable the transition from the light and the structure feels as if it is flawless. Glass II was showcased at the Milan Triennale in 2017. I find this project very exciting as I am currently learning Solid Works.

See Glass II


Instalation of Glass II



   Name | Ai Fukuda 
   Course Section | C 
   Email |
   Project | 02-VariableFaces

var deg = mouseX;
var rad = radians(deg);
var size = 5;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    if (mouseX > (width / 2)) {                                // change background color 
        background (219,233,198);

    noStroke();                                                // orange square 
    fill(253, 205, 167);
    rect(40+mouseX, max((480 - mouseX)-60, 240), 40, 40);
    if (mouseX > 300) {                                

    fill(249, 200, 203);                                      // pink square 
    rect(60+mouseX, min((480 - mouseX)-60, 200), 60, 60);

    fill(254, 232, 147);    
    rotate(rad);                                              // yellow square
    rect(100+mouseX, min(mouseX-220), (mouseX*0.25)+60, (mouseX*0.25)+60);






Bolbemit by Studio Nick Ervinck has a parasitic presence in the chapel, yet it somehow manages to be harmonious as well. This peculiar balance between the innovative and orthodox is what was most memorable and inspirational about this piece of work. While traditionally the ceilings of churches portray biblical scenes, the heavens and so forth, Ervinck challenges this norm through the installation of his modern ‘blob sculptures’. This computer-generated design further questions the rigidity and immobility of architectural structure; as an architecture student I appreciate his inquisitive challenging approach of work. From the almost topographic nature of the Bolbemit, it can be intuitively thought that there is a radial formula involved, with different variables so as to differentiate between the previous geometry. The questioning of the compatibility between virtual and actual space is a recurring theme in the work of Ervinck, and that is clearly reflected in this work as well.

Link |

Work | Nick Ervinck, 2014

alchan-Looking Outwards 03

GLASS II from Mediated Matter Group on Vimeo.

GLASS II, by The Mediated Matter Group at MIT Media Labs, is a series of 3d-printed glass columns, each internally lit to produce “kaleidoscope-like patterns” of light and shadow. Each column was generated with a different shape, determined both by how the characteristics of the shape affected light passing through it and the limitations of the 3d-printing system itself. The internal lighting within each column also moved up and down, creating dynamic patterns of light projected onto the floors and walls of the exhibit.

I was initially drawn to the project because of its unusual production method: generative forms aside, figuring out how to 3d-print glass is a feat in itself. I also admire how the installation itself didn’t just rely on the 3d-printed material, but also incorporated light and how the material affected it.




//Dana Kim
//Section D

//Background Colors
var b1= "#E87B3D";
var b2= "#F37C90";
var b3= 265;
var colors= [b1, b2, b3];

//Face colors
var fc1= "#AA723F";
var fc2= "#3A3A3A";
var facecolors= [fc1, fc2];

var eyecolor1= "#A91E22";
var eyecolor2= "#2C1A0E";
var eyecolor3= "#FFFFFF";
var eyecolors= [eyecolor1, eyecolor2, eyecolor3];
var eyes= 1;
var eyetype= [1,2];

//ears; iec= interior ear color
var iec1= 0;
var iec2= "#FF8DB0";
var iec3= "#4C330F";
var intearcolors= [iec1, iec2, iec3];

var pierce= 1;
var plocation= [1,2];

var n1= "#1E1D1D";
var n2= "#70411B";
var nosecolor= [n1, n2];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    //determines background color

    ellipse(315, 232, 278, 232);

    curveVertex(401, 208);
    curveVertex(439, 225);
    curveVertex(458, 246);
    curveVertex(465, 267);
    curveVertex(466, 283);
    curveVertex(464, 304);
    curveVertex(457, 318);
    curveVertex(446, 334);
    curveVertex(440, 343);
    curveVertex(433, 352);
    curveVertex(423, 369);
    curveVertex(418, 381);
    curveVertex(410, 402);
    curveVertex(397, 419);
    curveVertex(377, 432);
    curveVertex(359, 438);
    curveVertex(327, 443);
    curveVertex(311, 442);
    curveVertex(288, 441);
    curveVertex(264, 435);
    curveVertex(241, 423);
    curveVertex(223, 401);
    curveVertex(217, 386);
    curveVertex(211, 371);
    curveVertex(196, 347);
    curveVertex(180, 329);
    curveVertex(172, 317);
    curveVertex(167, 295);
    curveVertex(167, 277);
    curveVertex(180, 244);
    curveVertex(207, 223);

    curveVertex(318, 327);
    curveVertex(322, 327);
    curveVertex(330, 327);
    curveVertex(333, 327);
    curveVertex(337, 328);
    curveVertex(340, 329);
    curveVertex(344, 329);
    curveVertex(348, 331);
    curveVertex(354, 333);
    curveVertex(357, 335);
    curveVertex(360, 337);
    curveVertex(363, 338);
    curveVertex(367, 341);
    curveVertex(371, 344);
    curveVertex(374, 347);
    curveVertex(376, 350);
    curveVertex(383, 358);
    curveVertex(389, 364);
    curveVertex(392, 369);
    curveVertex(393, 371);
    curveVertex(396, 377);
    curveVertex(399, 383);
    curveVertex(401, 388);
    curveVertex(402, 392);
    curveVertex(403, 394);
    curveVertex(403, 401);
    curveVertex(404, 406);
    curveVertex(404, 409);
    curveVertex(402, 415);
    curveVertex(400, 418);
    curveVertex(395, 425);
    curveVertex(387, 431);
    curveVertex(380, 435);
    curveVertex(371, 438);
    curveVertex(359, 440);
    curveVertex(348, 441);
    curveVertex(335, 442);
    curveVertex(327, 442);
    curveVertex(316, 442);
    curveVertex(299, 441);
    curveVertex(285, 440);
    curveVertex(273, 439);
    curveVertex(264, 437);
    curveVertex(261, 435);
    curveVertex(255, 433);
    curveVertex(249, 430);
    curveVertex(243, 426);
    curveVertex(239, 423);
    curveVertex(233, 416);
    curveVertex(229, 409);
    curveVertex(227, 403);
    curveVertex(227, 395);
    curveVertex(228, 388);
    curveVertex(230, 379);
    curveVertex(235, 369);
    curveVertex(238, 364);
    curveVertex(243, 358);
    curveVertex(251, 351);
    curveVertex(261, 343);
    curveVertex(270, 339);
    curveVertex(383, 334);
    curveVertex(294, 331);
    curveVertex(301, 329);
    curveVertex(310, 327);

    //left nostril
    curveVertex(302, 378);
    curveVertex(299, 381);
    curveVertex(290, 385);
    curveVertex(283, 386);
    curveVertex(276, 386);
    curveVertex(268, 384);
    curveVertex(263, 381);
    curveVertex(258, 375);
    curveVertex(256, 368);
    curveVertex(260, 360);
    curveVertex(267, 356);
    curveVertex(274, 359);
    curveVertex(278, 362);
    curveVertex(283, 367);
    curveVertex(288, 373);
    curveVertex(295, 376);
    //right nostril
    curveVertex(336, 378);
    curveVertex(337, 377);
    curveVertex(340, 377);
    curveVertex(343, 376);
    curveVertex(346, 375);
    curveVertex(348, 374);
    curveVertex(350, 373);
    curveVertex(352, 371);
    curveVertex(354, 369);
    curveVertex(356, 366);
    curveVertex(357, 364);
    curveVertex(361, 361);
    curveVertex(364, 358);
    curveVertex(366, 357);
    curveVertex(367, 356);
    curveVertex(369, 356);
    curveVertex(371, 356);
    curveVertex(374, 357);
    curveVertex(375, 358);
    curveVertex(377, 359);
    curveVertex(378, 361);
    curveVertex(379, 362);
    curveVertex(381, 365);
    curveVertex(381, 366);
    curveVertex(381, 370);
    curveVertex(381, 373);
    curveVertex(380, 375);
    curveVertex(378, 377);
    curveVertex(376, 380);
    curveVertex(374, 381);
    curveVertex(372, 383);
    curveVertex(370, 384);
    curveVertex(366, 384);
    curveVertex(362, 386);
    curveVertex(358, 386);
    curveVertex(354, 386);
    curveVertex(349, 384);
    curveVertex(345, 384);
    curveVertex(342, 383);
    curveVertex(339, 381);

    if(eyes == 1){
      //right eye
      ellipse(402, 296, 45, 45);
      //left eye
      ellipse(227, 297, 45, 45);
      line(374, 283, 432, 264);
      line(256, 284, 198, 266);
    if(eyes == 2){
      //Left eye
      curveVertex(261, 299);
      curveVertex(254, 297);
      curveVertex(247, 297);
      curveVertex(237, 301);
      curveVertex(229, 302);
      curveVertex(222, 300);
      curveVertex(217, 296);
      curveVertex(214, 290);
      curveVertex(213, 283);
      curveVertex(215, 277);
      curveVertex(219, 271);
      curveVertex(224, 267);
      curveVertex(231, 265);
      curveVertex(237, 264);
      curveVertex(243, 266);
      curveVertex(249, 270);
      curveVertex(254, 276);
      curveVertex(259, 286);
      curveVertex(261, 295);
      //right eye
      curveVertex(370, 299);
      curveVertex(369, 294);
      curveVertex(372, 286);
      curveVertex(374, 280);
      curveVertex(376, 276);
      curveVertex(382, 270);
      curveVertex(388, 266);
      curveVertex(394, 265);
      curveVertex(399, 265);
      curveVertex(406, 267);
      curveVertex(412, 271);
      curveVertex(416, 276);
      curveVertex(418, 283);
      curveVertex(417, 290);
      curveVertex(413, 296);
      curveVertex(408, 300);
      curveVertex(402, 302);
      curveVertex(393, 301);
      curveVertex(384, 297);
      curveVertex(377, 297);

      //right horn
      curveVertex(524, 29);
      curveVertex(532, 47);
      curveVertex(536, 70);
      curveVertex(535, 97);
      curveVertex(529, 117);
      curveVertex(519, 135);
      curveVertex(505, 150);
      curveVertex(475, 166);
      curveVertex(429, 184);
      curveVertex(412, 182);
      curveVertex(397, 169);
      curveVertex(384, 144);
      curveVertex(384, 130);
      curveVertex(391, 124);
      curveVertex(434, 125);
      curveVertex(464, 122);
      curveVertex(490, 115);
      curveVertex(506, 106);
      curveVertex(513, 98);
      curveVertex(517, 91);
      curveVertex(522, 67);
      curveVertex(522, 41);
      //left horn
      curveVertex(104, 33);
      curveVertex(106, 47);
      curveVertex(107, 76);
      curveVertex(115, 101);
      curveVertex(127, 113);
      curveVertex(142, 120);
      curveVertex(165, 125);
      curveVertex(196, 128);
      curveVertex(232, 187);
      curveVertex(240, 128);
      curveVertex(244, 133);
      curveVertex(244, 145);
      curveVertex(237, 162);
      curveVertex(226, 177);
      curveVertex(216, 185);
      curveVertex(206, 188);
      curveVertex(169, 176);
      curveVertex(153, 169);
      curveVertex(122, 152);
      curveVertex(109, 138);
      curveVertex(99, 119);
      curveVertex(93, 100);
      curveVertex(92, 73);
      curveVertex(97, 46);

    //exterior right ear
    curveVertex(566, 194);
    curveVertex(562, 211);
    curveVertex(550, 225);
    curveVertex(533, 239);
    curveVertex(510, 251);
    curveVertex(490, 257);
    curveVertex(472, 259);
    curveVertex(454, 257);
    curveVertex(441, 249);
    curveVertex(428, 234);
    curveVertex(422, 218);
    curveVertex(423, 206);
    curveVertex(429, 195);
    curveVertex(446, 186);
    curveVertex(471, 179);
    curveVertex(496, 176);
    curveVertex(514, 177);
    curveVertex(546, 184);
    curveVertex(560, 189);
    //exterior left ear
    curveVertex(67, 202);
    curveVertex(75, 216);
    curveVertex(88, 229);
    curveVertex(101, 239);
    curveVertex(114, 247);
    curveVertex(140, 256);
    curveVertex(162, 259);
    curveVertex(176, 258);
    curveVertex(193, 249);
    curveVertex(205, 236);
    curveVertex(212, 218);
    curveVertex(211, 206);
    curveVertex(206, 198);
    curveVertex(195, 189);
    curveVertex(162, 179);
    curveVertex(143, 176);
    curveVertex(126, 176);
    curveVertex(88, 184);
    curveVertex(75, 188);
    curveVertex(67, 194);
    //interior right ear
    curveVertex(457, 249);
    curveVertex(453, 235);
    curveVertex(456, 220);
    curveVertex(465, 209);
    curveVertex(473, 204);
    curveVertex(487, 200);
    curveVertex(510, 199);
    curveVertex(527, 198);
    curveVertex(546, 195);
    curveVertex(562, 194);
    curveVertex(567, 196);
    curveVertex(565, 206);
    curveVertex(562, 211);
    curveVertex(555, 221);
    curveVertex(530, 241);
    curveVertex(508, 251);
    curveVertex(490, 257);
    curveVertex(476, 260);
    curveVertex(466, 259);
    //interior left ear
    curveVertex(66, 196);
    curveVertex(72, 194);
    curveVertex(89, 196);
    curveVertex(123, 199);
    curveVertex(146, 200);
    curveVertex(152, 201);
    curveVertex(162, 205);
    curveVertex(171, 212);
    curveVertex(177, 220);
    curveVertex(179, 228);
    curveVertex(180, 236);
    curveVertex(178, 245);
    curveVertex(173, 254);
    curveVertex(167, 259);
    curveVertex(159, 260);
    curveVertex(144, 257);
    curveVertex(115, 247);
    curveVertex(94, 235);
    curveVertex(79, 221);
    curveVertex(71, 211);
    curveVertex(66, 202);

    fill(239, 202, 44);
    if(pierce == 1){
      stroke(239, 202, 44);
      arc(317, 403, 69, 69, QUARTER_PI, PI+QUARTER_PI);

    if(pierce == 2){
      triangle(531, 216, 511, 250, 551, 250);
      ellipse(531, 216, 20, 20);


function mousePressed() {
    // when the user clicks the mouse, these variables are reassigned
    // to preset values at random.
    b3= random(colors);
    fc2= random (facecolors);
    eyecolor1= random(eyecolors);
    eyes= random(eyetype);
    n1= random(nosecolor);
    iec1= random(intearcolors);
    pierce= random(plocation);



The process took a bit of time because I used curveTexture() to create a lot of the shapes I needed. It was a very inefficient process and I’m sure that there is a more efficient and concise way that I could have executed the script. Overall, the project itself was really fun. I wasn’t able to execute all the features I wanted to put into it but I’m still pleased with the overall outcome. Below are the reference drawings that I had made before starting the script.


myoungsh looking outwards 2

After being wowed by some of the coding CW&T did in their counter project I searched thru their sight to see if I could find anything to talk about for this week and I did.


The Grass app. An app that attempts to recreate a small patch of grass right on your phone screen that in their words you can “pet, coddle, pat, touch, and caress” the grass to help you “think calm soothing thoughts”.

They don’t talk about the specific coding of the app but I believe they use some sort of algorithm to believably reproduce their grass graphic across the screen and have it react to your aforementioned interactions. From reviews and from my own use of the app I thunk the id an awesome job, even though the graphic is simple the interaction is done so well it does make it very relaxing to play with.