
For my final project, I want to expand on the work I did in week 9. I will create a photo editor. An editor that applies a multitude of filters to different aspects of the images. It will load an image of the correct size, provide multiple options for editing through a panel of interactive buttons, and will re-display the edited image. Different buttons will edit the composition, color, pixels, and any other edits I can come up with or code. I plan to create a blur function. A black and white filter. A duotone filter with an attached color editor. A pixelating function. And possibly more I will come up with in the process, this is all I know I can code right now.

I want to also focus on creating a clean and successful UI in p5js to successfully support the code. Something simple but powerful that I will also create descriptive icons to describe the different possible edits that can be made to the image.


Dance Dance Revolution heavily inspired my Project 12 proposal, and although it is not necessarily an art piece, I think the game has several extremely interesting interactions that I could use for my project. Dance Dance Revolution, or DDR, did not originate in America – it originated in Japan in 1998 and was developed by a video game company called Konami. At the time, the game was critically acclaimed for being original and upbeat, and now it is seen not only in arcades but also in homes. The premise of the game is to step on the arrows that correspond with the ones shown on the screen, typically against another player, for points.
I definitely wonder about the code that created this game – I imagine it to be fairly complicated, since I can only comprehend maybe a quarter of what is going on. Either way, I find it an incredibly game and project. It brings back a lot of memories for me.

The second project is by a design creative studio called Design IO LLC called Connected Worlds. Connected Worlds is an interactive connected ecosystem that consists of six different ecosystems on interactive screens. The thing I like most about this installation is how interactive it is to the audience – it is almost like a game, and those are interactions I can use to inspire for my final project for this class, such as moving logs and connecting to creatures. It looks as though you are interacting with these different ecosystems as though you were there.Connected Worlds was developed using openFrameworks.

enwandu-Project 12-Proposal

For the final project, I will be working with Ryu Kondrup to create a program which animates the drawings of famous 20th century buildings by Mies van der Rohe. The generative graphics will be used to draw building plans, as well as a perspective or axonometric view of a few of his buildings. In addition to this, we are thinking of incorporating some interactive elements: possibly using the mouse to complete the drawings, color them in or reveal an underlying image of the building that matches the linework. We will also be including a directory for the user to pick which image they would like to see generated next. We will be using Turtle Graphics to complete this project.

Sketch of Directory to navigate the program


Chris Johnson’s Digital Ecosystems


Gameplay of Tap Tap Fish AbyssRium

In the mobile game Tap Tap Fish AbyssRium the player taps on the rock to generate ‘vitality’ points which the player can use to upgrade certain parts of the aquarium and purchase new fish with. Its marketed as a relaxation game but really is meant to be addictive and encourages in-app purchases for upgrades. I really like the style and fish animations in this game, the movements are realistic, so are the fishes designs except they are made to be a cuter than the real fish they are based on. I wish the game was more relaxing. I really admire the atmosphere in Chris Johnson’s digital ecosystems (they are both unsettling and calming) and how he explores the various kinds of ecosystems and how they are all connected by the presence of a cycle. I think Johnson’s piece is good as an art piece but doesn’t hold as strong as a game with replay-ability.

mmirho – Final Project – Mini Role-Playing-Game

I hope to create a very simple room, like the image below, where the player is a pixelated individual, with the capability to move around and interact with the environment, the furniture in the room, and anything on the walls.

The hope is that I create a code infrastructure that can be re-used for different rooms and further improvements, maybe to create a more full-scale game later.

My inspiration is Undertale, which I mentioned in a prior blog post.

hannajan_Looking Outwards 12


Art Piece “True/False”

The first project that I found was called “True/False” by Onformative. This project is a kinetic sculpture made up of arrays of circular black metal segments in mechanical columns. The cylinders cover or expose the light to show an endless number of patterns. This visual makes up to show variations in the choreography that result in distinctive pattern changes. I found this particular project relevant to my final project because I also plan to use true or false statements to decide what to display given a certain command. Just like “True/False” shows variations in distinctive pattern changes, my project will show differences in outcomes depending on the variations of commands and situations that I code.

(Video Clip above showcases “4 rooms in one Tilt File”)

This is very different from the second project I found which is called “4 rooms in one Tilt File” by Stuart Campbell. In this art piece, the artist displays 4 different virtual worlds to the viewers. I found this particular art piece very compelling as he did a very good job in transporting the viewers to such a variety of different worlds. He is also usually a 2D artist but did a very good job in displaying this particular piece in the 3D form. I found this particular piece relevant to my final project as I also am planning to make a virtual world. I hope that my project is as convincing as Campbell’s of the existence of a whole new virtual world. This is different from “True/False” as “4 rooms in one Tilt File” is more relevant to the artistic aspect of my project, while “True/False” is more relevant to the coding aspect.


For my project I would like to create an animation which draws iconic 20th century buildings by Mies Van Der Rohe such as the Barcelona Pavilion, the Brick Country House, and the IIT Crown Hall. The canvas would start blank and the user would click or push a button to initiate the drawing animation, which gradually draws the outlines of a chosen building and when the user interacts with the canvas after the drawing completes, possibly by dragging the mouse, an underlying perspective photograph of the building reveals and matches the linework of the building already on top. After the full colored image is revealed the user would be redirected to a rendering of another building in the Mies buildings list. The drawings may possibly be done using turtle graphics.
This project will be in collaboration with Emmanuel Nwandu.

yunzhous- Final-Project-Proposal

My inspiration for the final project comes from my favorite music game, Deemo, by Rayark company. I’ve always interested in game design and this time I want something that involves with sound. In this game, a background music will be played since the start. Bubbles will randomly appear from the top of the screen and move downward, each representing a node. The sound of the node will be played if bubbles are clicked. Players are expected to click on the bubble only when its center is roughly at the finish line, so the node played will correspond to the background music. If the bubble is clicked at the correct time, it will shine and the player gets one point. If the player continuously getting the bubble at the right time, the combo number will be displayed at the top right corner.

The speed of the bubbles are constant. I will manually count and arrange when the bubble should appear and be clicked, to correspond to the background music. Sounds for different nodes will be loaded to p5js, and the bubbles will shine when certain conditions are met (clicked at the right time, using if statement). The time will probably be counted using millis() function.

If time allows I will try to add some background story to this game, making it more appealing.

Project 12 Proposal – nahyunk1

For this final project, I will be working with Yugyeong Lee in section B. We are going to design and generate a reactor that will respond to sound ranging from simple noises to music pieces that embody numerous pitches and noise amplitude. We will assign limitations by mapping each of these levels to provide different animations reacting to different set of ranges. Through this project, we will explore the mechanism of sound reactors and how they can be visually represented to the eye. We will possibly attempt to provide an interactive version of the product once we accomplish the creation of the reactor to general preloaded sound files so that once the built-in microphone hears and understands music coming out from another device, it will present according images / animations that we have assigned for that certain range of value. Additionally, here’s a link that provides a small emblem that responds to the assigned music given in the video.

Project 12 – Yugyeong Lee

I will be collaborating with Nahyun Kim for the final project.

For this project, we are planning to create an interactive program that reacts to sound. With possibility to include audio in-put from built in microphone, the program will detect frequency, amplitude, etc. to generate different graphical animation. Through using p5.sound functions, we’ll load sound, get sound from input source, get the current volume, analyze the frequency, and utilize these variables to control size, color, location of graphical representations. The interesting aspect of this project is exploring different sound related functions that we haven’t really worked with with past projects. If we end up loading different music to display the program (instead of incorporating built-in microphone), we will incorporate mouse-press to change to the next song either by clicking different regions of the canvas or different icons. Once we have the basic reactor program set up, we will explore variety of expression in displaying different variables of sound and hope to include more interactive aspects to the project.