jdperez Looking Outwards 12

My final project will mostly be focusing on animation, so my primary focus for this weeks looking outwards was aesthetic inspiration, as well as interesting ways of generating animations.

So, while doing research, my largest aesthetic inspiration came from the game Limbo, created by the video game studio Playdead in 2010.

A screenshot of Limbo gameplay.

Limbo is characterized by this sort of disturbing, nightmare-scape. I’d like to incorporate this same beautiful, nightmare mood into my own work.

I think what I admire most about Limbo is its capability to create something so disturbing, but so breathtakingly beautiful at the same time.


After that, I was trying to think of the animation from a coding sense. That’s when I stumbled upon L-systems, actually mentioned in another student’s looking outwards from a few weeks ago. After some initial research, the subject sounded super interesting, and I went looking for artists using L-systems in their animations.

William Chyr came up pretty fast when I googled L-systems, and his work seemed to adequately demonstrate to me the potential of L-systems in regards to visual aesthetic.

A program using L-systems to generate a plant-like image

The above image is probably the simplest of Chyr’s pieces, but also really concisely describes the visuals of L-systems. What interested me more than just his still images, though, were the animations that developed over time.

I think that seeing the program rapidly increase in complexity to form a full image is much more impactful or interesting. It captures the viewers wonder, as he or she watches a line begin to split and branch out without any idea of what the final shape will be.



Project Name: Carl Makes a Meal (tentative);

Project Partner: Hamza Qureshi (hqq);

Project Manifesto: “For our project, we are creating a two-part immersive experience that’s part-“choose your own adventure” and part-platform game. The premise brings back an earlier character Hamza created in the early days of the class, Carl, whose goal is to make a nice, home-cooked meal for his girlfriend Carla. But, it has to be perfect. In a choose-your-own-adventure game, you’ll have the option to check the fridge for ingredients, or travel to a new country to pick some more rare ingredients. There’ll also be information on these pages about these ingredients. We’ll create these pages on Illustrator and use a series of key presses to activate each ones. (see diagram below).

Players will “cook” the meal through a platform game where they use a plate to catch the ingredients to make the “perfect” meal (see below). Once the stack reaches a certain height, the game ends with an image of the final meal in its finest presentation.

hqq – secE – project12 – proposal

Project Name: Carl Makes a Meal (tentative);

Project Partner: Rachel Park (rsp1);

Project Manifesto: “For our project, we are creating a two-part immersive experience that’s part-“choose your own adventure” and part-Pong game. The premise brings back an earlier character Hamza created in the early days of the class, Carl, whose goal is to make a nice, home-cooked meal for his girlfriend Carla. But, it has to be perfect. In a choose-your-own-adventure game, you’ll have the option to check the fridge for ingredients, or travel to a new country to pick some more rare ingredients. There’ll also be information on these pages about these ingredients. We’ll create these pages on Illustrator and use a series of key presses to activate each ones. (see diagram below).

Players will “cook” the meal through a stacking game where they use a plate to catch the ingredients to make the “perfect” meal (see below). Once the stack reaches a certain height, the game ends with an image of the final meal in its finest presentation.


For the final project, I will be creating an interactive game that is similar to both Flappy Bird and the T-Rex game of Google Chrome (the one that shows up when there’s no internet connection)

It is designed to make the user feel competitive and want to play more just like any typical games, but also to make the user feel happy while playing. That is why I decided to make the ‘main character’ of the game to be the dog. This dog will be flying in the air with the landscape passing by in the background. The goal of the game is not to shoot anything or avoid shooting or anything violent, but is to obtain bunch of floating items in the air. When it encounters a hat, the dog will wear the hat, and when it encounters a piece of clothes, the dog will wear it.

I believe that I will be able to create this by using randomly-created-landscape functions and loadImage() commands. Since The dog will be constantly changing its posture, I would need to use the for loop to constantly load different images.



For my final project I would like to create a 2D platformer exploration game. I want to create an interactive game where a character has to navigate through an environment and either click on certain objects or come into contact with a portal to reach the next phase or environment. I want there to ultimately be some type of end environment in which the character is trying to reach. I am really inspired by the games, “Loved”, and “Limbo”, and would be interested in making the landscapes/environments slightly dangerous and contain traps. I would like to incorporate sounds in my game as well, and really focus on the art that goes into the environments and of course, the coding. I will be implementing gravity in the game/code so that my character can move around the environment, jump on top of things, etc. The game will also probably include animations in the environment and for the character.

This is a photoshop sketch of the type of environment I want to create. The character will interact with the background and jump, move, etc.

Looking-outwards 12 Thomas Wrabetz

The book

This is a generative book by allison parrish. The book is entirely randomized, although the sentences are put together so that they follow each other in a valid manner. I personally don’t think it makes much sense, but it is still an interestinggt precursor, demonstrating both the potentialities and the drawbacks/difficulties of text mashing.


Title: Nyan Cat

Year of Creation: 2011

Link to the Game: http://www.nyan.cat/

Nyan Cat is a name of the YouTube Video that was uploaded in 2011. It features a cat with a pop-tart body flying in the space forever while leaving a trail of rainbow behind. Although it may seem simple and pointless, Nyan Cat has been re-published in various games and apps that often allow the users to control how the Cat moves around in the space. Sometime it has to pick up the candies on the way, or sometime the user can even personalize the cat with different costumes (i.e. different types of the pop-tarts) and accessories. I love the idea of it being the friendly game, rather than the majority of the flying action game where you have to either destroy some aircraft or avoid the shooting that is coming from those aircraft.

Image result for nyan cat

^Screenshot of the Nyan Cat video.


Title: T-Rex Jumping Game

Artist: Google

Year of Creation:

Link to the Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/14/technology/personaltech/chrome-dinosaur-internet-connection.html?_r=0

Link to the Game:

The T-Rex Jumping Game has been providing Chrome users with a source of entertainment and a way to relieve the frustration and the stress they may find when stumbled upon the ‘no internet sign’. It uses the randomly generated landscape with cacti and during the later stage, birds as the obstacle to the ever-running T-Rex. I appreciate Google’s intention of creating something that could help with our emotion, or helping us forget the brutality of the reality for a split second. Similarly, for the final project, I would like to create something that uses the similar mechanisms (using the keyboard to control the object, perhaps using a randomly-generated landscape as well) to create an interactive game that would boost the user’s mood.

Old unable to connect to the internet page

^Message that shows up on Chrome when you don’t have an access to Internet.

Google dinosaur game

^ But you can still play the game!

gyueunp – Project-12: Final Project Proposal

As discussed in my week 12 looking outwards post, works that appeal to me are composed of intricate designs that are extremely decorative and complex. In order to create various detailed structures, I plan to incorporate turtle graphics in my project. This project will work as an extension of my week 11 project, as I would love to explore the concept further.


Both random and systematic factors will be utilised to make an interactive project that allows the audience to create, destroy, or alter the formations of turtles using the mouse or keyboard. I also plan to have an audio that either plays in the background or changes based on the interaction.

I was also very intrigued by Professor Dannenberg’s turtle graphics sketch that was presented during the November 1st lecture, although I do not remember how it was created (I wrote the code down but my sketch does not work because of unknown errors). I recall finding the delicate, thin lines very appealing.

I will also take the suggestions that were provided for the week 11 project into consideration.

  • A turtle which responds to the cursor. You could have a turtle that responds to the position of the user’s cursor, for example, fleeing away from it, spiraling around it, etc.
  • A turtle which responds to an image on which it is crawling. You could use an image (hidden or otherwise) as the “terrain” on which a turtle is crawling, and the turtle could make decisions about which way to turn based on the color of the pixel underneath it.
  • A family of turtles which are following or avoiding each other. With the addition of some noise() or randomness, this can produce very surprising results.
  • Using a turtle to draw different kinds of visual forms. Turtle Graphics are particularly well-suited to drawing complex curves, dotted lines, calligraphic curlicues, and other unusual structures. Google around to see what’s possible…
  • A big flock of turtles that…?


For my final project, I’d like to create a cute, simple, and clean animation with an interactive touchpoint- perhaps by pressing certain keys or clicking in certain areas. I’m not exactly sure what I want the keypressed action to trigger, but I would like a cute and simple interaction to happen, one that brings the user a sense of delight. Perhaps you press a key and a character on the screen blushes or jumps. I wanted to animate using the soundtrack “Boba Beach” and I attempted to over the summer, but didn’t finish. I had a pink beach and little bobas with faces drawn on them. I thought it’d be interesting if I could animate them in a simple manner using code! Part of the reason I was so hesitant to try to animate this idea was because AfterEffects intimidated me, so I’m excited to see what I can make with my new knowledge of p5.js.

little boba pearls with faces chilling on a beach. maybe they’ll jump when you press keys, or change expression.


For my final project I would like to create a musical interaction application that also creates visuals when each note is played. I have thought about creating a visualization similar to a piano keyboard that users could click on with their mouse (or preferably touch screen/touch pads/tablet devices) and each click would produce a musical note audio corresponding to which notes the user had clicked. Each of the keyboards would then produce a little “randomized” visual when it is pressed and it would either display above the keyboard on the canvas or wherever the user clicks.

I will be using Javascript Objects to create the keyboard and also the visuals, which will most likely be a series of radiating line drawings of some sort (I have not decided yet). I could probably use the noise() function or just the random() function to make a moving display for the visual.

I think I can also develop this program further by programming a song that the user can follow along the keyboard and play. I think that could be a little too difficult to store inside a written script however.