dnam-Looking Outwards-06

Mark Wilson – ‘e4708’

With computer generated arts becoming more prevalent, artists haave leaned on photo editing and codes to create new artworks. Another new tool is algorithms – where artists borrow the computer’s ability to generate ‘random’ number plugs to create different shapes, forms, colors in different areas of the digital canvas. Mark Wilson is an artist that very much utilizes the random generation from the computer to create similar, yet different artworks everytime. There is an issue of question if these artworks are truly random as Wilson is virtually telling the computer to pick a number out of the options. However, one thing is for sure, Wilson’s artworks are an interesting showcase of modern art technology. More of his works can be found here.

nahyunk1-Abstract Clock


var numObjects = 6; // number of rect/ellipses that will rotate in a circle.
var centerX; //the center x position of the rotating obj.
var centerY; // the center y pos of rotating obj.
var angle = 0; // starting angle of rotation
var distance = 50;
var redd = 255;
var greenn = 255;
var bluee = 255;
var spacing = 10; // spacing for moving rect in the background
var x = 0; // x pos of the rect
var y = 0; // y pos of the rect

function setup() {
  createCanvas(300, 600);
centerX = width / 2; // vars for rotating circles
centerY = height / 2; // vars for rotating circles
ellipseMode(CENTER); // rotating circles

function draw() {
  //for current time
  var Hr = hour();
  var Min = minute();
  var Sec = second();
  //mapping the time frame
  var mH = map(Hr, 0,23, 0, height);
  var mM = map(Min, 0,59, 0, height);
  var mS = map(Sec, 0,59, 0, height);
  var rectHeight =  width / 3; //constant for x distance

  noFill(); //the current hour rocket.
  rect(0.5*rectHeight, mH, 100, 95);
  rect(0.25*rectHeight, mH, 60, 55);
  rect(1.125*rectHeight, mH, 60, 55);
  triangle(0.5*rectHeight,95+mH, 0.5*rectHeight+100, 95+mH, 0.5*rectHeight+50, 150+mH);
  ellipse(0.5*rectHeight,mH, 20, 70);
  ellipse(0.5*rectHeight+100, mH, 20, 70);

  stroke("pink"); // minute indicator
  rect(1*rectHeight, mM, 50, 50);
  text("FLY!", 1.125*rectHeight, mM+30);

  noFill();// solar system indicator of the seconds.
  ellipse(2.4*rectHeight, mS-200, 30, 30);
  ellipse(2.4*rectHeight, mS-100, 70, 70);
  ellipse(2.4*rectHeight, mS, 100, 100);
  ellipse(2.4*rectHeight, mS, 50, 50);
  ellipse(2.4*rectHeight, mS-250, 20, 20);
  ellipse(2.4*rectHeight, mS-300, 10, 10)
  ellipse(2.4*rectHeight, mS-100, 90, 20);
  ellipse(2.4*rectHeight, mS-400, 5, 5)
  ellipse(2.4*rectHeight, mS-500, 2, 2)
  ellipse(2.4*rectHeight, mS-200, 40, 40);

  //the rotating clock in the middle.
  var angleObject = 360 / numObjects; //space between each object.
    for (var i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) {
  angle += frameCount*i /20;
  translate(centerX, centerY); // the obj. rotate around the center.
  rotate(radians(i * angleObject + angle));
  stroke("skyblue"); // the lightblue rectangles rotating around.
  rect(distance-10, mS/6, 15, 15); // rotation indicates the seconds.
  stroke("yellow"); // the dark blue circles rotating around.
  ellipse(distance, mM/4, 10, 10); // rotation indicates the minutes.
  stroke(0,255,0); // the green small rects rotating around.
  rect(distance, mH/24, 5, 5); // rotation indicates the hour.


My abstract clock is based on a space theme. The rocketship indicates the hour, the pink box with the text “FLY!” indicates the minutes, and the linear solar system indicates the seconds as they all descend from the top of the canvas. The rotation that is occurring in the middle of the canvas also indicates the hour, minute, and seconds with the squares and the ellipses. As you can see from the code, the skyblue squares rotation enlarges each time the seconds increase form 0 to 60. Similarly, the rest of the other objects that rotate, enlarge proportionally as the hour and the minutes flow by.

atraylor – Project 06 – Section B


// atraylor@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section B
// Project 06

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
    background(255, 230, 154);
    var offset = sin(millis()) * 2; // movement of hour circle

    var h = hour();
    var m = minute();
    var s = second();

    var hCol = map(h, 0, 23, 0, 255); //mapping hour to shade

    ellipse(width/2, height/2 + offset, 50, 50); // hour circle

    for (var i = 0; i < s; i++) { //drawing second dots
        c = color(0);

        drawSec(i, c);

    for (var i = 0; i < m; i++){ //drawing minute circles
        c = color(0, 40);
        drawMin(i, c);

function drawSec(count, col, offset, offset2) { // fucntion for second dots
    offset = cos(millis()/ 350) * random(20, 50); // creating random oscillation
    offset2  = sin(millis()/ 350) * random(20, 50);
    translate(200, 200);
    rotate(radians(count * 6));
    ellipse(150 + offset, 0 + offset2, 8, 8);

function drawMin(count, col, offset, a){ // function for minute circles
    a = random(50, 70);
    offset = sin(millis()) * random(1, 2);
    translate(200, 200);
    rotate(radians(count * 6));
    ellipse(60 + offset, 0, a, a);

Time keeping is an interesting subject to me, especially when you begin to think about inaccuracy. My design is inspired by time keeping by measuring oscillation and resonance. I remember visiting NIST in elementary school to see their atomic clock which measures the resonance frequency of cesium to determine a second, and is the basis of time keeping in the US. While my design doesn’t illustrate a cesium atom’s resonance or the mechanics of atomic clocks, I was inspired to represent oscillation.



Holger Lippmann is an artist who uses Processing, which is a drawing software, to create these visuals that are randomly generated and modified in a way where he decides the composition of the work. He also developed the Processing program so it would have certain aesthetic feel in his work. With them, he composes delicate structures and abstract geometrical patterns where he can layer and vary. The LUMAS pieces are based on a special program, in which the artist set a range of parameters to regulate the scattering of the geometrical elements. Lippmann then unites different compositions made in this way into cohesive pieces. “My internal process is the same as it was when I was working with paint and canvas,” Lippmann explains. “That’s why I call my current work digital or computer-aided painting.” Lippmann is also a painter, who knows what color he should use and has a knowledge about what the right composition is. So he is aware of what type of visual choices he makes.

Holger Lipmann’s Website




//Kyunga Ko
//Project 06

var ellcenx = 85;
var ellceny = 100;
var dia = 140;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 200);

function draw() {

    background(213,158,153); //pink background

    var h = hour();
    var m = minute();
    var s = second();

    var mappedH = map(h, 0,23, 0,255);
    var mappedM = map(m, 0,59, 0,255);
    var mappedS = map(s, 0,59, 0,255);

    //donut base
    fill(195,132,46); //donut brown
    ellipse(ellcenx,ellceny,dia,dia); //left donut base
    ellipse(ellcenx+155,ellceny,dia,dia); //middle donut base
    ellipse(width-ellcenx,ellceny,dia,dia); //right donut base

    //chocolate filling on left donut
    //color changes according to hours (blue - pink)
    for (var a = 0; a < 360; a += 40) {
        let x = 60 * sin(a+1) + ellcenx;
        let y = 60 * cos(a+1) + ellceny;

    //chocolate filling on middle donut
    //color changes according to minutes (red - yellow)
    for (var a = 0; a < 360; a += 40) {
        let x = 60 * sin(a+1) + ellcenx+155;
        let y = 60 * cos(a+1) + ellceny;

    //chocolate filling on right donut
    //color changes according to seconds (brown - purple)
    for (var a = 0; a < 360; a += 40) {
        let x = 60 * sin(a+1) + width-ellcenx;
        let y = 60 * cos(a+1) + ellceny;

    //donut hole
    ellipse(ellcenx,ellceny,dia-100,dia-100); //left donut hole
    ellipse(ellcenx+155,ellceny,dia-100,dia-100); //middle donut hole
    ellipse(width-ellcenx,ellceny,dia-100,dia-100); //right donut hole

    //left donut sprinkle

    //middle donut sprinkle

    //right donut sprinkle

    text( h + " hour(s) " + m + " minute(s) " + s + " second(s) ", 20,20);

For this project, I wanted to make three donuts that each represented hours, minutes, and seconds of time. Instead of tallying the time changes with visual elements, I wanted to express it through color. For me, using color meant taking more of an abstract approach to time, which is always expressed as exact numbers. By letting time gradually alter the icing color of the donut, I wanted the viewers to not be able to tell the time in a glance but to feel the time tick and change. Because hours and minutes don’t go by so quickly, I put a reference on the top to let people know that the clock is working. But by paying attention to the color changes, one can easily tell that the clock is doing its job, but in a unique way.

mjanco – lookingoutwards06 – randomness – section B


I looked at Marc Adrian’s Computer Poem, Text I, from 1963. This was a randomized, computer-generated poem of black text on a white background. The poem was made using a simple method which randomized the selection of specific words, (words that could be read the same in English and in German) and the font size and location of the words on the canvas. I thought this piece was interesting because, in Adrian’s words, “it allows the spectator to find [their] own meanings in the association of words more easily, since their choice, size, and disposition are determined at random.” I also thought it was intriguing that poetry commonly seems quite personal, and based on experiences and influences of human beings. However, in this piece, the viewer is the one creating the personal aspects and personal meaning due to the vagueness and open-endedness of a randomly-generated computer-made poem. I think Adrian was right to keep the font and colors very stark and straightforward. However, I wish the conceptual side of the words chosen (able to be read in English and German) was a bit more interesting. I don’t think that concept is open-ended enough to give viewers power to make their own connections with the words. Also, Adrian experienced the end of WWII and the terrifying events of the Nazi regime, which motivated him to turn to pieces of “rationality, analysis, and multi-media” which is in some ways shown in this particular piece, through its multi-media blend of poetry, computation, and visual art.




nahyunk1-Looking Outwards 06


here is the link to a set of artworks created by computers. This is all random in the meaning that these computers “creatively” generated a set of drawings on their own without the guidance of a person. Its randomness does come from a set of codes that a generator initially put into its system, however, its abstract paintings get formed through the computer itself without any help of the creator. This signifies the fact that humans create a way for computers to think and self-generate art, however, it’s something that I do not admire or encourage to be advanced to have them accomplish more complex tasks later on in the future.

mjanco – project6-abstractclock-sectionB


//Michelle Janco
//Section B

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 800);

function draw() {

  var mapH = map(hour(), 0,30, 0, width);

//make ellipse that grows depending on the hour
  fill(250, 150, 0);
    ellipse(300,400, mapH, 50);

  for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++){
    var c = color(240, 200, 0);
    	//make seconds red
    	if (second() == i) {
      	c = color(240, 80, 30);
    //if not, purple
    else {
      	c = color(130, 100, 180);

    //getting the minutes to gradually make the clock green as time goes on
    	if (i < minute() & i != second()) {
      	c = color(100, 150, 30);
    drawMark(i, c);
  function drawMark(count, col) {
    translate(300, 400);
    ellipse(50,50, 300,3);

For this assignment, I was inspired by wacky 60’s / 70’s room accessories, with their bright colors and abstract shapes. It took me a while to figure out how to make the minutes add up and then reset once 60 minutes pass, but eventually i figured it out, and learned a lot from doing this project.

nahyunk1 – Looking Outwards 07

Out of the list one of the projects that particularly inspired me was Aaron Koblin and Chris Milk’s WITHIN. It was created for people to share personal stories or works in the form of virtual reality which also became a new way for viewers to experience works on a new level. Virtual reality, being a highly interactive and realistic form of expression, signified the creators’ purpose of WITHIN as creating a place for artists and people to express and interact within the area of virtual reality. When I downloaded and tried the app, I was able to download or stream videos of people and view them under a virtual reality setting and move and turn my phone around to see the surroundings and feel like I was really inside the story setting.

you can watch this but download the app to interact with the VR.


As stated on their official website, “the Reactable was conceived and developed since 2003 by a research team at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.”

Image result for reactable DJImage result for reactable DJ

This project really intrigued me because I have a big interest in electronic music. The Reactable works similarly like the launchpad that many DJs use to create their sounds, but it differs in that it works on a flat interactive table. On a typical launchpad, the DJ presses stationary buttons on an electrical box, but with the Reactable, the DJ is able to place the small key boxes anywhere on the table itself to create sounds. Twisting and sliding the key boxes around the table alters the sounds and in turn creates new and unique music.

The video above shows a demonstration of the project itself.

I thought it was cool how technology is also evolving in the music industry in order to make new sounds in new ways that is also serving as new entertainment as the DJ performs with this device.