nahyunk1-Looking Outwards 05: 3D Graphics

Similar to generating 3D graphics with 2d images through Photoshop and Illustrator, this piece of animation story made by Disney used two dimensional art to create a third dimensional world on screen. First by drawing the characters and the setting, the computer then generates each of the motions to create a set of animated scenes into film. What I admire about this is Disney’s high regard of manual skills and the collaboration of the hand-drawn and the computer. Short films like these from Disney hold significance in that they originate from the artistic skills of the artist more than the artist’s ability to handle machines and softwares. That itself is a quality in this film that I admire and believe a commendable work that sticks to the older practice of creating animation.

mjanco – Looking Outwards-05


I’ve chosen to look at this piece by Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen. He is a physicist who creates 3D generative artworks using Structure Synth and Fragmentarium, both open source applications. This particular piece, “Algebraic Decay,” uploaded to Christensen’s profile on October 19, 2012, really captured my attention because of its stunning textures and colors. I see it as if it is a large floating landscape, but it also is just vague enough that it could be an image under a microscope. I love how the composition and textures play with the perspective, and make me wonder whether this 3D object is very large or very small. This piece is very complex, therefore it is hard for me to pinpoint what must have been required to produce this piece. However, they must have needed a soft, warm-toned light source, and perhaps Perlin Noise to create the soft, gently wavering textures. The artist does specify that the work was folded in Fragmentarium. The artist says he is interested in chemistry, physics, and complex systems. The texture, lighting, and vague background definitely give the impression that it is a specimen being examined under a light, which is where the artists’ fascination with scientific examination comes into play. The textures and colors also give the impression of an organic substance, which the artist also has interest in exploring.

Algebraic Decay




mjanco – wallpaper


//Michelle Janco
//Section B

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 320);

function draw() {
function drawGrid() {
  stroke(170, 80, 100);
  //vertical ellipses - green
  for (var y = -1; y < height; y += 80) {
        for (var x = 50; x < width+50; x += 100) {
            ellipse(x, y, 100, 200);
    //horizontal ellipses - yellow
    for (var y = 0; y < height+50; y += 80) {
          for (var x = 50; x < width+50; x += 100) {
              fill(240,200,60, 90);
              ellipse(x, y, 200, 100);
    for (var y = 0; y < height+50; y += 80) {
          for (var x = 50; x < width+50; x += 100) {
              fill(200,91,66 , 90);
              rect(x-5, y-10, 10, 20);

For this project I just wanted to use a simple geometric print using a color scheme that I like. I found that I could create new shapes by layering familiar ones, and altering the opacity of my colors.

rgroves – Wallpaper – section B


//Becky Groves
//Section B
//Project 5 Wallpaper

//dimensions of the pattern
var h = 140;
var w = 200;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);  
    background(167, 178, 181);	

function draw() {
for (var y = 0; y < height/h; y++){
		for (var x = 0; x < width/w; x++) {
			//change the position of the pattern for each row
			if (y%2 == 0) {
				texas(x * 2 * w, y * h);
				//change the color of the star for each column
				if (x%3 == 0) {
					fill(255, 255, 255);
				} else
				if (x%2 == 0) {
					fill(255, 0, 0);
				} else {
					fill(0, 0, 255);
				star((x * 2 * w) + w, y * h, 20, 50, 5);
			} else {
				texas(-w + (x * 2 * w), y * h);
				if (x%3 == 0) {
					fill(0, 0, 255);
				} else
				if (x%2 == 0) {
					fill(255, 255, 255);
				} else {
					fill(255, 0, 0);
				star((x * 2 * w), y * h, 20, 50, 5);

function texas(x, y){ //combine right and left sides of the pattern
	lefttexas(x, y);
	righttexas(x + w, y);

function lefttexas(x, y){ //left half of the pattern
	fill(167, 178, 181);
	rect(x, y, w, h);
	fill(142, 130, 78);
	rect(x, y + h - 45, w, 45);
	var a = 25; //distance of first windmill from the left
	var xs = 30; //horizontal spacing
	var yst = 15; //difference in heights from the top
	var ysb = 5; //difference in heights from the bottom
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		stroke(223, 218, 207);
		line(x + a + (xs * i), y + 30 + (yst * i), x + a + (xs * i), y + h - 10 - (ysb * i));
		line(x + a + (xs * i), y + 30 + (yst * i), x + a + (xs * i) + 6, y + 30 + (yst * i));
		fill(223, 218, 207);
		translate(x + a + (xs * i) + 6, y + 30 + (yst * i));
  		rotate(frameCount / 200.0 * (i + 1)); //the blades spin!
  		rotate(45 * (i + 1))
		star(0, 0, 2, 30, 3); 
	rect(x + ((11/16) * w), y + 80, (5/16) * w, 50, 10, 0, 0, 10);
	line(x + w - 10, y + 80 + 25, x + w, y + 80 + 25);
	for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
		var s = 50/5;
		line(x + ((5/8) * w), y + 80 + (i * s), x + w, y + 80 + (i * s));
	stroke(188, 157, 118);
	line(x + ((5/8) * w), y + 80, x + ((5/8) * w), y + h);

function righttexas(x, y) {
	translate(2 * x + w, 0);
	scale(-1, 1);
	lefttexas(x, y);

//this is from the p5.js reference site
function star(x, y, radius1, radius2, npoints) {
  var angle = TWO_PI / npoints;
  var halfAngle = angle/2.0;
  for (var a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {
    var sx = x + cos(a) * radius2;
    var sy = y + sin(a) * radius2;
    vertex(sx, sy);
    sx = x + cos(a+halfAngle) * radius1;
    sy = y + sin(a+halfAngle) * radius1;
    vertex(sx, sy);

For this project I was inspired by the landscape of my home state Texas. I think it looks better at a larger scale so here’s a screenshot of what that would look like:



Liars — Brats from ian cheng on Vimeo

Ian cheng is a contemporary artist who uses 3d animation and Artificial Intelligence to create “live simulations” that are infinite in duration and composed of both man-made and algorithmically generated content that together produce emergent behavior and sound.

The visual aesthetics that Ian produces is very interesting because it is rigid and fine with details. Even though the visuals are very interesting the behaviors that each character produces in his “live simulations” is what is so interesting. The algorithms that Ian produces is based from the game called the “Sims” and that became the reference for his algorithms.

Ian is not the visual creator for his artwork but it is the algorithms and the program that create these visuals and sounds. The manifesto that the program creates in this artwork is significant since we are heading into a era where Artificial Intelligence is becoming dominant.

Ian Cheng’s Website

Work that “Live Simulations” produced

Emissary Forks At Perfection, live simulation and story, 2015


yoonseo1-project5 Wall paper


////Yoonseo(Dave) Choi
//Section B
//Project 05 - Wall Paper
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    background(0); //set back ground to black

function draw() {
	noStroke(); // removing Stroke from the petals
    for (var p = 0;p < 12; p ++){ // setting for loop for patter
    	for (var j = 0; j <12; j ++){
    		var red = map(p*200,0,height,0,255);  //color set for red
            var green = map(j*200,0,width,0,255); //color set for green 
    		petal(p*200+90,j*200+90,red,green,random(0,255)); //execute petal 
    		stroke(255,4); //set stroke color
    		line(p*40,0,p*40,height); //vertical stroke
    		line(0,p*40,p*40,0); // diagonal stroke
    		line(width,p*40,p*40,height); // diagonal stroke
    		noStroke(); // no stroke for the petal

   noLoop(); //only run once

function petal(x,y,r,g,b){ //petal function
	push(); // setting geomety
	scale(0.45); //scale down whole thign by 0.45 too big initially
	fill(r,0,b); // set color of petals
	rectMode(CENTER); // settting center to middle
	translate(x,y); //translate to x, y coordinate given at execution
	for (var i = 0; i < 6; i ++){ //for loop for petal rotation
	scale(1.1) //scale petals up by 1.1
	rotate(TWO_PI*i/6); //make them rotate around the center 
	translate(50,0); //translate them 50 from the cente 
	rotate(180); //rotate the single petals by 180 to create form intended
	beginShape(); //half of petal
	beginShape(); //another half of petal
	pop();// pop the form 

	pop(); //pop the whole 

For this project I started with a flower initially to create a wall paper pattern. I started to modify the form from there and transformed the petals into irregular petal shapes. I have populated them by giving 6 petals a center. I had to scale the petal sizes down because they were too big initially. I have used the color to give random variation through out the wall paper. I have used for loop and random variable for the color lies inside of the loop. After the placement of the petals, it needed extra color of form to contrast with. I decided to put white transparent thin lines to give emphasis on the petals and contrast through out whole wall paper pattern.


(Timo Lenzen, Dancing High-Rise, 2017)

Lenzen is a graphic designer known for producing simple but eye-catching designs. “Dancing High-Rise” is also one of the simple but aesthetically pleasing works of his. This animation was made to celebrate the Chinese New Year in 2017 and was installed on one of the tallest buildings at shanghai. I particularly enjoy his style because it is once again simple, but rich with meaning. I love the way he manipulates the abstract and architectural forms to produce something that is so uncomplicated yet unique. The designs are easily approachable but also new in their own ways. I am unsure of the programs he used to make this animation as it was not specified in his website. Overall, his works are very satisfying to watch.



by Cornelius Dämmrich

Cornelius Dämmrich is a German freelance CG artist, 6088AD was a painting that he created this year using multiple graphics software. For this painting, he focused a lot on the shading, texture, and lighting for 3D computer graphics. Although the painting doesn’t have a specific story behind, it created an atmosphere combining future and modern humans culture together. The imagination and appearance were very strong and attractive.  Cornelius posted a very detailed breakdown tutorial to explain how he created 6088AD.

From the video, we can see that he first built up the scene using simple shapes to mark the portions of subjects inside. Also, he used the light inside to make shadows in the scene. Later, he kept carving the models and textures to make it more realistic. The choice of color works really well, the orange on the left side and the greyish colors on the right side helps to create the interesting contrast in the painting. It also strengthens the vivid feeling.

For more details, please go here:

jiaxinw-Project 05- Wallpaper


function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 600);
    //fill the canvas with a gradient color

    //riandrop length
    var dLen = 10;

    //fill the canvas with raindrop, set raindrop x and y equal 10
    for(var dy = 10; dy < height-dLen; dy += 40 ){
        for(var dx = 10; dx < width - dLen; dx += 40){
            stroke(144, 197, 242);
            line(dx, dy, dx+dLen, dy+dLen);
    //umbrella size 
    var size = 80;

    //fill the canvas with umbrellas, set umbrella x and y equal 60
    for ( var y = 60; y < height-size/2; y += 95){
        for (var x = 60; x < width-size/2; x += 90){

            //blue umbrellas
                //umbrella handle 
                rect(0, 0, 4, 80)

                arc(0-size/12, 0+40, size/6, size/6, 0, PI)

                //umbrella top                   
                //small triangles of umbrella
                var tx=0;
                for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
                    triangle(tx-size/2, 0, tx-size/2+(size/6), 0, tx-size/2+size/12, 0+size/12);
                    tx += size/6;
            } else {//red umbrellas
                //umbrella handle 
                fill(234, 145, 145);
                rect(x, y, 4, 80)

                arc(x-size/12, y+40, size/6, size/6, 0, PI)

                //umbrella top
                //arc(x, y, size, size, PI, 2*PI)
                //small triangles of umbrella
                var tx=x;
                for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
                    triangle(tx-size/2, y, tx-size/2+(size/6), y, tx-size/2+size/12, y+size/12);
                    tx += size/6;

function draw() {

function bgColor(){
    //create a gradient color from green to blue
    from = color (179, 222, 213);
    to = color (179, 209, 222);
    interA = lerpColor(from, to, .20)
    interB = lerpColor(from, to, .40)
    interC = lerpColor(from, to, .60)
    interD = lerpColor(from, to, .80)

//create gradient red color for red umbrellas
function redUmbre(x,y){
    var r = 230;
    for (var size=80; size > 0; size -= 2){
        arc(x, y, size, size, PI, 2*PI)
        r -=1; 

//create gradient blue color for blue umbrellas
function blueUmbre(x,y){
    var g = 165;
    for (var size=80; size > 0; size -= 2){
        arc(x, y, size, size, PI, 2*PI)
        g -=1; 

To start with the project, I drew out the sketch to have a sense of how the layout should look like.

At first, I only wanted the umbrella all looked like the same. When I created the all-umbrella wallpaper, I found if some of the umbrellas can be changed would be interesting. Therefore, I thought about how to make only some of the umbrellas change but not in a “boring” pattern. Later I found out if I ply around with the variables for the umbrella’s x and y, this design maybe can work! I tried to use modulo related to x and y, and it worked. What’s more, because the color looked “flat”, I thought maybe making the color become gradient can be more attractive, so I add gradient colors to umbrellas and the background.

yoonseo1-Looking outwards5

This is “Fight like a girl” by self-taught illustrator and graphic designer Aliel Rocha Prates. I admire two things about this project. First is the creator is self taught and she has produced this amazing art work. I consider that the depiction of any kind of liquid in art work is one of hardest challenge to achieve. I do not exactly know how she has created the art, but I can guess initial was done in sketch form than into the production of form and shape then she post-processed in photoshop for wet skins and illumination. In her website, all of the works seem to remind me of Pixar. Her works are not realistic but very fun to look at the illustration.