sunmink-project06-Abstract Clock


//SunMin Kim 
//Section E
//Project 06 

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    //show the current time 
    var h = hour(); 
    var m = minute(); 
    var s = second(); 
    //color of the ocean changes depending on hours 
    var mapH = map(h, 0, 25, 0, 255);
    background(mapH, 220, 250); 

    fill(230, 150, 70);
    rect(365, 270, 80, 100, 40, 20, 20, 40);
    fill(230, 150, 70);
    rect(50, 230, 320, 180, 20, 20, 20, 20);
    ellipse(120, 300, 50, 50);
    ellipse(122, 292, 30, 30);
    ellipse(110, 50, 20, 20);
    ellipse(105, 160, 20, 20);
    ellipse(130, 110, 20, 20);

    //changes form 24 hour to 12 hour clock 
    if (h == 0){ 
        h = 12; 
    } else if (h > 12 & h < 24){ 
        h -=12; 
    } else{ 
        h = hour(); 
    //draw hair every second 
    for (var c = 0; c <= s; c++){
        strokeWeight (2.5); 
        line(80 + 6 * c, 190, 63 + 5 * c, 230);

    //size of mouth gets larger depending on the minutes
    var mapM = map(m, 0, 100, 0, width); 
    fill(230, 80, 100);
    rect(50, 350, mapM, 50, 5, 5, 5, 10);
    text( h + " hour(s) " + m + " minute(s) " + s + " second(s) ", 20,20);


After finishing assignments using index variables, I was excited to create an abstract clock that transforms according to hours, minutes, and seconds. Thus for the abstract clock, I wanted to take benefit of making a clock that is interesting to watch more than few seconds.  Throughout this project, I struggled the most when coming up with triangle coordinates. I feel good with the outcome that I successfully used triangles for this wallpaper which was the most challenging part during the project.

Throughout this project, I struggled the most to come up with types of design that allows me to indirectly display the time flow. However, I felt great to successfully use different parts in the fish to represent the time flow.


Coding Architecture

For this week, I stumbled upon the artwork of Linyi Dai, a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design. When I first considered the subject of randomness in computational art, I did not even consider the possibility of using randomness in order to produce practical objects. While this example may not be a perfect example of practicality, it led me to realize that randomness could be used for things such as architectural rendering. While there are a lot of conditions for this specific example of randomness, the location of where the rectangles appear on each of the layers on this piece are. What I found to be particularly inspiring about this piece was Dai’s ability to create spheres that followed a similar format while still displaying a nature of randomness. I liked that the changes between each sphere were subtle yet undeniably there.



var prevSec;
var millisRolloverTime;

var startingPoint = -90; //lets the bar-graph clocks start from the 0 o'clock position
var transparency1 = 255; //determines the transparency of the second bar graph
var transparency2 = 255; //determines the transparency of the minute bar graph
var transparency3 = 255; //determines the transparency of the hour bar graph

function setup() {
    createCanvas(220, 300);
    millisRolloverTime = 0;

function draw() {
    var heur = hour();
    var minutee = minute();
    var seconde = second();
    var milliseconde = millis();
    if (prevSec != seconde) {
        millisRolloverTime = millis();
    prevSec = seconde;
    var mils = floor(millis() - millisRolloverTime);
    var secondsWithFraction   = (mils / 1000.0);
    //remaps the millisecond accordingly to the width of the path of the bar graphs
    var secondBarWidthSmooth  = map(secondsWithFraction, 0, 1, 0, width-100);
    //position of the bar graphs; the +50 is so that the left side of the bar graphs would be touching the left wall at second=0
    var position = secondBarWidthSmooth+ 50;
    //to produce an oscillating motion of the bar graphs: if the second is an odd number than the 
    if (seconde % 2 == 1) {
        position = width-50-secondBarWidthSmooth;
    else {
        position = position;
    //outline of the clock
    ellipse(position, height/2, 100, 100)
    fill(255-heur*3, 255-heur*2, 255, transparency3);
    arc(position, height/2, 100, 100, startingPoint, startingPoint+360/12*heur);
    arc(position, height/2, 75, 75, startingPoint, startingPoint+360/60*minutee);
    fill(180,10,10, transparency1);
    arc(position, height/2, 50, 50, startingPoint, startingPoint+360/60*seconde);
    //corresponding bar graph will disappear if the second/minute/hour hand hits zero and then reappear when it hits 1
    if (seconde == 0 || seconde > 59) {
        transparency1 =0;
    else {
        transparency1 = 255;
    if (minutee == 0) {
        transparency2 = 0;
    else {
        transparency2 = 255;
    if (heur == 0) {
        transparency3 = 0;
    else {
        transparency3 = 255;



For this project I created a clock made of three pie graphs, each representing the second, minute and the hour, that oscillates between the two walls every second. The graphs also change their colors over the course of minute/hour.

At first I didn’t know what/how the clock has to do/look like for it to be ‘abstract’, so I tried to create a clock that looks like Mondrian’s painting.

But then I realized maybe it’s something that tells the time without explicitly displaying what time it is. So I tried to incorporate color/position of the clock itself to imply a change in time.

Hardest part of this project was probably making the clock oscillate accordingly each second smoothly, instead of moving one pixel and then stopping and then moving and then stopping. At first I was thinking of manipulating the framecount, but I figured it’d be easier to play around with the code that was posted on the Deliverables page that created a bar that creeps up smoothly every second. First I had to change it so that the position of the circle is the one changing instead of the width of the rectangle, and then the clock would reset itself to the origin after each second.  And then I had to remap the value of the millisecond so that one second would take up the entire width of the canvas. Then I had to make sure that the clock would change its direction and creeps back towards the origin instead of transporting back to it.





function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 480);
    background(162, 220, 254);


function draw() {
background(162, 220, 254);

var H = hour();
var M = minute();
var S = second();

    var mappedH = map(H, 0,23, 100, 500);
    var mappedM = map(M, 0, 59, 0, 400);
    var mappedS = map(S, 0, 59, 0, 480);


    //background sky color - seconds
    //the darker blue dropping down on the canvas indicates the seconds
    fill(111, 173, 254);
    rect(0, 0, width, mappedS);

    //stem - minutes
    //growth of the stem indicates the greater minutes
    //the taller the stem, the more minutes
    fill(100, 212, 126);
    rect(width/2-10, height, 20, -1* mappedM);

    //sunflower petals = hours
    //the number of petals indicates the hour of the time


    if(H<24 & H>12){
    for (var i=1; i<H; i++){
        translate(width/2, height-mappedM);
        stroke(255, 208, 54);
        line(0, 0, 0, -75);

    //sunflower head
    fill(112, 84, 69);
    ellipse(width/2, height-mappedM, 100, 100);


I was inspired to use a sunflower as my abstract clock when researching Kircher’s sunflower clock. Although Kircher used the orientation and the position of the sunflower to determine time, I decided to use the physical characteristics of the sunflower to indicate the seconds, minutes, and hours.


By entering any word into the wordsearch, this website generates a random collage of icons related to the word. The arrangement of the icons are also random.

Pictooptic is a website that randomly generates icons and objects that relate to any searched or random word. The icons are then arranged in a mirror arrangement in which float into space. They can be dragged depending on the movement of the mouse. By clicking “shuffle this,” the arrangement changes into a random arrangements of color and organization. The site also includes a “random word” option where a random word is generated and new icons are brought about.

I like the spontaneity and whimsical nature of the generator. No two icons are the same and instead of a random cloud of icons, the arrangement is mirrored. In addition, the additional random color scheme adds to another surprising factor. I thought it was a creative way to generate a unique collage of items. The algorithms of the project would generate the random spatial arrangement and then have that arrangement mirrored across the canvas.




//maddy cha
//section e

function setup() {

function draw() {
    var h = hour();
    var m = minute();
    var s = second();

    var w = width/10;
    var h2 = height/3


    //changes from 24 hour to 12 hour clock
    if(h == 0){
        h = 12;
    } else if(h > 12 & h < 24){
    } else{
        h = hour();

    //calls function that uses minutes to determine how many eyelashes to draw

    for(var i = 0; i < 12 ; i++){
        //allows for two rows of eyes
        if(i < 6){
            //eye will turn red corresponding to hour
            if(i == h-1){
            } else 

            //blue iris (top row)

            //pupil (top row)

        } else{

            //eye will turn red corresponding to hour
            if(i == h-1){
            } else 
            //blue iris (bottom row)

            //pupil (bottom row)

        //drooping eyelinds
        if(s >= 55 || s <= 5){
        } else{

        //blinks every minute
        if(s == 0){
            if(i < 6){
            } else{

function minuteLashes(){
    var s = second();
    //minute tally marks
    for(var j = 0; j <= s; j++){

        //draws five lashes per eye based on seconds
        if(j!=0 & j<=5){
            line(128+5*j,145, 128+5*j,160);
        if(j >5 & j<=10){
            line(152+5*j,145, 152+5*j,160);
        if(j >10 & j<=15){
            line(174+5*j,145, 174+5*j,160);
        if(j >15 & j<=20){
            line(198+5*j,145, 198+5*j,160);
        if(j >20 & j<=25){
            line(221+5*j,145, 221+5*j,160);
        if(j >25 & j<=30){
            line(244+5*j,145, 244+5*j,160);
        if(j >30 & j<=35){
            line(128+5*(j-30),175, 128+5*(j-30),190);
        if(j >35 & j<=40){
            line(152+5*(j-30),175, 152+5*(j-30),190);
        if(j >40 & j<=45){
            line(174+5*(j-30),175, 174+5*(j-30),190);
        if(j >45 & j<=50){
            line(198+5*(j-30),175, 198+5*(j-30),190);
        if(j >50 & j<=55){
            line(221+5*(j-30),175, 221+5*(j-30),190);
        if(j >55 & j<=60){
            line(244+5*(j-30),175, 244+5*(j-30),190);

function mouth(){
    var m = minute();


For this project, I decided to use hours, minutes, and seconds of the current time in order to create a graphic picture. I started by sketching out a monster that I could use to show the passage of time.

While I messed around with a couple different coded designs, I went with using eyes to indicate the hour, mouth size to indicate minutes, and eyelashes to indicate seconds. One of the eyes turns red corresponding to the current hour, and the monster blinks every minute (his eyelids appear 5 seconds before and after he blinks). He gains a new eyelash every second, and the size of his mouth is dependent on the current minute.


The inaugural exhibition, XYZT: Abstract Landscapes is a beautiful and profound exhibition that is created by a group of artists and engineers cooperating under the name of Adrien M & Claire B, which is led by Adrien Mondot and Claire Bardainne. XYZT that is named after four dimensions (horizontality, verticality, depth, and time) performs 10 works that are supported by a distinctive mathematical algorithm. The giant screen with sensors forms “could” of pixels and performers can interact with the projections during the show.

I am interested in XYZT exhibition because I have seen other exhibition or design using the computational algorithm, but I have not seen performances using the mathematical algorithm during the show. It is special because when planning for the performance, randomness of computational art is hard to predict. With the artists and engineers now the computational algorithm can be fully used for the performance using the randomness of the algorithm.

Sheenu-Looking Outwards-06

This software is a facial recognition program that produces art and faces through randomly generated noise. The program takes randomly generated noise and tries to create a face using polygons and the generated noise it receives. The software was developed by a man named Phil McCarthy. He wanted to use the program to abuse and play with pareidolia which is the tendency of humans to find faces in everything they see. Because of this, he chose to name the program “Pareidoloop”. What I admire about this project is the fact that a machine that doesn’t initially know what a face looks like tries to draw a face using random data. It’s almost like making something out of nothing. The project both plays with the computer and our tendencies as humans.


katieche-looking outwards 06

I chose the randomness project done by Linyi Dai, an architecture student at RISD, after seeing her work posted on an article about randomness in computation. As seeen from the video above, the project is simple as it generates what appears to be a series of random lines and shapes over time. In the written portion of her project, she talks about how she opted for pseudo-randomness, creating an unpredictable interaction between the patterns she’s already derived. I thought what she had written about randomness, stating that it was used in a generative manor to overcome the creative limitations of the creator, was really interesting and meaningful. Initially, I didn’t have much of an interest or understanding of why randomness was used so often, but following her comments I can see why.

svitoora – 06 Looking Outward

Would you install a Facebook App that Randomly Deletes Your “Friends”?

Friend Fracker (2013) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is an API art that randomly unfriends 1-10 people on your Facebook account. I admire how such a simple algorithm based on randomness could help you reveal who your true friends are, and serves as a larger commentary on human relationships in the digital age. The algorithm is elegantly simple, randomly select 1 to 10 friends in your Facebook account, and delete them. Additionally, an added layer privacy is also added for Friend Fracker uses Facebook’s standard authentication and security service, therefore it doesn’t track your password nor private information. Your deleted friends wouldn’t know that you unfriend them, and neither would you.