Sophie Chen – Project 05 – Wallpaper


var r; // red 
var b; // blue
var x;
var y;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    background(250, 130, 150);

function draw() {
	for (y = 0; y < height; y += 80) {
		for (x = 0; x < width; x += 80){
			r = x;
			b = y / 2;
			// circles
			fill(r, 150, 150);
			ellipse(50 + x, 50 + y, 50, 50);
			fill(255, 100, 100, 90);
			ellipse(40 + x, 35 + y, 50, 50);

			// banana body
			fill(200, 230, b);
			vertex(30 + x, 20 + y);
			bezierVertex(75 + x, 15 + y, 70 + x, 75 + y, 25 + x, 70 + y);
			bezierVertex(50 + x, 60 + y, 45 + x, 20 + y, 30 + x, 22 + y);

			// banana stem
			stroke(200, 230, b);
			line(25 + x, 26 + y, 39 + x, 14 + y);

			// curve pattern
			stroke(255, 200, 200, 30);
			arc(15 + x, 10 + y, 25, 25, HALF_PI, PI);

I’m really glad I got to successfully use the bezier vertex to create a shape that’s not an ellipse this week (a banana 🙂 ).  I also enjoyed incorporating subtle color gradients into the wallpaper and combining that with different opacities. I had fun making this and definitely have a better understanding of nested for loops now.

Looking Outward – 05

Computer Graphics and 3D Representation

Architectural Applications and Platform Sandbox V.2: The Pixel Monster

Sean McGadden

Little Black Box is a a platform for sharing the work of designers, artist and architects. They are an open source platform that essentially expose the work of many talented young professionals and new graduates. This project, The Pixel Monster, evolved using a program called Platform Sandbox. This software uses architectural assemblage to generate forms and structures that can then be montaged. The Pixel Monster specifically is an instillation intended to be a community center at the “Europa Garten” in Frankfurt, Germany.


The author of this project is Kishan Kumar Thasma Seshier Kuppusamy is an architect from Frankfurt Germany practicing expressive innovative techniques and trying to break from conventional use and forms to generate structures creating real interaction and mystery. This project is highly experimental as there are not many structural members explored and it does start to indulge the viewers and participants in the many possibilities that can come from generative form.

I admire the way he is able to divulge, in these drawings, a clearly defined sense of space and emotion. This project is seeking to be a community center and reunite members from adjacent neighborhoods. I can see the way that it pulls from different directions to explore a central catalyst for social interaction and exploration. This was mainly generated using Sandbox and later post processed. The techniques for generating the form are interesting because they are both random and calculated at the same time. The branches of the project start to imply space and function but continue to intrigue as to what they are really trying to accomplish. Enjoy this render the author has made to truly emphasize the many implications of this project has in a context of calm or chaos…

ADDED: Platform Sandbox was developed by a man named Damjan Jovanovic he is a very talented artist, designer and architect. Here is a small video on his work and the nature of the Sandbox platform. It creates some really cool visualizations and animations.

Link to Damjam’s website and the Pixel Monster on Little Black Box.



Justin Yook – Project 05 – Wallpaper


//Justin Yook
// Section C
// Project 05

// bear + flower wallpaper
function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    background(135, 206, 250);

function draw() {
    var box = 40; // bear original x position
    var boy = 50; // bear original y position
    var bvs = 55; // bear vertical spacing
    var bhs = 110; // bear horizontal spacing

    //draws bears and oranges  
    for (var y = 0; y < 11; y++) {
        for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
            var bpy = boy + y * bvs; // y position of following bears drawn
            var bpx = box + x * bhs; // x position of following bears drawn 
            var fpx = bpx + bhs + (bhs /2); // x position of fruit for even rows
            var fpy = bpy + bvs; // y position of fruit for even rows

            //draw bears on even rows
            if (y % 2 == 0) {
                //draw bear head
                ellipse(bpx, bpy, 60, 60);

                //draw bear ears
                ellipse(bpx + 14, bpy - 26, 15, 15);
                ellipse(bpx - 14, bpy - 26, 15, 15);

                //draw bear nose
                fill(234, 212, 182);
                ellipse(bpx, bpy, 20, 20);
                ellipse(bpx, bpy - 8, 6, 6);

                //draw bear eyes
                ellipse(bpx + 8, bpy - 12, 6, 6);
                ellipse(bpx - 8, bpy - 12, 6, 6);

                //draw mouth
                line(bpx, bpy - 8, bpx - 4, bpy);
                line(bpx, bpy - 8, bpx + 4, bpy);

                //draw rosy cheeks
                fill(255, 192, 203);
                ellipse(bpx - 20, bpy, 15, 15);
                ellipse(bpx + 20, bpy, 15, 15);

            //draw oranges on odd rows
            if (y % 2 != 0) {
                //draw orange body
                fill(255, 192, 79);
                ellipse(bpx - bhs - 60, fpy - bvs, 30, 30);

                //draw orange leaves
                fill(50, 205, 50);
                ellipse(bpx - bhs - 60, fpy - bvs - 10, 8, 8);

I wanted to create a friendly and cute wallpaper that gives off a refreshing vibe. The blue background is supposed to be comfortable to the eyes, and the orange complements that color. I can imagine the wallpaper pattern to be on stationery products such as tapes, or pencil cases. There is no pen and paper sketch of the design, but my main inspiration was a bear character called Rice from StickyRiceCompany, a handmade-sticker shop; I tried to re-create the character as accurately as possible.

Inspiration for character

Store Link:


Catherine Coyle – Looking Outwards – 05

I wasn’t sure what to write about for this project at first because there is such a multitude of impressive 3d graphics projects out there. I found this artist, mregfx, while scrolling through Twitter though, and thought his work seems perfect!

‘track tests with smoke’ by mregfx

This is the piece that I had initially seen. It is amazing that 3d graphics can look so realistic and seem to blend in with real world surroundings so well. The work itself feels very mysterious and fits especially well with October coming up. I am particularly impressed by the smoke physics. It’s amazing that a computer can generate these textures and movements.

The artist himself doesn’t seem to have a website, but has a fairly large following on both Twitter and Instagram and it based out of the UK. A lot if his projects are similar to this one in that they seem extremely realistic but some small details are changed using computer graphics that make them particularly intriguing or cool to look at.

It’s amazing was graphics can do!

‘Headache’ by mregfx

Justin Yook – Looking Outwards 05

“Transformers: Age of Extinction” is the 4th movie in the live-action “Transformers” films, directed by Michael Bay. “Transformers” films are known for their extensive use of 3D computer graphics, or CGI, but from what I have observed, the 4th movie has the most impressive computer graphics. All of the robots have intricate parts, and unique transformation sequences. For example, one of my favorite characters is Grimlock, a robot that can turn into a giant T-rex. The softwares that were most likely used to create the 3D models and their animations were Autodesk’s Maya or 3DS Max. I think that the creator’s artistic sensibilities can be seen from each robot’s design; the characters’ robot and transformed forms complement one another very well.

Catherine Coyle – Project 05 – Wallpaper


// Catherine Coyle
// Section C
// Project - 05 Wallpaper

// inspo

var tileW = 75;
var tileH = 100;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 500);

function draw() {
	background(249, 240, 229);
	for(var row = 0; row < height / tileH; row++) {
		for(var col = 0; col < width / tileW; col++) {
			drawTile(tileW * col, tileH * row);

function drawTile(x, y) {
	// many tiles have the same thing drawn over each other which is
	// just to account for the edges of the canvas so it looks
	// more continuous

	// short lines through the middle circles
	stroke(237, 186, 85, 95);
	strokeWeight(tileW / 8);
	line(x + tileW / 4, y, x + tileW * 3/4, y);
	line(x + tileW / 4, y + tileH, x + tileW * 3/4, y + tileH);
	line(x, y + tileH / 4, x, y + tileH * 3/4);
	line(x + tileW, y + tileH / 4, x + tileW, y + tileH * 3/4);

	// gold thicker background lines
	stroke(237, 186, 85);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y + tileH);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);

	// thinner blue lines between diamonds
	stroke(132, 145, 232);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y);
	line(x, y + tileH / 2, x + tileW / 2, y + tileH);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);
	line(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, x + tileW, y + tileH / 2);

	// gold background circle
	fill(237, 186, 85);
	ellipse(x, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);
	ellipse(x + tileW, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4 + 3, tileW / 4 + 3);

	// blue circle at corners
	fill(132, 145, 232);
	ellipse(x, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);
	ellipse(x + tileW, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 4, tileW / 4);

	// inside circle to show background color
	fill(249, 240, 229);
	ellipse(x, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);
	ellipse(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);
	ellipse(x + tileW, y + tileH / 2, tileW / 8, tileW / 8);

	// gold diamonds in middle of some tiles
	fill(237, 186, 85);
	quad(x + tileW / 2, y + tileH / 2 - tileH / 8, x + tileW / 2 + tileW / 8, y + tileH / 2, 
		x + tileW / 2, y + tileH / 2 + tileH / 8, x + tileW / 2 - tileW / 8, y + tileH / 2);

I really love looking at kind of antique and elegant designs so this project was a lot of fun for me! I set up my basic grid with nested for loops and then made a ‘helper’ function that would draw the tiles based on the top left corner of each part of the grid.

In coming up with ideas for what to make for this project, I looked a lot at the antique wallpaper link that was provided with the assignment. Rather than doing sketches of my own, I tried to emulate one of my favorite patterns I found there.

I found this design very pretty and wanted to make something similar

I feel like the design I made is a nice mix between retro looking with the rounded edges and the elegant look to this wallpaper. This project was a fun way for me to get refreshed on nested for-loops!

Alexandra Kaplan – Project 5 – Wallpaper


function setup(){
	createCanvas (480, 480);
	background (170, 220, 250);

function draw(){

	//makes a grid for the right facing balloons
    for(var x1 = 70; x1 < width; x1 += 250){
    	for(var y1 = 50; y1 < height; y1 += 230){
	        airBalloonRight(x1, y1);

    //makes a grid for the left facing balloons
    for(var x2 = 170; x2 < width; x2 += 250){
    	for(var y2 = 150; y2 < height; y2 += 230){
	        airBalloonLeft(x2, y2)

    //makes a grid of the clouds
	for(var x3 = 170; x3 < width; x3 += 250){
        for(var y3 = 50; y3 < height; y3 += 230){
	       cloud(x3, y3);

	//makes a grid of the sun
	for(var x4 = 50; x4 < width; x4 += 250){
        for(var y4 = 160; y4 < height; y4 += 230){
	       sun(x4, y4);


function airBalloonRight(x, y){ //draws the right facing balloons
	translate(x, y);
	fill(250, 90, 90);
    ellipse(0, 0, 60, 55);
    quad(-30, 5, 30, 5, 6, 38, -6, 38);
    rect(-5, 45, 10, 8);
    //ballon decor
    stroke(200, 60, 60);
    line(18, 20, -18, 20);
    line(28, 0, -29, 0);
    line(19, -20, -19, -20);
    //basket connectors
    line(-15, 25, -5, 45);
    line(14, 25, 4, 45);


function airBalloonLeft(x, y){ // draws the left facing balloons
	translate(x, y);

    // balloon
	fill(250, 90, 90);
    ellipse(0, 0, 60, 55);
    quad(-30, 5, 30, 5, 6, 38, -6, 38);

    // basket
    rect(-5, 45, 10, 8);

    // basket connectors
    line(-15, 25, -5, 45);
    line(14, 25, 4, 45);

    //ballon decor
    stroke(200, 60, 60);
    line(18, 20, -18, 20);
    line(28, 0, -29, 0);
    line(19, -20, -19, -20);


function cloud (x, y){ // draws the cloud
    translate(x, y);
    ellipse(5, -5, 40, 35);
    ellipse(28, -2, 40, 28);
    rect(-28, -5, 85, 20, 10);

function sun(x, y){ // draws the sun
    for(var r = 0; r < 800; r += 90){ //rotates the rays around the center ellipse
    ellipse(0, 0, 30, 30)
    fill(245, 225, 10)
    ellipse(0, 0, 30, 30)

function rays(x, y) { // draws the rays
	fill(250, 200, 10);
	triangle(0, 13, -30, 25, -15, 0);
	triangle(-5, 10, - 30, 0, -5, -10)

I had a lot of fun with this project, coming up with a repeating design by using for() loops and declaring my own functions. I came up with the idea of hot air balloons because I thought that they would be cute and simple. I like my final design, I think it would be good for a backpack, computer desktop screen, or wallpaper for a child’s room. In future projects, I will work on incorporating more variables into the drawings of the specific objects.

Sophia Kim – Project 05 Wallpaper – Sec C


// Sophia S Kim
// Section C 1:30
// Project-05-Wallpaper

function setup() {
  createCanvas(450, 600); 

function draw() {
  background (255, 232, 187);
  //arc for RED part of rainbow
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(255, 67, 67);
      arc(a, i, 80, 85, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for ORANGE part of rainbow
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(255, 177, 56);
      arc(a, i, 70, 75, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for YELLOW part of rainbow
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(247, 238, 82);
      arc(a, i, 60, 65, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for GREEN part of rainbow 
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(112, 232, 160);
      arc(a, i, 50, 55, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for BLUE part of rainbow 
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(124, 209, 232);
      arc(a, i, 40, 45, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for INDIGO part of rainbow 
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(124, 142, 229);
      arc(a, i, 30, 35, PI, 0, OPEN);
  //arc for VIOLET part of rainbow 
  for(var i = 20; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      stroke(154, 125, 226);
      arc(a, i, 20, 25, PI, 0, OPEN);
  for(var i = 23; i < height+40; i += 65) {
    for(var a = 20; a < width+30; a += 105) {
      text("HAPPY", a-14, i + 10);

Utilizing the ‘wallpaper’/pattern into clothing, I was inspired by the iconic Paul Frank tees and the Happy Bunny t-shirts from my childhood. I wanted to fuse text and graphics together like the Happy Bunny t-shirts. I narrowed down the graphic to look simple so that the viewer can comprehend both the graphic and text together. The main objects I thought of were weather related: rain, clouds, sun, moon, rainbow. I chose to use the rainbow to give a positive mood to the viewer. At first, I had a really hard time spacing each block (graphic+text) from each other. However, after a while I got the hang of spacing and creating arcs for the rainbow. The assignments really assisted me to handle the for loops well for this project!

Image result for paul frank tee

Image result for happy bunny t shirt

Sharon Yang Looking Outward 05 – 3D Art

Sergi Caballer is a 3D character modeler working at Walt Disney Animation Studios. He is the creator of 3D characters in various movies, some of the very well-known ones including Zootopia and The Pirate!. The 3D art project that I especially admire and so looked further into was Crocodile character from the film ‘Justin and the Knights of Valour’. As the film targeted towards quite young kids, the character is made to look both witty and friendly though crocodiles are typically described to be terrifying and vicious. Yet, the features of a crocodile in the character are mostly present and are quite realistic. As Caballer elaborates on this art work, it consisted of character modeling, facial shapes modeling and UV´s, which are all intricate processes, and it has taken two years (from 2009 to 2010) for completion. The work was done through using Softimage and uvLayout. He has fully adjusted the main facial structures as well as the additional corrective shapes, allowing for the character’s greater facial movements, once again, appropriate for the film’s audience.

Sergi Caballer’s Crocodile in the film ‘Justin and the Knights of Valour’ 2009-2010


Sharon Yang Project 05 Wallpaper


/*Sharon Yang
Section C

function setup() {
    //6 rows of donuts
    for (var y = 0; y < 6; y++) {
        if (y % 2 == 0) { //hexagonal formation
            for (var x = 0; x < 6; x++) { 
                ellipse(30+x*110, 20+y*110, 75, 75); //base of donut
                if (x % 2 == 0) {
                    fill(246,166,199); //strawberry glaze
                else {
                    fill(95,42,22); //chocolate glaze
                ellipse(30+x*110, 20+y*110, 65, 65);
                ellipse(30+x*110, 20+y*110, 30, 30); //donut hole
                if (x % 2 == 0) {
                    strokeWeight(3); //chocolate sprinkles
                    line(5+x*110,y*110,12+x*110,3+y*110); //top left sprinkle
                    line(x*110+35,y*110+38,x*110+40,y*110+45); //bottom right sprinkle
                    line(x*110+56,y*110+5,x*110+50,y*110+15); //top right sprinkle
                    line(2+x*110,30+y*110,8+x*110,27+y*110); //bottom left sprinkle
                else {
                    strokeWeight(3); //colorful sprinkles
                    line(5+x*110,y*110,12+x*110,3+y*110); //top left sprinkle
                    line(x*110+35,y*110+38,x*110+40,y*110+45); //bottom right sprinkle
                    line(x*110+56,y*110+5,x*110+50,y*110+15); //top right sprinkle
                    line(2+x*110,30+y*110,8+x*110,27+y*110); //bottom left sprinkle
        else { 
            for (var x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
                ellipse(90+x*110, 20+y*110, 75, 75);
                if (x % 2 == 1) {
                else {
                ellipse(90+x*110, 20+y*110, 65, 65);
                ellipse(90+x*110, 20+y*110, 30, 30);
                if (x % 2 == 1) {
                    strokeWeight(3); //chocolate sprinkles
                    line(65+x*110,y*110,72+x*110,3+y*110); //top left sprinkle
                    line(x*110+95,y*110+38,x*110+100,y*110+45); //bottom right sprinkle
                    line(x*110+116,y*110+5,x*110+110,y*110+15); //top right sprinkle
                    line(62+x*110,30+y*110,68+x*110,27+y*110); //bottom left sprinkle
                else {
                    strokeWeight(3); //colorful sprinkles
                    line(65+x*110,y*110,72+x*110,3+y*110); //top left sprinkle
                    line(x*110+95,y*110+38,x*110+100,y*110+45); //bottom right sprinkle
                    line(x*110+116,y*110+5,x*110+110,y*110+15); //top right sprinkle
                    line(62+x*110,30+y*110,68+x*110,27+y*110); //bottom left sprinkle

While the project was very straightforward and quite easy, it was also a lot of fun and I could understand better the use of for loops and nested for loops. I feel more comfortable declaring the variables I need within the for loops and adjusting the increments.

I have been inspired by the google image attached.