Nawon Choi— Looking Outward 06

Composition in Line

Left - Piet Mondrian, Composition in line, second state, 1916-1917. © Collection Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo. Courtesy: Collection Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo. Right - A. Michael Knoll, Computer Composition With Lines, 1964. Created with an IBM 7094 digital computer and a General Dynamics SC-4020 micro-film plotter. Photo: © A. Michael Knoll
Composition in Line by Piet Mondrian and Computer Composition With Lines by IBM 7094

I found this piece through a really interesting article about how an IBM 7094 computer generated a drawing that was very similar to a painting done by Piet Mondrian. The two images were prompted with this questionnaire—”One of the pictures is of a photograph of a painting by Piet Mondrian while the other is a photograph of a drawing made by an IBM 7094 digital computer. Which of the two do you think was done by a computer?” According to the article, few people, including those who claim to like abstract art, were unable to identify the painting.

I admire the thought and intentions behind this project and how it questions the nature of art, how one was made traditionally, with hours of an artists’ time spent in front of a canvas with oil and paint, while the other was generated by an algorithm, specifically and deliberately designed to emulate Mondrian’s original work. It challenges people’s ideas on what traditional art is, and introduces randomness and computational practices to abstract art.

William Su – Project 06 – Abstract Clock

I used circles for time indicators. The circles “tick” larger as time passes and slowly fill the max size they could be. The background color also changes according to the time of day (morning, afternoon, evening).


// William Su
// Section E
// Project 06

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    background(255, 200, 200);
    // Fetch the current time
    var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();
    // Compute the widths of the rectangles
    var mappedH = map(H, 0,23, 0,width - 50);
    var mappedM = map(M, 0,59, 0,width - 50);
    var mappedS = map(S, 0,59, 0,width - 50);

    if (H >= 6 & H <= 14) { //Change color of the background depending on time of day. (Morning, Afternoon, Evening)
      background('#87CEEB'); //morning sky blue
    } else if (H > 14 & H <= 17) {
      background('#fd5e53'); //afternoon sunset orange
    } else {
      background('black') //evening black
    // Display the minutes and hours.
    ellipse(width/2, height/2, mappedH, mappedH);
    ellipse(width/2, height/2, mappedM, mappedM);
    noFill(); //Second "hand"
    ellipse(width/2, height/2, mappedS, mappedS);

Margot Gersing- Looking Outwards-06

Fish or Bird?

For this week I found this really fun project done by a man named Larry Cotton. He was is a power-tool designer and part-time community college math instructor. He was inspired by an article written by Charles Platt and Aaron Logue about a how to make a random number generator out of simple hardware that creates an unlimited amount of generated noises that could then be converted to high and low digital states. Larry Cotton, was inspired by this project and decided to use it to create abstract art. He took the RNG and made a drawing machine that used two motors to randomly control a pen.

Drawing machine with pen hooked up.
drawing machine

I love this project because of the hybrid digital and physical nature. It is so cool that the project came from a digital RGN, to physical hardware, to another machine (drawing robot) which makes physical mark making. In the final images, he also scanned them in digitally again to color and finish.

More drawings from Larry Cottons project
scanned in and colored

The other great part about this project is Larry lays out all the steps he did in an article so others can also do it.

Aaron Lee – Project – 06 – Abstract Clock


Aaron Lee
//Section C
Project-06-Abstract Clock

function setup() {
   createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw(){

  var H = hour();
  var M = minute();
  var S = second();

   for (H = 0; H < 23; H++) {
    let z = map(H, 0, 23, 255, 0);// mapping background day and night
    let m = map(H, 0, 23, 0, 240); //mapping moon and sun
    background(0, z, 255); //druing the day it is light blue, during night it is dark blue
    fill (252, m, 3); //during the day it is red(sun) during night it is yellow (moon)
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, 200, 200);

    stroke(255);//satellite that represents seconds
    let sec1 = map (S, 0, 60, 360, 0);
    arc (200, 200, 300, 300, sec1, 0);
    stroke(0, z, 255)
    let sec2 = map (S-1, 0, 60, 360, 0);
    arc (200, 200, 300, 300, sec2, 0);

    stroke(255);//satellite that represents minutes 
    let min1 = map (M, 0, 60, 0, 360);
    arc (200, 200, 250, 250, 0, min1);
    stroke(0, z, 255);
    let min2 = map (M-1, 0, 60, 0, 360);
    arc (200, 200, 250, 250, 0, min2);

    stroke(255);//satellite that represents hours
    let hr1 = map (H, 0, 24, 0, 360);
    arc (200, 200, 350, 350, 0, hr1);
    stroke(0, z, 255);
    let hr2 = map (H-1, 0, 24, 0, 360);
    arc (200, 200, 350, 350, 0, hr2);


Color of the background and the sphere changes in order to indicate time. The movement of the satellites that orbit around each represent hr, min and sec.

Sydney Salamy: Project-06-Abstract-Clock

Because of the time of year, I decided to make mine about Halloween. I based my design on the Charlie Brown Halloween special “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”. I looked up a bunch of photos from this special and started taking what I liked from them and mixing them into my sketch. I had my sketch be of the pumpkin patch where the kids would wait for the Great Pumpkin, and would have the sun and moon tell what time of day it was. I also decided to have the sky change color in response to these. I used if statements and the hour() variable in order to accomplish this. I then went about creating the patch, using for loops to create lots of leaves and also the lines dividing a fence. I individually created each pumpkin in the patch, making the main one the kids are behind the largest and bumpiest.

My Rough Draft


function setup(){

var backColorR = 168;//red value
var backColorG = 215;//green value
var backColorB = 255;//blue value
var lSW = 10;//leaf width
var lSH = 10;//leaf height
var gSP = 20;//space between columns
var vSP = 20;//space between rows
var gA = 20;//# added to g
var vA = 350;//# added to v
var dotX = 213;//x value of girl's dot
var dotY = 352;//y valye of girl's dot
var lineX = 244;//x value of first stripe point
var lineY = 345;//y value of first stripe point
var bFaceX = 258;//x value of center of boy's head
var bFaceY = 316;//y value of center of boy's head
var gFaceX = 211;//x value of center of girl's head
var gFaceY = 316;//y value of center of girl's head

function draw() {
    var H = hour();
    //"clock" part
    //sky colors
    //changes sky color according to real hours
    if(H > 20){//black
        backColorR = 0;
        backColorG = 0;
        backColorB = 0;
    else if(H > 16){//dark blue
        backColorR = 1;
        backColorG = 25; 
        backColorB = 145;
    else if(H > 12){//blue
        backColorR = 143; 
        backColorG = 182;
        backColorB = 255;
    else if(H > 8){//light blue
        backColorR = 168;
        backColorG = 215;
        backColorB = 255;
    else if(H > 4){//yellow
        backColorR = 255; 
        backColorG = 227;
        backColorB = 143;
        backColorR = 255;
        backColorG = 94;
        backColorB = 129;
    rect(367,300, 112,70);//fence
    for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++){//fence dividers
        line((i * 16) + 367,300, (i * 16) + 368, 370);//draws dividers
    //changes sun position and color according to real hours
    if(H > 12 & H < 19){//13 and above
        fill(255, 219, 56);
        ellipse(width / 2, (H * 23), (width / 2) - 10,(height / 2) - 10);         
    else if(H > 18){//19 to 0/24
        fill(255, 217, 79); 
        ellipse(width / 2, height - (H * 15), (width / 2) - 10,
            (height / 2) - 10);
    else{//0 to 12
        fill(255, 219, 56);
        ellipse(width / 2, height - (H * 30), (width / 2) - 10,
            (height / 2) - 10);
    line(374,308, 374,318);//fence line (FL) 1
    line(378,310, 378,330);//FL2
    line(390,334, 390,346);//FL3
    line(405,305, 405,315);//FL4
    line(410,311, 410,330);//FL5
    rect(0,360, 480,120);//grass background
    ellipse(width / 2,393, 640,100);//grass hill
    //leaves on the ground
    for(var g = 0; g < 20; g++){//increments elements
        for(var v = 0; v < 10; v++){//draws ellipses
            fill(2, 84, 24);//darkest green
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 7)) + (gA - 10),(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 7), 
                lSW,lSH + 2);
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 7)),(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 20), lSW,lSH - 4);
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 7)) + gA,(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 15), 
                lSW,lSH + 1);
            ellipse(((g + (gA - 1)) * (gSP - 3)) - (gA * 12.5),(v * (vSP - 5))
             + vA, lSW,lSH + 1);
            fill(15, 99, 56);//dark green
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 9)) + gA,(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 7), 
                lSW,lSH + 2);
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2.25)),(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 20), lSW,
                lSH + 3);
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.75)) + gA,(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 15), 
            fill(158, 83, 2);//dark orange
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2.5)) + (gA + 7),(v * (vSP * 2)) + (vA + 7), 
                lSW + 3,lSH);
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.5)) - (gA - 5),(v * (vSP * 2.25)) + 
                (vA + 25), lSW,lSH - 3);
            fill(2, 158, 43);//green
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.75)) + (gA + 7),(v * vSP) + (vA + 7), 
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2)) - (gA / 4),(v * (vSP * 2.5)) + (vA + 20), 
            fill(158, 18, 2);//red
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 3.4)) + (gA - 10),(v * (vSP + 5)) + (vA + 4), 
                lSW,lSH - 1);
            fill(122, 108, 26);//olive green
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2.25)) + (gA + 7),(v * vSP) + (vA + 7), 
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.5)) - (gA / 4),(v * (vSP + 15)) + (vA + 3), 
                lSW,lSH - 2);
    //_girl's hair
    ellipse(gFaceX,gFaceY - 1, 26,26);//main hair
    ellipse(gFaceX + 5,gFaceY, 28,20);////right hair
    ellipse(gFaceX - 5,gFaceY + 2, 28,20);//left hair
    ellipse(gFaceX - 2,gFaceY - 17, 10,10);//main bun
    ellipse(gFaceX - 2,gFaceY - 16, 15,7);//left and right buns
    fill(250, 217, 162);//skin color
    //boy skin 
    quad(bFaceX - 5,330,bFaceX - 3.5,328, bFaceX + .5,328,
        bFaceX + 1,331);//boy's neck
    ellipse(bFaceX,bFaceY, 22,25);//boy's head 
    ellipse(bFaceX - 3,bFaceY + 2, 24,20);//boy's cheek
    quad(268,332,275,331, 276,335,269,338);//boy's right arm
    quad(244,330,236,328, 235,332,241,336);//boy's left arm
    ellipse(278,332, 7,7);//boy's right hand
    ellipse(233,329, 7,7);//boy's left hand
    ellipse(bFaceX + 11,bFaceY + 4, 5,5);//right ear
    ellipse(bFaceX - 13,bFaceY - 1, 5,5);//left ear
    //girl skin
    quad(gFaceX + 1.5,332,gFaceX + 2,327, gFaceX + 4,327,
        gFaceX + 6.5,331);//girl's neck
    ellipse(gFaceX,gFaceY, 24,24);//girl's head 
    triangle(206,338, 222,370, 226,336);//right and left arm
    ellipse(gFaceX + 12,gFaceY - 1, 5,5);//right ear
    ellipse(gFaceX - 12,gFaceY + 2, 5,5);//left ear
    //boy clothes
    quad(238,355,252,331, 260,332,266,355);//boy's shirt
    quad(260,332,267,332, 268,338,263,342);//right shirt sleeve
    quad(252,331,245,330, 242,336,246.5,340);//left shirt sleeve
    //girl clothes
    ellipse(222,336, 7,7);//right shirt sleeve
    ellipse(210,338, 7,7);//left shirt sleeve
    quad(209,360,212,333, 218,332,232,354);//girl's shirt
    ellipse(212,302.5, 5,8);//right side of bow
    ellipse(206,303, 5,8);//left side of bow    
    //_boy's hair
    line(bFaceX - 3,bFaceY - 13, bFaceX - 6,bFaceY - 10);
    line(bFaceX,bFaceY - 13, bFaceX - 3,bFaceY - 10);
    line(bFaceX + 3,bFaceY - 12, bFaceX,bFaceY - 9);
    line(bFaceX + 6,bFaceY - 10, bFaceX + 3,bFaceY - 7);
    line(bFaceX + 9,bFaceY - 7, bFaceX + 6,bFaceY - 5);
    line(bFaceX + 10,bFaceY - 4, bFaceX + 7,bFaceY - 2);
    line(bFaceX + 10,bFaceY - 1, bFaceX + 8,bFaceY);
    //-small details-
    point(bFaceX + 2,bFaceY - 2);//boy left eye
    point(bFaceX - 6,bFaceY - 4);//boy right eye
    point(gFaceX - 5,gFaceY - 4);//girl left eye
    point(gFaceX + 3,gFaceY - 5);//girl right eye
    //_on clothes
    //boy's stripes
    line(244,345, 264,350);//bottom
    line(lineX + 2,lineY - 4, lineX + 19,lineY + 1);//2
    line(lineX + 5,lineY - 7, lineX + 18,lineY - 3);//3
    line(lineX + 7,lineY - 11, lineX + 17,lineY - 8);//top
    line(lineX + 20,lineY - 12, lineX + 21,lineY - 5);//right sleeve
    line(lineX + 5,lineY - 14, lineX + .5,lineY - 7);//left sleeve
    //girl's dots
    point(dotX + 6, dotY - 6);//middle
    point(dotX + 7, dotY - 12);//right
    point(dotX + 2, dotY - 17);//right
    point(dotX + 10, dotY - 18);//right sleeve
    point(dotX - 3, dotY - 14);//left sleeve
    point(dotX - 8, dotY - 50);//bow left
    point(dotX, dotY - 48);//bow right
    point(dotX - 2, dotY - 52);//bow right top
    arc(255,320, 7, 6, 0, PI, CHORD);
    arc(211,319, 8, 6, 0, PI, OPEN);
    //main pumpkin
    ellipse(width / 2, (height / 2) + 132, 40,47);//middle bump
    ellipse((width / 2) - 11, (height / 2) + 133, 47,46);//left bump
    ellipse((width / 2) + 11, (height / 2) + 133, 47,46);//right bump
    ellipse(width / 2, (height / 2) + 135, 55,45);//big pumpkin base
    ellipse((width / 2) - 10, (height / 2) + 135, 35,45);//left inner gump
    ellipse((width / 2) + 10, (height / 2) + 135, 35,45);//right inner gump
    ellipse((width / 2), (height / 2) + 137, 20,45);//most inner bump lines
    //other pumpkins
    fill(224, 132, 4);
    ellipse(width - 140,height - 30, 20,18);//1 (medium)
    ellipse(width - 140,height - 30, 10,18.5);//1 middle part
    fill(227, 127, 27);
    ellipse((width / 2) - 40,height - 30, 40,48);//2 (long / big)
    ellipse((width / 2) - 40,height - 30, 20,48);//2 middle part
    fill(227, 104, 27);
    ellipse((width / 2) - 50,height - 100, 9,7);//3 (small)
    ellipse((width / 2) - 50,height - 100, 5,7);//3 middle part
    fill(255, 81, 0);
    ellipse(width - 25,height - 130, 30,35);//4 (upper right)
    ellipse(width - 25,height - 130, 20,35);//4 middle part
    fill(224, 96, 4);
    ellipse(width / 8,height - 60, 40,30);//5 (left)
    ellipse(width / 8,height - 60, 20,30);//5 middle part
    fill(255, 86, 48);
    ellipse(width / 12,height - 110, 20,17);//6 (upper left)
    ellipse(width / 12,height - 110, 10,17);//6 middle part
    fill(242, 59, 22);
    ellipse(width - 180,height - 70, 15,15);//7 (right of main)
    ellipse(width - 180,height - 70, 10,15);//7 middle part
    fill(227, 98, 7);
    ellipse(width - 15,height - 15, 20,20);//8 (left corner)
    ellipse(width - 15,height - 15, 12,20.5);//8 middle part

Julia Nishizaki – Project 06 – Abstract Clock


//Julia Nishizaki
//Section B
//Project 06, Abstract Clock

var islandX = 240; //starting X coordinate of island center
var islandY = 210; //y coordinate of island center, stays constant
var islandHalfWidth = 75; 
var islandH = 100; //tallest height of island mountain
var islandSpeed = 0.001; //controls the lag of island movement
var sheepSpeed = 0.01;
var gearWidth = 12; //the radius of the gear (represents radius of inner "circle")
var gearThick = 2; 
var sheepW = 20;
var sheepH = 15;
var sheepHeadW = 8;
var sheepHeadH = 12;
var ear = 4; //size of sheep ear ellipse
var eye = 2; //size of sheep eye ellipse
var sheepX = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    var h = hour(); //24 hour clock
    var m = minute();
    var s = second();
    difisland = islandX - mouseX;
    islandX = constrain(islandX, islandHalfWidth * 3, width - islandHalfWidth * 3) + difisland * islandSpeed; //causes the island to move slowly to mouse position

    //sky, fades as time changes
    colorMode(HSB, 100); //change color mode in order to help with darkening/lightening the sky
    if (h > 18 & h < 24 || h > -1 && h < 6) {
        b = 15;    
    }if (h > 5 & h < 13) {
        b = 15 + (h * 7);
    } if (h > 11 & h < 19) {
        b = 99 - ((h - 12) * 7);
    c = color(55, 60, b);
    rect(width / 2, height / 2, width, height);

    colorMode(RGB); //switch back to RGB from HSB
    fill(92, 147, 13);
    rect(width * 0.5, height - 25, width, 50);

    //mountain on island
    stroke(92, 147, 13);
    fill(92, 147, 13);
    beginShape(); //vertices that form the mountain
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth, islandY);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.3, islandY - islandH * 0.75);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.1, islandY - islandH * 0.6);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, islandY - islandH);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.65, islandY - islandH * 0.3);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.8, islandY - islandH * 0.3);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth, islandY);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth, islandY);

    //door in mountain
    var doorH = 45
    fill(58, 109, 29);
    rect(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.3, islandY - doorH * 0.5, 20, doorH, 15, 15, 0, 0);
    noStroke(); //door knob
    fill(44, 84, 41);
    ellipse(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.375, islandY - doorH * 0.5, 3, 3);
    //window in mountain
    var winHalfLength = 25 * 0.5 //radius of window
    if (h > 7 & h < 19) {
    fill(58, 109, 29);
    ellipse(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, islandY - islandH * 0.5, 25, 25);
    } else { //makes the window glow yellow when it's "dark" outside
        fill(255, 197, 68);
        ellipse(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, islandY - islandH * 0.5, 25, 25);
    stroke(44, 84, 41);
    strokeWeight(3); //bars of the window:
    line((islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2) - winHalfLength, islandY - islandH * 0.5, (islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2) + winHalfLength, islandY - islandH * 0.5);
    line(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, (islandY - islandH * 0.5) - winHalfLength, islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, (islandY - islandH * 0.5) + winHalfLength);
    //underneath the island
    stroke(44, 84, 41);
    fill(44, 84, 41);
    beginShape(); //vertices that form the underside
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth, islandY);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.75, islandY + islandH * 0.4);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.5, islandY + islandH * 0.5);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.3, islandY + islandH * 0.75);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth * 0.1, islandY + islandH * 0.85);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.2, islandY + islandH * 0.6);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.5, islandY + islandH * 0.5);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.65, islandY + islandH * 0.3);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.8, islandY + islandH * 0.25);
    vertex(islandX + islandHalfWidth, islandY);
    vertex(islandX - islandHalfWidth, islandY);

    //gear, rotates every second
    translate(islandX + islandHalfWidth * 0.99, islandY + islandH * 0.1);
    for (var g = 0; g < 60; g ++) {
        if (g > s || g < s) {
            rotate(180 + g * 6);
            line(0, gearWidth, 0, gearWidth + gearThick);
        } else { //highlights the second hand on the gear
            stroke(124, 17, 17);
            rotate(180 + g * 6);
            gearMiddle(0, 0); //rotates the center cutouts of the gear
            line(0, gearWidth, 0, gearWidth + 2 * gearThick); //the second hand

    //ladder, increases by one rung each minute
    var ladderH = 5; 
    var ladderW = 15;
    var ladderX = islandX - islandHalfWidth;
    stroke(153, 124, 232);
    line(ladderX, islandY - 9, ladderX, islandY);
    line(ladderX + ladderW, islandY - 9, ladderX + ladderW, islandY);
    for (var i = 0; i < m; i += 1) {
        var ladderY = (islandY - 3)  + 4 * i; //Y coordinate for the start of the ladder
        if (i < 9 || i > 9 & i < 19 || i > 19 && i < 29 || i > 29 && i < 39 || i > 39 && i < 49 || i > 49) { //creates everything but the 10's
        line(ladderX, ladderY, ladderX + ladderW, ladderY); //the rungs of the ladder that correspond to everything but the multiples of 10
        } else {
        stroke(153, 124, 232);
        line(ladderX, ladderY, ladderX + ladderW, ladderY); //the rungs of the ladder that correspond to every 10 minutes
        stroke(153, 124, 232);
        line(ladderX, ladderY - ladderH, ladderX, ladderY + ladderH); //left vertical rail of ladder
        line(ladderX + ladderW, ladderY - ladderH, ladderX + ladderW, ladderY + ladderH); //right vertical rail of ladder

    //text: hour, minute, second, colons
    var textX = width * 0.5;
    var textY = height - 20;
    var coltextdistX = 20;
    var coltextdistY = 2; //adds to the Y coordinates for the colons, to visually center them vertically
    rect(textX, textY - 5, 100, 25, 30, 30, 30, 30);
    fill(255, 197, 68);
    textAlign(RIGHT); //hour text
    if (h < 10) {
        text(nf(h, 1, 0), textX - 1.4 * coltextdistX, textY);
    } else {
        text(nf(h, 2, 0), textX - 1.4 * coltextdistX, textY);
    fill(92, 147, 13);
    textAlign(CENTER); //colon and minute text
    text(':', textX - coltextdistX, textY - coltextdistY); //colon between hour and minute
    text(':', textX + coltextdistX, textY - coltextdistY); //colon between minute and second
    fill(153, 124, 232);
    text(nf(m, 2, 0), textX, textY);
    textAlign(LEFT); //second text
    fill(124, 17, 17);
    if (s < 10) {
        text(nf(s, 1, 0), textX + 1.4 * coltextdistX, textY);
    } else {
        text(nf(s, 2, 0), textX + 1.4 * coltextdistX, textY);

    //sheep stack
    difsheep = mouseX - sheepX;
    sheepX = constrain(sheepX, sheepW, (width - sheepW * 1.5)) + difsheep * sheepSpeed; //causes the sheep to move slowly to mouse position
    for (var y = 0; y < h; y += 1) {
        sheep(sheepX, (height * 0.95 - sheepH * 2) - (y * sheepH * 1.15));
        if ((sheepX - mouseX) > 0) {
        sheepHead(- sheepW * 0.25 + (sheepX  * 0.5), (height * 0.95 - sheepH * 2) - (y * sheepH * 1.15));       
        } else {
        sheepHead(sheepW * 0.25 + (sheepX  * 0.5), (height * 0.95 - sheepH * 2) - (y * sheepH * 1.15));

//gear cutouts
function gearMiddle(x, y) { //creates the center cutouts of the gear
    for (var d = 0; d < 4; d ++) {
        rotate(d * 45);
        line(x, y - gearWidth - 2 * gearThick, x, y + gearWidth + 2 * gearThick);

function sheep(x, y) {
    translate(x, y);
    line(-sheepW * 0.25, 0, -sheepW * 0.25, sheepH * 0.6); //sheep leg left
    line(sheepW * 0.25, 0, sheepW * 0.25, sheepH * 0.6); //sheep leg right
    ellipse(-sheepW * 0.5, 0, ear, ear); //sheep tail left
    ellipse(sheepW * 0.5, 0, ear, ear); //sheep tail right
    stroke(255, 197, 68)
    rect(0, 0, sheepW, sheepH, 15, 15, 15, 15); //sheep body

function sheepHead(x, y) {
    translate(x, y);
    rect(x, y / 600, sheepHeadW, sheepHeadH, 3, 3, 15, 15); //sheep head
    ellipse(x - sheepHeadW * 0.5, (y / 600) - sheepHeadH * 0.2, ear, ear); //left sheep ear
    ellipse(x + sheepHeadW * 0.5, (y / 600) - sheepHeadH * 0.2, ear, ear); //right sheep ear
    ellipse(x - 2, y / 600, eye, eye); //left sheep eye
    ellipse(x + 2, y / 600, eye, eye); //right sheep eye

While I didn’t really explore unconventional ways to read time through this project, I tried to seamlessly embed time into a simple but fun illustration, so that it became more of an artefact, rather than something really practical. I was initially inspired by the concept of cuckoo clocks, but my clock eventually warped into a floating island. I ended up creating a 24 hour clock, where the number of sheep represent the hour, the number of rungs on the ladder represent the minute, and the gear on the island shows the seconds.

Lauren Park-Project-06-Abstract Clock


var sun = 220;
var moon = 235;
var cloud = 260;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    if (second % 2 === 0) {
    if (hour >= 8 & hour < 13) {
      background(182, 224, 239);
      // base()
      // morning()
    } else if (hour >= 13 & hour < 17) {
      background(141, 194, 214);
      // base()
      // afternoon()
    } else if (hour >= 17 & hour < 22) {
      background(79, 130, 150);
      // base()
      // twilight()
    } else if (hour >= 22 & hour < 23.5) {
      background(34, 79, 96);
      // base()
      // night();
    } else if (hour >= 0 & hour < 8) {
    for (var j = 0; j < minute(); j ++){
      sun = map(j, 0, 70, 220, 255);
      moon = map(j, 0, 60, 125, 255);
      cloud = map(j, 0, 50, 280, 255);
      stroke(sun, moon, cloud);
      fill(37, 179, 255);
      ellipse(240, 240, 8*j, 8*j);
     translate(width/2, height/2);
    for (var i = 0; i < second(); i ++) {
      sun = map(i, 0, 70, 210, 71);
      moon = map(i, 0, 60, 345, 204);
      cloud = map(i, 0, 50, 0, 234);
      stroke(sun, moon, cloud);
      stroke(50, 75, 255);
      ellipse(0, 0, 30, 450);
     translate(width/2, height/2);
    for (var k = 0; k < hour(); k ++){
      sun = map(k, 0, 70, 255, 255);
      moon = map(k, 0, 60, 255, 255);
      cloud = map(k, 0, 60, 102, 255);
      stroke(sun, moon, cloud, 190);
      ellipse(0, 0, 150, 400);

For my abstract clock, I initially started with an idea revolving around an outer space theme. I wanted to use ellipses to form loophole-like forms and a harmonious shape overalls that move in rhythm to a ticking clock. It was really difficult figuring out how to implement time and speed with these shapes I wanted to incorporate. However, it was really enjoyable to experiment and finally create an artwork that changes depending on how much time has passed, and that the image will not stay the same.

Margot Gersing – Abstract Clock


//Margot Gersing - Project 06 - - Section E

function setup(){
    createCanvas(480, 480);


function draw() {
    background(255, 237, 233);
    translate(width/1000, height); 
    rotate(270); // to start at top of screen

    //time variables
    var s = second();
    var m = minute();
    var h = hour() % 12;

    //outline of ellipse - mapped to reflect time
    var ah = map(h, 0, 12, 0, 360);
	var am = map(m, 0, 60, 0, 360);
	var as = map(s, 0, 60, 0, 360);

	//ellipse size - mapped to reflect time
    var eh = map(h, 0, 12, 300, 400);
	var em = map(m, 0, 60, 150, 250);
	var es = map(s, 0, 60, 10, 100);

	// ellipse - radius increase to reflect time
	fill(255, 192, 44); //hour circle
    ellipse(width/2, height/2, eh, eh);
	fill(111, 163, 118); //minute circle
    ellipse(width/2, height/2, em, em);
    fill(246, 195, 203); //second circle
    ellipse(width/2, height/2, es, es);

    stroke(229, 56, 26);
    arc(width/2, height/2, es, es, 0, as); //outline to reflect seconds passing
    stroke(14, 94, 67);
    arc(width/2, height/2, em, em, 0, am); //outline to reflect minutes passing

    stroke(255, 233, 105);
    arc(width/2, height/2, eh, eh, 0, ah); //outline to reflect hour passing


For this project I wanted to create a bullseye shape that reflected the time in two ways, the outline and the size. I tried to make each circle proportionally sized so that the hour is largest, and second is the smallest. The outline is a more obvious way of showing the time and the size of the circle is much more subtle especially when it comes to the minute and hours.

Austin Garcia – Looking Outwards – 05 – Section C

Randomly Generated art constrained by normalized frames

I have always been interested in random and/or procedural generation, but for me, I also like to exhibit a certain amount of control over my work, not allowing for the randomly generated aspects to exist entirely on their own. For this reason, when I found the art of a group who calls themselves “Painting By Code” I was most interested in their work which had some elements of deliberate touch alongside the randomly generated geometries.

Jacky Tian’s LookingOutwards 06

Generative randomness — CHARLES STREET CAR PARK

Seemingly random pattern can be generated by a comprehensive computational logarithms. This multi story public parking space in Sheffield city centre has natural anodized aluminum panels on its external envelope. Each of the aluminum panel is manufactured from a single sheet of folded aluminum hung in four different orientations with a seemingly random rhythm. The gaps between the panels in four direction provides natural ventilation and creates a sense of sculpture for a box.