miniverse – PlotterTwitter

On plotter twitter I mainly saw geometric patterns and drawings with an element of optical illusion. I also saw limited color selection and  uniform thickness pens. Interesting techniques I saw was the use of flat tip pens to achieve variable thickness strokes in the same svg line. Makes me wonder if stylus rotation is controllable on plotters. As marimonda and aasdee mentioned, another beautiful technique an artist used was to make a water color plot painting by creatively structuring the svg file to dip the brush in a palette.

This artist uses a flat nib pens to create visual illusions. It looks like they redraw the same SVG file with two flat nib pens. However, in the second drawing they orient the pen in the plotter such that it produces thick lines where the first pen was thin and vice versa. This layers the ink in illusiony ways

Another technically interesting piece by the same artist.