Sarita Chen – Looking Outwards – 05

This week I chose the Doodle3D Transform project for my Looking Outwards report. Doodle3D Transform is a 3D design app that converts 2D images to 3D images for 3d printing. The application works for most tablets and browsers.

(Pictured above are gifs showing in a few quick steps how the application functions. )

What I admire about this project is how user friendly the entire application is, making it easy for people who have a mostly basic understanding of 3d printing and 3d graphics to create something useful (like a vase for example, as pictured above). This is also the reason for why the creators made this project in the first place. They wanted to make 3d design easily accessible for people who may not necessarily be experts in that field.

Here is a photo of the team that created the project:

Doodle3D is a tech company located in the Netherlands. The team working on this project consists of Rick Companje, the founder, and four collaborators: Nick van Dijk, Casper, Peter Uithoven and Jeroen Somers.

Here is a link to the project website.

How the program works is that you can draw anything, whether it’s tracing, freehand etc in 2D. The app then renders your design into a 3D version using CAD (computer aided design) software, which you can freely play around with as the two images are side by side, as shown below.

Here is a video for the application.


exeter1_900_00071Computer Generated Graphic of Louis Khan’s library in Exeter

The Third and the Seventh project created by Alex Roman is stunning in its aesthetic sensibility and the techniques used in the process of the generation. As the man behind some of the greatest architecture visualizations of all time, Alex is an CG artists3 who utilizes DSMax and V-Ray for rendering, Photoshop for texture work, AfterEffects for compositing and color grading and Adobe Premiere for edit it all.

What’s really fascinating about this project is the fact that every frame was computer generated, and because of Alex’s incredible sensibility about lighting, shades and color, series of images arouse profound 3 dimensional, spatial feelings in a 2 dimensional display.



While surfing over various works by 3D graphic artists, I noticed plenty were creating graphics that were so real, that they were not distinguishable from reality, or ones that very picturesque to draw an awe from the viewer. However, Mike Campau’s work hit me with an odd way. Thought the texture was realistic, the general form was not. His work was not necessarily the most well composed or beautiful. Nevertheless, what is clear in his graphics is that all of them get a sense of what is being said across to the viewer. It is clear to even a child that Steph curry is very hydrated and that helps his performance. viewer is struck with a fresh and revitalizing feeling of the image, and when they notice that it is an advertisement for Brita (the water filter jar), the same sense of image stays. This ability explains how Campau is so successful in the advertising business.

In addition, Campau treats computer graphic as computer graphic. By this, I mean there in some integrity in his image that prevents it from deceiving the viewer to think something unreal is real. What is the purpose if computer graphic, a tool to make something unreal, makes something so real that it is indistinguishable from photography? Campau instead, integrates photography into his art and generates a synergy between what is unreal and real.



Grace Cha – Looking Outwards – 5

Altered Experiments 52 - kinetic entanglement
Lee Robinson’s “kinetic entanglement” Is inspired by the artist’s fascination with complex natural forms, particularly kinetic energy. It is made using Cinema4D and After effects. Source:

I discovered Lee Robinson, a Art Director, Motion Graphics Designer and Photographer, based in London while perusing through Pinterest, and found all his work to be incredibly charming.  He does these random exercises every so often that displays 3D renditions of things ranging from whimsical concept art to abstracted materials such as glass-like objects.  This particular piece, called Kinetic Entanglement, stood out to me because of its erie- out – of- this- world factor. The special use of glass like stick and objects displays a delicate yet captivating phenomenon.

Lee Robinson is using Cinema4D  for this exercise to generate sophisticated dimensional forms and After Effects to make it come alive through motion.

Emma Shi – Looking Outwards – 5: Nike/Breathe Collection

One rendition of Parein's work
One rendition of Parein’s work
A close up of the mesh balls that make up the sneaker
A close up of the mesh balls that make up the sneaker
Another rendition of Parein's work
Another rendition of Parein’s work
A close up of Parein’s alternative rendition

These graphics are from an advertisement from Nike’s Breathe collection. The artist, Rizon Parein, is a 3D designer and illustrator from Belgium who has created a multitude of advertisements for Nike as well as other major companies such as Toyota, Samsonite, and Nespresso. His project captured my attention because it does an effective job of conveying the “breathability” and “bounce” of the Nike sneakers with the placement of the balls as the upper structure of the shoes. The balls look to be made of mesh fabric, which can be inferred as “breathable” in terms of shoe design.

However, what I admire most about the design of the shoe is Parein’s nod to minimalism — he uses only a few elements, but leaves just enough information so that the viewer can infer that he/she is looking at a sneaker.

You can review more of Parein’s work for Nike on his website.

Yugyeong Lee Looking Outwards 05

rendered walkthrough using Unreal Engine 4

Rendering, in profession of architecture, is essential as realistic visualization ultimately betters the understandings of a project for clients than architectural drawings. Through the evolving technology, 3D video game engines grew to be available for architects as developers of game Gears of War allowed their rendering software Unreal Engine to be free to architects as well as other video game render engines that became more cost efficient for architects.
another rendered walkthrough using Unreal Engine 4

However, utilizing video game engines have both pros and cons. Through this technology, architects can produce realistic, animated walkthroughs as shown above that enhance understanding of experiential and spatial qualities such as light in a shorter amount of time. And the fact that this technology is available to architects for free is the most convincing reason to integrate the program into architectural process. On the other hand, it requires time to learn as well as adjust into a new workflow that might further complicates the process. Also, the engine itself was created for video games creating stylistic differences from other architectural renderings. It is possible for architectural programs to evolve into what video game engine provides. Therefore, the debate comes down to who will step forward to make that change occur.

Yugyeong Lee Looking Outwards 04


In this project called Mother, an artist named Inmi Lee derived a form out of sound through her inquiry on how sound might be represented in a form. It is a 3-D printed sculpture based on an algorithm created by capturing hand gestures of participants of an experiment. The experiment goes like this: Utilizing a language that has a strong correlation between how it’s written and how it sounds-Korean-participants who are unfamiliar with the language have to try to describe what the word might meam by gesture. Because they don’t understand Korean, they will take the words they hear as sound rather than words. Strongly correlated with the artist’s past experience of immigrating to different countries having English not as her first language, the project is strongly integrated to the artist’s past and explore sound through giving it form.

Project-05: String Art


//Victor Tavarez
//Section D

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 640);

function draw() {


   stroke(49,19,255);// rain like blue meant to cover background
   for (var x5 = 0; x5<width; x5+=width/50) {
       for(var y5 = 0; y5 < height; y5 +=height/40){

           line(x5, y5, x5+10, y5+30);
    stroke(240,255,250);//light source from an angle meant to give the piece a further dimension
    for (var x4=50;x4<=width*9/10;x4*=1.10) {
         for(var y4=50;y4 <=height*8/10;y4*=1.10) {

    // the following figures are mmeant to be similarand are meant to look like legs. 

    for (var x1 = 0; x1 <= width; x1+=100) {
        for (var y1 = 0; y1 <= height; y1+=10){

    for(var x2 = width; x2 >=0 ; x2-=100) {
        for(var y2 = height-40; y2 >= 0; y2-=10){
            line(x2,y2, x2+40, x2+40);
   for(var x3 = 0; x3 <=width;x3+=100){
       for(var y3 = height; y3 >= 0; y3-=10){


I restarted this project a few times. I wanted to experiment using the look system and incorporate the various functionalities I discovered in one piece. Although a bit abstract, the image above is supposed to depict a person crossing the street on a raining day. More importantly, the image uses short and frequent lines to simulate rain in the back layer of the image. By connecting many points to pixel, I was able to simulate distance and light using white lines. for the rest of the images I tried to emulate the stage of walking. with the green lines representing stepping forward in how the “knee” moves downward. In the future I hope to be able to use these with animation to simulate movement.


Krzysztof Marczak

This was created by iterating many satellite structures to create a fragmented surface texture as a Mandelbulb piece. I really liked this piece as it seemed to have a lot of depth to it even though it was generated by an algorithm. You can also clearly see the artist’s intentions through this piece, and also visualize what he was trying to create. I think it’s really unique when an artist is able to make something so identifiable with such a vague concept.

Rnayyar String Art


//Rhea Nayyar
//Section C
//Project 04 String Art

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
	var y = 4
	stroke('PowderBlue'); //tiled blue rectangles
    for (var x = 1; x < 640; x+=25){
    	rect(x,0,640,y); //across
    	rect(0,x,640,y); //vertical
   var y = 2
    for (var i = 0; i < 600; i+=15) {
    	ellipse(320,240,800/y,400/y); //concentric ellipses in the middle
    	line(640,0,0,y); //Purple diagonal lines from (640,0)

    var y = 2
    for (var i = 0; i < 640; i+=15) {

    	line(0,0, 640,y); //Hot pink lines from 0,0
    fill('Peru'); //Flower Pot
	stroke('OliveDrab'); //Leaves and Stem
	fill('LightPink') //Flower Center
	fill('PeachPuff'); //Petals


This took me ages. I had no idea what I was doing. I still don’t really understand. It looks cool, I guess. I like the concentric pattern in the middle. It ended up being very “Vaporwave” by accident but I like it. It’s definitely not as complex as others, unfortunately. I guess it’s almost a meditative piece, focusing on the cyclical existence of plant life. Hence the lost petal.