atraylor – Project 04 – Section B


// atraylor
// project 04, Section B

var x1 = 0;
var y1 = 0;
var x2 = 0;
var y2 = 0;
var num = 0.01;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);
    background(178, 44, 0);


function draw() {

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { //Drawing the lines from the edges
        stroke(0, 178, 135);
        lineLeft(i, y1);
        lineRight(i, y1);

    for (var i = 0; i < 180; i++){ // drawing the line spiral
        c = color(25, 255, 200);
        num += 1;
        if (i > 60) {
            c = color(255, 62, 0);
        if (i > 120){
            c = color(25, 255, 200);
        if (i > 180){
            c = color(255, 62, 0);
        stringLine(num, c, i);
    noLoop(); // stoping the for loop so it doesn't keep drawing

function stringLine(deg, col, i) {
    translate(200, 150);
    rotate(radians(deg * 6));
    line( i * 0.5, 0, 200, 0); // changing the x position so the radius increases

function lineLeft(i, y1) { // the two line things on the left side
    y1 = lerp(0, 400, i * .01); // these interpolate between the points, beginning y and end y
    y2 = lerp(300, 0, i * .01);
    line(0, i * 2 + 280, 200, i * y1);
    line(0, i * 2, 200, i * y1);

function lineRight(i, y1) { // the only difference is that these start at 400 rather than 0
    y1 = lerp(0, 400, i * .01);
    y2 = lerp(300, 0, i * .01);
    line(400, i * 2 + 280, 200, i * y1);
    line(400, i * 2, 200, i * y1);

For this project, I tried to use the lerp() function to define the beginning and end points of my lines. It was a rough task because I knew what lerp was supposed to do, but I wasn’t checking my changes after I made them. I figured it out but it took a lot of guessing and checking.



“When Robots Write Songs” is a particularly interesting article, and the thing that stuck out to me while reading it was the computational sound experiment performed by David Cope. David Cope, a computer scientist AND composer, has looked at the role that computer science can play in composing music and has tried to combine the two disciplines by using a program to spew out music in the style of different genres that it seeks to emulate. This program is called “EMMY” which is named after the acronym of his work “Experiments in Musical Intelligence”. EMMY analyzes the patterns in the songs that it is fed, and creates new work in the style of the music it analyzed, often creating musical masterpieces that sound much like the original artists.

I find this work/experiment particularly inspiring, in the sense of how scary it could prove to be. It also begs a lot of questions about the nature of music and musical expression, such as how can music be made to provoke emotion in some individuals? When music is made by flesh and blood and provokes emotion in those who listen, what does it mean when a computer algorithm creates music that is better and also provokes emotion? I don’t think that human musicians will ever be replaced by robots, but the idea itself is slightly unsettling. The alternative view to this would be that it is a celebration of human accomplishment, that we have finally found a way for the automated to express the seemingly unautomated (music). Music is something that requires time and dedication and is not usually considered alongside programming and computer science, however, this project attempts to bridge the gap between music and other seemingly unrelated disciplines.


This week I looked at James Murphy’s “Subway Symphony” from 2014. This was a project in which Murphy wanted to change the harsh beep sound when passengers swipe their cards before getting on the subway. He decided to have each swiping station randomly play 1 0f 8 notes, so as the subway station gets busy, the notes play together to create music. I really admired that James Murphy wanted to take advantage of a sound that many New Yorkers hear on a daily basis, and turn it into something beautiful. It was a way of bringing generative sound art into a setting that everyday people experience daily. I know the process for this project was also very cheap, because they already needed to have a sound be generated, they just needed to program the stations to randomly play a note from a set of notes that sound nice together. James Murphy is a native of New York City and has played many shows and done many recordings there. It makes sense that he wanted to create generative art that could be experienced by the public crowds of New York. His work is also usually based in simple singular notes layered on top of each other, as represented in this piece.


cchau1 – Project04 – String Art


var spaceX = 2;
var spaceY = 10;
var x1 = 30;
var y1 = 300;
var x2 = 400;
var y2 = 200;

function setup(){
	createCanvas(400, 300);
	background(80,50,255); //different background color to set the mood

function draw() {

	for(var i = 0; i < height; i ++){
		stroke(244,25,0); //red sunrays
    stroke(240,203,10); //yellow sunrays
	} //additional numbers were manipulated to fit the canvas size

    for (var k = 0; k < height; k ++) {
      stroke(255); //white space in top right corner; "cloudscape"

    for (var j = 0; j < height; j ++) { //grass
    } //the grass and cloudscape are related in increments (reflections)

    var rad = 150 //mock sun

I tried to manipulate and play around with some of the variables, as well as figure out how to coordinate with the dimensions of the canvas. I had an original idea that I eventually tossed out (which involved a sort of “playing field” using “stroke(240,203,10); line(i*30,height/-4,width,(2*height-3)/i);” in the for loop() ). I ended up deciding to manipulate straighter lines and thought that they resembled sun rays which also created a cool color-blending effect in the bottom right corner so I kept it. I made two curves that would represent “grass” and “clouds”. Personally, I like creating objects and shapes more than just mere lines becayse I am not the most familiar with loops yet (though it was fun to figure out the values) but I will probably do more projects like string art in the future!


For this week’s Looking Outwards, that is focused on Sound Art, I choose Samson Young, an artist who is from Hong Kong. The project called Nocturne (2015) is a live performance project where Samson collected found footage of night bombing  (Gaza strip, ISIS, gulf war etc.) from the internet and recreate the sounds of the bombing, explosions, and gunshots using household items live.

The recreation of the sounds of bombing and explosions by just using household items seems to be very interesting in this performance because it is essentially saying that daily objects withhold some sort of power and energy. I am fascinated how he was able to convey such emotions using the medium of sound.

Documentation of Samson Young’s Project called Nocturne (2015)

Live Performance Video of Nocturne (2015) – On-site radio broadcast, video, performance

Samson Young’s Web Page




//Michelle Janco
//Section B

var x2 = 1;
var y1 = 1;
var y2 = 0;
var xInc = 300;
var yInc = 400;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
  for (var x1 = 0; x1 < width; x1 += 5) {
    var y1 = x1 * .50;
    //vertical lines
    line(x1, y1, x1-80, y2);
    //upper right curve
    line(x2*yInc, y1, x1, y2);
    //diagonal center lines
    line(x2-100, yInc-65, x1, y1);
    //center triangular form
    line(yInc+40, x2*xInc, x1, y1);
    //upper right smaller curve
    line(xInc+65, y1+40, x1+20, y2);
    //bottom left curve
    line(x1, xInc, x2, y1);
    //lower left smaller curve
    line(x1-10, xInc-60, x2+35, y1);

I found this assignment quite difficult because I did not have a clear vision going into it. This result is primarily from trying different things and seeing what works. However, I did enjoy playing with the color scheme.

nahyunk1-Looking Outwards 04 : Sound Art

The computational sound art that I’m most familiar with is the sound looper that many artists and composers use when they create instrumentals or the background music for most songs. Because I enjoy listening to music and is very much interested in knowing about the mechanism of some musical productions, the loops used for each measure is a quality in music that I admire and also aspire to learn the techniques later on. This looper is used with an artist adding a few notes in a rhythmical series as an input and keeps on adding more notes and other sound effects by adding layers of loops on top of each other.

here is the link to an artist who sings and creates music through looping sound.



function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
    background(95, 138, 128);

    var xpt1; //starting x coordinate
    var ypt1; //starting y coordinate   

//background blue lines
    for (var xpt1 = 0; xpt1 < 30; xpt1 += 1) {
        line(0,10*xpt1,50*xpt1,300); //bottom grid background
        line(399,10*xpt1,20*xpt1,1); //top grid background

//thick transparent blue lines 
    stroke(82, 88, 135,130);

    for (var xpt1 = 0; xpt1 < 250; xpt1+=25) {      
        var ypt1 = 200;
        line(130, 50, xpt1, ypt1); //starting from top right
        line(130,250,xpt1,ypt1); //starting from bottom right


//thin brown line inside the blue lines
    stroke(140, 126, 15);
    for (var xpt1 = 0; xpt1 < 250; xpt1+=25) {      
        var ypt1 = 200;
        line(130, 50, xpt1, ypt1); //starting from top right


//think transparent red lines

    for (var ypt1 = 0; ypt1 < 300; ypt1+=40) {
        var xpt1 = mouseX;

//turquoise lines

    for (var ypt1 = 0; ypt1 < 300; ypt1+=20) {
        var xpt1 = mouseX;


//eyebrow + eyes
    line(40,120,80,130); //eyebrow
    ellipse(50,150,10,10); //outer eye
    ellipse(50,150,2,2);//inner eye


I was able to further practice the function “for loop” to create the abstract lines in the background. I then used the template to make the body and the moving tail of the fish. I thought the project turned out to be interesting, but not as aesthetically pleasing as I wanted it to be.

dnam-Looking Outwards-04

The Program Detecting Wine on the Table

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more relevant. ‘The Classyfier” created by Benedict Hubener, Stephanie Lee, and Kelvyn Marte is another display of modern artificial intelligence that makes our lives easier. The program (and the table) detect people’s drinks by sound. For example, dinks of wine glasses tell the program to turn on smooth, sexy music. While the opening of a cool beer would trigger the program to turn on fast-paced rock. Artificial intelligence to have understandings of the environment through sound could help humans have homes that would ‘live and breathe’ along with them, always keeping up with what is happening. More information about the Classyfier can be found here.

Project 04-String Art

Dave String

//Yoonseo(Dave) Choi
//Section B
//String Art
var slider; //slider variable
var n; // output variable for sequence
var spix; //x coordinate variable for spiral sequence 
var spiy; //y coordinate variable for spiral sequence
var nn; //simple sequence variable to connect with spiral
var Svalue;  //variable for slider value
function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300); // set canvas size to 400,300
    slider = createSlider(0,170,0); // slider that value goes from 0,170 and start value with 0
function draw() {
    Svalue = slider.value(); //return slider value to Svalue
    background(0); //set background color to black
    stroke(255,255,255,70);//set color to be white and Alpha value of 100
    strokeWeight(1) // stroke weight to be 1 pix. 
    sequence(); //execute simple sequence function. 
    Bloom(); // execute Bloom function

function sequence(){ //simple arithmatic sequence
    for (var i =0; i <=Svalue; i+=5){ // increment of i in 5s if smaller than slider
        n = 2*i+1; //out put equation

        line(0,height/2+n,n*3,height); // sequence and inverse connected on left bottom corner 
        line(width,height/2+n,width-n*3,height); //Same on right bottom corner
        line(0,height/2-n,n*3,0); //same on left top corner
        line(width,height/2-n,width-n*3,0); //same on right top corner. 
function Bloom(){
    for (var j = 0; j <=Svalue/100; j+= 0.1){// slider value divided by 100 to fit trigonomatric values. 
        //based on r(t) = exp(t) in polar equation
        spix = exp(j)*cos(j); //x coordinate based on cos with exponaential value
        spiy = exp(j)*sin(j); //y coordeinate based on sine with exponential value
        //top and bottom of flower
        line(width/2+spix*20,height/2+spiy*20,width/2-spix*20,height/2+spiy); //connecting lines to each points generated
        //left and right of flower
        for (var w = 0; w <=Svalue;w+=60){ //connecting the polar equation with linear sequence
            nn = 2*w+1; //same sequence as above
            line(width/2+spiy*20,height/2+spix*20,width,height/2+nn); // connecting sequence with points on same quadrant
            line(width/2-spiy*20,height/2+spix*20,0,height/2+nn);   //left borrom corner
            line(width/2+spiy*20,height/2-spix*20,0,height/2-nn);   // left top corner
            line(width/2-spiy*20,height/2-spix*20,width,height/2-nn); // right top corner

For this project, I wanted to look into other equations rather than simple arithmetic equations. I tried to incorporate the polar equation (spiral,r(t) = exp(t))to generate interesting shape and line movements. I added the slider so user can interact with the shape and see the process of generating.