

//SunMin Kim 
//Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    background(222, 141, 148);
    var tw = 50;  
    var th = 50;  
    var y = 100; 
    var x = 100; 


    for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
        for (var x = 0; x < 8 ; x++) {
            var posy = y + y * 1.3 *th + 15; 
            var posx = x + x * 1.1 *tw;  

            //ice cream top 
            fill(240, 230, 180);
            ellipse(posx + 50, posy + 9, 18, 19); 

            //sprinkles 1 on ice cream 
            fill(226, 161, 73);
            rect(posx + 54, posy + 4, 3, 2); 

            //sprinkles 2 on ice cream 
            fill(210, 61, 59);
            rect(posx + 48, posy + 4, 3, 2); 

            //sprinkles 3 on ice cream 
            fill(56, 83, 168);
            rect(posx + 52, posy, 3, 2); 

            //ice cream cone 
            fill(158, 65, 65);
            triangle(posx + 60, posy + 10, posx +40, posy + 10, (tw*sqrt(3)/2) + posx -10 , posy+th);

function draw() { 



After finishing assignments using for() loops, I was excited to create patterns instead of inputting individual functions. Thus for the wallpaper, I wanted to take benefits of for() loop and create a creative wallpaper I want to purchase. I first created the ice-cream cone and followed by ice-cream and sprinkles on it.

Throughout this project, I struggled the most when coming up with triangle coordinates. I feel good with the outcome that I successfully used triangles for this wallpaper which was the most challenging part during the project.

katieche-project 05


// katie chen
// project 05
// section E

function setup (){
	createCanvas (480, 480);
	background (230);

	var c = 80; // how close together they are in a row
    var lh = 80; // line height
    var w = 80; // width

    for (var y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
        var z = 9;
        for (var x = 0; x < z; x++) {
            //var z = 10;
            var py = y * lh;
            var px = x * c;

            if (y % 2) {
                var z = 8;
                rect(px+(0.5*c), py, w, w);
                rect(px+(0.5*c), py, 50, 50);
                // white horizontal long rectangles
                rect(px, py, 70, 20);
                // white diagonals
                //line (px-30, py-30, px+30, py+30);
                //line (px-30+(2*c), py-30, px+30, py+50);
                //line (px-30+(2.2*tw), py-30, px+30, py+50+(2.2*tw));


            else {
                rect(px, py, 70, 30);
                rect(px, py, 30, 60);
                rect(px, py, 75, 10);
                rect(px, py, 10, 70);
                // white vertical long rectangles
                rect(px+(0.5*c), py, 20, 150);
                // white diagonals
                //line (px-30, py-30, px+30, py+30);
                //line (px-30+(2*c), py-30, px+30, py+50);
                //line (px-30+(2*tw), py-30, px+30, py+50+(2*tw));



function draw (){

For this project, I started off by looking at existing wallpapers for inspiration. After doing some sketching, I tried to recreate my sketches but then started going into a different direction and doing more guess and check. I knew I wanted to keep a neutral and subtle palette.



//maddy cha
//section e

function setup() {

function draw() {

function bird() {
    //dictates the x position of all of the elements
    var z = random(-70,20);

    //randomizes angle of grass
    var grassAdd = random(-10,10);
    var grassAdd3 = random(0,20);

    //randomizes whether or not third piece of grass will appear
    var randomGrass = random(0,10);

    //nested for loop that creates grid of chickens
    for(var x = z; x < 880; x+=140){
        for(var y = z; y < 880; y+=140){

        //chance that third piece of grass will appear
        if(randomGrass <= 5){

        //wing shadow

        line(40+x, 110+y, 37+x, 110+y);
        line(30+x, 110+y, 27+x, 110+y);



        //wing shadow


For this project, I decided to start with creating a graphic that I could use to repeat and make an aesthetically pleasing wallpaper with. While I was originally planning to create a function and place it in a for loop in draw, I instead implemented a nested for loop in my “bird” function. After creating my bird, I added different lines of grass that would change angles based on randomized x and y values. Additionally, a randomized variable would dictate whether or not a third piece of grass would show up.

alchan-Project 05-wallpaper


// palette
var dark = {r: 179, g: 191, b: 191}
var medium = {r: 203, g: 214, b: 214}
var light = {r: 217, g: 225, b: 225}

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    var offsetX = 50;
    var offsetY = 52;
    var rowNum;
    var slant = -20;
    var which = 1;

    for(var y = 0; y < 5; y++) {
      //check if the row is odd or even and offset odd rows
      if(y % 2 == 0) {
        offsetX = 10;
        rowNum = 6;
      } else {
        offsetX = 60;
        rowNum = 5;
      for(var x = 0; x < rowNum; x++) {
        scratch(x*130 - offsetX, y*150 - offsetY);

        //determine which type of knife to draw
        which = nf(random(0,3)+1, 1, 0);
        if(which == 1) {
          sharp(x*100 + offsetX, y*100 + offsetY, slant);
        } else if(which == 2) {
          sharp2(x*100 + offsetX, y*100 + offsetY, slant);
        } else if(which == 3) {
          sharp3(x*100 + offsetX, y*100 + offsetY, slant);

// KNIFE 1
function sharp(xPos, yPos, angle) {
  var sharpX = 0;
  var sharpY = 0;

  var sharpW = 8;
  var sharpH = 30;
  var guardW = 10 + sharpW;
  var guardH = 3;
  var handleW = 6;
  var handleH = 20;

  translate(xPos, yPos);
  // blade 1
  fill(medium.r, medium.g, medium.b);
  rect(sharpX, sharpY, sharpW, sharpH);
  triangle(sharpX + sharpW/2, sharpY + sharpH/2,
    sharpX, sharpY + sharpH/2,
    sharpX, sharpY + sharpH/2 + 12);
  fill(light.r, light.g, light.b);
  rect(sharpX - sharpW/4, sharpY, sharpW/2, sharpH);
  triangle(sharpX - sharpW/2, sharpY + sharpH/2,
    sharpX, sharpY + sharpH/2,
    sharpX, sharpY + sharpH/2 + 12);

  // guard 1
  fill(dark.r, dark.g, dark.b);
  rect(sharpX, sharpY - sharpH/2 - guardH/2, guardW, guardH);
  ellipse(sharpX - guardW/2, sharpY - sharpH/2 - guardH/2, guardH * 1.5);
  ellipse(sharpX + guardW/2, sharpY - sharpH/2 - guardH/2, guardH * 1.5);

  // handle 1
  rect(sharpX, sharpY - sharpH/2 - handleH/2, handleW, handleH);

  // pommel 1
  ellipse(sharpX, sharpY - sharpH/2 - handleH, handleW + 2);

// KNIFE 2
function sharp2(xPos, yPos, angle){
  var sharp2X = -5;
  var sharp2Y = -18;

  var sharp2W = 25;
  var sharp2H = 80;
  var handle2W = 6;
  var handle2H = 22;

  translate(xPos, yPos, angle);
  // blade 2
  fill(medium.r, medium.g, medium.b);
  arc(sharp2X, sharp2Y, sharp2W, sharp2H, 0, 90, PIE);
  fill(light.r, light.g, light.b);
  rect(sharp2X - 1, sharp2Y + sharp2H/4, 2, sharp2H/2);

  // handle 2
  fill(dark.r, dark.g, dark.b);
  rect(sharp2X + sharp2W/2 - handle2W/2, sharp2Y - handle2H/2,
    handle2W, handle2H);
  ellipse(sharp2X + sharp2W/2 - handle2W/2, sharp2Y - handle2H,

// KNIFE 3
function sharp3(xPos, yPos, angle) {
  var sharp3X = 0;
  var sharp3Y = 0;

  var sharp3W = 8;
  var sharp3H = 30;
  var handle3W = 6;
  var handle3H = 20;
  var guard3W = sharp3W + 4;
  var guard3H = 4;

  translate(xPos, yPos);

  // handle 3
  fill(dark.r, dark.g, dark.b)
  rect(sharp3X, sharp3Y - sharp3H/2 - handle3H/2,
    handle3W, handle3H);

  // guard 3
  rect(sharp3X, sharp3Y - sharp3H/2 - guard3H/2-1,
    guard3W, guard3H);
  // pommel 3
  ellipse(sharp3X, sharp3Y - sharp3H/2 - handle3H,
  fill(light.r, light.g, light.b);
  ellipse(sharp3X, sharp3Y - sharp3H/2 - handle3H,

  // blade 3
  fill(light.r, light.g, light.b);
  quad(sharp3X - sharp3W/2, sharp3Y - sharp3H/2,
    sharp3X + sharp3W/2, sharp3Y - sharp3H/2,
    sharp3X + sharp3W/2, sharp3Y + sharp3H/2 + 8,
    sharp3X - sharp3W/2, sharp3Y + sharp3H/2);
  // highlights
  fill(medium.r, medium.g, medium.b);
  quad(sharp3X - sharp3W/2, sharp3Y,
    sharp3X + sharp3W/2, sharp3Y + 8,
    sharp3X + sharp3W/2, sharp3Y + 4,
    sharp3X - sharp3W/2, sharp3Y - 4);
    quad(sharp3X - sharp3W/2, sharp3Y - 8,
      sharp3X + sharp3W/2, sharp3Y,
      sharp3X + sharp3W/2, sharp3Y - 16,
      sharp3X - sharp3W/2, sharp3Y - 16);

function scratch(xPos, yPos) {
  var spacing = 20;

  line(xPos, yPos, xPos + 100, yPos + 100);
  line(xPos, yPos + spacing, xPos + 100, yPos + 100 + spacing);
  line(xPos, yPos + spacing*2, xPos + 100, yPos + 100 + spacing*2);


I wanted to play around with creating functions and more complex shapes, so the elements themselves are more complicated than the repetition. The type of knife is also randomly generated, so the pattern is slightly different every time.

dayoungl: Project -05


//Sharon Lee
//Section E
//Project 05
function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    var tw = 60;
    var th = 40;
    var oy = 30;
    var ox = 30;
    var z = 10;
    var d = 30;
    for (var y = 0; y < 8; y += 1) {
        for (var x = 0; x < z; x += 1) {
            var py = oy + y * th;
            var px = ox + x * tw;
            if (y % 2) {
              z = 9;
              line(px-30, py, width-20, py);
              rect(px + 30, py, d, d);
            } else { 
              z = 10;
              // ellipse(px ,py , d, d);


I worked with simple geometric shapes to create this wallpaper. I was inspired by some of the art-nouveau wallpapers which focused on shape of the plants. The yellow square is an abstract representation of leaves.

elizabew-Project-05- Wallpaper


// Elizabeth Wang
// elizabew
// Section E
//Project 5: Wallpaper

function setup() {
  createCanvas(450, 450);
  background(214,239,255); //blue


function draw() {
  drawLine(); //vertical lines
  drawDiaganal(); //diaganal lines
  drawDots(); //dots
  drawLeaf(); //ellipses

function drawLine() { //vertical lines
  for (var xv = 0; xv < width; xv += 5) { //vertical lines
    var xvPos = xv * 10;
    stroke(177,226,174); //green
    line(xvPos, 0, xvPos, height);


function drawDiaganal(){ //diagnal lines

  for (var y = 0; y < height; y += 100){ //diaganal lines from left to right
      stroke(243,207,194); //pink
      line(y, 0, width, height - y);
      yPos = -400 + y;
      line(yPos, 0, width, height - yPos);
  for (var y = 0; y < height; y += 100){ //diaganal lines from right to left
      stroke(243,207,194); //pink
      line(50, height + y, width + 50, y );
      yPos = y - 400;
      line(0, height + yPos - 50 , width, yPos - 50);


function drawDots() { //hexigonal grid of dots

  for( var ly = 0; ly < height; ly += 5){

    if (ly%2 == 0){ // every other row
      for (var lx = 0; lx < width; lx += 10) {
        var lxPos = (lx * 20) ; //x position of dot
        var lyPos = ly * 20; // y position of dot
        fill(237,240,218); //yellow
        ellipse(lxPos/2, lyPos/2, 10, 10);
    else {
      for (var lx = 0; lx < width; lx += 10) {
        var lxPos = (lx * 20) + 100; //x position of dot
        var lyPos = (ly * 20) ; // y position of dot
        fill(237,240,218); //yellow
        ellipse(lxPos/2, lyPos/2, 10, 10);

function drawLeaf(){

  for( var ly = 0; ly < height; ly += 5){

    if (ly%2 == 0){ //creates a hexogonal grid
      for (var lx = 0; lx < width; lx += 10) {
        var lxPosRight = (lx * 20) + 21 ; //position of right leaf x
        var lxPosLeft = (lx * 20) - 19 ; //position of left leaf x
        var lyPos = (ly * 20) - 100; // y position of leaves
        ellipse(lxPosRight/2, lyPos/2, 20, 10); //right side of leaf
        ellipse(lxPosLeft/2, lyPos/2, 20, 10); //left side of leaf
    else {
      for (var lx = 0; lx < width; lx += 10) {
        var lxPosRight = (lx * 20) + 121; //position of right leaf x
        var lxPosLeft = (lx * 20) - 119;//position of left leaf x
        var lyPos = (ly * 20) + 100 ;// y position of leaves
        ellipse(lxPosRight/2, lyPos/2, 20, 10); //right side of leaf
        ellipse(lxPosLeft/2, lyPos/2, 20, 10); //left side of leaf


Initial Sketches


What I think was really helpful for me during this process was the fact that we had an assignment that had to do with a hexagonal grid — which I used for pretty much every aspect of my wallpaper. Overall it was a huge learning experience and I’m very pleased with the results — I think the overall colors that I’ve chosen and the pattern I’ve made really suits who I am. However, the process was a bit difficult for me since I am still not used to for() looping lines and the large amount of code was a bit overwhelming (making my own functions was incredibly helpful for this).


ramen scene (buttons determine what elements fall/how they interact)

Creator of the company Terrified Jellyfish, Tj Hughes thought up Nour, an interactive food simulator experimenting with 3D stylistic renditions of food. Advertised as “food art” on kickstarter, the program allows users to interact with scenes of ramen, boba, and popcorn through button mashing (whether on a keyboard or midi board). The user learns about how each button affects the scene through experimentation.

What drew me to this project was the beautiful visuals and the seamless combination of art and code. The way that the scenes appear makes it feel like an animation, yet the ability for users to interact with it the way that they do ties it back to programming. I also liked how the creator’s admitted love of “bright, saturated colors” and “absurdist humor” are reflected in the visual aesthetics and interactivity of the game itself.

Although it has yet to be fully backed and completed, the game is expected to be downloadable through Steam.

boba scene (buttons determine how/what elements move)


Manfred Mohr created a Computer-Generated Art that captures a hypercube in 2D. Once users type something in the search engine such as Google, users’ text goes through an algorithm and proceed an outcome that matches what users put in. This algorithm is an equation that is a set of operations mathematically built to create particular tasks.

Thus, through this algorithm, users are able to create an abstract visual art. I admire the artist Manfred Mohr because he is a pioneer of computing art who continuously explores through a varied collection of algorithmic-based artworks drawn by a computer. He has produced several algorithmic-based works such as algorithmic music in the 60s and algorithmic-based artworks called “Artificiata II.”

“Artificiata II” is an artwork that I am most interested in because it is pulled out from a design concept that he created called “diagonal path.” It is interesting to see how he used this algorithm to build a hard-line abstract shape into a hypercube drawn randomly between 11 and 15 dimensions. With his artistic sensibilities, he could convert a simple abstract shape into an impressive artwork using the randomness of the algorithm.



Dark Forest by Jakub Javora, 2016

This is a piece I found when I searched for 3D artists on the internet. It depicts a surreal scene of a deer in a forest, facing a bright plane. There are so many reasons to admire this piece. First, it’s very technically sound. Everything is beautifully rendered and the realism is impressive. I also appreciate how the artist found an interesting subject matter that makes use of the medium. He didn’t just recreate a natural scene. He recreated a scene and added a surreal element to it, elevating the narrative.

According to a post about the piece here, the artist created Dark Forest using RedShift, Maya, and Photoshop using assets from an XFrog library.

If you look at the iterations in this gif, you can see how the artist used his sense of perspective to lay out the images. It looks that while the algorithms in rendering software rendered the basic elements, he had to go into photoshop to give it a few effects (the purple flare around the deer). So to me, that says the algorithms used in rendering software are not nearly adequate or flexible enough for more stylistic touches.

More info here:

gyueunp – Looking Outwards 05

Chris Bjerre worked as a part of the motion design and visual effects team that helped create the promotional teaser for American Horror Story: Cult, the seventh season of the television series. Among the multiple eerie scenes included in the video, the striking face loop is my personal favorite. The hypnotising rotation of the countless identical faces and the lack of color and light create a beautiful yet petrifying scene that successfully catches the viewer’s attention. Additionally, the visual and auditory elements work together to create an extremely unsettling mood throughout the piece.

Scenes from the promotional teaser:

I also love other works by Bjerre, mainly due to their simple yet complex visual structures. Some include Echoes, an exploration of the infinite nature of fractal geometry, and Void, a video work that reflects on the art of creation.

A compilation of his works