
Project: Iris Van Herpen’s line of laser-cut/3d-printed dresses 
Iris van Herpen “Radiation Invasion” Sept 2009 Leather

I really admire this project because it really combines hand craftsmanship with the precision and automation of modern digital methods. Even though she used digital tools to cut the materials, she still had to use her aesthetic sensibilities to come up with the patterns and designs. In addition, I assume in assembling the dress, she still had to do it by hand to fit the dress to the specific model. It also inspired me in how she worked with various different manufacturers and partners in order to create the necessary forms.

I visited her exhibit at the Carnegie Museum last year, and in the exhibit, she talked about how many people told her that her vision could not be accomplished with existing technology. I love that her vision was so strong that she was so insistent in bringing her creations to live.



rgroves – Dynamic Drawing – Section B


 var x = 565

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {

//still objects

	//solid shapes for walls and floor
    background(113, 146, 128)
    fill(96, 129, 118);
    rect(375, 0, width - 375, height);
    fill(119, 89, 79);
    vertex(0, (1/2) * height);
    vertex(375, (1/2) * height);
    vertex(width, height);
    vertex(0, height);

    //window; slope of top is -1/2, slope of bottom is -3/4
    fill(209, 213, 207);
    vertex(390, 50);
    vertex(590, 150);
    vertex(590, 350);
    vertex(390, 200);
    vertex(390, 50);

    fill(165, 158, 74);
    vertex(393, 160);
    vertex(420, 150);
    vertex(470, 190);
    vertex(500, 185);
    vertex(520, 200);
    vertex(575, 195);
    vertex(587, 210);
    vertex(587, 344);
    vertex(393, 197);
    vertex(393, 175);

    fill(254, 247, 146);
    ellipse(540, 170, 15, 15);

    //window frame
    line(390, 125, 590, 250);

    //bedframe back
    fill(115, 73, 74);
    rect(187, 150, 188, 70);
    stroke(100, 60, 60);
    line(190, 150, 372, 150);
    fill(183, 153, 120);
    rect(187, 135, 15, 185);
    rect(360, 135, 15, 185);

    fill(36, 68, 116);
    vertex(367, 235);
    vertex(521, 420);
    vertex(521, 460);
    vertex(228, 460);
    vertex(195, 275);
    vertex(195, 235);

    fill(238, 215, 216);
    rect(281, 225, 80, 60, 15);
    fill(137, 113, 113);
    ellipse(281, 225, 8, 8);
    stroke(137, 113, 113);
    line(266, 210, 296, 240);
    line(266, 240, 296, 210);

    stroke(187, 82, 49);
    line(45, 230, 55, 320);
    line(155, 230, 145, 320);
    stroke(167, 62, 29);
    line(120, 230, 115, 305);
    fill(187, 82, 49);
    ellipse(100, 230, 120, 36);

//interactive elements

	//left curtain
	fill(147, 75, 103);
	vertex(385, 35);
	vertex(410, 50);
	vertex(410, 232.5);
	vertex(385, 210);

	curveVertex(385, 210);
	curveVertex(385, 210);
	curveVertex(387, 225);
	curveVertex(400, 227);
	curveVertex(410, 232.5);
	curveVertex(410, 232.5);

	//right curtain
    if (490 < mouseX & mouseX < 565 & 100 < mouseY && mouseY < 352.5) {
    	quad(595, 140, 595, 375, 
    		mouseX, 352.5 - ((.75) * (565 - mouseX)), 
    		mouseX, 125 - ((.5) * (565 - mouseX)));
    	x = mouseX
    	//make the sunlight fade as the curtain closes
    	fill (242, 235, 177, (8/3) * mouseX - (3920/3)); 
    	quad(195 + 12.5, 265, 360, 265, 400, 325, 195 + 30, 325);
    	quad(195 + 12.5, 265, 195 + 30, 325, 195 + 30, 460, 195 + 12.5, 340);
    	quad(180, 340, 200, 460, 125, 460, 107.5, 340);
	} else {
		quad(595, 140, 595, 375, 
    		x, 352.5 - ((.75) * (565 - x)), 
    		x, 125 - ((.5) * (565 - x)));
    	fill (242, 235, 177, (8/3) * x - (3920/3)); 
    	quad(195 + 12.5, 265, 360, 265, 400, 325, 195 + 30, 325);
    	quad(195 + 12.5, 265, 195 + 30, 325, 195 + 30, 460, 195 + 12.5, 340);
    	quad(180, 340, 200, 460, 125, 460, 107.5, 340);

	//bedframe front
    fill(115, 73, 74);
    rect(220, 350, 313, 90);
    stroke(100, 60, 60);
    line(225, 350, 528, 350);
    fill(200, 163, 140);
    rect(220, 330, 20, 200);
    rect(513, 330, 20, 200);

	if(dist(115, 192, mouseX, mouseY) <= 40) {
		fill(87, 80, 63);
		ellipse(115, 230, 40, 20);
		rect(115, 211, 10, 37.5);
		fill(98, 131, 139);
		ellipse(115, 192, 50, 25);
		vertex(90, 192);
		vertex(105, 152);
		vertex(125, 152);
		vertex(140, 192);
		//make the room darker
		fill(65, 78, 120, 150);
		rect(0, 0, 600, 600);
	} else {
		fill(161, 137, 137);
		ellipse(115, 230, 40, 20);
		rect(115, 211, 10, 37.5);
		fill(241, 253, 208);
		ellipse(115, 192, 50, 25);
		vertex(90, 192);
		vertex(105, 152);
		vertex(125, 152);
		vertex(140, 192);

This project turned out to be a lot harder than I expected it to be, and I wasn’t able to include all of the elements I wanted to. As of now, when you hover over the lamp the room gets darker and you can use the mouse to open and close the curtain and the intensity of the sunlight on the bed will change.

I particularly struggled with the curtain – first I couldn’t figure out how to make it move with the mouse and then I couldn’t figure out how to make it stay in the same place when the mouse moved away. I realized that when you translate the origin inside push, pop and try to use mouseX and mouseY, the position contained in them is not translated. That took me about 2 hours to work out!

enwandu-Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing2 (Video Download Attached)

Here is what the code is supposed to look like.


/*  Emmanuel Nwandu
    Section D

// Lower Window Lights Color
var WindowR = noFill();
var WindowG = noFill();
var WindowB = noFill();
//Controls background color and Building color
var bRed = 77;
var bGreen = 125;
var bBlue = 135;
// Controls the color of the Avengers Symbol
var AvengersR = 124;
var AvengersG = 198;
var AvengersB = 218;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw() {
    background (bRed, bGreen, bBlue);

//Changes Sky and building color as mouseY moves the length of the canvas
    if (mouseY > 0 || mouseY < 640){
        bRed = mouseY * ((77 -75)/640) + 40;
        bGreen = mouseY * ((125 -75)/640) + 40;
        bBlue = mouseY * ((135 -75)/640) + 40;

//Changes "A" symbol color as mouseY moves the length of the canvas
    if(mouseY > 0 || mouseY < 640){
        AvengersR = mouseY * ((124 -75)/640) + 40;
        AvengersG = mouseY * (198/ 640);
        AvengersB = mouseY * (218/640);

//Changes "A" symbol as mouse X moves across canvas if mouseY less than 270
    if(mouseX > 0 & mouseY < 270 || mouseX < 480 && mouseY <270){
        AvengersR = mouseX * ((212-50)/640) + 4;
        AvengersG = mouseX * ((30 -10)/640) + 4;
        AvengersB = mouseX * ((16-5)/640) + 4;

// Window Detailing
// Verticals
    line(105, 271, 105, 640);
    line(143, 143, 143, 521);
    line(181, 271, 181, 405);
    line(219, 271, 219, 345);
    line(257, 271, 257, 305);
// Horizontals
    line(67, 21, 98, 21);
    line(67, 49, 104, 49);
    line(67, 78, 111, 78);
    line(67, 102, 117, 102);
    line(67, 127, 127, 127);
    line(67, 154, 157, 154);
    line(67, 181, 342, 181);
    line(67, 215, 108, 215);

// Lower Window Color
    fill(WindowR, WindowG, WindowB);
    vertex(195, 407);
    vertex(278, 640);
    vertex(132, 640);
    vertex(144, 575);
    vertex(150, 540);
    vertex(161, 500);
    vertex(164, 487);
    vertex(166, 480);
// Lower Window Detailing
    line(185, 432, 202, 432);
    line(174, 462, 211, 462);
    line(164, 492, 223, 492);
    line(156, 522, 234, 522);
    line(150, 552, 244, 552);
    line(144, 582, 254, 582);
    line(138, 612, 265, 612);
    line(138, 600, 138, 640);
    line(147, 554, 147, 640);
    line(156, 518, 156, 640);
    line(165, 484, 164, 640);
    line(174, 459, 174, 640);
    line(183, 434, 183, 640);
    line(192, 410, 192, 640);
    line(201, 425, 201, 640);
    line(210, 434, 210, 640);
    line(219, 459, 219, 640);
    line(228, 484, 228, 640);
    line(237, 518, 237, 640);
    line(246, 530, 246, 640);
    line(255, 554, 255, 640);
    line(264, 582, 264, 640);

// General Building form
    line(67, 0, 67, 640);
    quad(234, 347, 227, 355, 325, 640, 337, 640);
    quad(212, 377, 195, 404, 278, 640, 300, 640);

    bezier(93, 0, 123, 195, 154, 155, 334, 175);
    bezier(121, 640, 158, 408, 203, 325, 319, 269);
    bezier(127, 640, 164, 408, 209, 325, 338, 269);
    bezier(131, 640, 166, 408, 221, 325, 335, 271);

//Dark Glazing behind "A" symbol
    fill(31, 51, 70);
    ellipse(138, 220, 80, 80);
    quad(328, 182, 319, 224, 153, 224, 153, 182);
    quad(279, 231, 265, 257, 153, 257, 153, 231);
    ellipse(138, 220, 68, 68);
    fill(31, 51, 70);
    ellipse(138, 220, 60, 60);

    vertex(275, 266);
    vertex(154, 266);
    vertex(154, 257);
    vertex(265, 257);
    vertex(279, 231);
    vertex(177, 231);
    vertex(179, 224);
    vertex(354, 224);
    vertex(354, 231);
    vertex(295, 231);
    ellipse(354, 227.5, 7, 7);

// Extends landing pad using mouseX within the range of 365 to 448
// and 335 to 418
    var LeftWall = 365;
    var RightWall = 448;
    var LeftWallb = 335;
    var RightWallb = 418;

    var xc = constrain(mouseX + 30, LeftWall, RightWall);
    var xcb = constrain(mouseX, LeftWallb, RightWallb);

    fill(31, 51, 70); // Controls color of landing pad explicitly
    quad(59, 266, xc, 266, xcb, 271, 65, 271);// Draws landing pad

//Lighter Glazing
    fill(89, 116, 135);
    quad(93, 0, 105, 0, 111, 19, 97, 19);
    quad(97, 20, 111, 20, 117, 39, 101, 39);
    quad(101, 40, 117, 40, 123, 59, 105, 59);
    quad(105, 60, 123, 60, 129, 79, 109, 79);
    quad(110, 80, 129, 80, 137, 99, 115, 99);
    quad(115, 100, 137, 100, 147, 119, 124, 119);
    quad(124, 120, 147, 120, 162, 139, 138, 139);
    triangle(139, 140, 162, 140, 175, 159);

//Avengers symbol
    fill(AvengersR, AvengersG, AvengersB);
    vertex(108, 263);
    vertex(97, 263);
    vertex(144, 180);
    vertex(155, 180);
    vertex(155, 226);
    vertex(146, 218);
    vertex(146, 198);
    vertex(132, 223);
    vertex(146, 223);
    vertex(146, 220);
    vertex(157, 228);
    vertex(146, 236);
    vertex(146, 233);
    vertex(127, 233);
    vertex(108, 263);

    vertex(155, 234);
    vertex(155, 249);
    vertex(147, 249);
    vertex(147, 240);
    vertex(155, 234);


function mousePressed(){
    if(mouseX > 0 & mouseY < 270 || mouseX < 480 && mouseY <270){
    WindowR = 194;
    WindowG = 209;
    WindowB = 15;
} else if (true) {
    WindowR = noFill();
    WindowG = noFill();
    WindowB = noFill();




//Heidi Chung
//Section A

var eyeR = 0;

function setup() {
	createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
	background(86, 155, 148);
	fill(255, 255, 0);
	//restrict mouseX to 0-400
	var m = max(min(mouseX), 30);
	var size = m * 150 / 300;

	ellipse(60 + m * 190 / 200, 200, //duck beak
		size + 60, size + 50);

	fill(230, 90, 100); //pink ring
	size = 350 - mouseX;
	ellipse(300, 200,
		size, size);

	fill(86, 155, 148); //circle with same tone as background
	size = 350 - size; //eclipses red circle and beak
	ellipse(200 + m * 100 / 400, 200,
		size + 40, size + 40);

	fill(20, 190, 100); //duck head
	size = 250 - size;
	ellipse(185 + m * 150 / 900, 200,
		size - 30, size - 30);

	fill(20, 190, 100);//duck body
	ellipse(340 + m * 250 / 300, 380, 380, 250);

	fill(86, 155, 148); //circle with same tone as background
	size = 350 - size; //to eclipse duck body
	ellipse(m * 2 - 200, 400, 300, 300);

	//if (x = 201 + m * 150 / 900) { ///change to white?
	// ellipse(200 + m * 150 / 900, 200,
	// 	size, size);

	fill(eyeR, 45, 45); //black eye
	size = 100;
	ellipse(m * 2 + 80, 190,
		40, 40);

	if (mouseX > 220) {

		// fill(0); //left eye
		// ellipse(160, 240, 40, 40);

		// fill(0); //right eye
		// ellipse(480, 240, 40, 40);
		// fill(255, 220, 0); //darker part of beak
		// ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, 140, 100);

		// fill(255, 255, 0); //brighter part of beak
		// ellipse(width / 2, height / 2 - 20, 140, 100);
		// ///

		var faceX = mouseX - 240; 

		fill(0); //left eye
		ellipse(faceX - 120, 240, 40, 40);

		fill(0); //right eye
		ellipse(faceX + 20, 240, 40, 40);

		fill(255, 220, 0); //darker part of beak
		ellipse(faceX - 50, 340, 140, 100);

		fill(255, 255, 0); //brighter part of beak
		ellipse(faceX - 50, 310, 140, 100);

	if (mouseX > 300) {
		fill(230, 90, 100); //left pink cheek
		ellipse(mouseX - 400, mouseY, 60, 60);
		fill(230, 90, 100); //right pink cheek
		ellipse(mouseX - 180, mouseY, 60, 60);


	// var faceX = mouseX-width/2;
	// ellipse(faceX, height/2, 10, 10);


I started off by drawing some shapes in colors I thought went well together. I ended up drawing a duck, and I wanted to transform its form to a something different, and I decided to change the position/view of the duck’s face.
(The duck face is manipulated by the mouse and it slides onto the duck’s head. I’m not sure why it’s not working in this embed, but it works in the browser.. it stays abstract, but it’s supposed to create the duck face looking to the right.)

Looking Outwards 03

I really enjoyed the computational art of Andy Lomas which was referenced in Prof. Levin’s article. The logic governing his algorithm was very well described, providing a useful insight into the methods of generative art. Lomas’s patterns are created by simulating a series of virtual cells which accumulate “nutrients” based on various factors, allowing them to multiply. He notes that many of the simulations were accidentally reminiscent of various forms of life, often based on intuitive factors (such as the directional growth of plant-like simulations). While this was touted as demonstrating the capability of algorithms to approximate organisms, I found it to be a reminder that life itself is merely algorithmic.

mmirho – Looking outwards 03 – Computational Fabrication

This project is called the “Silk Pavillion”.

It was constructed, frame wise, with a CNC mill, and then spun using a threading device based off an algorithm. I don’t know the algorithm type that generated the organization of the thread, but I do know it’s designed to create an even spread and to form even, circular holes in the structure of each frame.

I think this is an incredible use of parametric design because it uses an extremely nature-based construction process. The designers used 6500 silkworms to construct the finer layer of the pavilion and created something incredible.

I think the artist’s sensibilities were based off two things: The algorithm, and nature. Neither can be fully predicted with the human mind and so the artist understood fully that the final product would be completely unpredictable to every fine detail. He did understand the type of structure that would result, as well as the texture and feel it would create because he still designed the overall structure.

I think sometimes, parametric design lacks a natural, human element to it, but this project incorporated nature in such a direct way that it avoided that common pitfall.


Jonathan Perez Looking Outwards 3

Rocailles – Benjamin Dillenburger

This project, Rocailles, done by Benjamin Dillenburger, struck me for its illusion of almost fabric-like texture. The way the material folds and falls reminds me of an afghan bunched up, perhaps hanging from some sort of wire or string. At the same time, though, it also gives the sense of a hard, shell like texture, through its sharp lines and crystalline weaving. These textures are at a sharp contrast to one another, and thus give an interesting affect to the viewer.

The number of folds, as well as depth in relation to the viewer, give this piece quite a bit of emotional impact — casting powerful shadows and fading in towards the center. Paired with the folds and the sense of gravity they give the piece, it feels like you are being pulled towards the center darkness. This sort of material affect would be hard to accomplish by any other means.

I think the Dillenburger used an algorithm to create a sort of “stitching”, that look like N’s aligned in rows lined by one long piece of elastic material. Then, by using a great number of parameters, he probably slightly shifted on of the lines in the N, or the angle between them, to pull and push the entire sculpture into its desired shape.

To look at more close up images of Rocailles, check out this page: http://benjamin-dillenburger.com/rocaille/




//Hanna Jang 
//Section B 

var clocksize=300; 
var shorthand= 40; 
var textSze=20; 
var textszeadd= 100
var SunX= 600; 
var SunY= 130; 
var SunSize= 50; 
var SunRim=60; 
var MoonX= 40; 
var MoonY= 130; 

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() { 
	background(204, 232, 247);
	//Clock Color Changes  to Mouse Location 
	var point1 =mouseX; 
	var point2 =mouseY; 
	var Rx = map(point2, 0, height, 162, 218); 
	var Gx= map(point2, 0, height, 231, 218); 
	var Bx= map(point2, 0, height, 199, 231); 
	ellipse(width/2, height/2, clocksize, clocksize); 
	fill(Rx, Gx, Bx); 
	//clock numbers 
	//number 12 
	text("12", width/2, height/2-textszeadd); 
	//number 3 
	text("3", width/2+textszeadd, height/2); 
	//number 6 
	text("6", width/2, height/2+textszeadd); 
	//number 6 
	text("9", width/2-textszeadd, height/2); 
	//White Hand
	if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, width/2, height/2)<clocksize/2) {
	//white hand	
	line(width/2, height/2, mouseX-shorthand, mouseY-shorthand);
	//black hand
	var mx = width-mouseX; 
	var my = height-mouseY; 
	line(width/2, height/2, mx, my); 
		//text of clock 
	if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, width/2, height/2)>clocksize/2) {
	text("Move Mouse Inside Clock", width/2+0.7*textszeadd, height/2-1.5*textszeadd); 
	fill(245, 210, 242);
	//morning sun 
	if (mouseX>470) {
	fill(252, 141, 0); 
	ellipse(SunX, SunY, SunRim, SunRim);
	fill(253, 230, 0); 
	ellipse(SunX, SunY, SunSize, SunSize); 
	//evening moon
	if (mouseY< 170); 
	fill(253, 215, 58); 
	ellipse(MoonX, MoonY, SunSize, SunSize); 


I had a basic idea of making an interactive clock, but I think it was a bit hard to change the different features like the way I wanted them to. The hardest thing was to mix the hands together so that they would be pointing in different directions, and had to play around with some numbers to get the exact formula. I eventually got the hands to move the way I wanted them to after I tested them over and over again with different numbers. I also like how the colors came out to look like for the interactive color portion of the clock.



//Ryu Kondrup
//Section D

    var cloudShiftX = 200;
    var cloudShiftY = 100;
    var cloudShift0X = -150;
    var cloudShift0Y = 70;
    var adjustShift = 100;
    var greyWhiteR = 245;
    var greyWhiteG = 241;
    var greyWhiteB = 230;
    //windows colors
    var windowsR = 160;
    var windowsG = 160;
    var windowsB = 150;

    //lights colors
    var lightsR = 255;
    var lightsG = 197;
    var lightsB = 107;

    //grey sky colors
    var greySkyR = 226;
    var greySkyG = 226;
    var greySkyB = 214;

    //sky colors
    var skyR = 182;
    var skyG = 222;
    var skyB = 228;

    //water color
    var waterR = 162;
    var waterG = 222;
    var waterB = 208;

    //grey water
    var greyWaterR = 160;
    var greyWaterG = 160;
    var greyWaterB = 150;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(greySkyR, greySkyG, greySkyB);

//to change background color
    if ((mouseX >= 640) & (mouseX <= 640)){
      mouseX = 640;
    if ((mouseX > 0) & (mouseX < 640)){
        greySkyR = mouseX*((182-226)/640) + 226;
        greySkyG = mouseX*((222-226)/640) + 226;
        greySkyB = mouseX*((228-214)/640) + 214;

//to change water color
    if ((mouseX >= 640) & (mouseX <= 640)){
      mouseX = 640;

  /*  if ((mouseX >= 640) & (mouseX <= 640)){
        mouseX = 640;
    if ((mouseX > 0) & (mouseX , 640)){


//to turn on the lights

if ((mouseIsPressed) && (windowsR = 160)) {
   windowsR = lightsR;
   windowsG = lightsG;
   windowsB = lightsB;
else if ((mouseIsPressed) & (windowsR = 225)) {
  windowsR = 160;
  windowsG = 160;
  windowsB = 150;

fill(greyWhiteR, greyWhiteG, greyWhiteB);
ellipse(mouseX + 0, 125, 20);
ellipse(mouseX + 20, 120, 35);
ellipse(mouseX + 40, 120, 55);
ellipse(mouseX + 65, 125, 40);
ellipse(mouseX + 90, 120, 45);
ellipse(mouseX + 115, 125, 20);
ellipse(mouseX + 125, 120, 30);
ellipse(mouseX + 145, 125, 20);

ellipse(mouseX + 0 + cloudShiftX + adjustShift, 105 + cloudShiftY, 20);
ellipse(mouseX + 20 + cloudShiftX + adjustShift, 100 + cloudShiftY, 35);
ellipse(mouseX + 40 + cloudShiftX + adjustShift, 100 + cloudShiftY, 55);
ellipse(mouseX + 65 + cloudShiftX + adjustShift, 105 + cloudShiftY, 40);
ellipse(mouseX + 90 + cloudShiftX + adjustShift, 100 + cloudShiftY, 45);
ellipse(mouseX + 115 + cloudShiftX + adjustShift, 105 + cloudShiftY, 20);
ellipse(mouseX + 125 + cloudShiftX + adjustShift, 100 + cloudShiftY, 30);
ellipse(mouseX + 145 + cloudShiftX + adjustShift, 105 + cloudShiftY, 20);

ellipse(mouseX + 0 + cloudShift0X, 105 + cloudShift0Y, 20);
ellipse(mouseX + 20 + cloudShift0X, 100 + cloudShift0Y, 35);
ellipse(mouseX + 40 + cloudShift0X, 100 + cloudShift0Y, 55);
ellipse(mouseX + 65 + cloudShift0X, 105 + cloudShift0Y, 40);
ellipse(mouseX + 90 + cloudShift0X, 100 + cloudShift0Y, 45);
ellipse(mouseX + 115 + cloudShift0X, 105 + cloudShift0Y, 20);
ellipse(mouseX + 125 + cloudShift0X, 100 + cloudShift0Y, 30);
ellipse(mouseX + 145 + cloudShift0X, 105 + cloudShift0Y, 20);

ellipse(mouseX + 0 + 3*cloudShift0X, 105 + .5*cloudShiftY, 20);
ellipse(mouseX + 20 + 3*cloudShift0X, 100 + .5*cloudShiftY, 35);
ellipse(mouseX + 40 + 3*cloudShift0X, 100 + .5*cloudShiftY, 55);
ellipse(mouseX + 65 + 3*cloudShift0X, 105 + .5*cloudShiftY, 40);
ellipse(mouseX + 90 + 3*cloudShift0X, 100 + .5*cloudShiftY, 45);
ellipse(mouseX + 115 + 3*cloudShift0X, 105 + .5*cloudShiftY, 20);
ellipse(mouseX + 125 + 3*cloudShift0X, 100 + .5*cloudShiftY, 30);
ellipse(mouseX + 145 + 3*cloudShift0X, 105 + .5*cloudShiftY, 20);

ellipse(mouseX + 0 + 5*cloudShift0X, 105 + .5*cloudShiftY, 20);
ellipse(mouseX + 20 + 5*cloudShift0X, 100 + .5*cloudShiftY, 35);
ellipse(mouseX + 40 + 5*cloudShift0X, 100 + .5*cloudShiftY, 55);
ellipse(mouseX + 65 + 5*cloudShift0X, 105 + .5*cloudShiftY, 40);
ellipse(mouseX + 90 + 5*cloudShift0X, 100 + .5*cloudShiftY, 45);
ellipse(mouseX + 115 + 5*cloudShift0X, 105 + .5*cloudShiftY, 20);
ellipse(mouseX + 125 + 5*cloudShift0X, 100 + .5*cloudShiftY, 30);
ellipse(mouseX + 145 + 5*cloudShift0X, 105 + .5*cloudShiftY, 20);

    greyWhite = color(245, 241, 230);
    greySky = color(200, 200, 185);
    greyWater = color(160, 160, 150);
    //windows = color(160, 160, 150);
    windows = color(window1R, window1G, window1B);
    sky = color(124, 35, 60);
    //lights = color(225, 193, 96);
    lights = color(lightsR, window2G, window2B);
    water = color(81, 18, 35);

    fill(greyWhiteR, greyWhiteG, greyWhiteB);

    //base plate
    rect(40, 322, 562, 10);
    //2nd base plate
    rect(104, 310, 433, 15);
    //2nd base plate right triangle
    triangle(537, 310, 537, 325, 572, 325);
    //3rd base plate
    rect(109, 299, 320, 15);
    //3rd base plate right triangle
    triangle(429, 299, 429, 310, 469, 310);
    //4th base plate
    rect(115, 283, 75, 18);
    //4th base plate triangle
    triangle(190, 283, 190, 301, 223, 301);

    //opera house FILL HOLES
    //left rectangle
    rect(169, 234, 120, 80);
    //middle rectangle
    rect(290, 255, 100, 60);
    //right rectangle
    rect(390, 276, 130, 40);

    //curve 1
    bezier(104, 220, 123, 223, 173, 227, 200, 234);
    triangle(95, 219, 200, 234, 190, 283);
    //curve 1 small
    triangle(95, 219, 121, 237, 121, 258);
    //curve 2
    triangle(147, 190, 255, 228, 223, 299);
    bezier(147, 190, 185, 201, 227, 217, 255, 228);
    //litle triangle addition
    triangle(147, 190, 162, 229, 185, 232);
    //curve 3 the big one

    //subcurve 3 big
    triangle(335, 255, 229, 146, 287, 299);
    bezier(229, 146, 277, 178, 315, 217, 335, 255);
    //subcurve 3 small
    triangle(237, 222, 229, 146, 287, 299);

    //curve 4
    triangle(335, 255, 460, 240, 407, 299);
    bezier(335, 255, 375, 243, 425, 239, 460, 240);
    //curve 5
    triangle(395, 253, 472, 276, 429, 299);
    bezier(395, 253, 424, 258, 451, 267, 472, 276);
    //curve 6
    triangle(472, 276, 550, 269, 512, 310);
    bezier(472, 276, 498, 270, 525, 268, 550, 269);

    fill(windowsR, windowsG, windowsB);
    //window 1
    triangle(121, 237, 190, 283, 121, 283);
    //window 2
    bezier(190, 283, 192, 270, 208, 270, 223, 299);
    //window 3
    bezier(223, 299, 246, 279, 269, 281, 287, 299);
    //window 4
    bezier(287, 299, 307, 281, 335, 281, 347, 299);
    //winodw 5
    bezier(347, 299, 362, 279, 384, 282, 407, 299);
    //window 6
    triangle(408, 271, 408, 299, 429, 299);
    //window 7
    bezier(429, 299, 447, 291, 461, 291, 469, 310);
    //window 8
    bezier(469, 310, 480, 294, 496, 294, 512, 310);
    //winodw 9 (end)
    triangle(512, 310, 537, 310, 537, 283);

    fill(greyWaterR, greyWaterG, greyWaterB);
    rect(0, 332, 640, 480);

    if ((mouseX > 0) & (mouseX < 640)){
        greyWaterR = mouseX*((142-160)/640) + 160;
        greyWaterG = mouseX*((222-160)/640) + 160;
        greyWaterB = mouseX*((208-150)/640) + 150;

var offsetX1 = 100
var offsetY1 = 15
    fill(greyWhiteR, greyWhiteG, greyWhiteB);
    rect(640-mouseX, 345, 220, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + 280, 345, 160, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + 500, 345, 240, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX - 300, 345, 200, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX - 600, 345, 220, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + offsetX1, 345 + offsetY1, 220, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + 280 + offsetX1, 345 + offsetY1, 160, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + 500 + offsetX1, 345 + offsetY1, 240, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX - 300 + offsetX1, 345 + offsetY1, 200, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX - 600 + offsetX1, 345 + offsetY1, 220, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + 2*offsetX1, 345 + 2.5*offsetY1, 220, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + 280 + 2*offsetX1, 345 + 2.5*offsetY1, 160, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + 500 + 2*offsetX1, 345 + 2.5*offsetY1, 240, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX - 300 + 2*offsetX1, 345 + 2.5*offsetY1, 200, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX - 600 + 2*offsetX1, 345 + 2.5*offsetY1, 220, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + 3*offsetX1, 345 + 5*offsetY1, 220, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + 280 + 3*offsetX1, 345 + 5*offsetY1, 160, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX + 500 + 3*offsetX1, 345 + 5*offsetY1, 240, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX - 300 + 3*offsetX1, 345 + 5*offsetY1, 200, 3);
    rect(640-mouseX - 600 + 3*offsetX1, 345 + 5*offsetY1, 220, 3);

/*var windows1R = 160;
var window1G = 160;
var window1B = 150;
var lightsR = 225;
var window2G = 193;
var window2B = 96; */
/*  greyWhite = color(245, 241, 230);
    greySky = color(200, 200, 185);
    greyWater = color(160, 160, 150);
    windows = color(160, 160, 150);
    sky = color(124, 35, 60);
    lights = color(225, 193, 96);
    water = color(81, 18, 35);

/*    //windows colors
    var windowsR = 160;
    var windowsG = 160;
    var windowsB = 150;

    //lights colors
    var lightsR = 255;
    var lightsG = 197;
    var lightsB = 107;

function mouseIsPressed (){
  if ((windowsR = 160)){
    windowsR = 255;
    windowsG = 197;
    windowsB = 107;
  else if (true) {
    windowsR = 160;
    windowsG = 160;
    windowsB = 150;


I was feeling very ambitious at the start of this project, but after two days of coding simple shapes without yet having added any interactivity, i realized i needed to simplify the design if i was to finish before the deadline. I wanted to originally make the drawing change from soft day-colored gradients to vivid night-colored gradients but time was running short and i settled on a grey-to-saturated fill instead, which i am relatively happy with. Unfortunately, WordPress was not kind to my aspect ratio which i so meticulously planned out in a 640 x 480 arrangement but which was unceremoniously snipped by the WordPress formatting gods. In the future i will try to orient my canvases vertically to avoid cropping. 


3D Print Gown by Michael Schmidt and Francis Bitonti, 2013

3D printed gown by Michael Schmidt and Francis Bitonti, modeled by Dita Von Teese

This is the first fully 3D printed gown in the world. This gown is designed by Michael Schmidt and 3D modeled by Francis Bitonti. Michael Schmidt was inspired by the well-known Fibonacci Golden Ratio Sequence which mathematically measures the ratio to create the ideals of beauty. It has been proven in many cases, especially in nature. He applied this golden ratio of beauty to create a beautiful and sensual form of a gown. This gown was 3D printed in Nylon and consists of 17 pieces that can be assembled. Its customized design made a perfect fit to a model’s body.

In my opinion, this project displays the future of clothing. It could be the very beginning step of the way manufacture garments in our future. So, if clothing can be printed, there would be more variety of design methods and customized to make a perfect fit for specific customers. I really admire their effort and attempt to create clothes in 3D print that could be a future method to produce our clothes, and also still to keep aesthetic aspects of clothing.

Dita Von Teese Flaunts Fibonacci-Inspired, 3-D Printed Gown