For my final project I plan on making an interactive digital coloring book. This coloring book will feature a playlist based on the picture (happier music for happier scenes, calmer music for calmer scenes, etc.). The program would generate a different picture every time the user refreshed the page and then the user would have the option to change the color of their brush based (possibly?) a key stroke (b = blue, r = red, etc.) or possibly have them just be filled in based on the original image’s color. Having a strong passion for music and art, I think I will have a lot of fun with this project, choosing pictures, matching music, and overall creating a fun program to use.
Category: Project-12-Proposal
For my project, I wanted to create a piano keyboard using the the keyboard of the computer. By pressing different keys, a different note will be played. To accompany these notes, I wanted to add different patterns, shapes, and colors. If chord, or multiple keys are played at the same time, then different patterns will be drawn. I am still deciding whether I want this to be an actual keyboard where a user will hit the keys, or use a piano song and generate the shapes according to those notes. When the keys are played I want to make the background so that the colors adjust the background and maybe even the appearing shapes.

With this project, I want to play around with how the shapes will appear on the screen not simply just pop out. Preferably, I would like them to draw out on the screen or transition through opacities. I also need to consider how the shapes will be placed on the screen according to the other shapes and not have everything simply merge together on a single screen.
Classmate Hae Wan Park and I will be collaborating on making generative greeting cards with a focus on using the techniques learned in this class to create typefaces. We will split up the work by having each of us create two approaches (so the work would be split vertically instead of horizontally). Some approaches I am considering include:
- Using turtles to trace images in a pattern, similar to my project last week
- Having the user draw curves with a mouse and use those stored curve objects to generate random patterns (see below and attached proof of concept video)
- Create a grid system that would place typefaces in certain colors and sizes across the canvas
We will need assistance creating a simple interface/home page so the user can navigate to each of the 4 approaches; upon quick research, the p5 libary p5.gui might be helpful.
For the final Project, I will be collaborating with Sharon Lee from section E. Together, we will be using p5js to create a Pac-man inspired interactive game which will be divided into 3 stages. The basic components of the game include a main character in which users are able to control with keys, enemies of the main character, and the “foods” the character feeds on to either get larger or smaller. From stage 1 to 3, the stages get harder with more frequencies of “enemies” appearing on the screen. In order to progress to the next stage, the users need to reach certain points. Users gain points by the number of enemies they defeat..? We are still working on the structure of the game, but I hope this give a general idea of what our game will be like. In terms of diving up workload, we will be working together to create the basic structure of the program. Sharon will focus on the visual materials, and code stage 1 (moving the characters and imbedding the animation). I will follow up with her code and add 2 more stages to the code. I will add attraction and repel code to the characters and the enemies.
dayoungl Final Project Proposal
For the final Project, I will be collaborating with Kate Ko from section B. Together, we will be using p5js to create a Pac-man inspired interactive game which will be divided into 3 stages. The basic components of the game include a main character in which users are able to control with keys, enemies of the main character, and the “foods” the character feeds on to either get larger or smaller. From stage 1 to 3, the stages get harder with more frequencies of “enemies” appearing on the screen. In order to progress to the next stage, the users need to reach certain points. Users gain points by the number of enemies they defeat..? We are still working on the structure of the game, but I hope this give a general idea of what our game will be like. In terms of diving up workload, we will be working together to create the basic structure of the program (the ; I will be focusing mainly on the visual components and integrating them into the code and Kate will be focusing on the coding that’s needed afterwards, mostly working on interactive element of the code.
daphnel-Project 12-Proposal
I want to this game that involves having a ping pong like ball that shoots up and hits the blocks. The block locations will be randomly generated. The game will start off with the blocks all being the same color. Once the ball hits the block, the block should disappear. When all the blocks are hit, the game restarts with a new set of blocks, this time with one additional color. So for example, level one had grey blocks, but level two had grey and red blocks. The added color will need two hits to make the block disappear. When you hit the red block once, it should turn lighter in color to signify it has been hit before. I will try to make a legend somewhere containing the information on how many hits each color block needs for it to disappear. The ball should be able to bounce off from all corners of the walls except for the bottom border. The ping pong paddle is used to control where the ball goes. I am planning on making the blocks slowly move downwards using the seconds function when the game progresses a bit farther. Each normal one hit block is one point and two hit blocks are two points and so on. I have yet to fully decide on the colors but this is the general idea that I want for my game. I based this idea off of one of my favorite games when I was a kid, though I don’t remember the name of that game clearly.
For the final project, I will be collaborating with Ethan Ye (ziningy1). As design students, we are inspired by the motion graphic videos created by the Time, Motion and Communication design class taught by Dan Boyarski. The class focuses on designing and presenting time-based graphics on screen. Although the class uses tools like After Effects or Illustrator, after watching some examples of student work, we found that the graphics could potentially be created through coding as well. We’re interested in exploring the interaction of words, images, sounds, and motion. An example video of student work from the class:
To create the 30 -40 sec video, we intend on using coding techniques from 15-104 like turtle graphics, creating a server and implementing sound and images, objects, etc. We might also create some graphics in Illustrator or Photoshop to storyboard/visualize our project. Our video will use simple geometric shapes and changing scale, color, position to create interesting visuals.
I am interested in allowing people to question the reality. What make one thinks the object is real or not. There are many existing things in our daily spaces that are invisible to our five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste. Sometimes one can so blinded by one’s thoughts and the reality that the society create. How can one be encouraged to see beyond the curated reality, focusing on seeing and feeling the true forms.
I am interested in creating a mix of 2D and 3D animation with particles and elements in space. Elements may be: strings, lines, dots, cubes, cylinders and such. Then, using these elements to create motions like: distortion, explosion, tension, and more. I want to connects the motions and flow of each scenes. Considering the sense of visual complexity can be delicate and intricate, how do I make complex elements in motion visually pleasing and soothing. Adding on the visual animation, I would want to add on sound affects.
Project 12 – Space Explorer
I am interested in creating an animation or a game that is interactive based on Key inputs. The theme and visual that I am interested in is Sci-Fi theme. The exploration of the space and futuristic image is what I want to convey for this project. I imagine that Ultimate goal would be a interactive game/ animation that explore through the stars and character moving inside the space ship, and may be possible to change the scene to a planet with discovery and move around in different scene(planet).
Main focus of the project I want to convey is the beautiful space inside the space ship and the feeling of adventure. I do not expect myself to be able to code the whole game concept with change of scene, but my focus is on the traveling in space and convey the beauty.
I imagine that travel phase will be close to image below and change of scene probably based on time or travel speed.
Below is a concept sketch. I want this to start in space as ship travels then tells the user how to accelerate the ship and may be encounter a planet and goes into the planet. If I can figure out the change of scene and animation inside the planet, game will continue to phase where you can see the moving character, if not it will fade out with planet approaching.
For my Final Project, I’d like to create a multiplayer asymmetric cooperation visual novel-ish game. Breaking that down, I want to make a 2-player game (where each player uses a different computer) that gives each player a different experience and requires them to work together to advance, presented mainly via text with some possible image interaction.
Requirements: 1- 2 player functionality;2- Different events for each player;3- Text presentation;4- Player inputs
To accomplish the 2 player functionality, since I won’t be able to create some type of pipeline that actually allows each players’ game to interact with one another, the game will, at the start, ask the player to be either Player 1 or Player 2, with different events being displayed throughout the game depending on which player they chose. The events of each player will then work as a sort of manual for solving the puzzles/tasks of the other player’s events, and vice versa. To make sure each player is paced at about the same speed through the game, I could implement text that auto continues to compensate for different reading speeds, or I could implement “stop” screens that tell players to not continue until both players are ready.
For the text presentation, minimally, I could just have the text appear on screen and then change either after the player clicks or after a set amount of time. What I would prefer to do, however, is have the text “write itself out” one letter at a time and accompany that with a little writing sound effect, but I don’t know how difficult that would be to implement.
For player inputs, I’m currently thinking of dialogue options, where multiple choices would be presented on screen and the player would need to choose the correct one or incur a penalty. I’m thinking of also accompanying this with a visible timer-bar that shortens as time passes, giving the player limited time to communicate with their partner to find the right answer. Depending on how this goes, I might implement more ways to interact with the system.
Example of what it might kinda look like
I know this might sound like a lot, and maybe it is, but I’m pretty confident that I can do this, or at least a proof-of-concept that’s a few minutes. (also sorry that this is more than 200 words; I’m also using this just to get my ideas written down)