
I attempted to create a panda using lines. I first created a sketch on Adobe Illustrator to map out the locations of the lines. I will be honest… I did not expect this to be so difficult. I used if statements to confine lines and move them around, so everything is “animated”.

Above, is the sketch I attempted to recreate on p5js.
As you can see… it didn’t turn out as expected.


Daniel Noh
Section D

var x1 = 172;
var y1 = 300;
var x2 = -50;
var y2 = 0;

var x3 = 100;
var y3 = 92;
var x4 = 0;
var y4 = -30;

var x5 = 95;
var y5 = 300;
var x6 = 300;
var y6 = 0;

var x7 = 172;
var y7 = 62;
var x8 = 260;
var y8 = 0;

var x9 = 130;
var y9 = 250;
var x10 = 160;
var y10 = 200;

var x11 = 251;
var y11 = 237;
var x12 = 229;
var y12 = 160;

var x13 = 268;
var y13 = 213;
var x14 = 190;
var y14 = 145;

var x15 = 182;
var y15 = 276;
var x16 = 218;
var y16 = 235;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
//red left ear


  if (x1 > -150) {
    x1 = x1 - 50;

  if (x2 < 240) {
    x2 = x2 + 50;

  if (y1 > 180) {
    y1 = y1 - 20;

  //blue left ear


  if (x3 >= 100 & x3 <= 129) {
    x3 += 15;
    y3 -= 10;
  if (y4 <= 30 & y4 <= 100) {
    x4 -= 50;
    y4 += 50;

  //blue right ear


  if (x5 >= 95 & x5 <= 400) {
    x5 = x5 + 55;
  if (x6 <= 300 & x6 >= 130) {
    x6 = x6 / 1.04;
  if (x5 > 400) {
    y5 = y5 - 100;

  //red right ear

  if (x7 <= 205) {
    x7 = x7 + 17;
    y7 = y7 - 3;
  if (x8 >= 210) {
    x8 = x8 - 26;

  //left eye

  if (x9 <= 175) {
    x9 = x9 + 5;
    y9 = y9 + 1;
  if (x10 >= 143) {
    x10 = x10 - 5;
    y10 = y10 - 9;
  if (x10 >= 129 & x10 <= 142) {
    y10 = y10 + 13;
    x10 = x10 - 4;

  //right eye top

  if (x11 <= 265) {
    x11 = x11 + 5;
    y11 = y11 - 5;
  if (x12 >= 200) {
    x12 = x12 - 7;
    y12 = y12 - 5;

  //right eye bottom

  if (x13 <= 278) {
    x13 = x13 + 3;
    y13 = y13 - 3;
  if (x14 <= 215) {
    x14 = x14 + 4;
    y14 = y14 + 6;


  if (x15 <= 205) {
    x15 = x15 * 1.03;
    y15 = y15 * 1.01;
  if (x15 >= 206 & x15 <= 232) {
    x15 = x15 * 1.03;
    y15 = y15 / 1.02 ;
  if (x16 >= 213) {
    x16 = x16 - 4;
    y16 = y16 - 5;
  if (x16 >= 176 & x16 <= 212) {
    x16 = x16 / 1.03;
    y16 = y16 * 1.01;



var faceD = 150;
var cheekW = 35;
var cheekH = 20;
var LeftEarW = 110;
var LeftEarH = 150;
var RightEarW = 70;
var RightEarH = 100;
var R = 252;
var G = 200;
var B = 200;
var BubbleD = 40; // diameter of bubble
var x = 425; //point position of nose
var y = 130; //point position of nose
var eyeW = 10;
var eyeH = 10;
var Px = 240; //point position of line

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function mousePressed() {
    faceD = random(150, 170);
    LeftEarW = random(100, 180);
    LeftEarH = random(145, 185);
    RightEarW = random(60, 140);
    RightEarH = random(95, 135);
    R = random(200, 255);
    G = random(100, 220);
    B = random(100, 220);
    BubbleD = random(20, 60);
    x = random(415, 475);
    y = random(110, 170);
    Px = random(240, 280);
    eyeW = random(10, 20);
    eyeH = random(10, 20);


function draw() {
    background(255, 236, 236);
    curveVertex(200,  250);
    curveVertex(220,  260);
    curveVertex(175,  330);
    curveVertex(165, 400);
    curveVertex(300, 400);
    curveVertex(330, 240);
    curveVertex(350, 240);

    //body division
    stroke(50, 32, 32);
    curve(240, 300, 240, 350, 290, 330, 300, 330);
    line(260, 345, Px, 400)

    //right ear
    ellipse(270, 120, RightEarW, RightEarH);
    fill(252, 225, 225);
    ellipse(270, 120, RightEarW/1.5, RightEarH/1.5); //inner ear

    //Left ear
    ellipse(220, 210, LeftEarW, LeftEarH);
    fill(252, 225, 225);
    ellipse(220, 210, LeftEarW/1.5, LeftEarH/1.5); //inner ear

    ellipse(300, 220, faceD, faceD);

    fill(50, 32, 32);
    ellipse(345, 220, eyeW, eyeH);

    fill(R - 20, G - 20, B - 50);
    ellipse(330, 250, cheekW, cheekH);

    curveVertex(350, 200);
    curveVertex(355, 190);
    curveVertex(375, 180);
    curveVertex(x, y);
    curveVertex(x - 5, y +15);
    curveVertex(x - 5, y + 45);
    curveVertex(400, 195);
    curveVertex(390, 220);
    curveVertex(365, 255);
    curveVertex(365, 260);

    fill(R, G, B);
    ellipse(x + 25, y + 20, BubbleD, BubbleD); //large bubble
    ellipse(x + 25, y + 20, BubbleD*.7, BubbleD*.7); //white part
    fill(R, G, B)
    ellipse(x + 22, y + 17, BubbleD*.7, BubbleD*.7); //to cut white part

I wanted to make an elephant whose ear size, nose length and cheek color changes. In this project I tried out the curveVertex function. It was very confusing at first but I gradually learned how it works.



//Grace Wanying Hou
//15-104 Section D
//Assignment 04 

// increases
var inc = 15;
var xint = 15;
// positions
var x1 = 1; 
var y1 = 499;
var x2 = 499;
var y2 = 1; 
var lr;
var lg;
var lb;

function setup(){

function draw() {
    var m = mouseX/25; // colour gets "redrawn" and changes with mouse 
	for(var i = 0; i < m; i += 1) {
        lr = i*mouseX/2-500;
        lg = i*mouseY/2;
        lb = i*-mouseY/2+600;
		stroke(lr,lg,lb); //white

        line(x1, inc * i, inc * i, y1); //bottom left
        line(inc * i, y1, x2, y1 - inc * i); //bottom right
        line(x2 - inc * i, y2, x2, y1 - inc * i); //top right
		line(x2 - inc * i, y2, x1, inc * i); //top left


I wanted to create something interactive or something that changes. I always found string art really cool especially the optical illusions. This piece was a little challenging to put together because of the amount of variables it required it gets a little bit confusing


‘Unnamed SoundSculpture’

Daniel Franke and Cedric Kiefer

‘Unnamed SoundSculpture’ is a computational design project operating at the intersection of sound, art, and technology. The sound sculpture is the result of recorded motion data of a real person. Laura Keil, a Berlin-based dancer, to interpret a musical piece – Kreukeltape by Machinefabriek – as closely as possible with the movement of her own body. She was recorded by three depth cameras (Kinect). The intersection of the images was later put together to a three-dimensional volume (3d point cloud), which was later put into 3D max for further rendering.  A three-dimensional scene was created including the camera movement controlled by the audio. Through this process, the digital body, consisting of 22,000 points, comes to life.

I couldn’t find much on the code or algorithms used in the creation of this project, but it doesn’t seem any custom-made software was needed for them to achieve their goals. With the sculpture based on the music and movement of the dancer, it captures the artistic sensibility of the performer. And the rendering of the 3D environment, and points making up the human form is truly evocative when in motion. I admire the emotional response of the project, in being able to capture an essence of performance, both with the music and the performer.

enwandu-Project-04-String Art


// Emmanuel Nwandu
// enwandu@andrew.cmu.edu
// Section D
// Project-04-String Art

var distribution = new Array(360);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);
    for(i = 0; i < 275; i++){
        // Controls the properties of the line
        distribution[i] = floor(randomGaussian(350, 200));

function draw() {

// Generates a set of random lines radiating from the center of the canvas
    translate(width/2, height/2);
    for(i = 0; i < 275; i++){
        stroke(200, 0, 0);
        var dist = abs(distribution[i]);
        line(0, 0, dist, 0)

    var xBound = width;
    var yBound = height;
    var x = 0;
    var y2 = 0;

    stroke(0); // Controls the color of the
// Generates lines which form an arc that moves diagonally
// across the canvas to each corner
// Similar geometry to the Mangekyou Sharigan
    for(i = 0; i < xBound; i +=10){
        var y = i * 3/4;
        line(x, y, i, yBound); //Lower left arc
        line(x, yBound -y, i, y2); // Upper Left arc
        line(xBound, y, xBound - i, yBound); // Lower Right arc
        line(i, y2, xBound, y); // Upper Right arc

// Draws pupil
    ellipse(200, 150, 75, 75);

This week, I was a bit unsure how to approach the assignment. I initially began coding random lines, to simply get a feel for what a happened when I manipulated certain parts of the code. This was extremely helpful, and while my code does not reflect all I wanted to achieve with this assignment, I learnt a lot by playing around with it a bit.

I drew inspiration from the Sasuke Uchiha’s Mangekyou Sharigan. It has been cropped, or zoomed in order to simplify it a bit. I had trouble coding the center petals of the floral pattern seen in his eye. It was a cool project though, definitely want to explore this more.

Inspiration. Initial thought.


aboyle-Looking Outwards-04

For this post, I have chosen to discuss the Flow Machines Project. This project is funded by the European Research Council and coordinated by François Pachet. Their website can be found at http://www.flow-machines.com/. This project uses computers to help compose music in the style of a chosen composer.

I really admire this project’s attempts to emulate creativity. While I can easily understand how computers spit out preexisting melodies, I am impressed with how this project aims to generate new music. Since creativity has long been relegated to the realm of humanity, it’ll be interesting to see where this project goes.

The algorithms used in this project are based on Markov models. They capture the properties of sequences and abstract them into mathematical concepts. Using these concepts, the computer is then able to generate music of its own. The creators have an evident love for music in general, as is to be expected, but it seems to me that they also have a love for the aspects of music that make it unique and recognizable.

aboyle-Project-04-String Art

aboyle String Art

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 400);

var move=100
var dir=1

function draw(){

//if moving lines hit the center of the circles, they switch direction
    if (move>=300 || move<=100){

  for (var i=10; i<=150; i+=10){
      //creates border lines on left
      //creates border lines on right
      //creates moving lines

    if (i<100){
      //creates side curves
      //creates circles
      //creates center curves
      //mirror image of curves


I didn’t really have any ideas about what I wanted the final product to look like, so I just started messing around with different lines to see what would happen. I think that string art is visually appealing, so now that I have a basic grasp on for() I’m excited to play around with it in the future. I decided to add some color changes and movement as well, just to spice it up a little. The one thing I had trouble with was creating the center curves; I ended up making one half and then mirroring it with push() and pop(), but I bet there’s a simpler way to do it.



//Cora Hickoff
//Section D 

function setup() {

    createCanvas(400, 300);
    background(240, 200, 200);


function draw() {

    //light blue strings
    stroke(180, 200, 220);
    for (var x1 = 0; x1<=300; x1+=10) {
    curve(100, 100, 100+x1, 100+x1, 30+x1, 150, 200, 200);

    //red strings
    stroke(250, 80, 90);
    for (var y1 = 5; y1<=215; y1+=5) {
    curve (150, 15, 50+y1, 500+y1, 10+y1, 12, 50, 70);

    //bottom white strings
    for (var x2 = 30; x2<= 300; x2+=9) {
    curve (20, 20, 30+x2, 40+x2, 10-x2, 300, 40, 50);
    //pink lines
    stroke(220, 150, 189);
    for (var x2 = 30; x2<= 300; x2+=9) {
    line (0, 12+x2, 250+x2, 10+x2);


When I first started this project, I found that the thin lines and curves felt too harsh, so I added a line of code that made the stroke weight heavier and therefore make the drawing softer.

In addition, I realized that by deleting the code, “noFill();” the black in the drawing appeared and created a faded, 3D effect, which was interesting to have in a flat drawing.

Pictured below is what the drawing looks like when “noFill();” is added to the code.

hyt-Looking-Outwards: “I am Sitting in a Machine” by Martin Backes

The inspiring sound installation art, I am Sitting in a Machine, is created by multi-disciplinary artist and composer Martin Backes. The piece pays tribute to the Alvin Lucier’s 1969 experimental piece I Am Sitting in a Room — a piece where the composer narrates a paragraph of text, then play the recording to an empty room, and re-recorded and re-played until the piece ends with hollow, resonated sounds. Similar process was used by Martin Backes, except that the narration is conducted by an artificial human voice, and then run through a MP3 encoder repeatedly through algorithms.

Exhibition view of “I am Sitting in the Machine”

For the physical work itself, the left portion is a 30-unit dubplate vinyl disk, and the right portion an online web page that conducts the same audio. The production presents the process of encoding until it fades into distortions and simple data formats.

I was mostly drawn to the artworks because of the reiterated interpretation of the experimental process, revealing the transformation from supposedly natural sounds to another that is so artificial and cold, and slowly goes into decay as the process repeats infinitely; at the mean time, its recursive algorithm also accentuates its properties as both a physical and digital production. According to the artist, he made 3000 iterations of the piece and eventually chose 32 tracks eventually, illustrating the variety and differences for each trial.


Web edition: http://iamsittinginamachine.net/info.html


Project: Computer Replicating Voices


Key times: 9:30 -> 11:48

Artist (?): Cary Huang

Year: 2017

Although this “project” is from a content creator on Youtube, I thought it was fascinating how a programmer could create a specific algorithm to teach a computer to learn a specific voice. This was all done through the program, ARSS, or The Analysis & Resynthesis Sound Spectograph, Python, and another program called HyperGAN. The ARSS transfer sounds into images which is also modified through Python, then the HyperGAN software uses Convolutional and Deconvolutional neural networks to generate new images in the same style. The ARSS then transfer the images back into audio to become audible.

I find it amazing how not only can we start to teach computers to slowly learn through parameters, but also that such complex process and discovery was put into a YouTube video as if it were “just something cool”. Technology has come far enough to dismiss this amazing demonstration as “a cool video” that is shared around.

This video didn’t highlight an “artist”, rather it showed how complex computers can develop its neural networks. This creator also showed how AI could learn to play Jazz or Baroque music through hours of “training”, which brings another question… is a completely computer generated (through human made parameters) art? I think the thought and artistry behind the codes and programs behind such acts allow AI creation to be artworks.