Reading02 Olivia Cunnally

The medium of capture can substantially influence a typology since different aesthetics and data can be depicted which can influence a viewers interpretation of the image. For example, choosing a medium which captures an image using infrared will expose different data and could possibly reveal information about a typology that would differ if images were captured with a DSLR camera.  To a certain extent I believe photography is objective and can be scientifically reliable; however, I still believe that the operator of a medium of capture has to make decisions which can influence what is depicted in the image. Different exposures, lighting conditions, and angles are just a few examples how even just one medium of capture can have images of a single subject that significantly vary in their aesthetics. Though they may all reveal the same data about a subject, their is still room for alterations, different aesthetics, and different impacts from the images; therefore, I believe contemporary captures are a partially subjective medium. Choosing different mediums of capture, such as film, digital, x-ray, etc., is a choice by the operator; however, one would argue that the expected result is predictable and scientifically reliable in this situation. To this extent photography and capture can be reliable, but there are still choices made, sometimes not even registered as choices, when capturing an image that can influence the result which consequently contribute to this medium being partially subjective.