Project To Share Response

Reviewed Posts By:

  • Izzy
  • Christian
  • Olivia
  • Steven
  • Philippe

In response to Izzy’s shared project, the concept of GANs/Style Transfer has been popping up a lot in the world of Art. is a popular example of where we are currently with our generative abilities, and large companies such as Nvidia are always pushing out new algorithms that get us farther from the uncanny valley to a point where we can’t even tell reals from fakes. Machine Learning is based on the idea that with enough data, you can approximate any function to such a precise degree that not even us humans can tell the difference. With such a large database of images on Google, people can easily scrape larger and larger datasets to train on. Not only are our models growing more accurate, but our datasets are always getting larger.

Gloomy Sunday was posted 2 years ago, and we’ve made such large progress in machine learning over this time. I wonder what type of results we would get now if we were to retrain the model on the must updated Pix2Pix algorithm with a larger dataset (could we make it so convincing that humans would think it’s real?)