ashleyc1-Section C-Project-02-Variable-Face


//Ashley Chan   
//Section C

var cupShape = 260;
var cupWidth = 200;
var cupBrim = 50;
var liquidWidth = 200;
var liquidHeight = 10;
var randomInteger = 1.25;
var eyeSize = 50;
var eyeX = 100;
var pupilLX = 285;
var pupilLY = 295;
var pupilRX = 390;
var pupilRY = 295;
var drinkColor = 100;
var steamMvt = 270;
var mouthX = 320;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
    background(242, 234, 188);

    ellipse(cupWidth + 250, 310, 150, 100);

    fill(242, 234, 188);
    ellipse(cupWidth + 250, 310, 100, 50);

//cup body

    rect(cupWidth , 200, (cupWidth * randomInteger), 240, 40, 40, cupShape, cupShape);

//cup brim

    ellipse(cupWidth/2 * 3.25, 220, 200, cupBrim);
//when mouse clicked, liquid color will change and adjust to new shape of cup

    fill(drinkColor, 49, 30);
    ellipse(cupWidth/2 * 3.25, 220, liquidWidth - 20, cupBrim - 10);

//when mouse clicked, width of cup changes

     var eyeX = cupWidth/2;
     ellipse(eyeX*2.75, 300, eyeSize, eyeSize);
     ellipse(eyeX*3.75, 300, eyeSize, eyeSize);

//when mouse clicked, pupils go crazy

     ellipse(pupilRX, pupilRY, 15, 15);
     ellipse(pupilLX, pupilLY, 15, 15);


    arc(cupWidth + 125, 380, 50, 10, 0, PI);


    fill(249, 210, 243);
    ellipse(eyeX + 175, 330, 50, 20);
    ellipse(eyeX + 275, 330, 50, 20);


    translate((cupWidth/2) - 80, 0);
    bezier(260, 180, steamMvt, 150, 230, 0, 300, 30);

    translate((cupWidth/2) - 20, 10);
    bezier(260, 180, steamMvt, 150, 230, 0, 300, 30);

    translate((cupWidth/2) + 50, 0);
    bezier(260, 180, steamMvt, 150, 230, 0, 300, 30);

function mousePressed() {
    cupShape = random(30, 80);
    cupWidth = random(200, 210);
    cupBrim = random(20, 50);
    liquidWidth = random(170, 200);
    liquidHeight = random(20, 30);
    randomInteger = random(1.2, 1.4);
    drinkColor = random(100, 200);
    steamMvt = random(270, 300);
    eyeSize = random(30, 70);
    pupilLX = random (270, 295);
    pupilLY = random(290, 305);
    pupilRX = random(380, 390);
    pupilRY = random(290, 310);


Initially, I didn’t know what face I wanted to create so I drew the first thing I saw at the time, which was a poster of a coffee cup in Morewood Gardens. Although I’m not particularly happy with my final result because I wanted to add additional elements that didn’t work out, I’m still proud that, while creating this, I began developing the ability to troubleshoot and understand where to find the problem in my code whenever the index revealed something I wasn’t intending.


This is an architectural project that aims to get the public to have an experiential feel while they are in this space using all of their senses. It is known as Phenomena and was made by Benjamin Dillenburger and Demetris Shammas. It is a piece of architecture that reacts differently with its surroundings depending on the time of day: reflects light and casts shadow during the day and transforms into an “oversized 3D display for video projection” at night.

In my architectural modern history class we are learning about more modern architecture and how the idea of architecture is no longer only about buildings, which is exactly what this project incorporates. Phenomena is considered architecture because of its experience and not because it is a building, which I find amazing because I used to think that architecture was only associated with buildings.

Based on the complexity of the shape of Phenomena it is obvious that the creators had to use a computer program to create this project and based on several algorithms that they had to create, such as the different types of materials and how each material reacts to different factors, including light. Another algorithm could have been how different forms could come together to create a certain feeling.

The creator’s artistic sensibilities are manifested in the algorithms because they had to create the set of variables that they wanted this project to be based on. Based on what they wanted this project to accomplish they had to create a set of algorithms for those goals they had for the project. Also the creators had to add their own artistic touch to the project, whether it be what types of forms they wanted to create and what types of materials and color they wanted to use.

Phenomena by Benjamin Dillenburger and Demetris Shammas (2015)


gyueunp – Looking Outwards 02


Bubble Chamber (2003) is a generative painting system created by Jared Tarbell for an exhibition in the Processing gallery. The system’s imaginary particles are created by collisions that contain 216 random calculations and over 1 billion pixels of information that are unique to each one. Just as impressive as the broad range of possible outcomes are the visual elements of the final products. The randomness of the scattered patterns create fascinating visuals that are simply absorbing. The limited usage of colors contrasts with the detailed patterns, creating an excellent balance. Even with only four possible types of particles, the overlapping designs are almost stomach-turning. However, I would love to see more variations, as some final products in the series resemble one another.


Jared Tarbell’s website

Nayeon_Project02_Variable face


//Na-yeon Kim
//15-104, B section
//Project-02_Variable Faces

var pupil = 70;
var eyeS = 100;
var faceW = 300;
var faceH = 240;
var bodyW = 300;
var bodyH = 300;
var feetW = 50;
var feetH = 60;
var wingW = 100;
var wingH = 170;
var r = 166;
var g = 95;
var b = 38;
var dir = 1;
var speed = 0.5;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw() {

    fill(r, g, b);
    ellipse((width / 2), 420, bodyW, bodyH);

    translate(160, 200);
    translate(-160, -200);
    arc(150, 220, 180, 130, 0, 180);

    translate(350, 350);
    translate(-350, -350);
    arc(400, 220, 180, 130, 0, 180);

    ellipse((width / 2), (height / 2), faceW, faceH);

    fill(235, 207, 174);
    ellipse((width / 2), (height / 2) + 10, (faceW - 50), (faceH - 30));

    fill(207, 145, 74);
    ellipse((width / 2) - 50, (height / 2), eyeS + 40, eyeS + 20);
    ellipse((width / 2) + 50, (height / 2), eyeS + 40, eyeS + 20);

    ellipse((width / 2) - 50, (height / 2), eyeS, eyeS);
    ellipse((width / 2) + 50, (height / 2), eyeS, eyeS);

    fill(r -100, g -100, b -100);
    ellipse((width / 2) - 50, (height / 2), pupil, pupil);
    ellipse((width / 2) + 50, (height / 2), pupil, pupil);

    pupil += dir * speed;
    if (pupil > 80) {
        dir = -dir;
        pupil = 80;
    } else if (pupil < 50) {
        dir = -dir;
        pupil = 50;

    fill(219, 164, 0);
    ellipse((width / 2), (height / 2) + 40, 40, 70);

    ellipse((width / 2) - 50, 570, feetW, feetH);
    ellipse((width / 2) + 50, 570, feetW, feetH);

    fill(235, 207, 174);
    triangle((width / 2) - 30, 450, (width / 2) -20, 470, (width / 2) -10, 450);
    triangle((width / 2) - 10, 450, (width / 2), 470, (width / 2) + 10, 450);
    triangle((width / 2) + 30, 450, (width / 2) +20, 470, (width / 2) +10, 450);

    fill(r -20, g -20, b -20)
    ellipse((width / 2) - 120, 480, wingW, wingH)
    ellipse((width / 2) + 120, 480, wingW, wingH)


function mousePressed() {

    faceW = random(250, 350);
    faceH = random(200, 280);
    eyeS = random(80, 120);
    pupil = random(50, 90);
    bodyW = random(250, 350);
    bodyH = random(250, 350);
    feetW = random(30, 70);
    feetH = random(50, 90);
    wingW = random(70, 130);
    wingH = random(150, 200);
    r = random(130, 190);
    g = random(70, 115);
    b = random(0, 50);



I made a draft of a cute owl and painted it with Photoshop, and started to code shapes. Now it became bit odd for ordinary owl, but I like the randomness shapes of this creature!

akluk – section A – project-02 – VariableFaces

It was a fun and exciting challenge to think about how a face could change and randomize.

var eyeSize = 20;
var faceWidth = 100;
var faceHeight = 150;
var mouthshape = 0;
var eye_diff = 0;
var pupilSize = 10;
var noseType = 1;
var noseHeight = 14;
var noseWidth = 10;
var skin_color = 255;
var selector = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 300);
function draw() {
    var pink = color(242,120,130);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth,  faceHeight);
    var eyeLX = (width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.3) + eye_diff;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.3 - eye_diff;
    var mouthHeight = (height/2) + faceHeight/4;

    //drawing eyes
    ellipse(eyeLX, height * 0.45, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height * 0.45, eyeSize, eyeSize);

    //drawing pupils
    ellipse(eyeLX, height * 0.45, pupilSize, pupilSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height * 0.45, pupilSize, pupilSize);

    //drawing mouth
    if (mouthshape == 0) {
    	ellipse(width/2, mouthHeight,faceWidth/3,faceHeight/4);
    else if (mouthshape == 1) {
    	arc(width/2, mouthHeight, faceWidth/3, faceWidth/3, 0, PI,CHORD);
    else if (mouthshape == 2) {
    	arc(width/2, mouthHeight + faceWidth/6, faceWidth/3, faceWidth/3, PI, 0,CHORD);
    else {
    	arc(width/2, mouthHeight + faceWidth/10, faceWidth/10, faceWidth/10, 0.785, -HALF_PI);
    	arc(width/2, mouthHeight, faceWidth/10, faceWidth/10, 0.785, -HALF_PI);

    //drawing nose 
    if (noseType == 0){
    else if (noseType == 1){
    	line(width/2,height/2+noseHeight, width/2,height/2-noseHeight);

function mousePressed() {
    // when the user clicks, these variables are reassigned
    // to random values within specified ranges. For example,
    // 'faceWidth' gets a random value between 75 and 150.
    eye_type = random([0,1,2]);
    eye_diff = random(-15,15);
    faceWidth = random(180, 300);
    faceHeight = random(180, 300);
    eyeSize = random(30, 60);
    pupilSize = random(10,30);
    mouthshape = random([0,1,2,3]);
    noseType = random([0,1,2]);
    noseWidth = random(10,20);
    noseHeight = random(12,28);    //mouthshape = random(-1,2);
    selector = random([0,1,2,3,4]);
    if (selector == 0){
    	skin_color = color(255,205,148);
    else if (selector == 1){
    	skin_color = color(86,46,25);
    else if (selector == 2){
    	skin_color = color(255,255,255);
    else if (selector == 3){
    	skin_color = color(255,227,159);
    else {
    	skin_color = color(30,144,255);


cduong-Project02-Variable Faces-SectionD


Name: Colleen Duong
Class Section: D; 9:30AM
Project-02-Variable Faces

//List of Variables that are used for the Front Character
var eyeSize = 20;
var faceWidth = 200;
var faceHeight = 200;
var Blush = 60;
var Mouth = 30;
var Sprout = 30;
var BodyShake = 300;

//List of Variables for the background Characters
var ShadowPosseHead = 100;
var ShadowPosseBody = 200;
var ShadowBack = 0;
var ShadowMiddle = 30;
var ShadowFront = 60;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(137, 0, 0);

    //Stalkers Body (Left/Black). The variables will make the shapes move left and right frequently
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+80, 450, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+130, 450, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+150, 420, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody-100, 450, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody-200, 450, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);

    //Stalkers Body (Left/DarkGrey). The variables will make the shapes move left and right frequently
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody, 350, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody, 380, 20, 40, 10);
    arc(ShadowPosseBody+10, 440, 70, 70, PI, 0);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody-30, 430, 75, 70, 10);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody-100, 370, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody-100, 400, 20, 40, 10);
    arc(ShadowPosseBody-90, 460, 70, 70, PI, 0);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody-125, 460, 70, 70);

    //Stalkers Body (Left/LightGrey). The variables will make the shapes move left and right frequently
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody-50, 400, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody-50, 430, 20, 40, 10);
    arc(ShadowPosseBody-40, 490, 70, 70, PI, 0);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody-80, 480, 75, 70, 10);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+80, 400, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody+80, 430, 20, 40, 10);
    arc(ShadowPosseBody+90, 490, 70, 70, PI, 0);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody+60, 480, 75, 70, 10);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody-150, 400, ShadowPosseHead-10, ShadowPosseHead-10);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody-150, 430, 20, 40, 10);
    arc(ShadowPosseBody-140, 485, 70, 70, PI, 0);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody-170, 480, 75, 70, 10);

    //Stalkers Body (Right/Black). The variables will make the shapes move left and right frequently
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+300, 450, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+400, 450, ShadowPosseHead+10, ShadowPosseHead+10);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+200, 450, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);

    //Stalkers Body (Right/DarkGrey). The variables will make the shapes move left and right frequently
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+300, 350, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody+300, 380, 20, 40, 10);
    arc(ShadowPosseBody+310, 440, 70, 70, PI, 0);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody+280, 430, 75, 70, 10);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+200, 370, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody+200, 400, 20, 40, 10);
    arc(ShadowPosseBody+210, 460, 70, 70, PI, 0);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody+180, 445, 70, 70);

    //Stalkers Body (Right/LightGrey). The variables will make the shapes move left and right frequently
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+250, 400, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody+250, 430, 20, 40, 10);
    arc(ShadowPosseBody+260, 490, 70, 70, PI, 0);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody+230, 480, 75, 70, 10);
    ellipse(ShadowPosseBody+380, 400, ShadowPosseHead, ShadowPosseHead);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody+380, 430, 20, 40, 10);
    arc(ShadowPosseBody+390, 490, 70, 70, PI, 0);
    rect(ShadowPosseBody+360, 480, 75, 70, 10);

    //Face Shape. Variables makes the face change size.
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth,  faceHeight);

    //Blush. Variables makes blush change size in correlation with the eyes.
    var eyeLX = width / 2.1 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = width / 2.1 + faceWidth * 0.25;
    fill(255, 114, 129);
    ellipse(eyeLX, 270, Blush, Blush);
    ellipse(eyeRX+20, 270, Blush, Blush);

    //Eyes. Variables makes blush change size in correlation with the head.
    rect(eyeLX, height / 2.3, eyeSize, eyeSize*2, 10);
    rect(eyeRX, height / 2.3, eyeSize, eyeSize*2, 10);

    //Mouth. Variable makes mouth change size.
    arc(310, 290, Mouth, Mouth, PI, 0);

    //Sprout. Variable makes sprout grow in height
    fill(201, 208, 126);
    ellipse(290, 100, 50, 30);
    ellipse(340, 100, 50, 30);
    rect(305, 100, 20, Sprout+30, 10);

    //Body. Variable makes body move right to left to make it look as though it's shaking.
    rect(BodyShake+5, 310, 35, 50, 10);
    arc(BodyShake+30, 390, 100, 100, PI, 0);
    rect(BodyShake-20, 385, 100, 100);

function mousePressed() {
    faceWidth = random(180, 220);
    faceHeight = random(180, 220);
    eyeSize = random(10, 30);
    Blush = random(50, 70);
    ShadowPosseBody = random(190, 210);
    Mouth = random(10, 50);
    Sprout = random(20, 30);
    ShadowBack = random(0, 20);
    ShadowMiddle = random(30, 50);
    ShadowFront = random(60, 80);
    BodyShake = random(295, 305);


For my code I wanted to draw a character that I tend to doodle a lot.

Initially I wanted to make the sprout look evil and scary, but after coding it I realized it wasn’t really possible with it’s basic characteristics, which were ellipse eyes, blush, and a big sprout coming out of its head. So after coding the sprout and making the facial features and the sprout move I decided to continue with my “evil and scary” idea and made these shadow-like creatures behind my sprout character. Initially I was going to just leave them there but I wanted them to move a little as if they were moving towards the sprout character.

At this point I thought I was done but I thought having the sprout character’s body stay still made the entire picture look a bit static when it was clicked on, so I decided to make it look as though the sprout character’s body was shaking as the shadows behind it were coming after it.

My ideas did not really come in an orderly manner so my code was a bit difficult to work with and a bit unorganized, but hopefully it is easier to read after I added some comments to it.

Isabelle Vincent Project-02


var eyeSize = 20;
var faceWidth = 100;
var faceHeight = 150;
var earWidth = 10;
var earHeight = 10;
var FacecolorPt1 = 100;
var FacecolorPt2 = 100;
var FacecolorPt3 = 100;
var StrokecolorPt1 = 0;
var StrokecolorPt2 = 0;
var StrokecolorPt3 = 0;
var thic = 1;
var y1 = 220;
var y2 = 260;
function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(51, 153, 102);
    triangle(320 - faceWidth/2 - 40 , 480 , 320 , 240 , 320 + faceWidth/2 + 40,480);
    //face elliplse
    fill(FacecolorPt1, FacecolorPt2, FacecolorPt3);
    stroke(StrokecolorPt1, StrokecolorPt2, StrokecolorPt3);
    ellipse(320, 240, faceWidth,  faceHeight);
    //eye ellilpse
    var eyeLeftX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRightX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;
    ellipse(eyeLeftX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRightX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    triangle(320 - faceWidth/2 , 240 - faceHeight/2, 320, 0, 320 + faceWidth/2, 240 - faceHeight/2);
    rect(320 - faceWidth/2 - 30, 240 - faceHeight/2 - 20, 320 + faceWidth/2 + 30, 240 - faceHeight/2 + 20);
    //Cursor Egg

function mousePressed() {
    faceWidth = random(50, 400);
    faceHeight = random(100, 340);
    eyeSize = random(10, 30);
    earHeight = random(10,25);
    FacecolorPt1 = random(10,255);
    FacecolorPt2 = random(10,255);
    FacecolorPt3 = random(10,255);
    StrokecolorPt1 = random(0,255);
    StrokecolorPt2 = random(0,255);
    StrokecolorPt3 = random(0,255);
    thic = random(1,10);
    y1 = random(240 - eyeSize, 240 - eyeSize);
    y2 = random(y1 + 5,y1 + 30);

I used the given template as my basis; I changed some of the original framework and built on top of it. After randomizing the skin color I decided to make the faces into witches because most of the randomized skin colors look non-human and similar to a cartoon witch.

akluk – Section A – Looking outwards-02

The project that I decided to tackle is Weird Faces by Moka(or Matthias Dorfelt), from 2012-2013.

It is a project that is aimed towards creating a program/algorithm that generates various and unique faces. What I admire about this project is the ability that is make it so natural. I always expected a computer generated face to be very structured, exact, and calculated, kinda mechanic. However the creator was able to create an method to create very random and organic drawings. If I were simply shown the images, and not know it was a computer program, I would have thought an actual artist drew it.

The creator did not disclose what algorithm was used, but it was most likely a improved randomizer for the face shape, eyes, cheeks, mouth, nose and colors.

The creator’s artistic style seems to be quick similar. It usually uses very simple designs and looks quite abstract. It looks simply and random, however the general structure and object that the creator is still trying to describe is still evident and clear.



Daniel Noh
Section D

var yolkSize = 230;
var eggX = 0;
var eggY = 0;
var eggA = 0;
var eggB = 0;
var rEye = 20;
var lEye = 20;
var r = -15;
var g = -15;
var b = 15;
var bubbleSize = 30;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
  ellipse(320, 480, 1000, 1000);
  ellipse(320, 480, 850, 850)

//egg white shape
  fill(240+b, 240+b, 240+b);

  curveVertex(100+eggX, 540+eggY);
  curveVertex(100+eggX, 540+eggY);
  curveVertex(80+eggX, 400+eggY);
  curveVertex(110+eggA, 300+eggB);
  curveVertex(200+eggB, 250+eggX);
  curveVertex(320+eggX, 150+eggA);
  curveVertex(440+eggB, 250+eggY);
  curveVertex(530+eggY, 300+eggB);
  curveVertex(560+eggX, 400+eggA);
  curveVertex(540+eggA, 540+eggB);
  curveVertex(540+eggA, 540+eggB);

//yolk face
  fill(255+r, 255+g, 0+b);
  ellipse(320, 450, yolkSize, yolkSize);

  ellipse(270+r, 460+r, bubbleSize+r+10, bubbleSize+r+10);
  ellipse(320+g, 400+r, bubbleSize, bubbleSize);

  ellipse(340, 480, bubbleSize+20+eggA, bubbleSize+40+b);

function mousePressed() {
  eggX = random(-25, 25);
  eggY = random(-25, 25);
  eggA = random(-25, 25);
  eggB = random(-25, 25);
  r = random(-15, 0);
  g = random(-25, 0);
  b = random(0, 25);
  yolkSize = random(200, 230);
  bubbleSize = random(20, 25);

I honestly went directly to coding only knowing that I wanted to create a dynamic egg face, so at first I was slightly confused. I plotted points down relative to the overall canvas and went from there. I reused several randomized variables for different things, which made my code a bit unorganized. However, I am content with my final product.

mmirho – Looking outwards – Section A

“Fractal Effervescence,” by David April, is a project that has impressed me greatly. The image, which I will add here, is a computer generated fractal, an image or figure that is constructed of many parts, and each part is exactly the same as the entire figure. In a sense, if you look closely at any piece of the figure in the image, you will find its the same image, just smaller.

The program used to generate this kind of art is based on recursion, which I hope to learn more about within this course. Recursion is a type of programming that makes the entire function into a loop, in a way, allowing the function to call itself to process the information given.

I’m unsure of the date of this art, though I do know it was created by David April, and the title is “Fractal Effervescence”. The artist is very interested in the concept of fractals and works to find new forms.