mmiller5-Looking Outward-05

“Southern Ground Hornbill” by Leandre Hounakke

Southern Ground Hornbill is a work by Leandre Hounakke in 2013.  It is a photorealistic 3D rendering of the bird of the same name, meaning that everything was created with 3D software — that’s right, no photos!  I have absolutely no clue how art can be made like this, basically indistinguishable from the real thing, but that’s what makes this amazing!  You can really tell that the artist has an immense attention for detail, especially through the different textures of the feathers, skin, and beak.  I admire the level of skill and mastery that this artist has attained and how he is able to utilize them to create work like this.


Artist: Thomas Ludwig

Coral Rift: “unprincipled iteration formula with zillions of iterations, producing an ultrafine “net” of torn microsurfaces (in consequence the surface normal computation is approximate at best)” 3 days of rendering required used Allura Renderer, high res here

Kaleidoscopic II: digital image created using a fractal distance estimator and rendered overnight on a gtx 970, high res here

What drew me to Ludwig’s work has the levels of detail and depth in his work, the images he creates appear as though they could exist in a real but unusual space. I was also interested in his tendency to create forms that have the characteristics of an electron microscope image of the structure of an object found in nature. Ludwig experiments with different programs for generating and rendering his images, which are usually created by manipulating 3-dimensional fractals. His artistic sensibilities influence how he decides to render, what parameters he sets for depth perception, motion blur, lighting etc. For many of his pieces the minimum render time is overnight; many works take multiple days to render.

More of his work can be found here

Lrospigl – Pattern Week 05

I wanted to make something simple and cute that would allow for a bit of an unnaturalness to it too. By putting the smile and adding random circles around it, it creates this uneasiness.

Lrospigl Sketch

//Laura Rospigliosi
//Section C
//Project-04-String art

var distw = 50; // x spacing
var disth = 50; // y spacing
var circlex = 25; // x start
var circley = 25; // y start
var circle = 10; // number of circles per row
var c = (230, 180, 230);
var angle = 1;

function setup() {

function draw() {

    for (var row = 0; row < 9; row++) {
        if (row % 2 ===1){
            circlex +=25; //spacing of odd rows + start
            circle = 8; // number of circles

        else {
            circlex = 25; //start of circles
            circle = 9; //
        for (var col = 0; col < circle; col++) {
            var cx = 0;
            var cy = row * disth;
            lines (cx, cy);

    for (var col = 0; col < circle; col++) {
        var px = circlex + col * distw;
        var py = circley + row * disth;
        smiley (px, py);

function lines(cx, cy) {
    translate (cx, cy);
    strokeWeight (10)
    stroke (100, 100, 200);
    curve (0, 0, 0, 0, 450, 10, 450, 0, 450, 0);

function smiley(px, py) {
    stroke (0)
    translate(px, py);
    fill(255, 255, 0);
    ellipse (0, 0, 40, 40);
    fill (0);
    ellipse (-6,-5, 5, 5);
    ellipse (6, -5, 5, 5);
    fill (c);
    arc(0, 3, 20, 20, 0, PI);
    noFill ();
    ellipse (-2, 0, 41, 40);
    ellipse (2, 0, 40, 39);


Lrospigl – Looking outwards 05 (Quantum Fluctuations)

As I was looking at 3d computer graphics on Behance (a really cool design portfolio website), I stumbled upon this artist’s page who had a lot of 3d graphics. The video (linked bellow) is very interesting and kind of surreal. He uses proton collision and information from supercomputer simulations to create this visual. He visualizes different events that have to do with these collisions, and inputs that information of the simulation to make a 2d and 3d rendering of them visually.

fluctuation 1
fluctuation 2

He also has this project where creates human-body-shapes where the only thing you see are blood vessels that are moving, and rotating to give a sense of dimension and perspective.



//Isabelle Vincent
//Section E
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    background(140, 184, 135);

function draw() {
for (var countz = width/50; countz < width; countz += width/5){
for (var x = 0; x < width; x = x + 1) {
    stroke(163, 214, 157);
    fill(163, 214, 157);
    point((60 - 50 * 0.5*sin(radians(2*x)))+countz,x);
    point( (60 - 50 * 0.5*cos(radians(2*x)))+countz,x);
//line of dots
for(var dotx = 0; dotx < width+10; dotx += 10){
  for(var doty = 0; doty < (4*height)/3; doty += height/3){
      stroke(90, 143, 85);
      fill(90, 143, 85);
    } else{
      stroke(163, 214, 157);
      fill(163, 214, 157);

for(var fly =0; fly <height; fly += height/3){

for(var elc =0; elc< width; elc +=width/7){
  var ely = fly+height/10;
  var space = width/14;
  fill(255, 186, 171);

  stroke(83, 131, 78);
  elc += space


This was my initial sketch for the wall paper design, it was inspired by the wallpapers in the database that was linked. I decided to add a more organically shaped space divider with cos and sin loops. I kept the idea to include a representation of a plant just changed what the plant looked like.



function setup() {
    createCanvas(450, 450);
    var tw = 60;
    var th = tw*(sqrt(3/2));
    var oy = 0;
    var ox = 0;
    var numc = 0;

    for (var y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
    	if (y%2==0){
        	numc = 10;
    	else {
    		numc = 9
        for (var x = 0; x < numc; x++) {
            var py = oy + y * th;
            var px = ox + x * tw;

		if (y%2 == 0){


I played with shapes, patterns, and colors. I liked playing with size and ratio, creating depth.



Lucy Hardcastle

I really enjoy the work of Lucy Hardcastle. She studied textiles and has moved on to 3D computer graphics and works specifically with Cinema4D. I think her work is almost too perfect and otherworldly, it has this strange, hyper realistic quality about it. She recently worked with Chanel/i-D magazine in the Fifth Sense campaign for which she created an animation meant to convey scent. She did this through textures in an almost dimension-less space and I thought that work was brilliant.

Even thought it seems to perfect and serene and sterile, it has a very human quality to it because it related back to touch, which is a constant in our lives.


For my 3D computer graphics project, I choose to feature the work of Alex McLeod. I’m using his piece, Mystical Pond 2010 as my example, but I admire his work as a whole in general.

Alex McLeod is a new media visual artist who creates landscape “paintings” through computer rendering. He uses renderings of various materials and textures to create romantic, otherworldly landscapes. Through his art, he uses reoccurring themes such as overpopulation, urban overdevelopment, and climate change.

I view artists such as Alex McLeod as a bridge between traditional artists and modern graphic animators. McLeod treats his work similar to that of traditional artists, trying to convey a message with no limits or boundaries to his work. However, he uses modern technologies and modern “materials”/mediums to create his art.

rsp1-Looking Outwards-05

Assemblence By Unbrellium

This project is a fully immersive interactive augmented reality environment made ‘real’ by using light as a physical material, the aim is to structure participation and build trust between people who must sometimes suspend disbelief in order to cooperate and co-exist.

According to the artist, “Drawing on our backgrounds in architecture and design of networked urban infrastructure, Assemblance uses light to construct a semblance of physicality in which people that don’t know each other gain enough trust to collaborate on building delicate, ephemeral, luminescent structures, where intimate and hyperlocal participation becomes even more important, and the question of our responsibility and culpability towards each other is thrown up in challenging ways.”

I personally liked how interactive these artists have made the lasers used in the project. Instead of being projected onto a flat surface, the users are able to physically interact and play with the lasers in 3D. The lasers, although not completely tangible, now have the capabilities of becoming more tangible and object-like.

image of person interaction with lasers
play of light and interactivity with the lasers


Before beginning to code my wallpaper, I looked around online for inspiration. A lot of the online patterns I found incorporated organic and complex shapes. For my wallpaper, I wanted to focus on the use of for loops and repetition of simple shapes. I made a few rough sketches to help visualize what I needed to code.

I decided to use the last thumbnail sketch as a basis for my actual coded wallpaper design. After coding the shapes, I then went and played around with different colors.


function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    background(121, 128, 113);

    //creating circular pattern
    var cdiam = width/5; //diameter of circles
    var spacex = 3 * cdiam / 4; //space between in x direction
    var spacey = 4 * cdiam / 3; //space between in y direction
    var ox = (width - (spacex * 6))/2; //x position
    var oy1 = (height - (spacey * 3))/2; //y position for every odd column
    var oy2 = oy1 - 2 * cdiam / 3; //y position for every other column

    for(var x = 0; x < 7; x++){ 

        var posx = ox + x * spacex; //x position consistent

        if(x % 2 == 1){
            for(var y = 0; y < 4; y++){ //4 circles
                fill(210, 213, 221);
                stroke(153, 154, 198);

                var posy1 = oy1 + y * spacey; //y position of odd columns

                ellipse(posx, posy1, cdiam, cdiam);
        } else {
            for(var y = 0; y < 5; y++){ //5 circles
                fill(184, 186, 207);
                stroke(153, 154, 198);

                var posy2 = oy2 + y * spacey; //y position of even columns

                ellipse(posx, posy2, cdiam, cdiam);

    //creating line pattern
    var lineox = ox + spacex/2; //original x position of lines
    var lineoy = oy1 - spacey/4; //original y position of lines

    for(var xline = 0; xline < 6; xline++){ // 6 vertical lines
        stroke(232, 235, 228);

        var posVline = lineox + spacex * xline; // position of vertical lines

        line(posVline, 0, posVline, height);

    for(var yline = 0; yline < 8; yline++){ // 8 horizontal lines
        stroke(232, 235, 228);

        var posHline = lineoy + spacey/2 * yline; //position of horizontal lines

        line(0, posHline, width, posHline);

    //creatings dots
    for(var dotsx = 0; dotsx < 6; dotsx++){
        for(var dotsy = 0; dotsy < 8; dotsy++){

            var posxdots = lineox + spacex * dotsx; //position of dots in x direction
            var posydots = lineoy + spacey/2 * dotsy; //position of dots in y direction

            fill(121, 128, 113);
            ellipse(posxdots, posydots, 15, 15);


function draw(){
