jennyzha – project 10


//Jenny Zhang
//Section D
//Project 10

var bird1;
var bird2;
var bird3;

var bird1X = 500;
var bird1Y = 150;
var bird2X = -200;
var bird2Y = 100;
var bird3X = 650;
var bird3Y = 200;

var birdWidth = 40;
var birdHeight = 30;

var cloud1;
var cloud2;
var cloud3;

var cloud1X = 700;
var cloud1Y = 60;
var cloud2X = 540;
var cloud2Y = 40;
var cloud3X = 700;
var cloud3Y = 60;

var cloudWidth = 40;
var cloudHeight = 30;

function preload() {
	bird1 = loadImage("");
	bird2 = loadImage("");
	bird3 = loadImage("");
	cloud1 = loadImage("");
	cloud2 = loadImage("");
	cloud3 = loadImage("");

function setup() {

function draw(){

//draws the hilly background
var terrainSpeed = 0.00095;
var terrainSpeed1 = 0.0008;
var terrainSpeed2 = 0.00065;
var hill = 0.020;

function drawhill() {  

        for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
            var t = (x * hill) + (millis() * terrainSpeed);
            var y = map(noise(t), 0, .95, 120, 300);
            vertex(x, y);
            vertex(0, height);
            vertex(width, height);

function drawhill1() {  

        for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
            var t = (x * hill) + (millis() * terrainSpeed1);
            var y = map(noise(t), 0, .8, 140, 300);
            vertex(x, y);
            vertex(0, height);
            vertex(width, height);

function drawhill2() {  

        for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
            var t = (x * hill) + (millis() * terrainSpeed2);
            var y = map(noise(t), 0, .65, 160, 300);
            vertex(x, y);
            vertex(0, height);
            vertex(width, height);

//draws the birds
function drawbird() {
	image(bird1, bird1X, bird1Y, birdWidth, birdHeight);
	bird1X -= random(1,2);
	bird1Y -= random(-0.5,0.5);

	if (bird1X < -birdWidth) {
		bird1X = 500;

	image(bird2, bird2X, bird2Y, birdWidth, birdHeight);
	bird2X += random(0,0.5);
	bird2Y += random(-0.5,0.5);

	if (bird2X < -birdWidth) {
		bird2X = -100;

	image(bird3, bird3X, bird3Y, birdWidth, birdHeight);
	bird3X -= random(0,2);
	bird3Y -= random(-0.5,0.5);

	if (bird3X < -birdWidth) {
		bird3X = 650;

function drawcloud() {
	image(cloud1, cloud1X, cloud1Y, cloudWidth, cloudHeight);
	cloud1X -= random(0,2.5);
	cloud1Y -= random(-.25,.25);

	if (cloud1X < -cloudWidth) {
		cloud1X = 690;

	image(cloud2, cloud2X, cloud2Y, cloudWidth, cloudHeight);
	cloud2X -= random(0,2.5);
	cloud2Y -= random(-.25,.25);

	if (cloud2X < -cloudWidth) {
		cloud2X = 530;

	image(cloud3, cloud3X, cloud3Y, cloudWidth, cloudHeight);
	cloud3X -= random(0,2.5);
	cloud3Y -= random(-.25,.25);

	if (cloud3X < -cloudWidth) {
		cloud3X = 600;

With the cold weather coming upon us, I decided to create a spring theme as I begin to miss the warmer weather. Importing pictures from imgur using the preload function for the birds and clouds, I had them come flying across the screen as the code ran. As for the landscape/background, at first, I only had two hills for the terrain, but didn’t think it was enough and added the third layer. The same was true for the birds and clouds. At first I only had the birds, but then decided to import the clouds as well to create a fuller scene. Ultimately using the noise function, while playing with the inputs each time I was able to create a sense of depth.

aboyle-Project 10-Landscape-Section D

aboyle landscape

var fish = [];
var oceanSpeed = 0.0005;
//ocean detail is low to make it look wavy instead of jagged
var oceanDetail = 0.001;
var floorSpeed=0.0004;
//floor detail is high to simulate rocky bottom
var floorDetail=0.02;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 240);

function draw() {
//makes ocean

//makes fish
//removes fish that aren't on screen
//adds new fish

//makes ocean floor


function updateAndDisplayFish(){
// Update and display the fish
    for (var i = 0; i < fish.length; i++){

function removeFishThatHaveSlippedOutOfView(){
//If fish aren't on screen, remove them from the array
//I based this on the provided code
    var fishToKeep = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < fish.length; i++){
        if (fish[i].x + fish[i].breadth > 0) {
    fish = fishToKeep;

function addNewFishWithSomeRandomProbability() {
//with a low probability, add new fish to array
    var newFishLikelihood = 0.009;
    if (random(0,1) < newFishLikelihood) {

//change position of fish every frame to make them look like they're moving
function fishMove() {
    this.x += this.speed;

// draw the fish
function fishDisplay() {
//randomize the color of the fish
//I kept blue at zero so the fish wouldn't blend into water
    fill(this.fRed, this.fGreen, 0);
//translate so 0 means the moving x
    translate(this.x, height);
//makes body of fish
    ellipse(0, -this.fPosition, this.fLength, this.fHeight)
//makes tail of fish
    triangle(this.fLength/2-8, -this.fPosition, this.fLength, -this.fPosition+this.fHeight/2,
      this.fLength, -this.fPosition-this.fHeight/2)
//makes eye of fish

//makes the object of a fish
function makeFish(birthLocationX) {
    var fsh = {x: birthLocationX,
                breadth: 50,
              //randomizes speed
                speed: random(-2.5, -1),
              //randomizes position in water
                fPosition: round(random(50,150)),
              //randomizes length
                fLength: round (random(20,50)),
              //randomizes height
                fHeight: round (random(10,20)),
              //randomizes color
                fRed: random(0,255),
                fGreen: random(0,255),
                move: fishMove,
                display: fishDisplay}
    return fsh;

function displayOcean(){
//generates the ocean using the noise function
  for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
      var t = (x * oceanDetail) + (millis() * oceanSpeed);
      var y = map(noise(t), 0,1, 0, 60);
      vertex(x, y);
      rect (x, y, 1, height)

function displayFloor(){
//generates the ocean floor using the noise function
  for (var x = 0; x < width; x++){
    var z = (x * floorDetail) + (millis() * floorSpeed);
    var v= map(noise(z), 0, 1, 200, height)
    rect(x, v, 1, 50)



For this project, I knew I wanted to randomize the speed at which the objects crossed the screen. For this to make sense, the object needed to be something that was moving on its own. I thought about a couple of options, including cars, bees, clouds, and hot air balloons. I ultimately decided on fish because I thought I could have fun making the water look like it was moving. You can see my original sketch below.

Although I based this project on the provided code, I tried my best to insert my original ideas. I made the water have a low detail to look like it was calm but still moving. I made the sea floor have a high detail so it looked jagged and rocky. I made the fish move at different speeds, ensured that they would be between the surface of the water and the sea floor, and randomized their colors to some degree. (I set the blue value equal to zero so they would never be blue and blend into the water.) It took some trial and error to figure out the right proportions of the fish tails and how to color in the water and ground, but I figured out both of those eventually. I had some trouble with making objects in the past, so although the code is simple I’m proud of it. However, I glanced through other projects and noticed a lot of other people decided to something with fish, so in retrospect I wish I could’ve been more original. Overall, though, still a fun project!

daphnel-Project 10-Landscape


//Daphne Lee
var terrainSpeed = 0.0003;
var terrainCurves = 0.001;
var jx=280;
var jy=300;
var jw=107;
var jh=149;
var jx2=240;
var jy2=280;
var jw2=72;
var jh2=100;
var cx=0;
var cy=390
var cw=113;
var ch=75;
var kx=0;
var ky=350;
var kw=249;
var kh=250;

function preload(){
    jellyfish1 = loadImage("");
    jellyfish2 = loadImage("")
    crab = loadImage("")
    kelp= loadImage("")
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function drawSeaAndFloor(){
    fill(51, 204, 204);
    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        var t = (x * terrainCurves) + (millis() * terrainSpeed*2);
        var y = map(noise(t/2), 0,1, 0, 400);
        vertex(width, height);
        vertex(x, y);
        fill(204, 153, 102);
        for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        var t = (x * 2* terrainCurves) + (millis() * terrainSpeed);
        var y = map(noise(t), 0,1, 400, height);
        vertex(width, height);
        vertex(x, y);
function drawJellyfish(){
    //the bigger jellyfish moving left
    //smaller jellyfish moving right;
function drawCrab(){
function drawKelp(){

function draw(){
    background(179, 236, 255);
    fill(255, 255, 0);

I started off with the idea of wanting to make an ocean with sea creatures swimming inside. I tried starting off with clouds but it didn’t really end up the way I wanted to. I decided to use photos to depict these sea creatures and the first picture I stumbled upon was a jellyfish. I started off with one, and then added another one. It was hard for me to figure out how to work with using objects so I ended up going a simpler route that felt more straightforward in my opinion. I tried to make the ocean more realistic looking so I added some kelp and a crab to add more details to it. I didn’t have enough time to try to incorporate some of the other ideas I had such as working with more objects and creating new functions to relate them to and getting a clearer understanding on how these objects move.

enwandu_Looking Outwards-10

Filipa Valente – creator of dynamic light architecture

Filtered Transparencies (2014 & 2015)  —  User immersed in created space

Filipa Valente is a Portuguese architect/environmental designer, based in the Los Angeles, California. She specializes in architecture and new media, interactive and experience design, furniture, and exhibition design. Valente completed her BSc and Masters in Architecture at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London, then went on to receive her Masters in Media Art and Architecture at SciArc in Los Angeles. Valente has created a name for herself over the years, holding design and project management positions at some of the world most prestigious architectural practices such as Zaha Hadid Architects, Amanda Levete Architects, Wilkinson Eyre Architects, and Belzberg Architects and Synthesis Design + Architecture. She is part of the organization limiLAB, which has had work exhibited in the Architecture + Design museum of L.A., at the Lisbon Experiment Design Biennale in 2009, and the ISEA 2012 (International Electronics Art Symposium).

Valente and her work with limiLAB stems from an interest in immediate space (architecture, rooms, cities, people), leading to the creation of these magnificent interactive art and installation pieces. Broadly speaking her work exists as an exploration of how technology connects to all these spaces with each other and their surrounding environments. Her work is truly admirable from an aesthetic standpoint. A lot of the work is visually stunning, and that combined with her thought process of incorporating elements of environmental design, really echo through her work. I think her project ‘Filtered Transparencies’ really represents her ideas about exploring the relationships between the environment, architecture and the body, by using layered light, space and sound to create an immersive experience.


Jenny Sabin is principal of Jenny Sabin Studio LLC in Ithaca, New York who specializes in computational experimental form making and spatial organization. Her studio pushes the boundaries for parametric design to generate forms which, as a collective, produce a space which is complex and entirely unique. The studio likely utilizes Grasshopper for Rhino software to generate complex curvatures using modular base geometries that are repeated and varied according to the main organizational geometries of the flow surface, as in the following photo.
Considering the role of Cornell University as a leader in cutting-edge architectural design and research, Jenny Sabin’s strong connections to the Jenny Sabin Design Lab at Cornell’s School of Art, Architecture, and Planning are a strong propellant in the drive toward a more modern future in computational architectural design.

Jihee Kim_SectionD_Project-10-Landscape


//Jihee Kim
//15-104 MWF 9:30
//Project 10 Landscape
//section D

var stars = []; // an array of all stars
var clouds = []; // an array of all clouds

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 380);
    // initialize stars
    for (var s = 0; s < 750; s++){ // loop through stars
        var starPositionX = random(width); // the x position of the cloud is
                                           // random along the width of canvas
                                           // the randomness is later set
                                           // in the replaceClouds() function
        var starPositionY = random(0, height-120);
        stars[s] = makeStars(starPositionX, starPositionY);
    // initialize clouds
    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){ // loop through clouds
        var cloudPositionX = random(width); // the x position of the cloud is
                                            // random along the width of canvas
                                            // the randomness is later set
                                            // in the replaceClouds() function
        var cloudPositionY = random(height/3, height*2/3);
        clouds[i] = makeCloud(cloudPositionX, cloudPositionY);

function draw() {
    fill(11, 19, 71);
    rect(0, height-100, width, 100); // set the very bottom of the canvas as
                                     // water
    //gradient background
    // draw the gradient background for the pink, night sky
    var top = color(198, 96, 113); // pink
	  var bottom = color(11, 19, 71); // deep blue
    Gradient(0, width, top, bottom);
    //CLOUDS (draw the clouds using functions: animate, hide, and add)


function Gradient (a, b, top, bottom) {
	  // top to bottom gradient (background)
    for (var i = a; i <= height-100; i++) {
        var mappedC = map(i, a, a+b, 0, 1);
        var c = lerpColor(top, bottom, mappedC);
        line(a, i, a+b, i);

function drawStars() {
	  // make stars seem like they're shining by manipulating transparency
	  var transparency = random(30, 100);
	  fill(255, transparency);
	  ellipse(this.x, this.y, 1.2, 1.2);

function animateStars() {
    for (var s = 0; s < stars.length; s++) {

function hideStars() {
    // make the clouds that are actually within the canvas to stay
    // if not, hide them
    var starsOnCanvas = [];
    for (var s = 0; s < stars.length; s++){ // go through all clouds
        // if the star is on the canvas
        if (0 < stars[s].x < width) {
            starsOnCanvas.push(stars[s]); // draw the stars that are on the
                                          // canvas
    stars = starsOnCanvas; // update the stars to the ones that are actually
                           // on the canvas

function addStars() {
    var randomValStar = 0.01; // a really small chance of stars randomly
                                // being added/generated
    if (random(0,1) < randomValStar) { // because it is not that likely for a
                                      // randomly chosen value to be less than
                                      // 0.0001, this will be a rare occasion
        var starPositionX = random(0, width);
        var starPositionY = random(0, height-120);
        stars.push(makeStars(starPositionX, starPositionY)); // generate new
                                                             // stars along
                                                             // the canvas

function starMove() {
	//move stars by updating x coordinate
	this.x += this.speed;

function makeStars(starPositionX, starPositionY) {
	  var star = {x: starPositionX,
				       y: starPositionY,
				       speed: -random(0, .005),
				       move: starMove,
			         draw: drawStars}
	  return star;

function drawMoon() {
    fill(252, 202, 202, 80);
    ellipse(width/2+100, 150, 80); // overlay another ellipse for slight volume
    fill(234, 139, 139, 80);
    ellipse(width/2+100, 150, 75); // draw moon

function animateClouds() {
    for (var i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++){ // loop through all clouds
        clouds[i].move(); // update the clouds' positions on canvas
        clouds[i].display(); // display the clouds

function hideClouds(){
    // make the clouds that are actually within the canvas to stay
    // if not, hide them
    var cloudsOnCanvas = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++){ // go through all clouds
        if ((clouds[i].x > 0) + (clouds[i].breadth > 0)) { // if the cloud is
                                                      // on the canvas
            cloudsOnCanvas.push(clouds[i]); // draw the clouds that are on the
                                            // canvas
    clouds = cloudsOnCanvas; // update the clouds to the ones that are actually
                           // on the canvas

function addClouds() {
    var randomVal = 0.005; // a really small chance of clouds randomly
                           // being added/generated
    if (random(0,1) < randomVal) { // because it is not that likely for a
                                   // randomly chosen value to be less than
                                   // 0.005, this will be a rare occasion
        var cloudPositionX = random(0, width);
        var cloudPositionY = random(height/3, height-50);
        clouds.push(makeCloud(cloudPositionX, cloudPositionY)); // generate new
                                                                // clouds along
                                                                // on canvas

function cloudMove() { // update position of cloud each frame
    this.x += this.cloudSpeed;

function cloudDisplay() { // draw clouds
    var cloudHeightFactor = 7; // factor that determines cloud height
    var cloudHeight = this.nFloors * cloudHeightFactor;
    fill(242, 209, 214, this.transparency);

    // higher line of clouds (further down on canvas)
    translate(this.x, height/2-130);
    ellipse(30, -cloudHeight+120, this.breadth, cloudHeight);
    // middle line of clouds (middle on canvas)
    translate(this.x, height/2-70);
    ellipse(150, -cloudHeight+120, this.breadth, cloudHeight/1.5);
    // lower line of clouds (further down on canvas)
    translate(this.x, height/2);
    ellipse(110, -cloudHeight+120, this.breadth, cloudHeight);

function makeCloud(cloudPositionX, cloudPositionY) {
    var cloud = {x: cloudPositionX, // x position of clouds
                y: cloudPositionY, // y position of clouds
                transparency: random(10, 80),
                breadth: random(120, 250), // width of clouds
                cloudSpeed: random(0.07, 0.3), // speed at which clouds move
                nFloors: round(random(2,10)),
                move: cloudMove,
                display: cloudDisplay}
    return cloud;

For my ever-changing “landscape” I decided to draw a starry night. In order to make the image dynamic, I used components such as the stars and clouds that actually move and generate on it’s own based on a logic that incorporates randomness. I used a color gradient for a more engaging background as well.
I wanted to convey tranquility and I believe that I was able to achieve that goal through employing movements that speak to that.

Concept Sketch

Jihee Kim (Section D)– LookingOutwards-10

Filtered Transparencies – LISBON 2015 from Filipa Valente on Vimeo.

Filtered Transparencies is an dynamic, interactive installation that manipulates the users’ experience within a space through different sensual elements. The installation uses multiple layers of light streams and sound to surround the user inside the project and allow for a unique experience. What is interesting about this project is how the artist creates an intangible but clearly-present space. There is nothing concrete or structural in the project (even the screens that light is projected are light and transparent), yet the user feels as though there are some sort of massive elements that are surrounding them because of the illusions created by the “filters” of sensual elements. The installation is also interactive in that people could manipulate themselves the kind of environment that they are in.

user immersed in created space
tangible space
layered screens and experience

The artist, Filipa Velante is an architect and environmental designer based in the US. She did her studies in Architecture both at the undergraduate and graduate level at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. Additionally, she completed her Masters in Media Art and Architecture Mediascapes at SciArc, LA. Based on the projects that are curated on her website, one can clearly notice her concentration on experiential design, whether in the form of architectural projects or media installations like Filtered Transparencies. Many of her projects are those that engage the public through the incorporation of environment and senses, as is manifested in this particular project, as well.

Velante originally designed the installation for the Paseo Festival in Taos, New Mexico in September 2014. Later on, a further developed version was commissioned for the WEDO User Group 2015 conference in Lisbon, Portugal.

More information on the project can be found on the Project Page

aboyle-Looking Outwards-10

“TRANSCENDENCE 115” is a collaboration between the digital artist LIA and the Portuguese experimental music project @c, created by Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela. It was created for the composition *Three-Body Problem* and was released in 2016. The starting point is a “system of forms and actions, an algorithm for visual composition,” which is then enhanced by the music and LIA’s interaction. You can watch it below.

I really admire this work because it seamlessly weaves together audio and visual in a way that is very difficult to do. Low heaves of noise push forward rounded lines, and high tinkling sounds fracture them into angles—it is endlessly entertaining to watch and listen to. I also love the way it uses orbits and patterns to make the entire image seem full, cohesive, and mesmerizing.

LIA, the co-creator of “TRANSCENDENCE 115”, is known for being a pioneer in software art. She is an Austrian artist who lives in Vienna and has been active since 1995. She uses a wide range of media, such as video, performance, software, installations, sculpture, projections, and digital applications. However, her primary working material is code, which she leverages for fluid and conversational interaction between human and machine. You can view more of her work at


Geode is a series of geologically inspired puzzles created by Jessica Rosenkrantz from Nervous System. She used agates as inspiration for the puzzles. I found it particularly interesting how she mimicked the way agates are naturally formed in the algorithm that her computer generated agates emerge from. For each generated agate, colors were derived from photos that were taken by Jessica.

Jessica Rosenkrantz is the co-founder and creative director at Nervous System. She graduated from MIT with degrees in biology and architecture. She also studied at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. She focuses on generative design methods using both algorithmic and physical tools to create innovative products and environments. She pulls inspiration from the complex and unconventional geometries in natural forms.

Jessica Rosenkrantz; Geode; 2017

hyt-Project-10: Generative Landscape


// helen tsui
// 15-104 section d
// project-10-Generative-Landscape

var frames = [];
var framesIndex = 0;
var dino = [];

var terrainSpeed = 0.001;
var terrainDetail = 0.005;

var SkySpeed = 0.0003;
var SkyDetail = 0.01;

var t; // terrain in for loop
var y; // terrain y coordinate

function preload() {
    var filenames = [];
    filenames[0] = "";
    filenames[1] = "";
    filenames[2] = "";
    filenames[3] = "";
    filenames[4] = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) {
        frames[i] = loadImage(filenames[i]); 

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 300); 

    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        var rx = random(width);
        dino[i] = makeDinosaur(rx);

function makeStar() {
    stroke(200, 0, 0);
    var starx = random(0, width);
    var stary = random(0, height);
    line(starx, stary, starx + 7, stary + 7);

// function makeStar2() {
//     stroke(200, 0, 0);
//     strokeWeight(8);
//     var starx2 = random(0, width);
//     var stary2 = random(0, height);
//     line(starx2, stary2, starx2 + 7, stary2 + 7);
// }

// background desert
// foreground - terrain that changes color
function makeTerrain() {
    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        t = (x * terrainDetail) + (millis() * terrainSpeed);
        y = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 150, height);
        vertex(x, y); 
        stroke(200-frameCount*0.5, 141, 103);
        line(x, y, x, height);

// background - make sky 
function makeSky() {
    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        t = (x * SkyDetail) + (millis() * SkySpeed);
        y = map(noise(t), 0, 1, 0, 200);
        vertex(x, y); 
        stroke(219, 239, 240, 200, 200); // sky color
        line(x, 0, x, y);

// making an object - dinosaur
function makeDinosaur(birthPos) { 
    var dino = {x: birthPos, 
                speed: 1,
                display: displayDinosaur,
                move: moveDinosaur
    return dino;

// create dinosaur movement by using frames[]
function displayDinosaur() {
    framesIndex = frameCount % 4; // frameIndex keeps track with the framecount
    image(frames[framesIndex], t, y + 100);

// give dinosaur speed
function moveDinosaur() {
    this.x += this.speed;

function AddNewDinosaur() { 
// With a very tiny probability, add new dinosaur to the end
    var newDinoLikelihood = 0.7; 
    if (random(0,1) < newDinoLikelihood) {

function UpdateAndDisplayDinosaur() {
    for (var i = 0; i < dino.length; i++) {

// call function
function draw() {
    background(236, 163, 130, 200);

For this project, I had a concept of creating animation-like short clip of running away, and therefore I captured a GIF from found source and broken into five different images, and then created the foreground and background using the noise() function, and the different dimensions have a changing gradient and opacity based off of the frameCount. Unfortunately the results were not as good as I expected, and I struggled a bit to figure out the objects’ properties and creating the constant movement. Below is a sketch that I have, and I hope to make some other alterations more as I delve more into the concepts.