

Since this code has sounds, the WordPress account doesn’t display it properly. Above is a link to the p5.js alpha editor where you can properly view my code. Once at the website click the play button on the top left corner of the screen

My project looked at combining motion graphics and sounds. I wanted the graphics to work such that more was revealed as you moved around the canvas – everything is made out of two colours so as the mouse moves in the horizontal direction, you get to view more of the graphics as a differentiation is created between the background and the actual graphics.

I had an issue with running the local server on my laptop so I used the oscillation program from p5.js to get a sine curve amplitude and frequency to create a sound that my motion graphics responded to. The larger objects respond to the sound that is generated. The rippling, striped circle responds to the silence in between the beep noises. The white ellipse curve is its own thing that just renders what a traditional sine curve looks like.

When the canvas is clicked on, the noise stops and the motion graphics continue. To restart the noise you have to refresh the page.

^mouseX at at 0

^mouseX at maximum width

jooheek&heeseoc – FinalProject

Press 1 to start!


//JooHee Kim & Steph Chun
//Section E & A

//background peak variables
var peakDetail = 0.005;
var peakSpeed = 0;
//image variables
var startingImg;
var roseImg, foxImg, kingImg, heartImg, princeImg;
var rose1, rose2, fox1, fox2, king1, king2;
var stage1, stage2;
//image size variable
var imgSize = 30;
//image x location for the rose, fox, king, heart
var roseImgX, foxImgX, kingImgX, heartImgX;
//prince x and y location variables
var princeX = 0;
var princeY = 300; 
//prince velocity
var step = 3;
//variable to show different maps
var gameState = "startingPage";

function preload() {
	//starting page image load
	startingImg = loadImage("");
	//characters image load
	roseImg = loadImage("");
	foxImg = loadImage("");
	kingImg = loadImage("");
	heartImg = loadImage("");

	//dialogues image load
	rose1 = loadImage("");
	rose2 = loadImage("");
	fox1 = loadImage("");
	fox2 = loadImage("");
	king1 = loadImage("");
	king2 = loadImage("");

	//stage continue image loads
	stage1 = loadImage("");
	stage2 = loadImage("");

	//prince image load
	princeImg = loadImage("");


function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);


function draw() {

	//loads different map functions at different conditions
	if (gameState == "startingPage") {
	} else if (gameState == "mapOneMakePlanetMountains") {
	} else if (gameState == "mapTwoDesertMountainsAndPlatforms") {
	} else if (gameState == "mapThreeKingPlanet") {

	//moves prince with up and right arrow
    if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)){
    	princeX += step; //right

    if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)){
    	princeY -= step; //up
    } else {//if key is released, the prince falls until the floor
    	princeY += step;
    	princeY = min(princeY, height*3/4-princeImg.height);


function keyPressed() {
	//when 1, 2, 3 keys are pressed, the map changes
	if (key == '1') {
		gameState = "mapOneMakePlanetMountains";
		princeX = 0;
		princeY = 300;
	} else if (key == '2') {
		gameState = "mapTwoDesertMountainsAndPlatforms";
		princeX = 0;
		princeY = 300;
	} else if (key == '3') {
		gameState = "mapThreeKingPlanet";
		princeX = 0;
		princeY = 300;

//First Game Start Page
function startingPage() {
	image(startingImg, 0, 0, width, height);

//Map One
function mapOneMakePlanetMountains() {
	background(40, 40, 80);

	//stars in the background
	ellipse(random(0, width), random(0, height), 10, 10);

	//peaks in the background
    for (var planet = 0; planet <= width; planet++) {
        var planetOverallSpeed = (planet * peakDetail) + (millis() * peakSpeed);
        var planetPeaks = map(noise(planetOverallSpeed), 0, 1, width/2, height/4);
        vertex(planet, planetPeaks); 
    vertex(0, height);

	//plant floor
	var planetFloorY = height*3/4;
	rect(0, planetFloorY, width, height);

	//rose image
	roseImgX = width - 60;
	image(roseImg, roseImgX, planetFloorY - imgSize, imgSize, imgSize);

	//heart image
	heartImgX = width/2;
	//if prince touches heart it disappears
	if (princeX < heartImgX) {
		image(heartImg, heartImgX, planetFloorY - imgSize, imgSize, imgSize);	

	//prince image
	image(princeImg, princeX, princeY);

	//speech bubbles appear when prince and rose meet
	if (princeX >= roseImgX-60) {
		image(rose1, roseImgX - 130, height*3/4 - 150, imgSize*3, imgSize*3);
		image(rose2, roseImgX - 60, height*3/4 - 130, imgSize*3, imgSize*3);

	//next stage sign when prince goes to end
	if (princeX > roseImgX) {
		image(stage1, 2, height/2-stage1.height/2, stage1.width, stage1.height);


//map two
function mapTwoDesertMountainsAndPlatforms() {
	background(131, 234, 255);
    //desert peaks background
    fill(255, 210, 139);

    for (var desert = 0; desert <= width; desert++) {
        var desertOverallSpeed = (desert * peakDetail) + (millis() * peakSpeed);
        var desertPeaks = map(noise(desertOverallSpeed), 0, 1, width/2, height/4);
        vertex(desert, desertPeaks); 

    vertex(0, height);

    //floor rectangles
    var floorY = height*3/4;
    fill(213, 148, 92);

    rect(0, floorY, width/4, height/4);

    rect(width/2, floorY, width/2, height/4);

    //fox image
    foxImgX = width - 60;
    image(foxImg, foxImgX, floorY - imgSize, imgSize, imgSize);
	//heart image
	heartImgX = width/2;
	//if prince touches heart, it disappears
	if (princeX < heartImgX) {
    	image(heartImg, heartImgX, floorY - imgSize, imgSize, imgSize);	

	//prince image
	image(princeImg, princeX, princeY);

	//speech bubbles appear when prince meets fox
	if (princeX >= foxImgX-50) {
		image(fox1, foxImgX - 130, floorY - 150, imgSize*3, imgSize*3);
		image(fox2, foxImgX - imgSize*2, floorY - 130, imgSize*3, imgSize*3);
	//next stage sign when prince touches edge
	if (princeX > foxImgX) {
		image(stage2, 2, height/2-stage2.height/2, stage2.width, stage2.height);


//map three
function mapThreeKingPlanet() {
	background(40, 40, 80);

	//stars in background
	ellipse(random(0, width), random(0, height), 10, 10);

    //peaks in background
    for (var planet = 0; planet <= width; planet++) {
        var planetOverallSpeed = (planet * peakDetail) + (millis() * peakSpeed);
        var planetPeaks = map(noise(planetOverallSpeed), 0, 1, width/2, height/4);
        vertex(planet, planetPeaks); 

    vertex(0, height);

    //floors rectangles
    var kingFloorY = height*3/4;

    rect(0, kingFloorY, width/6, height/4);

    rect(width/3, kingFloorY, width/6, height/4);

    rect(width*2/3, kingFloorY, width/6, height/4);

    rect(width*5/6, height/2, width/6, height/2);

    //king image
    kingImgX = width - width/8;
    image(kingImg, kingImgX, height/2 - imgSize*2, imgSize*2, imgSize*2);
	//heart image
	heartImgX = width*2/3;
	//heart disappears when prince touches heart
	if (princeX < heartImgX) {
    	image(heartImg, heartImgX, height*3/4 - imgSize, imgSize, imgSize);	

	//prince image
	image(princeImg, princeX, princeY);

	//if prince reaches king, speech bubbles appear
	if (princeX >= kingImgX-80) {
		image(king2, kingImgX - 140, height*3/4 - imgSize*4, imgSize*3, imgSize*3);
		image(king1, kingImgX - 60, height/2 - imgSize*4, imgSize*3, imgSize*3);

We wanted to make an interactive game like SuperMario with the visual/thematic concept as The little Prince. In our game, the player controls the main character to avoid the obstacles, collect items, and in addition to that, we added a dialogue feature so that we can implement the storyline of The Little Prince better. Because of the time constrain, we weren’t able to achieve everything that we’ve listed in the project brief, and we had to re-distribute the workload so that it makes sense to the timeframe that we’ve got.
Also, making the game itself work was more difficult that we thought because of the unexpected details that we had to tackle.

nayeonk1-Final Project


//Na-yeon Kim
//Section B
//Final project

//global variables
var music;
var amp;
var volHistory = [];
var spectrumHistory = [];
var wave = [];
var fft;
var rainSize = 5;
var streams = [];
var w = 960;
var h = 540;

//load the song
function preload() {
    music = loadSound('city.mp3');

//setup canvas, music, aplitude and fft of the music, rainstream
function setup() {
    createCanvas(1920, 1080);
    angleMode(DEGREES);; //play the song

    amp = new p5.Amplitude(0.9, 64); //get the aplitude value of the music
    fft = new p5.FFT(); //get the spectrum analysis value of the music

//generate and render the rains
    var x = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i <= width / rainSize; i++) {
      var stream = new Stream();
      stream.generate(x, random(-1000, 0));
      x += random(10, 50);

//draw lighting and disk changing based on song. render raindrops
function draw() {

    light(0, 0); // lighting that changes with fft
    disk(0, 0); //disk that changes with amp

//render the streams
    streams.forEach(function(stream) {

//function rain-setting values for it-
function rain(x, y, vel, first) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.vel = vel;
    this.first = first;

//reset raindrops to top when they hit the bottom
    this.reset = function() {
      if (this.y >= height) {
        this.y = 0;
      } else {
        this.y += this.vel;

//rain stream function. set speed and generation ofr rain drops
function Stream() {
    this.rainDrops = [];
    this.totalDrops = round(random(10, 50));
    this.vel = random(10);

//set the function of generating the rains
    this.generate = function(x, y) {
      var first = round(random(4)) == 1;
      for (var i = 0; i < this.totalDrops; i++) {
        rains = new rain(x, y, this.vel, first);
        y -= rainSize * random(5);
        first = false;
    //setting the rendering funtion to the rain
    this.render = function() {
      this.rainDrops.forEach(function(rains) {
        if (rains.first) {
          fill(170, 50, 130, random(200));
        } else {
          fill(230, 100, 200, 50);
        //draw rain drops
        ellipse(rains.x, rains.y, rainSize, rainSize);

//draw a light that changes it's shapes based on spectrum of the music(fft)
function light() {

    translate(w, h)

//get the value of fft and put them in spectrum array
    var spectrum = fft.analyze();

//erase old spectrum from the array
    if (spectrumHistory.length > width) {
      spectrumHistory.splice(0, 1);

//draw shapes
    for (var i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++) {
      var spec = spectrum[i];
      var angle = map(i, 0, spectrum.length, 0, 520);
      var r = map(spec, 0, 100, 50, 150);
      var x = r * cos(angle);
      var y = r * sin(angle);

      stroke(y * 2, x / 2, r / 2);

      line(0, 0, x, y);
      line(0, 0, -x, -y);

//draw disk that change its radius based on volum of the music(amp)
function disk(x, y) {
    translate(w, h);

//get the amp level from the music and put them in vol array
    var vol = amp.getLevel();

//erase old volume from the array
    if (volHistory.length > width) {
      volHistory.splice(0, 1);

//more circles on center
    var rad = map(vol, 0, 1, 100, 250);
    fill(50, 50, 200, 100);
    ellipse(x, y, rad, rad);
    fill(200, 50, 50, 100);
    ellipse(x, y, rad - 5, rad - 5);
    fill(50, 50, 200, 100);
    ellipse(x, y, rad - 20, rad - 20);
    fill(255, 25);
    ellipse(x, y, rad - 40, rad - 40);

For the final project, I worked with Jiaxin. It was really fun to work with the friend for something I wanted to do! I’m interested in media art, especially interactive installation art. I proposed this idea to Jiaxin and she also loves to work with Kinect. Since both of us are ETC student, we could get access to all of the equipment like Kinect and projector very easily. So we teamed up and divided works into two. As Jiaxin wanted to work with Kinect, I took charge of background animation and music. I play with sound on p5js and interactive images for days. Meanwhile, me and Jiaxing had several meetings to settle down the idea on this project. We worked on mood board first to see how we are picturing the outcome.


And then we moved on to work on actual work process. For me, it was getting interact images with sound done. I searched on how to make interactive images with sounds in p5js and got some ideas about what I want to create.
First interactive thing is volume. circle on the center of the canvas is changing its radius by music volume. Second is frequency spectrum. It shows analysis of spectrum from low frequency to high frequency, of course, different sound effects have the different frequency.
It was really fun to work on installation art as I wished! I’d love to work on this kind of artwork later again.

Special thanks to Julian Korzeniowsky -a talented and awesome musician- for providing awesome music for our project. this file Final project(Jiaxin_Nayeon)
2.set up a local server
3.(get a Kinect and) open the file in chrome



//Dana Kim
//Section D
// Final Project

var AxonImage;
var Axonometric = ""

var DiagramSetAImage;
var DiagramSetA = ""

var DiagramSetBImage;
var DiagramSetB = ""

var RenderingImage;
var Rendering = ""

var SPImage;
var SectionalPerspective = ""

function preload(){
  AxonImage = loadImage(Axonometric);

  DiagramSetAImage = loadImage(DiagramSetA);

  DiagramSetBImage = loadImage(DiagramSetB);

  RenderingImage = loadImage(Rendering);

  SPImage = loadImage(SectionalPerspective);

function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 480);
  image(AxonImage, 0 ,0); //Initial image is Axonometric

function draw(){
  //Menu Buttons
  rect(10, 50, 205, 20, 20);
  rect(10, 80, 160, 20, 20);
  rect(10, 110, 115, 20, 20);
  rect(10, 140, 70, 20, 20);

  //Menu Buttons Text
  text("Multi-Use Room Transformation Diagrams", 20, 63);
  text("Lobby Transformation Diagrams", 20, 93);
  text("Sectional Perspective", 20, 123);
  text("Rendering", 20, 153);


function mousePressed(){
  //Multi-Use Room Transformation Diagrams Page
  if(10 < mouseX & mouseX < 215 && 50 < mouseY && mouseY < 70){
    image(DiagramSetAImage, 0, 0);
    rect(10, 19, 53, 15, 20);
    text("H O M E", 16, 30);
    text("Multi-Use Room Transformation Diagrams", 15, height-10);

  //Lobby Transformation Diagrams Page
  else if(10 < mouseX & mouseX < 170 && 80 < mouseY && mouseY < 100){
    image(DiagramSetBImage, 0, 0);
    rect(10, 19, 53, 15, 20);
    text("H O M E", 16, 30);
    text("Lobby Transformation Diagrams", 15, height-10);

  //Sectional Perspective Page
  else if(10 < mouseX & mouseX < 125 && 110 < mouseY && mouseY < 130){
    image(SPImage, 0, 0);
    rect(10, 19, 53, 15, 20);
    text("H O M E", 16, 30);
    text("Sectional Perspective", 15, height-10);

  //Rendering Page
  else if(10 < mouseX & mouseX < 80 && 140 < mouseY && mouseY < 160){
    image(RenderingImage, 0, 0);
    rect(10, 19, 53, 15, 20);
    text("H O M E", 16, 30);
    text("Stair Rendering", 15, height-10);

  // Home Page (Axonometric)
  else if(10 < mouseX & mouseX < 63 && 19 < mouseY && mouseY < 34){
    image(AxonImage, 0 , 0);

I wanted to create an interactive page for one of my past studio projects. I had originally intended to do an informative exploded axon but due to time constraints I was unable to do so. Although the project wasn’t what I had initially intended to do and is fairly simple, I’m still pretty satisfied with the way that it turned out.

merlebac Final Project

Rwanda Animation

var ImageN = 81; // Creates a global variable for the number of images

var diameter = 30; // Determines the diameter for the circles

var ImageX = []; // Creates an empty array for the x-coordinate of the images
var ImageY = []; // Creates an empty array for the y-coordinate of the images

var ImageWidth = []; // Creates an empty array for the width of the images
var ImageHeight = []; // Creates an empty array for the height of the images

var AdelineAudio; // Creates a variable for the audio of Adeline
var HelenAudio; // Creates a variable for the audio of Helen
var TeddyAudio; // Creates a variable for the audio of Teddy

var AdelineX = 225; // Creates the x-coordinate for the Adeline icon
var AdelineY = 235; // Creates the y-coordinate for the Adeline icon

var HelenX = 350; // Creates the x-coordinate for the Helen icon
var HelenY = 150; // Creates the y-coordinate for the Helen icon

var TeddyX = 150; // Creates the x-coordinate for the Teddy icon
var TeddyY = 320; // Creates the y-coordinate for the Teddy icon

var AdelineStart = false; // The state that triggers the animation for Adeline
var HelenStart = false; // The state that triggers the animation for Helen
var TeddyStart = false; // The state that triggers the animation for Teddy

var ImageAnimation = []; // This creates an array to store the images

var StarterImage = 0; // Determines what value the images will start at

function preload() {
    mapRwanda = loadImage("");
    // Loads the image of the map

    var filenames1 = []; // Creates an array to load the images into

    // Preloads the images in the animation
    filenames1[0] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[1] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[2] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[3] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[4] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[5] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[6] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[7] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[8] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[9] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[10] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[11] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[12] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[13] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[14] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[15] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[16] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[17] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[18] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[19] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[20] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[21] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[22] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[23] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[24] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[25] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[26] = loadImage("");
    // Stores the Adeline images in a local array
    filenames1[27] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[28] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[29] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[30] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[31] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[32] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[33] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[34] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[35] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[36] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[37] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[38] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[39] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[40] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[41] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[42] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[43] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[44] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[45] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[46] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[47] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[48] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[49] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[50] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[51] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[52] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[53] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[54] = loadImage("");
    // Stores the Helen images in a local array
    filenames1[55] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[56] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[57] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[58] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[59] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[60] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[61] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[62] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[63] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[64] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[65] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[66] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[67] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[68] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[69] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[70] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[71] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[72] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[73] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[74] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[75] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[76] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[77] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[78] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[79] = loadImage("");
    filenames1[80] = loadImage("");
    // Stores the Teddy images in a local array

    for (var i = 0; i < ImageN; i++) {
        ImageAnimation[i] = filenames1[i];
        // Stores the images in a global array

    AdelineAudio = loadSound("Adeline.mp3"); // Stores the Adeline audio
    AdelineAudio.setVolume(0.5); // Sets volume of Adeline audio

    HelenAudio = loadSound("Helen.mp3"); // Stores the Helen audio
    HelenAudio.setVolume(0.5); // Sets volume of Helen audio

    TeddyAudio = loadSound("Teddy.mp3"); // Stores the Teddy audio
    TeddyAudio.setVolume(0.5); // Sets volume of Teddy audio

function setup() {
    createCanvas(1000, 875 / 2); // Creates the canvas
    frameRate(30); // Sets the framerate at 30

    for (var i = 0; i < ImageN; i += 9) {
        // For loop for storing values in the empty arrays
        ImageX[i] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 1] = 1000;
        ImageX[i + 2] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 3] = 750;
        ImageX[i + 4] = 1000;
        ImageX[i + 5] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 6] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 7] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 8] = 500;
        // Stores the ImageX array with x-coordinates
        ImageY[i + 0] = -500;
        ImageY[i + 1] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 2] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 3] = 875 / 4;
        ImageY[i + 4] = -500;
        ImageY[i + 5] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 6] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 7] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 8] = 0;
        // Stores the ImageY array with y-coordinates
        ImageWidth[i] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 1] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 2] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 3] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 4] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 5] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 6] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 7] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 8] = 1;
        // Stores the ImageWidth array with widths
        ImageHeight[i] = 875 / 2;
        ImageHeight[i + 1] = 875 / 2;
        ImageHeight[i + 2] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 3] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 4] = 875;
        ImageHeight[i + 5] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 6] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 7] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 8] = 0.875;
        // Stores the ImageHeight array with heights

function playAdeline() {
    // Resets and stops all audio if an icon is pressed when audio is playing

    for (var i = 0; i < ImageN; i += 9) {
        // For lopp resets images so they don't overlap
        ImageX[i] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 1] = 1000;
        ImageX[i + 2] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 3] = 750;
        ImageX[i + 4] = 1000;
        ImageX[i + 5] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 6] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 7] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 8] = 500;
        // Ressets the x-coordinates of all images
        ImageY[i + 0] = -500;
        ImageY[i + 1] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 2] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 3] = 875 / 4;
        ImageY[i + 4] = -875 / 2;
        ImageY[i + 5] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 6] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 7] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 8] = 0;
        // Resets the y-coordinates of all images
        ImageWidth[i] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 1] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 2] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 3] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 4] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 5] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 6] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 7] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 8] = 1;
        // Resets the widths of all images
        ImageHeight[i] = 875 / 2;
        ImageHeight[i + 1] = 875 / 2;
        ImageHeight[i + 2] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 3] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 4] = 875 / 4;
        ImageHeight[i + 5] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 6] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 7] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 8] = 0.875;
        // Resets the heights of all images
    }; // Starts the Adeline audio
    AdelineStart = true; // Starts the Adeline animation
    HelenStart = false; // Prevents the Helen animation from restarting
    TeddyStart = false; // Prevents the Teddy animation from restarting

function playHelen() {
    // Resets and stops all audio if an icon is pressed when audio is playing

    for (var i = 0; i < ImageN; i += 9) {
        // For loop resets images so they don't overlap
        ImageX[i] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 1] = 1000;
        ImageX[i + 2] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 3] = 750;
        ImageX[i + 4] = 1000;
        ImageX[i + 5] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 6] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 7] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 8] = 500;
        // Resets the x-coordinates of all images
        ImageY[i + 0] = -500;
        ImageY[i + 1] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 2] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 3] = 875 / 4;
        ImageY[i + 4] = -875;
        ImageY[i + 5] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 6] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 7] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 8] = 0;
        // Resets the y-coordinates of all images
        ImageWidth[i] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 1] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 2] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 3] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 4] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 5] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 6] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 7] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 8] = 1;
        // Resets the widths of all images
        ImageHeight[i] = 875 / 2;
        ImageHeight[i + 1] = 875 / 2;
        ImageHeight[i + 2] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 3] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 4] = 437.5;
        ImageHeight[i + 5] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 6] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 7] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 8] = 0.875;
        // Resets the heights of all images
    }; // Starts the Helen Audio
    AdelineStart = false; // Prevents the Adeline animation from restarting
    HelenStart = true; // Starts the Helen animation from restarting
    TeddyStart = false; // Prevents the Teddy animation from restarting

function playTeddy() {
    // Resets all audio if an icon is pressed when audio is playing

    for (var i = 0; i < ImageN; i += 9) {
        // For loop resets images so they don't overlap
        ImageX[i] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 1] = 1000;
        ImageX[i + 2] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 3] = 750;
        ImageX[i + 4] = 1000;
        ImageX[i + 5] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 6] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 7] = 500;
        ImageX[i + 8] = 500;
        // Resets the x-coordinates of all images
        ImageY[i + 0] = -500;
        ImageY[i + 1] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 2] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 3] = 875 / 4;
        ImageY[i + 4] = -875;
        ImageY[i + 5] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 6] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 7] = 0;
        ImageY[i + 8] = 0;
        // Resets the y-coordinates of all images
        ImageWidth[i] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 1] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 2] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 3] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 4] = 500;
        ImageWidth[i + 5] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 6] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 7] = 1;
        ImageWidth[i + 8] = 1;
        // Resets the widths of all images
        ImageHeight[i] = 875 / 2;
        ImageHeight[i + 1] = 875 / 2;
        ImageHeight[i + 2] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 3] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 4] = 437.5;
        ImageHeight[i + 5] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 6] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 7] = 0.875;
        ImageHeight[i + 8] = 0.875;
        // Resets the heights of all images
    }; // Starts the Teddy audio
    AdelineStart = false; // Prevents the Adeline animation from restarting
    HelenStart = false; // Prevents the Adeline animation from restarting
    TeddyStart = true; // Starts the Teddy animation

function draw() {
    scale(0.48, 0.48);
    // Makes the corner the pivot point of the image
    image(mapRwanda, 0, 0, width / 2, height);
    // Displays map on canvas

    fill(255, 0, 0); // Makes circles and text red
    textAlign(CENTER); // Centers the text
    textSize(18); // Sets the text size to 18
    ellipse(AdelineX, AdelineY, diameter); // Creates marker for Adeline story
    text("Adeline", AdelineX, AdelineY + 45);
    ellipse(HelenX, HelenY, diameter); // Creates marker for Teddy story
    text("Helen", HelenX, HelenY + 45);
    ellipse(TeddyX, TeddyY, diameter); // Creates marker for Teddy story
    text("Teddy", TeddyX, TeddyY + 45);
    // Click one of the red circles to start audio and animation

    if (AdelineStart == true &
        HelenStart == false &&
        TeddyStart == false) {
        StarterImage = 0; 
        // Gives StarterImage a value which displays the Adeline images
    } else if (AdelineStart == false &
        HelenStart == true &&
        TeddyStart == false) {
        StarterImage = 27;
        // Gives StarterImage a value which displays the Helen images
    } else if (AdelineStart == false &
        HelenStart == false &&
        TeddyStart == true) {
        StarterImage = 54;
        // Gives StarterImage a value which display the Teddy images
    } else {
        StarterImage = 0;
        // I included this so that I could code using an if else statement

    if (AdelineStart == true || HelenStart == true|| TeddyStart == true) {
        // Occurs when one of the icons are clicked
        ImageY[StarterImage + 0] += 2;
        // Moves the 0th image of each series down

    if (ImageY[StarterImage + 0] >= 0) {
        // Occurs when 1st image is fully on the screen
        ImageY[StarterImage + 0] = 0;
        // Stops the 1st image from moving down more
        ImageX[StarterImage + 1] -= 2;
        // Moves the 1st image in each series to the left

    if (ImageX[StarterImage + 1] < width / 2) {
        // Occurs when the 2nd image is fully on screen
        ImageX[StarterImage + 1] = width / 2;
        // Stops the 2nd image from moving more to the left

    if (ImageX[StarterImage + 1] == width / 2) {
        // Occurs when the 2nd image stops moving to the left
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 2] += 2;
        // Increases the width of the 2nd image in each series
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 2] += 1.75;
        // Increases the height of the 2nd image in each series

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 2] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 2] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the 2nd image is equal to half the width
        // or half the height
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 2] = width / 2;
        // Sets the width equal to half the width
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 2] = height;
        // Sets the height equal to half the height

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 2] == width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 2] == height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 2nd image equals half the width of
        // the canvas or when the height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 3] += 3;
        // Increases the width of the 3rd image in each series
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 3] += 2.625;
        // Increases the height of the 3rd image in each series 

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 3] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 3] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 3rd image equals half the width of
        // the canvas or when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 3] = width / 2;
        // Sets the width of the 3rd image to half the width of the canvas
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 3] = height;
        // Sets the height of the 3rd image to half the height of the canvas
        ImageX[StarterImage + 4] -= 2;
        // Moves the 4th image in the series to the left
        ImageY[StarterImage + 4] += 1.75;
        // Moves the 4th image in the series down

    if (ImageX[StarterImage + 4] <= width / 2 ||
        ImageY[StarterImage + 4] >= 0) {
        // Occurs when the x-coordinate of the 4th image is equal to half the
        // width or when the y-coordinate is equal to 0
        ImageX[StarterImage + 4] = width / 2;
        // Locks the x-coordinate of the 4th image at half the width
        ImageY[StarterImage + 4] = 0;
        // Loocks the y-coordinate of the 4th image at 0
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 5] += 6;
        // Increases the width of the 5th Adeline image

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 5] >= width / 2) {
        // Occurs if the width of the 5th image equals half the canvas width
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 5] = width / 2;
        // Sets the width of the 5th image equal to half the canvas
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 5] += 2;
        // Increases the height of the 5th image

    if (ImageHeight[StarterImage + 5] >= height) {
        // Occurs if the height of the 5th image is equal to the canvas height
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 5] = height;
        // Sets the height of the 5th image equal to the height
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 6] += 2;
        // Increases the width of the 6th image
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 6] += 1.75;
        // Increases the height of the seveth image

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 6] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 6] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 6th image equals half the canvas
        // width or when the height equals the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 6] = width / 2;
        // Sets the width of the 6th image equal to half the canvas width
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 6] = height;
        // Sets the height of the 6th image equal to the canvas height
    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 6] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 6] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 6th image equals half the canvas
        // width or when the height equals the height of the canvas
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 7] += 4;
        // Increases the height of the 7th image

    if (ImageHeight[StarterImage + 7] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the height of the 7th image equals the canvas height
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 7] = height;
        // Sets the height of the 7th image equal to the canvas height
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 7] += 2;
        // Increases the width of the 6th image

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 7] >= width / 2) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 7th image is half the canvas width
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 7] = width / 2;
        // Sets the width of the 7th image equal to half the canvas width

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 7] == width / 2) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 8th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 8] += 3;
        // Increases the width of the 8th image
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 8] += 2.625;
        // Increases the height of the 8th image

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 8] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 8] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the eight image equals the half the canvas
        // width or when the height equals the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 8] = width / 2;
        // Sets the width of the 8th image equal to half the canvas width
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 8] = height;
        // Sets the height of the 8th image equal to the canvas height

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 8] == width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 8] == height) {
        ImageY[StarterImage + 9] += 2;
        // Increases the y-coordinate of the 9th image

    // Many of the if statements below are copied from the previous ones
    // I couldn't use of for or a while loop because I needed each image to
    // trigger the next one

    if (ImageY[StarterImage + 9] >= 0) {
        // Occurs when the 9th image is fully on screen
        ImageY[StarterImage + 9] == 0;
        ImageX[StarterImage + 10] -= 2;
        // Animates the 1st Adeline image

    if (ImageX[StarterImage + 10] <= width / 2) {
        // Occurs when the 10th image is fully on screen
        ImageX[StarterImage + 10] = width / 2;
        // Stops the 10th image from moving
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 11] += 2;
        // Increases the width of the 11th image
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 11] += 1.75;
        // Increases the height of the 11th image

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 11] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 11] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 11th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas or when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 11] = width / 2;
        // Sets the width of the 11th image equal to half the canvas width
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 11] = height;
        // Sets the heightof the 11th image equal to half the canvas width

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 11] == width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 11] == height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 11th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas or when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 12] += 3;
        // Increases the width of the 12th image
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 12] += 2.625;
        // Increases the height of the 12th image

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 12] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 12] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 12th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas or when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 12] = width / 2;
        // Sets the width of the 12th image to half the width
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 12] = height;
        // Keeps the width and height of the 3rd Adeline image constant

    if (ImageWidth[12] == width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[12] == height / 2) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 12th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas or when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageX[StarterImage + 13] -= 2;
        // Lowers the 13th image
        ImageY[StarterImage + 13] += 1.75;
        // Moves the 13 image to the left

    if (ImageX[StarterImage + 13] <= width / 2 ||
        ImageY[StarterImage + 13] >= 0) {
        // Occurs when the 13th image is fully on screen
        ImageX[StarterImage + 13] = width / 2;
        // Sets the width of the 13th image to half the width

    if (ImageX[StarterImage + 13] == width / 2 ||
        ImageY[StarterImage + 13] >= 0) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 12th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas or when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageY[StarterImage + 13] = 0;
        // Stops the 4th Adeline image from moving
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 14] += 6;
        // Increases the width of the 5th Adeline image

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 14] >= 500) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 14th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 14] = width / 2;
        // Sets the width of the 14th image to half the width
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 14] += 2;

    if (ImageHeight[StarterImage + 14] >= 875 / 2) {
        // Occurs when the height of the 14th image equals the canvas height
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 14] = height;
        // Keeps the height of the 5th image constant

    if (ImageHeight[StarterImage + 14] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the height of the 14th image equals the canvas height
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 15] += 2;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 15] += 1.75;
        // Increases the width and height of the 6th image

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 15] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 15] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 15th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas or when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 15] = width / 2;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 15] = height;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 16] += 4;
        // Keeps the width and height of the 6th image constant

    if (ImageHeight[StarterImage + 16] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the height of the 14th image equals the canvas height
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 16] = height;
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 16] += 2;

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 16] >= width / 2) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 16th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 16] = width / 2;
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 17] += 3;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 17] += 2.625;

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 17] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 17] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 15th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas and when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 17] = width / 2;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 17] = height;
        // Keeps the width and height of the 3rd Adeline image constant
        ImageY[StarterImage + 18] += 2;
        // Animates the 1st Adeline image

    if (ImageY[StarterImage + 18] >= 0) {
        // Occurs when the 2nd image is fully on screen
        ImageY[StarterImage + 18] = 0;
        // Stops the 1st Adeline image from moving
        ImageX[StarterImage + 19] -= 2;
        // Animates the 1st Adeline image

    if (ImageX[StarterImage + 19] <= width / 2) {
        // Occurs when the 19th image is fully on screen
        ImageX[StarterImage + 19] = width / 2;
        // Stops the 2nd Adeline image from moving
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 20] += 2;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 20] += 1.75;

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 20] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 20] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 20th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas and when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 20] = width / 2;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 20] = height;
        // Keeps the width and height of the 2nd Adeline image constant

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 20] == width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 20] == height) {
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 21] += 3;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 21] += 2.625;

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 21] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 21] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 15th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas and when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 21] = width / 2;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 21] = height;
        // Keeps the width and height of the 3rd Adeline image constant

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 21] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 21] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 21th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas and when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageX[StarterImage + 22] -= 2;
        ImageY[StarterImage + 22] += 1.75;
        // Animates the 4th Adeline image

    if (ImageX[StarterImage + 22] <= width / 2 &
        ImageY[StarterImage + 4] >= 0) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 22th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas and when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageX[StarterImage + 22] = width / 2;
        ImageY[StarterImage + 22] = 0;
        // Stops the 4th Adeline image from moving
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 23] += 6;
        // Increases the width of the 5th Adeline image

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 23] >= 500) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 15th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 23] = width / 2;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 23] += 2;

    if (ImageHeight[StarterImage + 23] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the height of the image equals the canvas height
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 23] = height;
        // Keeps the height of the 5th image constant
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 24] += 2;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 24] += 1.75;
        // Increases the width and height of the 6th image

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 24] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 6] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 24th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas or when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 24] = width / 2;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 24] = height;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 25] += 4;
        // Keeps the width and height of the 6th image constant

    if (ImageHeight[StarterImage + 25] >= height) {
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 25] = height;
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 25] += 2;

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 25] >= width / 2) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 25th image equals half the width of
        // the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 25] = width / 2;
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 26] += 3;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 26] += 2.625;

    if (ImageWidth[StarterImage + 26] >= width / 2 ||
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 26] >= height) {
        // Occurs when the width of the 3rd image equals half the width of
        // the canvas or when height equals half the height of the canvas
        ImageWidth[StarterImage + 26] = width / 2;
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 26] = height;
        // Keeps the width and height of the 3rd Adeline image constant

    // These are all the images in the code that are used for the presentation
    // Each of them have an assigned x and y coordinate, width and height
    // I wasn't able to put them in a for loop since I needed some of the to
    // be translated to the center
    // There are a total of 27 images and each has three variants
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 0], ImageX[StarterImage + 0],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 0], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 0],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 0]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 1], ImageX[StarterImage + 1],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 1], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 1],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 1]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 2], ImageX[StarterImage + 2],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 2], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 2],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 2]);
    imageMode(CENTER); // Makes the center of the image the pivot
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 3], ImageX[StarterImage + 3],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 3], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 3],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 3]);
    imageMode(CORNER); // Makes the upper left corrner of the image the pivot
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 4], ImageX[StarterImage + 4],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 4], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 4],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 4]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 5], ImageX[StarterImage + 5],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 5], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 5],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 5]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 6], ImageX[StarterImage + 6],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 6], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 6],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 6]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 7], ImageX[StarterImage + 7],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 7],ImageWidth[StarterImage + 7],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 7]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 8], ImageX[StarterImage + 8],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 8], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 8],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 8]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 9], ImageX[StarterImage + 9],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 9], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 9],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 9]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 10], ImageX[StarterImage + 10],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 10], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 10],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 10]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 11], ImageX[StarterImage + 11],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 11], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 11],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 11]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 12], ImageX[StarterImage + 12],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 12], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 12],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 12]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 13], ImageX[StarterImage + 13],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 13], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 13],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 13]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 14],ImageX[StarterImage + 14],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 14], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 14],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 14]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 15], ImageX[StarterImage + 15],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 15], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 15],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 15]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 16], ImageX[StarterImage + 16],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 16], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 16],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 16]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 17], ImageX[StarterImage + 17],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 17], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 17],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 17]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 18], ImageX[StarterImage + 18],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 18], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 18],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 18]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 19], ImageX[StarterImage + 19],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 19], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 19],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 19]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 20], ImageX[StarterImage + 20],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 20], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 20],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 20]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 21], ImageX[StarterImage + 21],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 21], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 21],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 21]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 22], ImageX[StarterImage + 22],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 22], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 22], height);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 23], ImageX[StarterImage + 23],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 23], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 23],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 23]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 24], ImageX[StarterImage + 24],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 24], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 24],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 24]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 25], ImageX[StarterImage + 25],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 25], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 25],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 25]);
    image(ImageAnimation[StarterImage + 26], ImageX[StarterImage + 26],
        ImageY[StarterImage + 26], ImageWidth[StarterImage + 26],
        ImageHeight[StarterImage + 26]);


function mousePressed() { // Function for starting the animations and audio
    var AdelineDist = dist(mouseX, mouseY, 0.48 * AdelineX, 0.48 * AdelineY);
    // Creates variable to determine distance from the mouse to Adeline icon
    var HelenDist = dist(mouseX, mouseY, 0.48 * HelenX, 0.48 * HelenY);
    // Creates variable to determine distance from the mouse to Helen icon
    var TeddyDist = dist(mouseX, mouseY, 0.48 * TeddyX, 0.48 * TeddyY);
    // Creates variable to determine distance from the mouse to Teddy icon

    if (AdelineDist < 10) {
        playAdeline(); // Starts Adeline animation if mouse is pressed in icon

    if (HelenDist < 10) {
        playHelen(); // Starts Helen animation if mouse is pressed in icon

    if (TeddyDist < 10) {
        playTeddy(); // Starts Teddy animation if mouse pressed in icon


Link to fixed project

This was a long project, and while I wasn’t able to accomplish everything that I wanted to it paid off. For my final project I decided that I should go out with a bang, and tried to help tell the stories of three survivors from the Rwandan genocide. I wanted to do help tell their story through imagery and help people understand some of the atrocities that were committed in Rwanda.  As a Jew, the stories of Rwanda reminded me of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust. I was also ashamed when I learned that America did almost nothing to aid the people of Rwanda.

Using the program is fairly simple. All you need to do is click on the red circles to play the story of each survivor. Each story will reset if you click a different circle.

Unfortunately I was unable to get my project working on Word Press. To view my project on the internet you will need to use a local server. To do this you will need to download either python or node.js.


For python, open the terminal and type in “python -m SimpleHTTPServer” (if you use python3 type in “python -m http.server”).

Next, you will need to type in “http://localhost:8000” in your web browser.

With this the project should load.



In a similar fashion to python, open your terminal or command panel.

Next, type in “sudo npm install -g http-server” if you use linux or “npm install -g http-server Then, type in “http-server”” if you use windows.

After that, cd the folder location on your computer. (For example, my folder is on my desktop, so I would type in “cd C:\Users\matth\Desktop\Final_Project”).

Then, type in “http-server”.

Finally, type “http://localhost:8080/” into a web browser.


  • Processing. “Processing/p5.Js.” GitHub, 28 Sept. 2017,


hannahk2-Final Project

Instructions to run the file:

1)Download and unzip the file below


2) run a local server and access the file this way (it will not work otherwise unless you download the p5 editor and open it using the play button)

3) wait about 2 minutes before clicking the game to start. There are a lot of graphics so it takes a really long time to load so I would just keep clicking around the top of the screen after about 2 minutes until it loads and lets you play

4)refresh the page to restart if u lose and enjoy! Also don’t come too close to the edges of the screen.

Here is the embedded code just in case:


//Hannah Kim
//Section A
//Final Project

//variable for background image
var bg;
//variable for rain particles
var particles;
//variable for portal
var portalSprite;
//variable for random portal x position
var ran1;
//variable for random portal y position
var ran2;
//variable for spiders group
var spiders;

//arrays within array storing specific positions 
//of spiders on top of lillypads
var spiderPos = [
    [103, 242],
    [155, 260],
    [134, 292],
    [160, 311],
    [223, 290],
    [207, 299],
    [192, 304],
    [200, 328],
    [185, 322],
    [193, 362],
    [205, 347],
    [220, 374],
    [172, 377],
    [193, 405],
    [166, 399],
    [240, 422],
    [215, 428],
    [182, 430],
    [140, 410],
    [157, 339],
    [151, 362],
    [130, 315],
    [113, 347],
    [229, 413],
    [125, 377],
    [101, 389],
    [82, 356],
    [37, 397],
    [110, 429],
    [88, 440],
    [223, 459],
    [176, 468],
    [197, 488],
    [275, 450],
    [261, 436],
    [220, 476],
    [236, 518],
    [191, 536],
    [146, 546],
    [160, 518],
    [92, 480],
    [260, 543],
    [236, 582],
    [269, 284],
    [255, 289],
    [252, 313],
    [229, 314],
    [251, 334],
    [254, 378],
    [281, 384],
    [295, 271],
    [303, 286],
    [285, 300],
    [289, 331],
    [291, 352],
    [311, 338],
    [322, 318],
    [320, 292],
    [333, 340],
    [321, 380],
    [346, 361],
    [332, 403],
    [345, 429],
    [308, 428],
    [334, 449],
    [377, 415],
    [373, 391],
    [320, 492],
    [312, 476],
    [349, 484],
    [345, 502],
    [337, 548],
    [318, 529],
    [376, 510],
    [406, 375],
    [381, 352],
    [361, 301],
    [85, 539],
    [54, 575],
    [101, 610],
    [396, 301],
    [416, 317],
    [398, 338],
    [445, 325],
    [436, 352],
    [416, 397],
    [387, 448],
    [384, 481],
    [457, 437],
    [435, 484],
    [470, 352],
    [431, 555]

//sets normal game state with timer at 0
var gameState = "menu";
var timer = 0;

//preloads background image
function preload() {
    bg = loadImage("assets/spiderbg.png");

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 668);
    //sets random values for x position of portal
    ran1 = random(100, 400);
    //sets random values for y position of portal
    ran2 = random(550, 600);
    //creates sprite for the portal at random position 
    //and assigns animation
    portalSprite = createSprite(ran1, ran2);
    portalSprite.addAnimation("normal", "assets/portal0000.png", "assets/portal0002.png")
        //scales the portal to be smaller
    portalSprite.scale = .2;
    //slows down the frame rate of the animation
    portalSprite.animation.frameDelay = 20;

    //creates particle group for rain
    particles = new Group();
    //assign new sprites to groups
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        //puts all creation and initialization instructions in a 
        //premade function found at bottom of code

    //creates sprite group for spiders
    spiders = new Group();
    //for loop to create all spiders at positions in position array
    for (var i = 0; i < spiderPos.length; i++) {
        //creates spider sprites at specified positions
        var s = createSprite(spiderPos[i][0], spiderPos[i][1]);
        //animation for spiders in normal state
        s.addAnimation("playing", "assets/spider0000.png", "assets/spider0009.png");
        //plays the spider animation starting at different frames
        var f = floor(random(0, s.animation.getLastFrame()));
        //animation for spiders when they're looking at you before game ends
        s.addAnimation("looking", "assets/spider0010.png", "assets/spider0012.png");
        //sets the circle around the spider which ends the game when touched
        s.setCollider("circle", 0, 0, 90);
        //increases the size of the spider as the y position increases
        //by indexing into the position array and multiplying by decimal
        var spiderSize = 0.04;
        s.scale = spiderSize * .005 * (spiderPos[i][1]);
        //trigger the looking function + looking animation when
        //mouse goes over the spider collider
        s.onMouseOver = function() {
                //changes animation to looking animation
        //add spider sprites

//function for when you touch a spider and
//it looks at you and the game ends
function looking(g) {
    if (gameState == "game") {
        for (var i = 0; i < g.length; i++) {
            var sp = g[i];
            //delays frame rate of animation
            sp.animation.frameDelay = 10;
        gameState = "looking";
        //adds timer to countdown to game over state 
        //after the looking animation is triggered
        timer = 60;

function draw() {
    //sets up the menu state with text and background
    if (gameState == "menu") {
        s = "OH NO! You have fallen down a sewer and have been plunged into a fantastical realm. Reach the portal swiftly to get back to the human realm without coming into contact with the spiders. Good luck! Click anywhere to begin."
        fill(156, 183, 226)
        text(s, 10, 10, 400, 400);
        s2 = "This fantasy realm, The Conjured Isles, is inhabited by hundred eyed spiders who are extremely wise. They usually pass their time playing in never ending rain. They live ontop of lillypads in the blood river. They are currently ruled by a mysterious creature that looms over the realm atop a black cloud, whom the people respect intensely."
        fill(156, 183, 226)
        text(s2, 10, 450, 400, 600);
        //on clicking on the screen the game starts + goes into "game" state
        if (mouseIsPressed) {
            gameState = "game";
    //draw sprites if the game state changes from menu
    if (gameState != "menu") {
        //counts down from timer once game state goes into "looking" and
        //at 0 the game state changes to "gameOver"
        if (gameState == "looking") {
            if (timer <= 0) {
                gameState = "gameOver";
        //sets up the game over state with text and background
        if (gameState == "gameOver") {
            s3 = "You were seen and banished by the spiders before you could reach the human realm. Better luck next time!"
            fill(156, 183, 226)
            text(s3, 10, 10, 400, 400);
            //if game state is not "gameOver" display normal background
        } else {
            //if the mouse is within the bounds of the portal, 
            //change game state to won
            if (gameState == "game" & mouseX < ran1 + 25 && mouseX > ran1 - 25 &&
                mouseY < ran2 + 25 && mouseY > ran2 - 25) {
                gameState = "won";
            //if the mouse gets too close to the left and right side
            //and the bottom side, (for cheaters), end game
            if (gameState == "game" & mouseX < 10 || mouseX > width - 10 || mouseY > height - 10) {
                gameState = "gameOver"
            //sets up the won state with text and background
            //removes sprites
            if (gameState == "won") {
                s4 = "You reached successfully the portal and returned to the human realm! Congrats!"
                fill(156, 183, 226)
                text(s4, 10, 10, 400, 400);
            //code to draw the rain particles
            for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
                //stores the particle in a temporary variable called p
                var p = particles[i];
                //scales it down
                p.scale = 0.15;
                //moves all the y positions of the particles down
                //for rain falling effect
                p.position.y += 10;
                //wraps particle to the top when it reaches the bottom
                if (p.position.y > height) {
                    p.position.y = -50;
            //draw all sprites
//function to create the rain particle
function createParticle() {
    //creates a sprite at a random position
    var newParticle = createSprite(random(0, width), random(0, height));
    //assigns an animation
    newParticle.addAnimation("falling", "assets/cloud.png");
    //adds it to the particle group

Here are screenshots of the game also:

^ the menu page

^the game in its normal state

^ the game when the player touches a spider

^ the game over state

^ the winning state

For this project I wanted to create a game based mostly on graphics, visuals, and backgrounds. I wanted to create a game where the player has to navigate through a tricky trap-like environment. The player has to avoid coming into contact with the inhabitants of an imaginary realm while hurrying to reach a portal to get back to the human realm. They have to navigate through a mob of spiders resting on top of lillypads without touching them and being seen. This project was really fun for me, despite having to code the positions of the spiders individually so that they would fit nicely on top of the lillypads that I chose. I really enjoyed making the background in particular, which I made for this project by painting first in watercolor, then scanning into photoshop and drawing ontop of it digitally. I also really enjoyed coming up with the narrative aspect of the project, and the world building.



/*Jessica Nip
Section A

//define global variables------------------------------------------------------
var x;
var y;
var dx;
var dy;
var current_block;
var old_blocks = [];
var blockw = 90;
var blockh = 70;
var clicked = false;
var score = 0;
var gameover = false;
var windowmargin = 10;
var start_speed;
var bground = [""];

var darkblue;
var lightpink;
var lightred;
var grey;
var grey2;
var grey3;
var grey4;
var canvasw;
var canvash;

function preload() {
    //background skyline
    bground = loadImage(bground[0]);

function setup() {
    //define initial canvas settings
    createCanvas(350, 600);
    x = width/2;
    y = 10;
    dx = 1;
    dy = 0;
    canvash = height;
    canvasw = width;
    start_speed = 1;

    //define color RGB
    darkblue = color(44,62,80);
    lightpink = color(252,146,179);
    lightred = color(252,67,73);
    grey = color(225);
    grey2 = color(215,218,219);
    grey3 = color(160);
    grey4 = color(200);

    //call object function
    current_block = new blockFeeder(width/2, 10, blockw,blockh,start_speed);

function draw() {

    image(bground, 0, height*(3/5)-25, width, height/3);
    rect(0,height*(8/10), width, height);


    //gameover screen
    if (gameover){
        text("GAME OVER", width/4, height/2-height/30);
        text("Your tower was " + score + "/F.", width/4, height/2);

    //stacking blocks correctly
    else {

        for (var i = 0; i < old_blocks.length; i++) {
            if (score > 3){
                old_blocks[i].y += 2;

        //gameover if blocks not stacked in same column
        if (score > 0){
            if (old_blocks[score-1].y > height){
                gameover = true;


        //if block hits bottom of canvas, push block into old blocks array
        if (current_block.hitbottom) {
            start_speed += 1;
            current_block = new blockFeeder(width/2, 10, blockw,blockh,start_speed);

//create object-------------------------------------------------------------
function blockFeeder(x, y, width, height, speed) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.dx = speed;
    this.dy = 0;
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.isclicked = false;
    this.hitbottom = false;
    this.draw = function() {
    //crane (make it not fall with clicked block)
    if (!this.isclicked){
        rect(this.x + this.width/2, this.y - windowmargin, this.width/6, this.height/6); 

    rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);

    //block window decor
    rect(this.x + windowmargin, this.y + windowmargin*2, this.width/3, this.height/2);
    rect(this.x + windowmargin*5, this.y + windowmargin*2, this.width/3, this.height/2);
    rect(this.x + windowmargin, this.y + windowmargin*2, this.width/3, this.height/3);
    rect(this.x + windowmargin*5, this.y + windowmargin*2, this.width/3, this.height/3);

    //create horizontal crane movement
    this.update = function() {
        this.x += this.dx;
        this.y += this.dy;
        if ((this.x + this.width) > canvasw) {
            this.dx = -this.dx;
            } else if (this.x < 0) {
            this.dx = -this.dx;

        //make new block stack on previous height boundary
        if (score == 0){
            if (this.y + this.height > canvash) {
                this.dy = 0;
                this.hitbottom = true;
                this.y = canvash - this.height;

        //check if new block collides with bottom block accordingly
        else {
            if (this.y + this.height > old_blocks[score-1].y) {
                if (abs(this.x-old_blocks[score-1].x) < blockw/2){
                    this.dy = 0;
                    this.hitbottom = true;
                    this.y = old_blocks[score-1].y - this.height;
                else {
                    this.dy = 0;
                    this.hitbottom = true;
                    this.y = old_blocks[score-1].y - this.height;
                    gameover = true;


    //move block to bottom of canvas when clicked
    this.pressedButton = function(){
        this.isclicked = true;
        if (!this.hitbottom){
            this.dx = 0;
            this.dy = 10;


function countScore(){
    //define type settings
    text(score + "/F", width - 45, height - 20);
    text(intro, windowmargin*2, height-20);

    //when block stacks, add score
    if (current_block.hitbottom) {
        score += 1;


function mousePressed() {
    //follow block rules when mouse is pressed
    //remove intro when mouse pressed
    intro = " ";

Stack the highest tower by aligning blocks with at least 50% accuracy! The horizontal and vertical speed increases will make the level harder over time. Your tower height will also be recorded.

Inspired by classic tower stack mobile games, I wanted to create an alternative version of it using a simple horizontal “crane”, with pressure given to the player from its increased speed over time. As the player begins to stack a higher tower, original blocks also begin to slide downwards, creating more time pressure for players. I also wanted to explore creating minimalistic graphics for a challenging, interactive game.



//Selina Lee
//Section C
//Final Project

var mapPic;//variable for image of map
var backPic; //background picture (collage of running in Pittsburgh)
var skiboStart; //turtle functions at different start poitns
//this one starts in front of skibo
var ovalStart; //this one occurs after reaching the schenley oval
var scaleX = 0.4; //scale down width wise from original canvas which is
// 480 / 1200
var scaleY = 0.6; //scale down height wise from original canvas whic is
// 480 / 800 

//arrays containing the points to draw run routes with turtle functions
//route titled beechwood (x and y points placed into arrays)
var beechX = [760, 789, 778, 808, 859, 895, 968, 980, 1014, 984, 1024, 950,
809, 737, 733];
var beechY = [277, 262, 244, 225, 221, 242, 242, 325, 324, 175, 111, 125, 189,
195, 237];
//route titled the point
var pointX = [740, 726, 719, 697, 687, 695, 677, 632, 592, 568, 560, 464, 402, 
268, 219, 35, 38, 61, 104, 148, 154, 201, 162, 183, 234, 418, 463, 502, 602, 
672, 695, 732, 722, 735, 733, 745];
var pointY = [295, 298, 312, 315, 327, 353, 372, 378, 365, 389, 418, 361, 356, 
379, 370, 279, 262, 258, 242, 226, 255, 244, 314, 328, 327, 338, 352, 355, 261,
235, 236, 234, 258, 261, 270, 275];
//route titled trader joe's
var traderX = [760, 789, 778, 808, 859, 859, 968, 1059, 1064, 1062, 1098, 964, 
943, 718, 731, 737, 733, 744, 734];
var traderY = [277, 262, 244, 225, 221, 242, 242, 221, 212, 204, 138, 24, 12, 
103, 147, 194, 234, 239, 270];
//route titled tranquil
var tranquilX = [760, 789, 778, 808, 859, 895, 968, 980, 1049, 1087, 1089, 1111,
1126, 1138, 1161, 1174, 1169, 1178, 1170, 1178, 1160, 1159, 1139, 1068, 1060, 
1059, 1139, 1068, 1060, 1059, 968, 895, 859, 808, 778];
var tranquilY = [277, 262, 244, 225, 221, 242, 242, 325, 324, 338, 345, 343, 
354, 346, 362, 350, 339, 322, 301, 287, 260, 234, 217, 191, 208, 218, 245, 242,
221, 225, 244];
//warmup route to work out location titled one-eight
var eightX = [743, 732, 715, 700, 686, 695, 687, 678, 687, 674, 673, 677, 671, 
683, 683, 692, 759, 782, 787, 778, 761, 721];
var eightY = [291, 295, 310, 315, 328, 349, 365, 379, 394, 397, 406, 411, 421, 
436, 444, 449, 403, 398, 392, 385, 391, 417];
//schenley oval route
var ovalX = [714, 720, 737, 746, 757, 764, 760, 751, 741, 720, 715];
var ovalY = [411, 415, 407, 396, 393, 389, 381, 379, 379, 395, 406];
//regular cool down route from oval
var coolX = [737, 778, 789, 794, 801, 789, 776, 733, 719, 709, 709, 713, 714, 
723, 740, 746];
var coolY = [408, 387, 387, 392, 386, 378, 374, 358, 355, 342, 328, 321, 311, 
308, 296, 274];
//other cool down route from oval called ten minute
var tenX = [724, 696, 684, 689, 688, 704, 690, 712, 707, 693, 696, 690, 694, 
724, 731, 741];
var tenY = [420, 439, 426, 416, 407, 404, 385, 379, 372, 363, 351, 326, 318, 
306, 294, 293];
//run titled southside
var southX = [745, 730, 740, 727, 673, 602, 499, 465, 418, 407, 409, 431, 477, 
486, 496, 523, 576, 602, 632, 680, 675, 682, 686, 699, 761, 782, 795, 784, 733, 
712, 694, 691, 694, 724, 731, 739];
var southY = [274, 271, 235, 233, 236, 262, 352, 354, 335, 417, 454, 460, 472, 
463, 455, 477, 437, 460, 469, 460, 443, 435, 448, 448, 400, 395, 382, 376, 357, 
350, 340, 323, 315, 304, 293, 293];

var counter = 0;// counter variable to count down differet routes shown
var backColR = 0; //background R value variable
var backColG = 0; //background G value variable
var backColB = 0; //background B value variable
var backColT = 270; //background opacity value

var colorArr = []; //empty array to contain color and placement creations
//see function fillInColorArray
var colors = ["black", "yellow"]; //colors to take

function preload() {
    mapPic = loadImage(""); //map preload
    backPic = loadImage(""); //background image

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    image(backPic, 0, 0, map.width, map.height);//drawing map picture
    //used early on in project to find array points
    /*if(mouseIsPressed) {
     print(mouseX, mouseY); 

    skiboStart = makeTurtle(747 * scaleX, 274 * scaleY); //draws turtles that 
    //start and end at Skibo
    ovalStart = makeTurtle(712 * scaleX, 410 * scaleY); // turtles that start at 
    //Schenley Oval 
    //I missed the criteria to scale the canvas to 480, so I used the scale 
    //variable to reduce the size of my points
    for(var i = 0; i < beechX.length; i++) {
        beechX[i] *= scaleX;
        beechY[i] *= scaleY;
    for(var i = 0; i < pointX.length; i++) {
        pointX[i] *= scaleX;
        pointY[i] *= scaleY;
    for(var i = 0; i < traderX.length; i++) {
        traderX[i] *= scaleX;
        traderY[i] *= scaleY;
    for(var i = 0; i < tranquilX.length; i++) {
        tranquilX[i] *= scaleX;
        tranquilY[i] *= scaleY;
    for(var i = 0; i < ovalX.length; i++) {
        ovalX[i] *= scaleX;
        ovalY[i] *= scaleY;
    for(var i = 0; i < eightX.length; i++) {
        eightX[i] *= scaleX;
        eightY[i] *= scaleY;
    for(var i = 0; i < coolX.length; i++) {
        coolX[i] *= scaleX;
        coolY[i] *= scaleY;
    for(var i = 0; i < tenX.length; i++) {
        tenX[i] *= scaleX;
        tenY[i] *= scaleY;
    for(var i = 0; i < southX.length; i++) {
        southX[i] *= scaleX;
        southY[i] *= scaleY;

function mouseClicked() {
    counter++; //when mouse is clicked, create a counter to increment
    //every time 
    backColT = backColT - 20; //with every mouse click, the background
    //transparency gets more opaque

function draw() {
 image(backPic, 0, 0, map.width, map.height);//underlying image to be
 background(backColR, backColG, backColB, backColT); //background color
 //based on variable values

 fill(255); //prints directions on how to interact with piece ==>
 //continuous clicking reveals the different routes and visuals and black 
 //and white background
 text("Click on the canvas to reveal my running log in Pittsburgh!", 30, 

 if(mouseIsPressed) {
     print(mouseX, mouseY); //helps find position of mouse on map to draw 
     //turtle before translation

    translate(-8, 50); //center the marks with these units
    if (counter == 0 || counter >= 9) { //the start of the counter and when
    	//the mouse clicks through all slides, this will be shown
        for(var i = 0; i < beechX.length; i++) { //iterate through route 
            //arrays to get points. The array length should be the same for
        	//X and Y because I manually clicked on the screen to get place
            skiboStart.setColor(color(255, 0, 255)); //magenta turtle
            skiboStart.penDown(); //start drawing
            skiboStart.goto(beechX[i], beechY[i]); //drawing beechwood route 
            //based on points in beechX and beechY array
            skiboStart.penUp();//stop drawing
            fill(150, 0, 255, 80); //light, see-through, purple rectangles
            //these rectangles are drawn based on the values of the points
            //and the differences of the points on the path
            rect(beechX[i - 1], beechY[i - 1], beechX[i - 1] - beechX[i], 
             beechY[i - 1] - beechY[i]);
            rect(beechX[i], beechY[i], beechX[i] - beechX[i], 
             beechY[i - 1] - beechY[i]);
            rect(beechX[i - 1], beechY[i], beechX[i] - beechX[i - 1], 
             beechY[i] - beechY[i - 1]);
            rect(beechX[i], beechY[i], beechX[i] - beechX[i - 1], 
             beechY[i] - beechY[i - 1]);

    //THE POINT: 9.25 MILES
    fillInColorArr(0); //see function fillInColorArr 
    //this starts the function at place 0
    if (counter == 1 || counter >= 9) { //next shown visual from counter
    	//(all visuals are shown at the end of the list)
        for(var i = 0; i < pointX.length; i++) {
             backColB = 255; //background will be light blue
             backColG = 200;
             backColR = 100;

             skiboStart.setColor(colorArr[i]); //the color of each 
             //turtle move is based on fillInColorArr (while it 
             //iterates, a value is placed into the color function out
             //of the colorArr array)
             skiboStart.setWeight(5); //thicker line
             skiboStart.goto(pointX[i], pointY[i]);

             stroke(255, 255, 0); //yellow thin lines
             beginShape(); //curves based off of Pittsburgh bridges
             //and the curve vertex control points are based on
             //position between selected points so that some
             //abstraction is visualized from the data
             curveVertex(pointX[i], pointY[i] + 30);
             curveVertex(pointX[i], pointY[i] + 30);
             curveVertex((pointX[i] + pointX[i - 1]) / 2, 
              (pointY[i - 1] + pointY[i]) / 4);
             curveVertex((pointX[i - 1] + pointX[i]) / 2, 
              (pointY[i - 1] + pointY[i]) / 4);
             curveVertex(pointX[i - 1], pointY[i - 1] + 30);
             curveVertex(pointX[i - 1], pointY[i - 1] + 30);

    if(counter == 2  || counter >= 9) {
        for(var i = 0; i < traderX.length; i++) {
            backColR = 255; //light purple background
            backColG = 120;
            backColB = 200;

            skiboStart.setColor(color(200, 255, 0)); //green-yellow 
            skiboStart.goto(traderX[i], traderY[i]);

            for(var j = 0; j < 5; j++) { //make 5 of this command
                 stroke(255, 200, 0); //orange bullseye design at 
                 //each turtle point
                 ellipse(traderX[i], traderY[i], 10 * j, 10 * j);

    if(counter == 3 || counter >= 9) { 
        for(var i = 0; i < tranquilX.length; i++) {
            backColB = 75; //dark blu background
            backColG = 0;
            backColR = 0;

            skiboStart.setColor(color(200, 255, 0)); //green-yellow
            skiboStart.goto(tranquilX[i], tranquilY[i]);

            fill(255, 230, 0, 60); //see-through orange-yellow
            //circles drawn at each tranquil turtle point
            //one on top of the other like an eye
            ellipse(tranquilX[i], tranquilY[i], 20, 20); 
            ellipse(tranquilX[i], tranquilY[i], 8, 8);

            fill(150, 255, 100, 100); //see-through green
            //these ellipses were drawn towards the top right of the turtle
            //route as a conglomeration
            ellipse(tranquilX[i] + 60, tranquilY[i] - 20, 50, 50);     
            fill(100, 255, 220, 100); //see-through blue-green
            ellipse(tranquilX[i] + 50, tranquilY[i] - 40, 40, 40); 

    if(counter == 4 || counter >= 9) {
        for(var i = 0; i < eightX.length; i++) {
         backColR = 255; //yellow background
         backColG = 255;
         backColB = 0;

            skiboStart.setColor(color(255, 0, 0)); //red turtle
            skiboStart.goto(eightX[i], eightY[i]);

            fill(255, 50, 75, 20); //fill transparent red
            var maxX = max(eightX); //maximum value in x value array
            var minX = min(eightX); //minimum value in x value array
            var midX = (maxX + minX) / 2; //average of max and min value in 
            //x array

            var maxY = max(eightY); //maximum value in y array
            var minY = min(eightY); //minimum value in y array
            var midY = (maxY + minY) / 2; //avverage of max and min value in 
            //y array
            var curveX1; //first control x value point 
            var curveY1; //first control y value point
            var curveX2; //control two x value point
            var curveY2; //control two y value point

            if(eightX[i] < midX) { //if the turtle point is to the left of the 
             curveX1 = eightX[i] + 10; //if using bezier curve function, the 
             //first control point goes towards the middle 
             curveX2 = eightX[i] - 10; //then the second control point goes 
             //away from the center
            } else { //to the right of "center"
             curveX1 = eightX[i] - 10; //towards middle
             curveX2 = eightX[i] + 10; //away from center

            if(eightY[i] < midY) { //if the turtle point is to the top of the 
             //middle of the route loop
             curveY1 = eightY[i] + 10; //the first control point goes down 
             //towards the center
             curveY2 = eightY[i] - 10; //second goes away from
            } else { //to bottom of route
             curveY1 = eightY[i] - 10; //first control point towards middle
             curveY2 = eightY[i] + 10; //away from middle

            stroke(255, 100, 100, 200); //red
            //the curves meet at a midpoint
            bezier(eightX[i], eightY[i], curveX1, curveY1, curveX2, curveY2, 
             midX, midY);
            bezier(eightX[i], eightY[i], curveX2, curveY2, curveX1, curveY1, 
             midX, midY);

    //OVAL LOOP = .625 MILES
    if(counter == 5 || counter >= 9) {
        for(var i = 0; i < ovalX.length; i++) {
            stroke(255, 100, 255, 70); //light magenta
            strokeWeight(40); //very thick line
            //used a line so the turtle function does not get confused 
            //and hide the movement created visually.
            //this line makes the same route as the turtle function
            line(ovalX[i], ovalY[i], ovalX[i - 1], ovalY[i - 1]);

            stroke(100, 150, 255, 120); //overlapping light blue lines
            //on top of oval lap so you can still see the purple underneath
            line(ovalX[i - 1], ovalY[i - 1], ovalX[i], ovalY[i]);

            stroke(255, 200, 0); //orange turtle on top of laps
            line(ovalX[i], ovalY[i], ovalX[i - 1], ovalY[i - 1]);

    if(counter == 6 || counter >= 9) {
        for(var i = 0; i < coolX.length; i++) {
            ovalStart.setColor(color(0, 100, 255)); 
            ovalStart.goto(coolX[i], coolY[i]);

            fill(100, 150, 255, 30);
            var maxX = max(coolX); //maximum value in x value array
            var minX = min(coolX); //minimum value in x value array
            var midX = (maxX + minX) / 2; //average of max and min value in 
            //x array

            var maxY = max(coolY); //maximum value in y array
            var minY = min(coolY); //minimum value in y array
            var midY = (maxY + minY) / 2; //avverage of max and min value in 
            //y array
            var curveX1; //first control x value point 
            var curveY1; //first control y value point
            var curveX2; //control two x value point
            var curveY2; //control two y value point

            if(coolX[i] < midX) { //if the turtle point is to the left of the 
                curveX1 = coolX[i] + 10; //if using bezier curve function, the 
                //first control point goes towards the middle 
                curveX2 = coolX[i] - 10; //then the second control point goes 
                //away from the center
            } else { //to the right of "center"
                 curveX1 = coolX[i] - 10; //towards middle
                 curveX2 = coolX[i] + 10; //away from center

            if(coolY[i] < midY) { //if the turtle point is to the top of the 
                //middle of the route loop
                curveY1 = coolY[i] + 10; //the first control point goes down 
                //towards the center
                curveY2 = coolY[i] - 10; //second goes away from
            } else { //to bottom of route
                curveY1 = coolY[i] - 10; //first control point towards middle
                curveY2 = coolY[i] + 10; //away from middle

            stroke(0, 200, 255, 200);
            bezier(coolX[i], coolY[i], curveX1, curveY1, curveX2, curveY2, midX,
            bezier(coolX[i], coolY[i], curveX2, curveY2, curveX1, curveY1, midX, 

   if(counter == 7 || counter >= 9) {
       for(var i = 0; i < tenX.length; i++) {
           ovalStart.setColor(color(0, 150, 255));
           ovalStart.goto(tenX[i], tenY[i]);

           fill(20, 20, 255, 30);
           var maxX = max(tenX); //maximum value in x value array
           var minX = min(tenX); //minimum value in x value array
           var midX = (maxX + minX) / 2; //average of max and min value in 
           //x array

           var maxY = max(tenY); //maximum value in y array
           var minY = min(tenY); //minimum value in y array
           var midY = (maxY + minY) / 2; //avverage of max and min value in 
           //y array
           var curveX1; //first control x value point 
           var curveY1; //first control y value point
           var curveX2; //control two x value point
           var curveY2; //control two y value point

           if(tenX[i] < midX) { //if the turtle point is to the left of the 
               curveX1 = tenX[i] + 10; //if using bezier curve function, the 
               //first control point goes towards the middle 
               curveX2 = tenX[i] - 10; //then the second control point goes 
               //away from the center
            } else { //to the right of "center"
               curveX1 = tenX[i] - 10; //towards middle
               curveX2 = tenX[i] + 10; //away from center

            if(tenY[i] < midY) { //if the turtle point is to the top of the 
                //middle of the route loop
                curveY1 = tenY[i] + 10; //the first control point goes down 
                //towards the center
                curveY2 = tenY[i] - 10; //second goes away from
            } else { //to bottom of route
                curveY1 = tenY[i] - 10; //first control point towards middle
                curveY2 = tenY[i] + 10; //away from middle

            stroke(0, 150, 255, 200);
            bezier(tenX[i], tenY[i], curveX1, curveY1, curveX2, curveY2, midX, 
            bezier(tenX[i], tenY[i], curveX2, curveY2, curveX1, curveY1, midX, 

  if(counter == 8 || counter >= 9) {
      for(var i = 0; i < southX.length; i++) {
      	  backColG = 255; //green background
      	  backColR = 50;
      	  backColB = 100;

          skiboStart.setColor(color(255, 0, 255)); 
          skiboStart.goto(southX[i], southY[i]);

          stroke(255, 50, 100); //red
          fill(255, 120, 50, 50); //transparent red orange
          //lines drawn to create turtle skeleton
          line(southX[i], southY[i], southX[i] * 0.9, southY[i] + 20);
          line(southX[i] * 0.9, southY[i] + 20, southX[i - 1] * 0.9, 
          southY[i - 1] + 20); 
          line(southX[i - 1] * 0.9, southY[i - 1] + 20, southX[i] * 0.85, 
          southY[i] - 30);
          line(southX[i] * 0.85, southY[i] - 30, southX[i - 1] * 0.85, 
          southY[i - 1] - 30);
          line(southX[i] * 0.85, southY[i] - 30, 180, 330);

          //triangles based off of parameters to create line skeleton
          triangle(southX[i], southY[i], southX[i] * 0.9, southY[i] + 20,
          southX[i - 1] * 0.9, southY[i - 1] + 20);
          triangle(southX[i - 1] * 0.9, southY[i - 1] + 20, 
          southX[i] * 0.85, southY[i] - 30, 180, 330)

function fillInColorArr(filledSoFar) { //recursive function to change color
	//every action of the turtle 
    if(filledSoFar == 0) { //if nothing has been drawn yet, leave the array 
        colorArr = []; 
        colorArr.push(colors[0]); //push the colors from colors array into
        //colorArr so that they can be used and start from 0 which is "black"
        var currentFillNumber = filledSoFar + 1; //counts which property has
        //recieved a color to use
        fillInColorArr(currentFillNumber); //fill in this area with the color
        //corresponding to the placement of the turtle in its start point in 
        //its array
    } else if(filledSoFar >= pointX.length) {
    } else { //if the paremeters that have been filled so far do not exceed 
    	//the length of the point array, do the same as if nothing has been
    	//drawn yet and give the parameter a color to use
        colorArr.push(colors[filledSoFar % colors.length]);
        var currentFillNumber = filledSoFar + 1;

function turtleLeft(d) {
    this.angle -= d;

function turtleRight(d) {
    this.angle += d;

function turtleForward(p) {
    var rad = radians(this.angle);
    var newx = this.x + cos(rad) * p;
    var newy = this.y + sin(rad) * p;
    this.goto(newx, newy);

function turtleBack(p) {

function turtlePenDown() {
    this.penIsDown = true;

function turtlePenUp() {
    this.penIsDown = false;

function turtleGoTo(x, y) {
    if (this.penIsDown) {
      line(this.x, this.y, x, y);
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

function turtleDistTo(x, y) {
    return sqrt(sq(this.x - x) + sq(this.y - y));

function turtleAngleTo(x, y) {
    var absAngle = degrees(atan2(y - this.y, x - this.x));
    var angle = ((absAngle - this.angle) + 360) % 360.0;
    return angle;

function turtleTurnToward(x, y, d) {
    var angle = this.angleTo(x, y);
    if (angle < 180) {
        this.angle += d;
    } else {
        this.angle -= d;

function turtleSetColor(c) {
    this.color = c;

function turtleSetWeight(w) {
    this.weight = w;

function turtleFace(angle) {
    this.angle = angle;

function makeTurtle(tx, ty) {
    var turtle = {x: tx, y: ty,
                  angle: 0.0, 
                  penIsDown: true,
                  color: color(128),
                  weight: 1,
                  left: turtleLeft, right: turtleRight,
                  forward: turtleForward, back: turtleBack,
                  penDown: turtlePenDown, penUp: turtlePenUp,
                  goto: turtleGoTo, angleto: turtleAngleTo,
                  turnToward: turtleTurnToward,
                  distanceTo: turtleDistTo, angleTo: turtleAngleTo,
                  setColor: turtleSetColor, setWeight: turtleSetWeight,
                  face: turtleFace};
    return turtle;

mmiller5-Final Project

Instructions: Press any key to continue when text is finished scrolling.  Click on choice boxes to select choice.


//choice variables
var choiceNow = false;
var choiceSoon = false;
var lastChoice = 1;
var buttonChoice = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var choice1 = ["Go Forward", "Feel Around", "Stay Still"];
var choice2 = ["Go Back", "Kick", "Fall Down"];
var choice3 = ["Scarlet", "Cerulean", "Emerald", "None"];
var doorUnlocked = false;

//text variables
var textAll = []; //array containing all text objects
var textList = [
    "You awake to find yourself in a dark room.",
    "You can't see anything, probably because it is dark.",
    "What are you going to do?",
    "You decide to move forward, not that it really matters what direction you move in because it all looks the same.",
    "This area of the room smells like apples; it makes you nauseous.",
    "Now what are you going to do?",
    "You decide that this area isn't as good as the last one, so you walk backwards to whence you came.",
    "As you moonwalk to your origin, the apple smell dissipates, easing your uneasiness.",
    "Now back in your starting area, you feel a calm serenity wash over your eyebrows.",
    "What are you going to do?",
    "You decide to wave your arms frantically, almost instantly thwacking a wall to your left.",
    "After massaging your injured hand, you run your hand across the wall and notice some buttons.",
    "There are 3 buttons, and you are stupidly confident that you know their colors even though it is pitch black.",
    "Which button do you wish to press?",
    "You hear a satisfying 'Click' as you press the Scarlet button.",
    "Which button do you wish to press?",
    "The Cerulean button gives you much resistance, but you eventually manage to become victorious and press the button.",
    "Which button do you wish to press?",
    "You feel an exhilerating rush of energy enter your body through your fingertip as you press the Emerald button.",
    "Which button do you wish to press?",
    "You decide that the buttons aren't worthy of your tender carresses and go back.",
    "You are back where you were before, it's just as dark as before.",
    "What are you going to do?",
    "You decide that this is probably all a dream and that the proper course of action is to do nothing.",
    "After doing nothing for so long, you become drowsy, eventually falling asleep on the floor.",
    "You awake to find yourself in a dark room.",
    "You can't see anything, probably because it is dark.",
    "What are you going to do?",
    "You decide to vent your frustrations by violently thrusting your foot forward, only for it to meet a metal object.",
    "The metal object wins, leaving your foot in a sorry state.",
    "You examine the metal object more closely and discover that it's a door, but it's locked.",
    "You recover from your defeat and contemplate your course of action.",
    "What are you going to do?",
    "You decide to do some pushups, but your arms are too weak and you fall to the floor.",
    "When your nose crunches against the cold ground, you feel some engravings scratch against you.",
    "Rubbing your fingers across the floor, you feel some words.",
    "'Blue', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Red', 'Green'.",
    "Wondering what these words mean, you stand back up and wipe the blood from your upper lip.",
    "What are you going to do?",
    "You decide to cautiously extend your foot outwards, but there is nothing there to challenge its movement.",
    "You then advance through the empty space, no metal object impeding your progress.",
    "Did you escape? Or is this just the beginning?"];
var textNum = 0;
var currentText = 0;
var count = 0;
var letterGap = 10;
var timeGap = 3; //timing between letter placements
var textTop; //top of text box
var textLimit; //length of displayed text

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 360);
    textTop = 2 * height / 3;
function draw() {
    currentText = textNum;
    present(1, 2, choice1, 3, 2, 10, 4, 23, 9);
    present(2, 5, choice2, 6, 3, 30, 10, 35, 11);
    present(3, 9, choice1, 3, 2, 10, 4, 23, 9);
    present(8, 22, choice1, 3, 2, 10, 4, 23, 9);
    present(9, 29, choice1, 3, 2, 10, 4, 23, 9);
    if (lastChoice == 10) {
	if (doorUnlocked) {
	    lastChoice = 12;
	    textNum = 41
	} else {
	    present(10, 34, choice2, 6, 3, 30, 10, 35, 11);
    present(11, 40, choice2, 6, 3, 30, 10, 35, 11);
//put each text line into an object
function textAssign() {
    for (var i = 0; i < textList.length; i ++) {
	var newText = {words: textList[i],
		       scroll: textScroll,
		       next: nextText}
//access the line of text and display it in a scroll style
function textScroll() {
    textSize(2 * letterGap);
    var xPos = 0;
    var yPos = 0;
    textLimit = min((count / timeGap), this.words.length);
    for (var i = 0; i < textLimit; i ++) {
	xPos += letterGap;
	//if overflow, start a new line
	if (25 + letterGap + xPos > width - 25 - letterGap) {
	    xPos = letterGap;
	    yPos += letterGap * 2;
	text(this.words.charAt(i), 25 + letterGap + xPos,
	     textTop + letterGap * 2 + yPos);
    count = min(count + 1, this.words.length * timeGap);
    if (count == this.words.length * timeGap & choiceSoon == true) {
	choiceNow = true;
    } else {
	choiceNow = false;
//perform text functions
function textStep(t) {
//displays the text box
function textBox() {
    rect(25, textTop, width - 25, height - 25);
//make it so when you press a key, next text comes in
function nextText() {
    if (count == this.words.length * timeGap
	& keyIsPressed == true
	&& textNum != textList.length - 1
	&& choiceSoon == false) {
	textNum += 1
	count = 0;
//display the choice options in multiple boxes
function choiceDisplay(choice) {
    for (var i = 0; i < choice.length; i ++) {
	var boxSide = (width - 25 * (choice.length + 1)) / choice.length;
	rect(25 * (i + 1) + (boxSide * i),
	     height / 3 - boxSide / 2, boxSide, boxSide);
	text(choice[i], 25 * (i + 1) + (boxSide * i) + boxSide / 2, height / 3);
//allow player to make a choice depending on click location
function choiceAction(choice) {
    var boxSide = (width - 25 * (choice.length + 1)) / choice.length;
    if (mouseIsPressed) {
	if (mouseY > height / 3 - boxSide / 2 &
	    mouseY < height / 3 + boxSide / 2) {
	    for (var i = 0; i < choice.length; i ++) {
		if (mouseX > 25 * (i + 1) + (boxSide * i) &
		    mouseX < 25 * (i + 1) + (boxSide * i) + boxSide) {
		    return i;
//button panel
function present4() {
    if (lastChoice == 4) {
	if (currentText == 13) {
	    choiceSoon = true;
	    if (choiceNow == true) {
		var choice = choiceAction(choice3);
		if (choice == 0) {
		    textNum = 14;
		    lastChoice = 5;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 1) {
		    textNum = 16;
		    lastChoice = 6;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 2) {
		    textNum = 18;
		    lastChoice = 7;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 3) {
		    textNum = 20;
		    lastChoice = 8;
		    count = 0;
	} else {
	    choiceSoon = false;
//scarlet button press
function present5() {
    if (lastChoice == 5) {
	if (currentText == 15) {
	    choiceSoon = true;
	    if (choiceNow == true) {
		var choice = choiceAction(choice3);
		if (choice == 0) {
		    textNum = 14;
		    lastChoice = 5;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 1) {
		    textNum = 16;
		    lastChoice = 6;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 2) {
		    textNum = 18;
		    lastChoice = 7;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 3) {
		    textNum = 20;
		    lastChoice = 8;
		    count = 0;
	} else {
	    choiceSoon = false;
//cerulean button press
function present6() {
    if (lastChoice == 6) {
	if (currentText == 17) {
	    choiceSoon = true;
	    if (choiceNow == true) {
		var choice = choiceAction(choice3);
		if (choice == 0) {
		    textNum = 14;
		    lastChoice = 5;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 1) {
		    textNum = 16;
		    lastChoice = 6;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 2) {
		    textNum = 18;
		    lastChoice = 7;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 3) {
		    textNum = 20;
		    lastChoice = 8;
		    count = 0;
	} else {
	    choiceSoon = false;
//emerald button press
function present7() {
    if (lastChoice == 7) {
	if (currentText == 19) {
	    choiceSoon = true;
	    if (choiceNow == true) {
		var choice = choiceAction(choice3);
		if (choice == 0) {
		    textNum = 14;
		    lastChoice = 5;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 1) {
		    textNum = 16;
		    lastChoice = 6;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 2) {
		    textNum = 18;
		    lastChoice = 7;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 3) {
		    textNum = 20;
		    lastChoice = 8;
		    count = 0;
	} else {
	    choiceSoon = false;

//door open exit
function present12() {
    if (lastChoice == 12) {
	choiceSoon = false;

//general present function, isn't used for button presses
function present(lastC, choiceLine, choiceNum, newTextNum0, newLastC0, newTextNum1,
		 newLastC1, newTextNum2, newLastC2) {
    if (lastChoice == lastC) {
	if (currentText == choiceLine) {
	    choiceSoon = true;
	    if (choiceNow == true) {
		var choice = choiceAction(choiceNum);
		if (choice == 0) {
		    textNum = newTextNum0;
		    lastChoice = newLastC0;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 1) {
		    textNum = newTextNum1;
		    lastChoice = newLastC1;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 2) {
		    textNum = newTextNum2;
		    lastChoice = newLastC2;
		    count = 0;
		} else if (choice == 3) {
		    textNum = newTextNum3;
		    lastChoice = newLastC3;
		    count = 0;
	} else {
	    choiceSoon = false;

function unlockDoor() {
    if (buttonChoice[0] == 2 &
	buttonChoice[1] == 3 &&
	buttonChoice[2] == 2 &&
	buttonChoice[3] == 1 &&
	buttonChoice[4] == 3) {
	doorUnlocked = true;

This project was pretty fun to work on, but I’m actually a bit disappointed in it.  It’s a text-based adventure with a simple non-puzzle that’s really more of a proof of concept.

rgroves – Final – Section B


//vertices and edge sets of the individual graphs
var V = [];
var E = [];

//total set of vertices
var vertices = [];
var spacing = 48;

//buttons for coloring vertices
var redbutton;
var bluebutton;
var greenbutton;
var pinkbutton;
var orangebutton
var buttons = [];

var levelnumber = 1;
var mousehasentbeenclicked;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 400);

function resetLevel() {
	mousehasentbeenclicked = true;
    //create buttons
    redbutton = makeButton(width/6, color(209, 90, 90));
	bluebutton = makeButton(2 * width/6, color(93, 137, 196));
	greenbutton = makeButton(3 * width/6, color(199, 197, 71));
	pinkbutton = makeButton(4 * width/6, 'lightpink');
	orangebutton = makeButton(5 * width/6, 'orange');
	buttons = [redbutton, bluebutton, greenbutton, pinkbutton, orangebutton];
	for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
		buttons[i].isoutlined = false;

	//draw grid of small vertices and label them from 0 to 53 in an array
    for (i = 0; i < width/spacing - 1; i++) {
    	for (j = 0; j < 300/spacing - 1; j++) {
	   		vertices[i + ((width/spacing - 1) * j)] = 
	   		makeVertex(spacing + i * spacing, spacing + j * spacing);

//OBJECTS: VERTICES, EDGES, BUTTONS////////////////////////////////////////////

function vertexboldDraw() {
	if (this.isred == true) {
		fill(209, 90, 90);
		ellipse(this.x, this.y, 16, 16);	
	} else if (this.isblue == true) {
		fill(93, 137, 196);
		ellipse(this.x, this.y, 16, 16);	
	} else if (this.isgreen == true) {
		fill(199, 197, 71);
		ellipse(this.x, this.y, 16, 16);	
	} else if (this.ispink == true) {
		ellipse(this.x, this.y, 16, 16);
	} else if (this.isorange == true) {
		ellipse(this.x, this.y, 16, 16);
	} else {
		ellipse(this.x, this.y, 15, 15);	

function vertexDraw() {
	ellipse(this.x, this.y, 1.5, 1.5);

function makeVertex(px, py) {
	v = {x: px, y: py, draw: vertexDraw, bolddraw: vertexboldDraw,
		isred: false, isgreen: false, isblue: false, ispink: false,
		isorange: false};
	return v;

function edgeDraw(m, n) {
	if (this.iscolored == true & this.iscorrect == true) {
	} else if (this.iscolored == true & this.iscorrect == false) {
	} else if (this.iscolored == false) {
    line(vertices[this.m].x, vertices[this.m].y,
    vertices[this.n].x, vertices[this.n].y);

function makeEdge(pm, pn) {
	e = {m: pm, n: pn, iscolored: false, iscorrect: true, draw: edgeDraw};
	return e

function buttonDraw() {
	if (this.isoutlined == true) {
		rect(this.x, height - 50, 60, 20);
	} else {
		rect(this.x, height - 50, 61.5, 21.5);

function makeButton(px, color) {
	b = {x: px, buttoncolor: color, isoutlined: false, draw: buttonDraw};
	return b;

//FUNCTIONS TO BE CALLED IN MOUSEPRESSED///////////////////////////////////////
function testEdge() {
	//edges are green if the vertices are different color and red if they are 
	//the same colors
	for (i = 0; i < E.length; i++) {
		if (vertices[E[i].m].isred == true & vertices[E[i].n].isred == true) {
			E[i].iscolored = true;
			E[i].iscorrect = false;
		if (vertices[E[i].m].isblue == true & vertices[E[i].n].isblue == true) {
			E[i].iscolored = true;
			E[i].iscorrect = false;
		if (vertices[E[i].m].isgreen == true & vertices[E[i].n].isgreen == true) {
			E[i].iscolored = true;
			E[i].iscorrect = false;
		if (vertices[E[i].m].ispink == true & vertices[E[i].n].ispink == true) {
			E[i].iscolored = true;
			E[i].iscorrect = false;
		if (vertices[E[i].m].isorange == true & vertices[E[i].n].isorange == true) {
			E[i].iscolored = true;
			E[i].iscorrect = false;
		if ((vertices[E[i].m].isred == true || vertices[E[i].m].isblue == true ||
			vertices[E[i].m].isgreen == true || vertices[E[i].m].ispink == true
			|| vertices[E[i].m].isorange == true) & (vertices[E[i].n].isred == true 
			|| vertices[E[i].n].isblue == true || vertices[E[i].n].isgreen == true
			|| vertices[E[i].n].ispink == true || vertices[E[i].n].isorange == true)) {
			E[i].iscolored = true;
		if (E[i].iscolored == true & (vertices[E[i].m].isred !== vertices[E[i].n].isred
			|| vertices[E[i].m].isblue !== vertices[E[i].n].isblue
		    || vertices[E[i].m].isgreen !== vertices[E[i].n].isgreen 
		    || vertices[E[i].m].ispink !== vertices[E[i].n].ispink
		    || vertices[E[i].m].isorange !== vertices[E[i].n].isorange)) {
			E[i].iscolored = true;
			E[i].iscorrect = true;

function colorVertices() {
	//change colors of vertices when clicked, depending on which button has 
	//most recently been clicked
	for (i = 0; i < V.length; i++) {
		if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, vertices[V[i]].x, vertices[V[i]].y) < 10) {
			if (buttons[0].isoutlined == true & buttons[1].isoutlined == false &&
				buttons[2].isoutlined == false && buttons[3].isoutlined == false &&
				buttons[4].isoutlined == false) {
				vertices[V[i]].isred = true;
				vertices[V[i]].isblue = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isgreen = false;
				vertices[V[i]].ispink = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isorange = false;
			if (buttons[0].isoutlined == false & buttons[1].isoutlined == true &&
				buttons[2].isoutlined == false && buttons[3].isoutlined == false &&
				buttons[4].isoutlined == false) {
				vertices[V[i]].isred = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isblue = true;
				vertices[V[i]].isgreen = false;
				vertices[V[i]].ispink = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isorange = false;
			if (buttons[0].isoutlined == false & buttons[1].isoutlined == false &&
				buttons[2].isoutlined == true && buttons[3].isoutlined == false &&
				buttons[4].isoutlined == false) {
				vertices[V[i]].isred = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isblue = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isgreen = true;
				vertices[V[i]].ispink = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isorange = false;
			if (buttons[0].isoutlined == false & buttons[1].isoutlined == false &&
				buttons[2].isoutlined == false && buttons[3].isoutlined == true &&
				buttons[4].isoutlined == false) {
				vertices[V[i]].isred = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isblue = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isgreen = false;
				vertices[V[i]].ispink = true;
				vertices[V[i]].isorange = false;
			if (buttons[0].isoutlined == false & buttons[1].isoutlined == false &&
				buttons[2].isoutlined == false && buttons[3].isoutlined == false &&
				buttons[4].isoutlined == true) {
				vertices[V[i]].isred = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isblue = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isgreen = false;
				vertices[V[i]].ispink = false;
				vertices[V[i]].isorange = true;

function pressButton() {
	//select color for vertex coloring
	if (mouseX >= buttons[0].x - 30 & mouseX <= buttons[0].x + 30 
		&& mouseY <= height - 40 && mouseY >= height - 60) {
			buttons[0].isoutlined = true;
			buttons[1].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[2].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[3].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[4].isoutlined = false;
			for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
	if (mouseX >= buttons[1].x - 30 & mouseX <= buttons[1].x + 30 
		&& mouseY <= height - 40 && mouseY >= height - 60) {
			buttons[0].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[1].isoutlined = true;
			buttons[2].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[3].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[4].isoutlined = false;
			for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
	if (mouseX >= buttons[2].x - 30 & mouseX <= buttons[2].x + 30 
		&& mouseY <= height - 40 && mouseY >= height - 60) {
			buttons[0].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[1].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[2].isoutlined = true;
			buttons[3].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[4].isoutlined = false;
			for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
	if (mouseX >= buttons[3].x - 30 & mouseX <= buttons[3].x + 30 
		&& mouseY <= height - 40 && mouseY >= height - 60) {
			buttons[0].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[1].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[2].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[3].isoutlined = true;
			buttons[4].isoutlined = false;
			for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
	if (mouseX >= buttons[4].x - 30 & mouseX <= buttons[4].x + 30 
		&& mouseY <= height - 40 && mouseY >= height - 60) {
			buttons[0].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[1].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[2].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[3].isoutlined = false;
			buttons[4].isoutlined = true;
			for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {

//DESIGN LEVELS AND CALL THEM IN DRAW//////////////////////////////////////////
function levelOne() {
	text('Level One: Practice', 30, 10);
	E = [[25, 4], [19, 4], [25, 51], [51, 47], [47, 19], [4, 13], [25, 24], 
	[51, 41], [47, 39], [19, 20], [13, 41], [41, 20], [20, 24], [24, 39], 
	[39, 13]];
	for (i = 0; i < E.length; i++) {
		E[i] = makeEdge(E[i][0], E[i][1]);
		if (mousehasentbeenclicked) {
	V = [4, 13, 19, 20, 24, 25, 39, 41, 47, 51];
	for (i = 0; i < V.length; i++) {

function levelTwo() {
	text('Level Two', 30, 10);
	E = [[25, 4], [19, 4], [25, 51], [51, 47], [47, 19], [38, 47], [47, 51], 
	[51, 42], [42, 38], [38, 51], [42, 47], [42, 19], [25, 38], [4, 38], 
	[4, 42], [19, 38], [25, 42]];
	for (i = 0; i < E.length; i++) {
		E[i] = makeEdge(E[i][0], E[i][1]);
		if (mousehasentbeenclicked) {
	V = [4, 19, 25, 38, 42, 47, 51];
	for (i = 0; i < V.length; i++) {

function levelThree() {
	text('Level Three', 30, 10);
	E = [[4, 31], [31, 17], [31, 53], [31, 45], [31, 9], [12, 14], [14, 33], 
	[33, 40], [40, 29], [29, 12], [4, 29], [4, 14], [17, 12], [17, 33], [53, 14], 
	[53, 40], [45, 33], [45, 29], [9, 40], [9, 12]];
	for (i = 0; i < E.length; i++) {
		E[i] = makeEdge(E[i][0], E[i][1]);
		if (mousehasentbeenclicked) {
	V = [4, 9, 12, 14, 17, 29, 33, 40, 45, 53, 31];
	for (i = 0; i < V.length; i++) {

function levelFour() {
	text('Level Four', 30, 10);
	E = [[4, 18], [18, 45], [45, 21], [21, 4], [4, 23], [23, 53], [53, 26], 
	[26, 4], [4, 28], [4, 34], [28, 34], [18, 28], [26, 34], [18, 21], 
	[23, 26], [28, 21], [34, 23], [21, 23], [28, 34], [23, 45], [21, 53]];
	for (i = 0; i < E.length; i++) {
		E[i] = makeEdge(E[i][0], E[i][1]);
		if (mousehasentbeenclicked) {
	V = [4, 18, 21, 23, 26, 28, 34, 45, 53];
	for (i = 0; i < V.length; i++) {

function levelFive() {
	text('Level Five', 30, 10);
	E = [[25, 4], [19, 4], [25, 51], [51, 47], [47, 19], [4, 13], [19, 13], 
	[25, 13], [29, 13], [33, 13], [47, 13], [51, 13], [4, 29], [4, 33], 
	[19, 29], [25, 33], [29, 51], [33, 47], [29, 47], [33, 51], [25, 29], [19, 33]];
	for (i = 0; i < E.length; i++) {
		E[i] = makeEdge(E[i][0], E[i][1]);
		if (mousehasentbeenclicked) {
	V = [4, 19, 25, 47, 51, 13, 33, 29];
	for (i = 0; i < V.length; i++) {

function draw() {
	for (k = 0; k < vertices.length; k++) {
    if (levelnumber == 1) {
    } else if (levelnumber == 2) {
    } else if (levelnumber == 3) {
    } else if (levelnumber == 4) {
    } else if (levelnumber == 5) {

function mousePressed() { 
	mousehasentbeenclicked = false;

	var is5colored = true;
	for (i = 0; i < E.length; i ++) {
		if (E[i].iscolored == false || E[i].iscorrect == false) {
			is5colored = false;
	if (is5colored == true) {
	if (levelnumber == 6) {
		text('YOU WIN', 40, height/2);

My final project is a simple game based on graph coloring. Click on any of the colored boxes to select a color and then click in the vertices to color them with that color. The goal is to color in the graph so that there is no edge between vertices of the same color. When you succeed it will automatically move on to the next level. There are a total of 5 levels and when you complete them all you win!