Sheenu-Looking Outwards-02

An interesting generated art piece I found was a very grotesque grotto made by artists Benjamin Dillenburger and Michael Hansmeyer. The grotto was constructed through 3D printed sandstone and two 156 gigabyte computational algorithms that took two years to develop. Construction and assembly of the grotto itself took a month and two days. It was commissioned by the Centre Pompidou in Paris for a 2017 exhibition on 3D printed art. What I like about the grotto is the natural and organic design it has. It never ceases to amaze me on how a computer can make something so beautiful. Buildings in general tend to look man-made, no matter how natural and organic it tries to look. This is probably due to the fact that people can make small mistakes in the design and cannot make extremely complicated and organic designs. With computers, the grotto was perfectly constructed and also perfectly complex in order to create a perfectly organic-looking structure. According to the artist, the grotto was made not for function, but rather spurring imagination and amazement for computer art.

A 3D printed grotto generated with an algorithm

Sheenu-Project-02-Variable Face

This was a very fun and interesting project. I wanted to create an “Emoji” looking picture that completely changes every time you click the screen. I thought the outline and the shadow were going to be hard to make, but it was actually very easy since I was using variables. This is the first time I used text in one of my projects. I really liked how it turned out and I am glad that I learned “random” in P5.js. I learned a while ago how to use Random in Adobe AS2 and it is a lot harder and more complicated.

//Sheenu You
//Section E
var faceW = 300;
var faceH = 300;
var faceR =255;
var faceG =207;
var faceB =35;
var eye1=70;
var eyex= 180;
var eye2=40;
var eyex2=180;
var eyeh=240;
var mouthw=200
var mouthh=150
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw() {
	fill(0, 115, 181);
	ellipse(250, 340, faceW, faceH)
	ellipse(width/2, height/2, faceW+10, faceH+10)
	//Actual face
	fill(faceR, faceG, faceB);
	ellipse(width/2, height/2, faceW, faceH)
	ellipse(eyex, eyeh, eye1, eye1)
	ellipse(eyex+120, eyeh, eye1, eye1)
	ellipse(eyex2, eyeh, eye2, eye2)
	ellipse(eyex2+120, eyeh, eye2, eye2)
	ellipse(240, 370, mouthw, mouthh)
	rect(width/2, 565, 350, 130,20)
    text("WHOA!", 155, 580);
	function mousePressed(){ 
	//When you click anywhere, you can change stuff
	faceW = random(250, 350);
	faceH = random(250, 350);
	faceR =random(0, 255);
	faceG =random(0, 255);
    faceB =random(0, 255);
	eyex= random(170,190);



function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {
	//%60 More handsome Sheenu

	//Awesome Background
	ellipse(300, 300, 550, 550);

	fill(202, 153, 101);
	triangle(391, 203, 300, 1000, 190, 203);

	arc(290, 550, 400, 300, PI, 0, CHORD);

    fill(202, 153, 101);
	ellipse(293, 400, 148, 130);	

	//Hair BACK
	rect(160, 90, 263, 240, 60);

	rect(172, 116, 240, 240, 60);
	triangle(393, 340, 300, 400, 191, 340);
	stroke(224, 141, 90);

	//Hair FRONT
    quad(183, 116, 400, 116, 410, 150, 169, 180);
    triangle(160, 150, 170, 300, 190, 160);
    triangle(370, 130, 420, 270, 420, 150);
    triangle(160,180, 230, 140, 260, 200);

    //Random Rectangle that Hides Stuff

    ellipse(175, 250, 50, 70);
    ellipse(407, 250, 50, 70);


    stroke(5, 19, 46);
    line(200, 220, 260, 220);
    line(320, 220, 380, 220);
    line(220, 250, 260, 250);
    line(320, 250, 360, 250);
    fill(5, 19, 46);

    fill(202, 153, 101);
    triangle(323, 310, 295, 330, 261, 310);



This project was really fun and also perfectly challenging. I am really happy with the way this turned out visually, especially since I made this %60 more good looking than me in reality. I tried using Photoshop to help me guide the coordinates for these shapes, but for some reason they did not match and the codes for Photoshop would put shapes in different places in the .js code. Making this face mostly took trial and error and took me a lot of time discovering and learning how to use new shapes like lines, triangle, and other complicated shapes. Other than that, this was pretty good and fun.


What you’re seeing now is a Corvette LT3 made by someone on an online flash physics game called Incredibots. In this game, it offers you various types of geometric shapes and allows you to edit these shapes and put them together using parts called “joints”. With various types of joints, you can allow your creation to rotate, expand and contract, bounce, and even fly. When you are finished, you can put your creation into a “simulation” and see it function and interact with the environment and/or other creations you made. The best part of the game was that you can (not anymore) share your creation to an online community; allowing other creators to see what you made and share/respond to it similarly to YouTube. The game was first developed in 2008 by a team of 4-5 developers: two people as the original developers, one person that did the art, one person that develops the game now, and one person that did the technical writing. The game ran on an already existing engine called “Box2D”, a physics engine that powered most physics games of the late 2000s (most popularly Angry Birds).

This game inspires me because it allows you to make your creations, that only existed in your head, become a reality. The best part to me was that you could share what you made to the world and allow the audience to interact with it. This game has played a large role in my childhood and inspired me to learn programming and computer game making in the first place. I always loved it when people play a game or creation I made and either leave a comment, share it, or make a video on it.

What makes this game awesome is the idea that inspired me in the past to do what I love to do now. It allows players to finally build their crazy or innovative ideas and make them come to life in such a fun way. The online community it once had would have also allowed these players to become inspired and work harder to come up with much more innovative and more functional creations to impress not only themselves, but also the community. Soon these players might grow and move on to make better and cooler things. This game is great for children who are limited to only pen and paper and want to make something even more amazing and visually animated with their ideas. They can also share what they made to a much broader audience rather than only their parents. Incredibots, in my opinion, is a game all children should play at least once. It’s a game that doesn’t mindlessly teach children simple ABC’s and 123’s like many child teaching games out there on the app store. This is a game that allows children to not only be creative, but also explore and make their own solutions for problems and to think of ways for their creations to look and function the way they want it to. This is a game that encourages players to think artistically and technically.