
It was really fascinating to see how small clicks are able to completely alter the images. It was also interesting to see how my final outputs are mystical and ocean-like when original images are composed of unrelated objects, such as traffic lights, flowers, steel boxes, etc. Through this platform, I have experienced an iterative process in creating, where I swift the direction of my final output based on each selection of the image.


I have already played with ArtBreeder, but I’ve never used ProsePainter. This image took about 30 minutes to make. I had a lot of fun using different inputs in different areas, and am very pleased with the resulting image. It is funny how my taste does not vary at all across platforms.

I used input such as “poland tulip field”, “water flowing stream in forest flowers”, “messy bedroom in sunny afternoon”, and “koreatown on a nice afternoon”. I tried not to use proper grammar and tried to make it as specific as possible as to most accurately capture the desired vibe.



Using ArtBreeder was quite fun! I think that at the start, I was confused on how the tool worked since there were not instructions and the UI is not intuitive. Eventually, I understood how it worked and from there I was able to play around with the parents and genes. I enjoyed how the user could alter the weight of a certain trait and also have a chaos gene which adds in a bunch of random traits to create really interesting images.