nahyunk1-Looking Outwards 03

The project that I’ve come up with is called Light Barrier by Kimchi and Chips.
The reason why I admire this project is because of its use of diverse mediums and the usage of algorithmic functions to create shapes that suspend in the air. The combination of light and water and the usage of mirrors to reflect the water that shine off through light seemed to be a challenging but very successful way of making an artwork so mystical and precisely calculated. The algorithm, which doesn’t seem so obvious at first, is the set of times in which the light, the mist, and the mirror goes into function all at once, thus creating the artwork of suspending shapes and vanishing altogether as a whole. The shape thereby forms with structure and doesn’t fall into pieces.

‘The artwork was performed at New Media Night Festival in Russia, 2014. Composed in a room full of mist with mirrors, as light appears in a series of repeated patterns, the artwork creates a series of structured shapes and vanishes as each set finishes in the algorithm’.

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