katieche – project 04


 	var x = 200;
 	var curve = 400;
 	var v = 7;

function setup() {
	createCanvas (400, 300);

function draw(){

	for (var i = 0; i<=500; i++) {
		strokeWeight (0.2);
		stroke (180);
		// bottom left
		line(i*v, height, x, height-i*v);
		// bottom right
		line (mouseX, i*v, i*v, mouseY);
		// top right
		line(x, i*v, width-(i*v), 0); 
		// top left
		line(i*v, mouseY, mouseX, i*v);



This project was difficult for me as it was hard for me to understand which values to multiply to which variable. It was a lot of guess and check and hard to get the curves to do exactly what I wanted, but I think the end result is pretty fun to play with.

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