
Walking City from Universal Everything on Vimeo.

The 3D graphics project that I chose to discuss is “Walking City” by Universal Everything. The project is an evolving video sculpture which slowly and constantly changes its form through many permutations. The only thing that remains constant in the video are the colors, and the core motion/act of walking. The project references the utopian visions of 1960’s architecture practice, Archigram. The video aims to capture the patterns seen in the radical architectural transformations. Though 3D motion graphics usually bore me, I am pretty captivated by the delicate transitions from form to form. I really appreciate how the artist actually made me anticipate each transformation, and how much character each “version” gave to the walking figure. I am really not sure how the creators rendered or generated this work, but I assume that it is some 3D modeling program combined with mathematical algorithms to create the perfectly geometrical shapes. The artist’s sensibilities are manifested in the work seeing the way that it is so uniquely clean, monochromatic, and geometric.

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