

//Michael Miller
//Section A

var toggle = [-1,1]; //randomly flip the spiral
var columnNum = 9

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    for (var i1 = 0; i1 < columnNum; i1 ++) { //makes rows of bamboo
	x = map(i1, 0, 7, 0, 7 * width / columnNum);
	var yOffset = random(-height / 3, 0); /*each column height will be
						randomly offset*/
	for (var i2 = 0; i2 < 4; i2 ++) { //makes columns of bamboo
	    y = map(i2, 0, 3, 0, 3 * height / 3);
	    bambooDesign(x, y, yOffset);

function bambooDesign(x, y, yOffset) { //makes bamboo segments
    colorFill(x, y, yOffset);
    stroke(0, 25);
    fill(200, 204, 153);
    rect(x + .5, y + yOffset - 2.5, width / columnNum - 1, 4);//segment joints
    var spiralX = x + width / (2 * columnNum) + random(-5, 5);
    var spiralY = y + yOffset + height / 6
    var flip = random(toggle);
    spiral(spiralX, spiralY, flip);

function colorFill(x, y, yOffset) { //colors each bamboo segment with a gradient
    var size = 1
    for (var iy = size / 2; iy < height / 3; iy += size) {
	for (var ix =  size / 2; ix < width / columnNum; ix += size) {
	    //color of each segment will be the same, so map it to current one
	    r = map(iy + y, y, y + height / 3, 125, 175);
	    g = map(ix + x, x, x + width / columnNum, 125, 200);
	    fill (r, g, 0); 
	    ellipse(ix + x, iy + y + yOffset, size, size);

function spiral(spiralX, spiralY, flip) { //small spiral ingrained into bamboo
    var angle = 35 - (105 * flip);
    var spiralSize = 200;
    fill(255, 150);
    translate(spiralX, spiralY + 60);
    for(count = 0; count < spiralSize; count ++) { //made from many ellipses
	rotate(radians(flip * 6 * count));
	translate (1, 1);
	ellipse(count/15, count/15, 2, 2);

I was playing around with rectangular tiles that had randomly spaced heights when I thought it looked like bamboo! It then took me way too long to color the segments properly with a gradient, but it worked out in the end. I also wanted to make leaves, but it didn’t pan out, so I have the flowery-ish spirals instead — one of these days though, there will be leaves. Also, the bamboo heights and spiral directions randomize with each refresh.

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