
Image result for flume album art


Image result for flume album art


Image result for flume album art



Title: Album art for Flume’s ‘Skin’

Creator: Jonathan Zawada

Year of Creation: 2016

Link to the Project: https://creators.vice.com/en_au/article/jpbxy8/visionaries-jonathan-zawada-interview

Behind The Cover Art Of Flume’s Grammy Winning Album

Link to the Bio of the Artist: http://www.zawada.art/about/


Many people have come across these artworks at least once in the past few years, but never wondered how they were actually made. Behind the Grammy-winning album were the cover artworks created by a digital artist and a designer named Jonathan Zawada.

He has covered a variety of medium and and kinds of artworks such as music video, furniture design and album cover design. And as you can infer from these album arts, a lot of his work is inspired by nature. Nevertheless, he was never really interested in flowers, until he started working for Flume’s album designs. This set of designs include a variety of flowers or flower-inspired images with different colors and textures all generated by computer procedures. The specific algorithm he used generates different appearances of flower petals and “all the tiny little disturbances on the surfaces”. It is ironic how the mathematical programming he used was for the purpose of creating the “airy-feathery I-love-nature” effects. He acknowledges that there are other ways of approaching these natural objects or creating such effects such as hand-paintings or drawings, but he said that he does not necessarily feel like cheating using computer programs to generate these images.




Author: Claire

B.Arch Class of 2021 (Sophomore)

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