

// Robert Managad
// Section E
// rmanagad@andrew.cmu.edu
// Project-05-Wallpaper


var petalGR = 47;
	petalGG = 168;
	petalGB = 144;
var petalRR = 239;
	petalRG = 119;
	petalRB = 99;

var petalXL = 15; // left petal X-co
	petalYLR = 21.5; // left petal Y-Co; right petal Y-Co
	petalXM = 21.5; // middle petals X-Co
	petalYMT = 15.5; // top middle petal Y-co
	petalYMB = 27.5; // bottom middle petal Y-co
	petalXR = 27; // right petal X-co

//size of petals

var petalW = 4.6
var petalH = 12.3

var spacingX = 30; // x-displacement between row elements
	spacingY = 30; // y-displacement between row elements

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 300);
    background(252, 241, 235);

function draw() {
	for (var y  = 0; y < 12; y++) { // 12 iterations of rows
        for (var x = 0; x < 12; x++) { // 12 iterations of columns
        	if (y % 2 == 0 & x % 2 == 0) {  // only the even rows of this variant are drawn
        		var Lpy = (petalYLR + y * spacingY) * (sqrt(3)/2); 
        		var Tpy = (petalYMT + y * spacingY) * (sqrt(3)/2);
        		var Bpy = (petalYMB + y * spacingY) * (sqrt(3)/2);
        		var Rpy = (petalYLR + y * spacingY) * (sqrt(3)/2);
            	var Lpx = (petalXL + x * spacingX) - 5; 
            	var	Tpx = (petalXM + x * spacingX) - 5; 
            	var Bpx = (petalXM + x * spacingX) - 5; 
            	var Rpx = (petalXR + x * spacingX) - 5; 
            	var	petalRR = 239;
				var	petalRG = 119;
				var	petalRB = 99;
            else if (y % 2 == 1 & x % 2 == 1) { // only the odd rows of this variant are drawn
            	var Lpy = ((petalYLR + y * spacingY) * (sqrt(3)/2)); 
        		var Tpy = ((petalYMT + y * spacingY) * (sqrt(3)/2));
        		var Bpy = ((petalYMB + y * spacingY) * (sqrt(3)/2));
        		var Rpy = ((petalYLR + y * spacingY) * (sqrt(3)/2));
            	var Lpx = ((petalXL + x * spacingX) - 5); 
            	var	Tpx = ((petalXM + x * spacingX) - 5); 
            	var Bpx = ((petalXM + x * spacingX) - 5); 
            	var Rpx = ((petalXR + x * spacingX) - 5); 
            	var	petalRR = 47;
				var	petalRG = 168;
				var	petalRB = 144;
				fill(petalRR, petalRG, petalRB);
				ellipse(Lpx, Lpy, petalH, petalW); //left petal
				ellipse(Tpx, Tpy, petalW, petalH); // top petal
				ellipse(Bpx, Bpy, petalW, petalH); // bottom petal
				ellipse(Rpx, Rpy, petalH, petalW); // right petal

I played with several ideas for my background — from merit badges to patchwork — before settling on my final concept: clover petals. I wanted to explore using nested loops and if/else statements to control where elements would appear, and how they can be controlled to do just that. I used Illustrator to plan out my composition beforehand, in addition to primary sketches.

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