keuchuka looking outwards 6

Tyler Hobbs is a generative artist from Austin, Texas. Tyler writes a custom computer program specially designed to create an abstract image for each work. His work focuses on the interplay of randomness and order, and draws inspiration from paint, vegetation, and naturally occurring patterns. For Continuity series begins by generating semi-random quadrilaterals. Intersections between quadrilaterals become negative space. The positive space builds up in iterative layers. Proximity to an attractor point controls the transparency, brightness, and sharpness of the positive space. The generative aspect (pseudo randomness) is interesting to see as Hobbs allows the shapes to become harmonious as they relate arbitrarily, yet in a fully controlled way. Because chance provides a good foundation to the structure of these works, they can generate an entire series of images. Each work could be completely different from previous instances, providing an element of freshness and surprise.

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