

//Selina Lee
//Section C

var nPoints = 70; //amount of elements
var Cissoid = 0; //
var Conchoid = 0; //

var titles = ["1. Cissoid", "2. Conchoid"];
var curveMode = Cissoid;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
	background(255, 160, 60);  //orange background

	translate(240, 240); //place objects or focus on middle
	drawConchoidCurve(); //draw green and pink curves in back
	drawCissoidCurve(); //circles and blue lines in front

function drawCissoidCurve() {
	var x; //defining normal plane variables
	var y;

	var a1 = mouseX/20; //containing area of mouse interaction based on size or stretch of curves
	var a2 = mouseY/70;

	stroke(130, 130, 255); //blue lines
	beginShape(); //creating visuals based on Cissoid of Diocles curve
	for (var i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
		var t = map(i, 0, nPoints, 0, TWO_PI); //making i obtain to angle which is t 

		x = (10 * a1 * sq(t)) / (1 + sq(t)); //formulas for x and y of curve
		// 10 for x and 20 for y were used as constant values based on the composition attained in the index
		y = (20 * a2 * sq(t) * t) / (1 + sq(t));

		fill(250, 240, 220); //off white filling

		vertex(x, y); //draws single curve in normal direction for x and y on an index
		vertex(-x, y); //after adding this vertex, i noticed a greater variation and extension of the curves and lines so I continued this process
		vertex(x, -y);
		vertex(-x, -y);

		for(var ext = 0; ext < x; ext++) { //creating visuals deviating away from the lines but controlled by the same curve

			push(); //contain colors in this for loop not the colors also belonging to the blue line series
			fill(150, 255, 200); //green fill
			ellipse(ext * 10, -y * 5, 10, 10);  //greenish/aqua series of ellipses on top right and bottom left
			ellipse(-ext * 10, y * 5, 10, 10);

			fill(255, 120, 160); //reddish fill
			ellipse(ext * 15, -y * 19, 20, 20); //ellipses accompanying the ones in code written above
			ellipse(-ext * 15, y * 19, 20, 20);


function drawConchoidCurve() {
	var x2; //defining second x and y plane variables
	var y2;

	var b1 = mouseX; //containment of lines based on mouse interaction
	var b2 = mouseY;

	stroke(255, 100, 255); //magenta strokes
	strokeWeight(2); //thicker stroke
	for (var j = 0; j < nPoints; j++) { 
		var ang = map(j, 0, nPoints, 0, TWO_PI); //setting the angle value same as var t in the first for loop for the Cissoid of Diocles curve

		x2 = ((1 / cos(ang)) + b1 * cos(ang)) * cos(ang); //formulas for Conchoid de Sluze curve	
        y2 = ((1 / cos(ang)) + b2 * cos(ang)) * sin(ang);

        fill(200, 255, 50); //lime green fill

        vertex(x2, y2); // this initial curve also only gave be one shape at first which looked like a flower petal from the center of the frame
        //this shape seemed more centered rather than side oriented like the Cissoid function so I experimented with on other vertex implementation focusing on the center of x
        vertex(-x2, y2); //created an inkblot array type of line series, more angular than round

        push(); // so that other functions not used before like noFill only affect these two vertex
        noFill(); //no fill so there is no overwhelming green
        vertex(x2 * 10, y2 * 10); //creating wider and bigger curve series of the same physical orientation and interaction
        vertex(-x2 * 10, y2 * 10);


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