

var img
var step = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var i = [0, 0, 0, 0]; //y coordinates of strokes
var j = [0, 0, 0, 0]; //x coordinates of strokes
var vertShift = [];
var horzShift = [];
var check1 = true;
var check2 = [false, false, false, false];
var mx; //x value of the point of convergence
var my; //y value of the point of convergence

function preload() {
    img = loadImage("");

function setup() {
    createCanvas(img.width, img.height);

function draw() {

function paintLine() {
    var startx = [0, width, 0, width];
    var starty = [0, 0, height, height];

    //make 4 different stroke paths
    for(var count = 0; count < 4; count ++){
	//checks if all the strokes have reached the point of convergence
	if(check1) {
	    //finds trajectory for stroke to align it with point of convergence
	    mx = mouseX;
	    my = mouseY;
	    step[count] = 0;
	    vertShift[count] = 10 * (my - starty[count]) /
		dist(mx, my, startx[count], starty[count]);
	    horzShift[count] = 10 * (mx - startx[count]) /
		dist(mx, my, startx[count], starty[count]);
	//if stroke hasn't made it to the point of convergence
	if (dist(mx, my,
		 j[count] + startx[count], i[count] + starty[count]) > 10) {
	    //get colors from image
	    var pt1 = img.get(constrain(j[count] + startx[count], 0,
					width - 1),
			      constrain(i[count] + starty[count], 0,
					height - 1));
	    var pt2 = img.get(constrain(j[count] + horzShift[count]
					+ startx[count], 0, width - 1),
			      constrain(i[count] - vertShift[count]
					+ starty[count], 0, height - 1));
	    var col = color((pt1[0] + pt2[0]) / 2,
			    (pt1[1] + pt2[1]) / 2,
			    (pt1[2] + pt2[2]) / 2,
	    //draw the stroke
	    line(startx[count] + j[count], starty[count] + i[count],
		 startx[count] + j[count] + horzShift[count],
		 starty[count] + i[count] + vertShift[count]);
	    //advance step and recalculate new positions of strokes
	    step[count] += 1;
	    j[count] = step[count] * horzShift[count];
	    i[count] = step[count] * vertShift[count];
	    check2[count] = false;
	} else { // if stroke reached the end, set check so it can restart later
	    check2[count] = true;
    //if all strokes are done, allow new point of convergence to be made
    if (check2[0] & check2[1] && check2[2] && check2[3]) {
	check1 = true;
    } else {
	check1 = false;

Oh boy, this was a pain.  There were many other ways I went about this, with lines forming randomly, serial rows of lines, and lines targeting the mouse from only 1 position.  Eventually though I got here, and I’m just glad it works.

Kinda filled out version

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