atraylor – Looking Outwards 12 – Section B

Two pieces that I’m inspired by are Blahblah by Vincent Morisset and JK Rowling’s old website from the 2000s (sadly it’s not up anymore, but here’s a link to a description). Blahblah is a “film for computer” and allows the viewer to interact with it and trigger events, but sometimes it’s hard to tell how much power the viewer has over the scenes. I admire that there is a clear direction and that it’s extremely engaging, and it is what the viewer makes it.

A still from Blabla

JK Rowling’s old website is similar and for a very different purpose. Her website was what you could discover in it. It started with her desk which had clickable objects that would take you somewhere where you could gather more information. One was a “room of requirement” like door that had different information or photos behind it depending on the day (which you could navigate to using a time turner).

I’m inspired by these projects because they use interactivity to explore ideas and information through directed narratives.


JK Rowling’s old website. Example of what the desk page looked like.
Interactive room example.



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