

var eyeSize = 20;
var circWidth = 160;
var circHeight = 200;
var earYcord = 190
var midx = 320 //x cordinate middle of the face
var midy = 200 //y cordinate middle of the face

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
	background (250,65,180);
	noStroke (0);
	fill (250,185,185);
	ellipse (midx,midy,circWidth,circHeight);
	ellipse (midx-80,earYcord,circWidth-120,circHeight-120);
	ellipse (midx+80,earYcord,circWidth-120,circHeight-120);
	fill (230,50,50);
	arc (midx,midy+50,50,80,0,PI+QUARTER_PI,OPEN);
	fill (0);
	ellipse (midx-18,midy+33,circWidth-145,circWidth-145);// mole

	fill (130,10,170);
	ellipse (midx-18,midy-30,circWidth-94,circWidth-94);//dark circle
    fill (250);
	ellipse (midx-18,midy-30,circWidth-120,circWidth-120);// left eyeball white
	ellipse (midx+18,midy-31,circWidth-110,circWidth-110);

	fill (0);
	ellipse (midx+7,midy-25,circWidth-130,circWidth-130);// right eyeball 
	ellipse (midx-16,midy-25,circWidth-130,circWidth-130);// left eyeball 

function mousePressed(){
	circWidth = random(100,200);
	circHeight = random(150,300);
	eyeSize = random(10,30);

I tried to use as much same variables as I can to simplify the code. I found it fun to use one x,y point to base on and finish the variable faces.



This is Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2002 by Toyo Ito and Cecil Balmond. The structure is constructed based on algorithm of a cube, providing a geometrical pattern. Then Ito and Balmond re-interpreted the pattern, considering the function and spatial structure. I am instrigued by the combination of an individual design intention and the quantitative and qualitative computer generated data, create such beautiful structure. I am interested in the design process interrelate with the new tool: computer generated data. How computer generated data influence the design and how design process affect the how the computer data was generated and analyzed. Moreover, I am interested in the possibilities of applying algorithms inspired by natural process, translating numbers into computational patterns, to sculpture, and to living space. I love seeing living space integrated back to nature, which is where everything begin with.

monicah1- LookingOutwards-01

Generative Portrait made with processing by Diana Lange

Diana Lange Generative Portrait works started from taking photos of individual in context, to portrait outline created with small units, then adding on more and more units over and over. The portrait is created with multiple layers. The process reminded me of myself doing observational drawing with pencil. The small units with coding has this organic consistent texture. I am inspired by the generative portrait, having both the 2 dimensional sketching quality and the 3 dimensional depth at the same time. Moreover, they contain both organic and geometric systems.



function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {

    var skin = color(240,220,167);
    fill (skin);

    var white = color(255,255,255);
    fill (white);
    var pink = color(240,138,177);
    fill (pink);


    var skin = color(240,220,167);
    fill (skin);


It is interesting to see how compositions of simple shapes can form variety of images. I enjoyed seeing the transition from numbers to shapes.