
(Above are pictures of the Vorograph of Cody Dunne, Michael Muller, Nicola Perra, Mauro Martino, 2015)

Since this week’s topic was on computational information visualization, I tried to find a project where a custom software was made to collect and/or visualize a dataset, while still being colorful and fun. I stumbled upon the Vorograph of Cody Dunne, Michael Muller, Nicola Perra, and Mauro Martino.

The Vorograph presents three visualizations from IBM research that was developed to facilitate the research of epidemiologists through a combination of representations in population, movement, and disease spread at a local scale while also matching with a zoomable global scale.  Although I don’t know the exact algorithms behind the artistic representation that is shown above, I do know that the data was put through a specific programming that rendered those images.

I admire the very intricate patterns and color detail that went into making those specific patterns. Each of the different circles have a simple yet unique pattern of its own. I admire this because the uniqueness shows the extra effort that was put into making all the different circles. The patterns also show the artists’ artistic sensibilities in how they chose to represent their different data, and the final presentation.


Brandonhyun- Project-07-Curves


//Brandon Hyun
// 15104 Section B
// Project 07

var k = 900/30;
var j = 60/80;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(440, 440);

function draw() {
  translate(width/2, height/2);

	stroke(30, 400, 21);

	for (var t = 0; t < TWO_PI * 8; t += 0.2){
		var r = map(mouseX, 0, (500 * cos(k * t)), mouseY, (200 * cos((k*j) * t)));
		var x = r * sin(t);
		var y = r * cos(t);

	for (var s = 0; s < TWO_PI * 4; s += 0.01){
		var r2 = map(mouseX, 0, (40 * cos(k * s)), mouseY, (20 * cos((k*j) * s)));
		var x2 = r2 * sin(s);
		var y2 = r2 * cos(s);


For this Project, I wanted to create a LaserBeam effect using different curvatures and effects. When I came up with this idea I knew that the color of the strokes that I am creating have to be light green and also very thin. So I decided to add these effects into my code and make sure that it represented that.

Since we had to create compositions with geometric shapes I wanted to see them inside the laser beams that I created. So as you move the mouse to mouseX and mouse Y, you can see that there are geometric shapes that exist in those light beams which are very dynamic.

It was difficult in the beginning, but did some research in the internet and also referred to some of Schiffman’s videos in Youtube and that helped me a lot with this assignment. It has been a while since I did mathematics and getting refreshers on sin, cos, and tan was somewhat exciting and new. I hope I can create different compositions with this method of using trigonometry and lines.


Ingrid Burrington is awesome writer, artist and computational information visualizer. I admire her brilliant works including writings and arts besides that fact that she’s also a computer data researcher. she writes about computers, politics, and art. Some of her works use data to creates images and others are computer generated arts that comes with various forms such as installation art or graphic design.
she creates a cloud as of networked infrastructure with her writings. She thinks about how the internet works and a lot of pieces of material infrastructure that goes into creating our fantasy of the cloud as nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

Measuring The Impact of A Fare Hike
The Realm of Rough Telepathy

She has published a book called ‘Networks of New York’ which sketches the physical extrusions of the internet into New york City’s streets and buildings, and makes especial note of how much of that infrastructure has been built as aprt of the post 9/11 surveillance network that NYC has erected over the past 15 years.

You can check more of her works here
Ingrid Burrington Website



//Na-yeon Kim
//15-104, B section
//Project-07 (Composition with Curves)

//draw canvas
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

//map the r, g, b color
function draw() {
    var r = map(mouseX, 0, width, 100, 255);
    var g = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 150);
    var b = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 255);

//Hypotrochoid changing color based on mouse cursor
    stroke(r, g, b, 50);

    translate(width / 2, height / 2);

//hypocycloid changing color based on mouse cursor
    stroke(b, r, g);

    translate(width / 2, height / 2);

function drawHypotrochoid() {
//draw hypotrochoid
    var x;
    var y;
    var h = 400;
    var a = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 5);
    var b = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 1);
//x = (a - b) * cos t + h cos(((a - b) / b) * t)
//y = (a - b) * sin t - h sin(((a - b) / b) * t)
      for(var i = 0; i < 500; i ++) {
        var angle = map(i, 0, 200, 0, 360);
        x = (a - b) * cos(angle) + h * cos(((a - b)) * angle);
        y = (a - b) * sin(angle) - h * sin(((a - b)) * angle);
        vertex(x, y);

function drawHypocycloid() {
//draw hypocycloid
    var x;
    var y;
    var a = map(mouseX / 2, 0, width, 0, 200);
    var b = map(mouseY / 2, 0, height, 0, 200);
//x = ((a - 1) * cos t) + ((a - 1) * cos t)
//y = ((a - 1) * sin t) - ((a - 1) * sin t)
    for (var i = 0; i < 300; i ++) {
      var angle = map(i, 0, 100, 0, 6);
      x = ((a - 1) * cos(angle / 2)) + ((a - 1) * cos(angle * b));
      y = ((a - 1) * sin(angle / 2)) - ((a - 1) * sin(angle * b));
      vertex(x, y);

For this assignment, I looked through the Mathworld curves site first. And I realized that It’s been a while(I mean.. really….) to study any math so I need to start from very simple math stuff. I also got little help from some friends who are familiar with math to build a equation for this. After long time struggle, I finally managed to build a curves, and then I played it with fun! It was very hard to think about draw something with math, but after knowing the formula it was fun to play with numbers!
Here are some screenshot images from composition curves that I made.

Jonathan Perez Looking Outwards 7

wind map of hurricane isaac

This is a project called Wind Map, by Martin Wattenburg. It takes in surface wind data from the National Digital Forecast Database once per hour, and generates these images based off of that information.

What I enjoy about this project is how it bridges the gap between informational and emotionally representative. Looking at these images, I can both see what the wind patterns were like in that moment and feel the emotion of that wind.


I believe that, when representing information, there is an opportunity to represent much more than just numbers. I almost feel like saying there is a humane obligation to representing more than just numbers… information has real impact in peoples lives, and thus has an emotional quality to it on some scale. Maybe a good example (though maybe a bit extreme) is death counts. Seeing a bar graph of death counts in different wars takes all of the humanity out of that information.


Jonathan Perez Project 7


//Jonathan Perez
//Section B
//Project 7

var a = 100 // inner asteroid diagonal radius
var b = 100 // second inner asteroid diagonal radius
var a2 = 200 //outer astroid diagonal radius
var b2 = 200 //second outer astroid diagonal radius
var lineArrayX = [a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a]
var lineArrayY = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
var lineLength = 30
var lineSize = 5
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
    mouseDistX = dist(mouseX, height/2, width/2, height/2); //X distance from center
    mouseDistY = dist(width/2, mouseY, width/2, height/2); //Y distance from center
    a = map(mouseDistX, 0, 240, 0, 150) //maps X distance from center to max a value
    b = map(mouseDistY, 0, 240, 0, 150); //maps Y distance from center to max b value
    a2 = map(mouseDistX, 0, 240, 0, 300); //maps X distance from center to max a2 value
    b2 = map(mouseDistY, 0, 240, 0, 300); //maps Y distance from center to max b2 value
    traceAstroid(height/2, width/2, a, b);
    drawAstroid(height/2, width/2, a2, b2);

//drawing line asteroid
function traceAstroid(x, y, a, b) {
    asteroidX =  a * pow(cos(millis()/1000), 3);// x parametric for an astroid x = acos^3(t)
    asteroidY =  b * pow(sin(millis()/1000), 3);// y parametric for an asteroid y = asin^3(t)
    translate(x, y);
    for(i = 0; i < lineArrayX.length; i++) {
        fill(255 - i*255/lineArrayX.length); //fades line into background
        if(i < lineArrayX.length - 1){ //if not the leading point
            //trails behind the leading point
            lineArrayX[i] = lineArrayX[i+1] 
            lineArrayY[i] = lineArrayY[i+1]
        } else { //if the leading point
             //next X and Y coordinates
            lineArrayX[i] = asteroidX
            lineArrayY[i] = asteroidY
        ellipse(lineArrayX[i], lineArrayY[i], lineSize, lineSize);
        ellipse(-lineArrayX[i], -lineArrayY[i], lineSize, lineSize);

//outer asteroid
function drawAstroid(x, y, a2, b2) {
    translate(width/2, height/2);
    rotate(TWO_PI/8); //eighth rotation so that inner astroid touches the inside walls
    for(i = 0; i < 472; i++) { // 472 stops the astroid exactly halfway down the vertical sides
        asteroidX2 = a2 * pow(cos(i/200), 3); // x parametric for an astroid x = acos^3(t)
        asteroidY2 = b2 * pow(sin(i/200), 3); // y parametric for an asteroid y = asin^3(t)
        ellipse(asteroidX2, asteroidY2, lineSize, lineSize);
        ellipse(-asteroidX2, -asteroidY2, lineSize, lineSize);

I thought this project was super fun… I haven’t had the chance to do any sort of geometry or math in a while, and this was a nice way to sort of flex those old muscles.

To start off, I just clicked around on the geometry site provided for us. I was just looking for a curve that both looked feasible to implement (with out smoke coming out of my ears) and aesthetically interesting. Eventually I stumbled across the astroid, and decided, sure, let’s use that.

After that, I just started playing around with how I could draw the shape and modify it. I knew right off the bat that I wanted to do something with a trailing point… so that was actually the first part I coded. After that I added the second rotated astroid (to make the whole image an astroid evolute).

On their own, these shapes aren’t super exciting. Originally, since the astroid is a hypocycloid, I was going to play around with the number of points in the curve (instead of just four points). Instead, I went a rotation direction instead. Well, I say rotation, but nothing is truly rotating in the image. In the code, the distance between diagonal points is being altered, to create the illusion of rotation. I thought that was pretty cool, especially with the trailing point moving around. To me this animation feels like a card turning around on one point.


Interaction between human and plants through lighting
Sensor attached to orchid

The Botanicus Interacticus project by Disney Research (in collaboration with Philipp Schoessler, Jonas Loh/Studio NAND, Munehiko Sato) is an interactive technology that creates an expressive visual interaction between humans and plants. It was exhibited at the 2012 SIGGRAPH exhibition. The way the Botanicus Interacticus works is by placing a wire in the plant soil, which when touched or within close proximity with any location of the plant is detected, the collected data will trigger shapes and colours around the plant. Those shapes and colours depend on several factors, including touch/gesture, amount of contact and proximity. This project is based upon a sensing technology Touché, which was previously invented at Disney Research Pittsburgh. The added expression to the plants do not cause any harm and is non-invasive. The main purpose of the project was to eliminate the divide between real and artificial, which also develops new organic forms. My favourite aspect of this project is the response through lighting that dances around the plant based on interaction, which makes what is relatively static into something dynamic.

Computer showing the collected data of where touch is sensed

Below is a video of the interaction between person and plant.



Jamie Ho
Project 07

var vals = 100;			//# of points to deltoidCrv
var angles = 360;		//total angle
var maxCrvs = 10;		//# of crvs desired

function setup() {
    createCanvas(450, 450);

function draw() {
	translate(width/2, height/2);
	for(var i = 0; i < maxCrvs; i++){
		//equal rotation of canvas for each drawDeltoidCrv based on # of crvs
		//stroke colour based on mouse position
		var colourX = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 255);
		var colourY = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 255);
		stroke(0, colourX, colourY);


function drawDeltoidCrv(){
	for(var i = 0; i < vals; i++){
		//mapping i to the circle
		var theta = map(i, 0, vals, 0, TWO_PI);		
		//multiplied factor for crvs
		var t = 60;									
		//making mouse positions a percentage to scale crvs
		var mX = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 1);		
		var mY = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 1);
		//defining x and y coordiantes of deltoid crv 
		//size of deltoid crvs are in relationship w/ mouse positions
		var x = (2*t*cos(theta)+t*cos(2*theta))*mX;	
		var y = (2*t*sin(theta)-t*sin(2*theta))*mY;	

		vertex(x, y);
		line(0, 0, x, y);

The curves are based on deltoid curves, which looks similar to a triangle. I experimented with using just the deltoid curve itself as well as representing the multiple curves with lines. Representing with lines look more interesting than just the deltoid curves themselves. I also experimented with where the lines are drawn from, such as from (0, 0) or from (width/2, heigth/2). Drawing lines from (width/2, height/2) makes the lines intersect in more complex ways, but I preferred how the 3 vertex ends of the curves are more dynamic with (0, 0) as starting point.

Just vertexes on deltoid curves
Lines drawn from (0, 0) only

Lines drawn from (width/2, height/2)

Final iteration with lines drawn from (0, 0) and vertexes of deltoid curves
Final iteration with size affected by mouse position

The hardest part of the process was incorporating the mouse position into the curves without messing up the shape, then I realized I could use mouse position by mapping it to make it a scale factor.



Doo Won Nam
Section B
Project - 07

function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
ellipseMode(CENTER); //set center of ellipse to middle
stroke(255); //white lines

function draw() {
background(0); //black background, put it in draw so it resets while moving
var angle = 0; //set angle for ellipse and movement distance
var angle2 = 360 / mouseX; //set mouse interaction
for (var i = 0; i < 11 ;i ++) { //start loop, limit to 10 ellipses
angle = frameCount;
d = sin(radians(angle)) * 100;
var x = 200 + d * cos(radians(angle2*i + 200)); //set x to move/same x for both
var y = 200 + d * sin(radians(angle2*i + 10)); //set y to move/same y for both
  noFill(); //transparent ellipses
	ellipse(x, y, 100, 100); //small circle
	ellipse(x, y, 200, 200); //big circle

While I had a hard time with the project due to my lack of knowledge in how cos and sin works due to not having taken math classes for a prolonged time, I used cos and sin to make the ellipses move in a cradle like fashion. The mouse interaction blooms the circles that are combined together. The location of the mouse alters the location and spread of the ellipses. This effect also alludes a display similar to those of springs.

nahyunk1 -Project 07 – curves


//section B
//Project 07

var numObjects = 500;
var r = 255;
var g = 255;
var b = 255;

function setup() {
createCanvas(380, 380);

function draw() {
var centerX = width/2;
var centerY = height/2;
translate(centerX, centerY);
//draw Epicycloid
drawEpi(); //

function drawEpi() {
  stroke(random(0,r), random(0,g), random(0,b)); // stroke is all random colors

  var x;
  var y;
  var a = mouseY/3; //the increase and the decrease of lines/curves.
  var b = -mouseX/40;//the increase and the decrease of lines/curves.
  for (var i=0; i < numObjects; i++){
    var t = map(i, 0, numObjects, 0, TWO_PI);
    var x = ((a+b)*cos(t) - b*cos(((a+b)/b*t))); // x eq. for the epicycloid
    var y = ((a+b)*sin(t) - b*sin(((a+b)/b*t))); // y eq. for the epicycloid
    vertex(x,y); // starts at the vertex.
  var x;
  var y;
  var a = mouseY/3;//the increase and the decrease of lines/curves.
  var b = mouseX/40;//the increase and the decrease of lines/curves.
  stroke(random(0,g), random(0,r), random(0,b)); //switch up the variables so that each epi. has different types of randomness.
  for (var i=0; i < numObjects; i++){
    var t = map(i, 0, numObjects, 0, TWO_PI);
    var x = ((a+b)*cos(t) - b*cos(((a+b)/b*t))); // x eq. for the epicycloid
    var y = ((a+b)*sin(t) - b*sin(((a+b)/b*t)));// y eq. for the epicycloid
  var x;
  var y;
  var a = mouseY/3;//the increase and the decrease of lines/curves.
  var b = mouseX/40;//the increase and the decrease of lines/curves.
  stroke(random(0,b), random(0,g), random(0,r));//switch up the variables so that each epi. has different types of randomness.
  for (var i=0; i < numObjects; i++){
    var t = map(i, 0, numObjects, 0, TWO_PI);
    var x = ((a+b)*cos(t*2) - b*cos(((a+b)/b*t))); // x eq. for the epicycloid
    var y = ((a+b)*sin(t*2) - b*sin(((a+b)/b*t)));// y eq. for the epicycloid
  var x;
  var y;
  var a = mouseY/3;//the increase and the decrease of lines/curves.
  var b = mouseX/40;//the increase and the decrease of lines/curves.
  stroke(random(0,b), random(0,g), random(0,r));//switch up the variables so that each epi. has different types of randomness.
  for (var i=0; i < numObjects; i++){
    var t = map(i, 0, numObjects, 0, TWO_PI);
    var x = ((a+b)*cos(t/2) - b*cos(((a+b)/(b/2)*t))); // x eq. for the epicycloid
    var y = ((a+b)*sin(t/2) - b*sin(((a+b)/(b/2)*t)));// y eq. for the epicycloid

I first played around with the epicycloid itself to see how it gets formed as I move around the mouse. Then, I tried adding more layers of the same epicycloid and change around the equation to see changes occur in the image. I worked with division and multiplication of the variable ‘t’ in order to create shapes that differ from the original epicycloid made with the initial equation. Here are the screenshots of the initial, single epicycloid and my progressional adaptation of the shape through adding the altered versions of the original.