
I found that she is very interesting as an artist.
she was born and raised in Iran during the war. That’s also why her work deals with the political, social and cultural contradictions we face every day. In early stage of her life, she took private creative writing course and learnt about the importance of telling personal narratives. She went to University of Tehran and was awarded her bachelor of arts in social science and media studies. And she moved to USA and attended two more university majoring Digital Media and Media art. She uses technology as part of a philosophical toolset to reflect on object; a poetic mean to document the personal and collective lives we live and our struggles as humans in the 21st century.

The 3D Additivist Cookbook (2016)
She Who Sees the Unknown (2017-2018)

These two images are some of her works that caught my eyes from her website. As a woman artist, she uses sexual images to create her work in non sexual ways. Mean by that, I feel that female’s body represented on her work are very bold and nude. I always love the way of female artist using their gender as a story of their work as it stand alone from other’s -usually male- perspectives.

She also uses her work to fight with political problems. In this video, she used 3D printer to create a sculpture to say something to IS. I admire her braveness and creativeness as an artist.

“Morehshin Allahyari’s website

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