
Turbulence by Dr.Woohoo is a collection of paintings drawn with robot arm using the algorithm of Perlin Noise effect. Perlin Noise effect is usually used for generating randomness in films when creating water effects in sceneries, however, Woohoo used it to instruct the robot to repeatedly draw a hexagon shape. With this algorithm, Dr.Woohoo created a delicate and organic art piece.

Dr.Woohoo as an artist combines various fields of his interest such as 3d printing and robotics to create interesting artwork that is delicate and organic. Although he used water color for the Turbulence, he is known for incorporating mediums in various methods to create his art piece. He not only pushes himself to integrate different fields but also desires to break through the traditional idea of art and introduces innovative styles to produce art. This for me is inspirational because he proves that art is not something that has an outline. For him, using the same medium does not mean the same. Depending on how he uses the medium it can turn into shoes with a wonderful pattern or a beautiful painting.



//Sun Min (Chloe) Kim 
//Section E

var eyeSize = 20; 
var faceWidth = 120; 
var faceHeight = 140; 
var noseSize = 15; 
var mouthSize = 30; 
var background1 = (203); 
var background2 = (228);
var background3 = (248); 

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

function draw() {
    background(background1, background2, background3);
    fill(246, 217, 188);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth, faceHeight);
    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.3; 
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.3; 

    fill(255, 255, 255); 
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);

    fill(64, 60, 58); 
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize / 2.5, eyeSize / 2.5);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize / 2.5, eyeSize / 2.5);

    stroke(64, 60, 58);
    arc(width / 2, height / 1.9, noseSize, noseSize, 180, 11.7, PI);

    fill(217, 134, 138);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2 + 40, mouthSize * 1.2, mouthSize / 2);


    function mousePressed() {
    // when the user clicks, these variables are reassigned
    // to random values within specified ranges. For example,
    // 'faceWidth' gets a random value between 100 and 150.
    faceWidth = random(100, 150);
    faceHeight = random(120, 150);
    eyeSize = random(10, 30);
    noseSize = random(20, 10); 
    mouthSize = random(30, 10); 
    background1 = random(0, 255); 
    background2 = random(0, 255); 
    background3 = random(0, 255); 


For this project, I chose a simple face structure to emphasize the change in background color and change in the elements of the face when “mousePressed” function is activated. It was interesting to use this new function and create an interactive graphics for the first time, and I look forward to experimenting more variables to build more complex designs in the future.



I visited ‘WONDER’ in my senior year of high school to take photographs with a film camera. While my friends and I were touring, we were mesmerized by the atmosphere different lighting and texture creates.

Exhibition ‘WONDER’ was displayed in Renwick Gallery to celebrate their newly renewed museum. The exhibition consisted of artworks from nine leading contemporary artists including Jennifer Angus, Chakaia Booker, and Gabriel Dawe. Highlights of ‘WONDER’ was observing unexpected materials such as threads, insects, and woods.

Jennifer Angus Renwick Wonder

An artwork I remember from ‘WONDER’ is Jennifer Angus, brightly-colored insects’ exhibition. She filled the room with real insects that are primarily in Malaysia, Thailand, and Papua New Guinea. Since she loves the nature and loves to travel to places that are naturally preserved and free from human’s trace, she uses natural sources to create her art. Especially, choosing color magenta red for the wall for its originality from the cochineal insect living in Mexico was interesting because it tells the relation between human’s use of technology to create colors and the nature that provides the source. Jennifer Angus, researching the formula of color to solely use production from nature inspired me to see the link between technology and nature.



//Sun Min (Chloe) Kim 
//Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    background(217, 212, 235);

function draw() {

    //background strip 
    fill(210, 200, 300);
    rect(0, 100, 500, 100);
    rect(0, 300, 500, 100);

    fill(64, 60, 58); 
    ellipse(300, 200, 200, 220);
    rect(200, 200, 200, 220); 

    fill(247, 193, 155); 
    stroke(205, 149, 111);
    ellipse(300, 210, 150, 160);

    ellipse(270, 200, 30, 20);
    ellipse(330, 200, 30, 20);

    fill(211, 153, 114);
    triangle(300, 200, 315, 235, 300, 230);

    fill(2250, 210, 195);
    stroke(220, 130, 130);
    arc(300, 245, 60, 40, 0, 180, CHORD);

    stroke(64, 60, 58);
    line(250, 180, 285, 180);
    line(310, 180, 345, 180);

    fill(64, 60, 58); 
    ellipse(270, 200, 12, 12);
    ellipse(330, 200, 12, 12);

    fill(247, 193, 155);
    rect(280, 280, 40, 30);

    fill(75, 70, 175);
    ellipse(300, 385, 160, 160);
    rect(220, 380, 160, 220);

    fill(64, 60, 58); 
    arc(250, 140, 90, 100, -50, 130, CHORD);



After completing Mondrian assignment, I became more familiar with p5js. Since I don’t have any experience in coding, it took me a while getting used to its language. Mondrian assignment helped me to get comfortable with rectangular shapes, but when I tried to create arcs and triangles for self-portrait it took me longer than I thought to create the codes. However, p5js guidelines helped me to learn ways to build various shapes, and I would like to find out more about adding advanced codes into my sketch.