
I liked this project:

The project utilizes gestural movements similar to the Soli, yet 10 years prior and with real objects responding in physical characteristics rather than a computer program on a screen. The precision and control that the user can impose these shapes reflect a more precise version of soli’s tap function, allowing them to shape the height of the cuboid landscape. This also allows a more natural “pinching” gesture to indicate pulling up the surface below. I think this some ideas of how to approach soli.





01. One with Everything

02. Quadrilateral Zoo

03. Spiral

04. Transitioning Rectangles


05. Iteration with Functions

06. Random Splat

07. Stochastic Elements

08. Recoding Schotter


09. Billiard Ball

10. One-Person Pong

11. Hitomezashi Sashiko Stitching


12. Imaginary Islands

13. Drawn Line, Three Ways

14. Calligraphic Polyline

15. Longest Line Search

16. Eyes Following Cursor

17. Ripples in a Pond

18. Butt Generator

19. Angle between Three Points

20. Circle from Three Points (Circumcenter)


my code:


my process:

I wanted to make an API based clock where I took the time and searched for a spotify song with related words or numbers in the title. However, because the clock won’t have internet connection when displayed, Golan suggested scraping texts and getting excerpts which mention the time. Those could be  stored statically as small files along with the code. Therefore I wouldn’t need the internet.

To do this, one needs some knowledge of python and mountains of plain text to look at. I had python expertise, and Golan pointed me to a repo with all of Project Gutenberg (database of text out of copywrite) saved as a plain text 8 GB zip file.

The picture below is part of the preprocessing python script I used to parse Gutenberg for a couple hours. I listed calendar key words and looked for them linearly by looping through all the files. I stored the line the keyword was in to a JSON.

This was the first iteration of the clock when I didn’t scrape the text properly and and didn’t read the documentation for p5.js:

changes to the display code from the photos above:

  1. I removed the font. The text has german, Russian, Spanish and other characters that “Vogue.tff” from free doesn’t support. Now I use Times New Roman.
  2. I rescraped all the texts and screened for profanity.  The way I scraped before had bugs and was on a computer with not enough processing power.
    1. Here are the scripts for scraping and filtering profanity:
  3. I include the minutes and seconds. For each text excerpt I also include the title of the text it came from. I restructured the code and read through the p5.js documentation which opened allowed me to fix the irregular highlighting.

Here’s the gifs of the new and improved project:

during the minute:

when the minute changes:

Another one:

Things I learned:

  • Don’t do this the night before. I couple of hours when I wasn’t exhausted was more productive than the all nighter I pulled.
  • Process is important. It was hard to isolate bugs when too many variables could be responsible. Make small changes, test, and then add complexity.
  •  Make changes in order of importance. Small changes that are hard to figure out can be done later.




A lot of this piece was made with math that was over my head. The “Voronoi Fracture” plugin to houdini to generate the background is highly technical and I don’t think I can integrate without more background knowledge.

The tips I’ll keep:

The longer the line for a randomly road, the thicker the line (good tip for the more important main roads)

The usage of vectors to model the uni directional push of the river was an interesting mathematical representation of the natural river deposition. I will try to do apply linear algebra in these flexible ways in the future.


In the 6 minute time keeping lecture, I was surprised that Einstein’s theory of relatively was proven experimentally only a decade ago. Books much older speak of it with such conviction, yet it was not observed yet.

The other fact that surprised me was how arbitrary the number of the days in the month was. Some Roman Caesar thought odd numbers were lucky and made each other month 29 or 31 days? The concept of weeks fit oddly in the 30ish day monthly calendar. These constructs that I didn’t pay attention to shape my life yet were chosen (to a degree) arbitrarily.


I know this is late, bear with me.

My interests are broad but most of them are art forms where “last word” works” have been produced. I love japanese anime and manga, which reached its hey day in 1980s where movies like Papirika  came up with original and experimental ideas and characterful animation. (Papirika was a forerunner for Inception). Other interests, like drawing people, reached their “last word” phase with cave drawings eons ago. I can’t make a dent in those artforms. Instead I must try and live up to the body of work produced.

What are some ways in which new technologies shape culture? What are some ways in which culture shapes technological development?

Present day tech has reached a point where it manufactures homogenous culture on a global scale. Algorithmic decision making combined with innovative marketing can export cultures such as marvel films to billions. When users try to find their own community online the algorithm is working in their favor. Watching and predicting, in the hopes that if it can predict the user’s next move it can keep them engaged. Our culture shapes the direction of new tech. Investment into neural networks and related areas are to create as close to the perfect algorithmic predictor as possible.

We might aspire to make stuff of lasting importance, but when our work is technologically novel, it doesn’t always age well. Discuss.

Replicating rudimentary exploratory works in tech is not going to gain traction as viewers have seen it before. The original artist who produces these works are gaining exposure through the novelty of the work and the story of the creation process. Looking at their work and making similar quality rudimentary work won’t cut it. The effort required to create experimental work when a medium is semi-explored isn’t worth the potential traction. At that point, the obvious exploratory paths for the medium are well explored and the less interesting and more difficult paths are left untouched. The middle phase of a new medium’s introduction feels like a hard to manage slump.



I made the wallpaper to be my mental state during this pandemic. I spend most days on a  wonky sleep scheduale trying to make 5:00 AM EST lectures. When I’m not, I’m staring at my computer doing work: writing code, talking to classmates online, working psets, rewatching lectures. I’ve become the virtual and I’ve been doing this in the darkness of my own room, bloodshot eyes.


Here are some pics from my process:

I settled on the exponential out easing function, which was pushing all the high values from the perlin noise to 1 and causes the eyelids to “droop” and look like they are fighting sleep.



Compton gives good advice to making generators: specific and concrete “artifacts”. Get expertise from someone who makes or knows those artifacts to form a list of characteristics to generate. Create a structure of rules that govern the limits of the generator’s variability and creation guidelines. The usage of Perlin noise and other randomness can be used to introduce parametric change with user input.

It is hard to answer Compton’s question of how to “debug” a generator which isn’t producing the creatures as predicted . To me, it requires technical knowledge of coding and a well made architecture so that it is easy to locate sources of variation in the generator. However, perceptual uniqueness is even harder to identify. This isn’t computer defined and is purely determined by the artist eyeballing the work to see if a human can feel interested in the different productions. For me, a periodic break so I can come back and look at the generated work with a fresh set of eyes helps me determine the perceptual differences in the artifacts produced.




Generator Gif

Generator Screen shots



Territory description

This is a nebula generator.  It generates a random number for the nebula name and the celestial bodies populating it: planets in the foreground, stars in the background.

Creation Process

To make this generator I looked through the p5.js documentation pretty carefully.

First I made the background of stars:

then I added some random colors for the stars:

then I added the planets as ellipses and the rings

then I added the color randomization  for the planets, and converted them to spheres.

finally, I added the randomization of the rotation, converted the ellipses to spheres, and added the text.