
The first time I left Pittsburgh and went back to my hometown, the flat terrain of my hometown was one of the things that stood out to me the most. The territory in my map is inspired by the landscape I grew up in and generic parks in my neighborhood.

To create the organic shapes in the maps, I followed an instructional video that used perlin noise to create blobs. I randomized the location that the blobs would center at and I wanted the sizes and colors of these blobs to vary but still follow some rules. To make the blobs gradually decreasing in size, I set the size of the blobs to a random number within a certain range of numbers. To create a gradient of color changes, I also set the color of the blobs to random colors within a certain range of red, green, and blue. I created an array of words used for parks, streets, etc. in my city and randomly selected two words out of the array to create the name of this fictional place.